In a way it is a good thing that oblunder and the first clydesdale are out of town. It increases the public spectacle of oblunder’s previous speech and the intense back pedaling. But it seems as though PM Netanyahu has oblunder tightly by the stacking swivel. And good for him on that.
13 years ago
The difference between a statesman and a community organizer playing a statesman?
Giving a speech that lasts 47 minutes without a teleprompter.
Nan G
13 years ago
At just before the 34 minute mark Bibi points out the negotiated border would be different than the one negotiated on June 4th 1967.
He got a complete standing ovation when he added: Israel will not return to the indefensible borders of 1967.
Both Fatah and Hamas have reacted to this.
Abbas spokesman Nabil Shaath (Fatah) called it a ”declaration of war.”
Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said their Palestinian strategy is based on the ”right of resistance.” SOURCE
Doesn’t sound good.
Bibi also made the point that the issue has never been about the right of the Palestinians to have a state.
It is about the right of the Jews to have a state: Israel.
How true that seems to be.
13 years ago
This speech was an exercise in willful ignorance. Before addressing his mistakes about the possibility of peaceful democracies resulting in Arab Muslim countries; Tens of thousands of innocent people have lost properties, limbs, & lives in Israel because Israel’s leaders for 44 years have not done the only thing that has always made sense, now more than ever, that would effectively & compassionately solve the problem with the genocidal Jordanians & Egyptians left on Israel’s side of the border, calling themselves “Palestinians,” REPATRIATE THEM! Here are the excellent reasons why: Abbas, the so-called “moderate” “partner for peace” or whatever misnomer, recently named a street & a square, both after mass-murdering terrorists! Abbas’ P.A. (Palestinian Authority) run t.v. shows & commercials, camps, schools, school books, mosques, street posters, Abbas’ speeches in Arabic, Abbas’ connections with mass-murdering terrorists (he himself orchestrated the Maalot massacre of children in 1974), & the fact that in this Arab Muslim entity generations have continuously, ubiquitously been taught & utterly brainwashed into genocidal hatred for Israel & Jews. Just look, please just look, at what happened to a couple of casually dressed Russian Israelis, who happened to be soldiers, who wandered into Ramallah in 2000 See the thousands & thousands erupting in the most sub-animal, seething, blood-thirsty, crazed, wide-eyed hatred, all just at the sight of a couple of Israelis, how they pulverized these two young men. Dropping a nuclear bomb on those savage barbarians would have been far too nice of a response! Please, please, investigate & You’ll see unambiguously why it’s an existential threat to Israel to continue down this utterly foolish road to a Palestinian state, God forbid. Netanyahu knows that once there is such an entity that it will be impossible for it to be controlled. It hasn’t been 44 years of Arab Muslim intransigence stopping peace with Israel. It has been Israel’s leaders’ intransigence & their disrespect for what is constantly expressed within the Palestinian areas & has for 90 years; this has been made as clear as daylight by the Arab Muslims calling themselves Palestinians; the very highest, most important overarching goal to which they aspire is the destruction of Israel. There is a P.A. sponsored t.v. commercial about a child learning what is more precious than is she to her mother, the mother blowing herself up along with as many innocent people as possible, not knowing who these people are, just exploding in a public place!
A couple of recent headlines:
The PA is paying salaries to all terrorists in Israeli prisons
PA unveils “Tree of Freedom” decorated with pictures of terrorists serving life sentences
Here’s the problem: Britain, after illegally amputating 80% of The Jewish National Homeland to form an Arab Palestine (85% of Jordanians are “Palestinian”) in 1922, illegally permitted Arabs to immigrate into the Jewish settled areas west of the Jordan River. Except for Jerusalem & the Jewish settled areas West of the Jordan River the area had cleared of Arabs as they hand no money to repay their debts to 3 Arab families. The overwhelmingly vast amount of Arabs West of The Jordan in 1947 were there illegally. Nevertheless, ISRAEL ACCEPTED a partition of the tiny land west of the Jordan that would have been a 2nd “Palestinian” Arab state that was most of the fertile, best land! It was the Arab Moslem Palestinians who started a civil war (having committed a number of massacres for decades on the Jews west of the Jordan River). When unsuccessful they exhorted the surrounding Arab states to destroy Israel. The Palestinian & other Arab leaders instructed the Palestinians to leave the area in order for them to annihilate the innocent Jews West of The Jordan. The Jews BEGGED THEM TO STAY & NOT TO FIGHT! They left by the hundreds of thousands. Many of the remaining fought to destroy Israel. Since then, only Israel has the right, the title to all of the land west of The Jordan! Jordan stole what they later named The West Bank & Egypt stole Gaza. But 19 years later Israel won back that land & HAS AN INTERNATIONAL LEGAL RIGHT TO REPATRIATE THE HOSTILE POPULATION BACK TO JORDAN & EGYPT!
Now to the mistaken beliefs of Netanyahu regarding the nature of the uprisings in the Arab Muslim world. They’re just that. Even if there are some who understand & want freedom, such a thing is anathema to Islam, the most powerful force by far in these places. It is clear that Egypt, if given elections, will elect the Muslim Brotherhood & end Egypt’s agreements with Israel & soon join Hamas in fighting Israel. He couldn’t be more naive in saying that the Mid-East will ever be a friendly democratic area. The vast majority support Islam which abhors modernity. There is not a clash of civilizations. There is a clash of civilization with a political religion that holds that the most important thing is to subjugate, persecute, & destroy dar al harb, the non-Muslim world, & make it dar al Islam, an Islamic world. Islam in the Mid-East & Africa is using these uprisings to work toward what the vast majority really want, one big ummah, one Islamic congregation, without states or countries, which are not promoted anywhere in Islam. Learn everything about Islam at
Facts, if Bebe neglected to make concessions to the Palestinians, he would have a huge amount of resistance from the rest of the world and America. He offered concessions and the Palestinians, predictably considered his speech an act of war. By making an offer he has gained support and respect. Now the Palestinians look like ruthless, ignorant, barbarians. He has lost nothing, but he has gained support of those who were unaware, including some of our Liberals who are suddenly left speechless and backtracking like our president.
Americans are largely ignorant of the only Democracy within the ME and of the true nature of the Palestinian situation; now, many of them will have a better understanding of the situation. I think he did an excellent job of presenting a human side to the Israeli Jew.
If Netanyahu were to refuse to offer his birth certificate, I wonder what the odds are that he could get elected in 2012? 😀
Oh how great it would be to have a LEADER in the Oval Office and not a PRETENDER.
13 years ago
Wow. Uninhibited Hero worship! Can I join in!
This Bebe, he sounds (blush) like a pretty cool guy. He’s got really muscular shoulders and he’s, you know, pretty dreamy. Do you think maybe he’d, i-don’t-know, take our country to the prom?
@ Skookum Israel has lost tens of thousands of limbs & lives by making concessions to the “Palestinians” only for “the world” to forget & not really give a damn. Long ago I realized that Israel would be far, far better off alive but with the hatred of the world than getting incinerated with its silence. Israel must simply do what it takes to survive. Allowing for a state in half their country, much of the most fertile parts, while Israel would be left with quite a bit of desert, thinking that they can miraculously control them becoming just as every other state, WITH A MILITARY, is suicidal, as Netanyahu used to say. Even Bibi mentioned why this is just talk, that they’ll never accept Israel, when he mentioned the naming of streets & squares for mass-murdering terrorists, he called simply, terrorists. The media has made it that there is no such thing as a Muslim terrorist. As far as their readers have been brainwashed, a couple of sub-animals stab & cut a large hole in a child’s chest & massacre his siblings, including beheading a baby, & murdering his parents, they’re “militants” or, if they did any shooting, they’d be “gunmen.” Islam teaches them over 60 times in the Koran to emulate Mohamed who brags at how he was able to slaughter 600 innocent people in one night & who starts a fire on a Rabbi’s chest to extract intel. so he could go mass murder people. All of the terrorist verses of the Koran supersede the earlier, moderate sounding verses. Recently an Islamic scholar who called for the Mecca Koran to supersede the Medina parts was murdered by angry Muslims. I agree that this was an excellent speech that I should have at least heard before making my earlier comments. But they are probably correct none the less. Now, about Israel being a Democracy. That is simply untrue. Truthfully, according to political science, it is a democratically elected dictatorship. Israel has the worse political system in the western world. That specifically is the reason that Israel is in the existentially threatened position it’s in. THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL HAVE BASICALLY NEVER BEEN REGARDED IN THE HISTORY OF ISRAEL AS RELATES TO THE “PALESTINIANS.” I urge you, as you do sound intelligent, please purchase the book online called “Jewish Statesmanship: Lest Israel Fall,” by Professor Paul Eidelberg, a long time political science professor at Bar Ilan University, former American Air Force officer, & incredibly wise, knowledgeable man who’s written many books & has been a columnist for decades.
So that’s what a strong and decisive leader sounds like! Almost forgotten…
Watched it in real time. The reception for BeBe in the Capitol is considerably different than the reception of the WH. And it was a pleasure to see.
In a way it is a good thing that oblunder and the first clydesdale are out of town. It increases the public spectacle of oblunder’s previous speech and the intense back pedaling. But it seems as though PM Netanyahu has oblunder tightly by the stacking swivel. And good for him on that.
The difference between a statesman and a community organizer playing a statesman?
Giving a speech that lasts 47 minutes without a teleprompter.
At just before the 34 minute mark Bibi points out the negotiated border would be different than the one negotiated on June 4th 1967.
He got a complete standing ovation when he added: Israel will not return to the indefensible borders of 1967.
Both Fatah and Hamas have reacted to this.
Abbas spokesman Nabil Shaath (Fatah) called it a ”declaration of war.”
Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said their Palestinian strategy is based on the ”right of resistance.”
Doesn’t sound good.
Bibi also made the point that the issue has never been about the right of the Palestinians to have a state.
It is about the right of the Jews to have a state: Israel.
How true that seems to be.
This speech was an exercise in willful ignorance. Before addressing his mistakes about the possibility of peaceful democracies resulting in Arab Muslim countries; Tens of thousands of innocent people have lost properties, limbs, & lives in Israel because Israel’s leaders for 44 years have not done the only thing that has always made sense, now more than ever, that would effectively & compassionately solve the problem with the genocidal Jordanians & Egyptians left on Israel’s side of the border, calling themselves “Palestinians,” REPATRIATE THEM! Here are the excellent reasons why: Abbas, the so-called “moderate” “partner for peace” or whatever misnomer, recently named a street & a square, both after mass-murdering terrorists! Abbas’ P.A. (Palestinian Authority) run t.v. shows & commercials, camps, schools, school books, mosques, street posters, Abbas’ speeches in Arabic, Abbas’ connections with mass-murdering terrorists (he himself orchestrated the Maalot massacre of children in 1974), & the fact that in this Arab Muslim entity generations have continuously, ubiquitously been taught & utterly brainwashed into genocidal hatred for Israel & Jews. Just look, please just look, at what happened to a couple of casually dressed Russian Israelis, who happened to be soldiers, who wandered into Ramallah in 2000 See the thousands & thousands erupting in the most sub-animal, seething, blood-thirsty, crazed, wide-eyed hatred, all just at the sight of a couple of Israelis, how they pulverized these two young men. Dropping a nuclear bomb on those savage barbarians would have been far too nice of a response! Please, please, investigate & You’ll see unambiguously why it’s an existential threat to Israel to continue down this utterly foolish road to a Palestinian state, God forbid. Netanyahu knows that once there is such an entity that it will be impossible for it to be controlled. It hasn’t been 44 years of Arab Muslim intransigence stopping peace with Israel. It has been Israel’s leaders’ intransigence & their disrespect for what is constantly expressed within the Palestinian areas & has for 90 years; this has been made as clear as daylight by the Arab Muslims calling themselves Palestinians; the very highest, most important overarching goal to which they aspire is the destruction of Israel. There is a P.A. sponsored t.v. commercial about a child learning what is more precious than is she to her mother, the mother blowing herself up along with as many innocent people as possible, not knowing who these people are, just exploding in a public place!
A couple of recent headlines:
The PA is paying salaries to all terrorists in Israeli prisons
PA unveils “Tree of Freedom” decorated with pictures of terrorists serving life sentences
Here’s the problem: Britain, after illegally amputating 80% of The Jewish National Homeland to form an Arab Palestine (85% of Jordanians are “Palestinian”) in 1922, illegally permitted Arabs to immigrate into the Jewish settled areas west of the Jordan River. Except for Jerusalem & the Jewish settled areas West of the Jordan River the area had cleared of Arabs as they hand no money to repay their debts to 3 Arab families. The overwhelmingly vast amount of Arabs West of The Jordan in 1947 were there illegally. Nevertheless, ISRAEL ACCEPTED a partition of the tiny land west of the Jordan that would have been a 2nd “Palestinian” Arab state that was most of the fertile, best land! It was the Arab Moslem Palestinians who started a civil war (having committed a number of massacres for decades on the Jews west of the Jordan River). When unsuccessful they exhorted the surrounding Arab states to destroy Israel. The Palestinian & other Arab leaders instructed the Palestinians to leave the area in order for them to annihilate the innocent Jews West of The Jordan. The Jews BEGGED THEM TO STAY & NOT TO FIGHT! They left by the hundreds of thousands. Many of the remaining fought to destroy Israel. Since then, only Israel has the right, the title to all of the land west of The Jordan! Jordan stole what they later named The West Bank & Egypt stole Gaza. But 19 years later Israel won back that land & HAS AN INTERNATIONAL LEGAL RIGHT TO REPATRIATE THE HOSTILE POPULATION BACK TO JORDAN & EGYPT!
Now to the mistaken beliefs of Netanyahu regarding the nature of the uprisings in the Arab Muslim world. They’re just that. Even if there are some who understand & want freedom, such a thing is anathema to Islam, the most powerful force by far in these places. It is clear that Egypt, if given elections, will elect the Muslim Brotherhood & end Egypt’s agreements with Israel & soon join Hamas in fighting Israel. He couldn’t be more naive in saying that the Mid-East will ever be a friendly democratic area. The vast majority support Islam which abhors modernity. There is not a clash of civilizations. There is a clash of civilization with a political religion that holds that the most important thing is to subjugate, persecute, & destroy dar al harb, the non-Muslim world, & make it dar al Islam, an Islamic world. Islam in the Mid-East & Africa is using these uprisings to work toward what the vast majority really want, one big ummah, one Islamic congregation, without states or countries, which are not promoted anywhere in Islam. Learn everything about Islam at
Facts, if Bebe neglected to make concessions to the Palestinians, he would have a huge amount of resistance from the rest of the world and America. He offered concessions and the Palestinians, predictably considered his speech an act of war. By making an offer he has gained support and respect. Now the Palestinians look like ruthless, ignorant, barbarians. He has lost nothing, but he has gained support of those who were unaware, including some of our Liberals who are suddenly left speechless and backtracking like our president.
Americans are largely ignorant of the only Democracy within the ME and of the true nature of the Palestinian situation; now, many of them will have a better understanding of the situation. I think he did an excellent job of presenting a human side to the Israeli Jew.
If Netanyahu were to refuse to offer his birth certificate, I wonder what the odds are that he could get elected in 2012? 😀
Oh how great it would be to have a LEADER in the Oval Office and not a PRETENDER.
Wow. Uninhibited Hero worship! Can I join in!
This Bebe, he sounds (blush) like a pretty cool guy. He’s got really muscular shoulders and he’s, you know, pretty dreamy. Do you think maybe he’d, i-don’t-know, take our country to the prom?
@Tom: Sorry Tom, you’re not his type.
@ Skookum Israel has lost tens of thousands of limbs & lives by making concessions to the “Palestinians” only for “the world” to forget & not really give a damn. Long ago I realized that Israel would be far, far better off alive but with the hatred of the world than getting incinerated with its silence. Israel must simply do what it takes to survive. Allowing for a state in half their country, much of the most fertile parts, while Israel would be left with quite a bit of desert, thinking that they can miraculously control them becoming just as every other state, WITH A MILITARY, is suicidal, as Netanyahu used to say. Even Bibi mentioned why this is just talk, that they’ll never accept Israel, when he mentioned the naming of streets & squares for mass-murdering terrorists, he called simply, terrorists. The media has made it that there is no such thing as a Muslim terrorist. As far as their readers have been brainwashed, a couple of sub-animals stab & cut a large hole in a child’s chest & massacre his siblings, including beheading a baby, & murdering his parents, they’re “militants” or, if they did any shooting, they’d be “gunmen.” Islam teaches them over 60 times in the Koran to emulate Mohamed who brags at how he was able to slaughter 600 innocent people in one night & who starts a fire on a Rabbi’s chest to extract intel. so he could go mass murder people. All of the terrorist verses of the Koran supersede the earlier, moderate sounding verses. Recently an Islamic scholar who called for the Mecca Koran to supersede the Medina parts was murdered by angry Muslims. I agree that this was an excellent speech that I should have at least heard before making my earlier comments. But they are probably correct none the less. Now, about Israel being a Democracy. That is simply untrue. Truthfully, according to political science, it is a democratically elected dictatorship. Israel has the worse political system in the western world. That specifically is the reason that Israel is in the existentially threatened position it’s in. THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL HAVE BASICALLY NEVER BEEN REGARDED IN THE HISTORY OF ISRAEL AS RELATES TO THE “PALESTINIANS.” I urge you, as you do sound intelligent, please purchase the book online called “Jewish Statesmanship: Lest Israel Fall,” by Professor Paul Eidelberg, a long time political science professor at Bar Ilan University, former American Air Force officer, & incredibly wise, knowledgeable man who’s written many books & has been a columnist for decades.