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What an insult to every Irish American that Obama is now pandering in Ireland. His hypocracy knows no bounds. He has spent his life trying to distance himself from his “white” roots, as he explained so well in Dreams From My Father. Now, as he is losing popularity he takes the obligatory trip to Ireland.

It is humorous that Obama had to go to Ireland to find a shovel ready job.

@Skookum: Where I come from, a shovel is referred to as an”Idiot Stick”- it has a shovel at one end and an idiot at the other, so no- he knows what end to hold- (I am pretty sure, anyway- he isn’t wearing his “soft” helmet today, is he?)

When is he leaving office?????????????????????????????????????????????????????

He is hoping to make up the for few % of the Jewish vote he (might?) have lost last week with Kennedy Jews this week. He is after all the most brightest president ever.

You’ve never heard of the Black Irish? (That’s a joke, son.)

You never know who you might be related to.

An interesting side note: All blue-eyed people share a single common ancestor: the individual with whom the OCA2 genetic mutation which gives rise to blue eyes first occurred. Genetic tracing reveals that he or she lived 6,000 to 10,ooo years ago, somewhere near the Black Sea.


Can we call a spade a spade? 🙂

Scotland Yard has actually picked the codename ‘Chalaque‘ to refer to Obama for security reasons during his visit.

It is a Punjabi word.

Sndarjit Singh, a Punjabi speaker in the UK who is director of the Network of Sikh Organisations, told the Sunday Times that Chalaque ‘is used when Punjabi speaking people want to denigrate someone who they think is too clever for their own good’.


” Introduced by Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny as “the American Dream come home,” Obama told the throng in central Dublin: “My name is Barack Obama, of the Moneygall Obamas.”

. . . Obama’s attempt to reach back for glimmers of Ronald Reagan’s bright rays.

Meanwhile, for the Irish, P.M. Kenny needs to do some serious political ass kissing as his country struggles with looming bankruptcy. Ireland has a $150 billion debt sitting on a population of only 4.5 million people. Ireland badly needs U.S. support in renegotiating its loans, and lathering Obama with fawning will guarantee his support.

The Irish know exactly what they’re doing, and they understand the needs of a week, needy ego, cocooned in a narcissist.

” Introduced by Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny as “the American Dream come home,” Obama told the throng in central Dublin: “My name is Barack Obama, of the Moneygall Obamas.”

. . . Obama’s attempt to reach back for glimmers of Ronald Reagan’s bright rays.

Meanwhile, for the Irish, P.M. Kenny needs to do some serious political ass kissing as his country struggles with looming bankruptcy. Ireland has a $150 billion debt sitting on a population of only 4.5 million people. Ireland badly needs U.S. support in renegotiating its loans, and lathering Obama with fawning will guarantee his support.

The Irish know exactly what they’re doing, and they understand the needs of a feeble, needy ego, cocooned deep inside a narcissist. They don’t much care about his attitude towards American debt, but surely he’s seeing first hand what his kind of politics and attitude toward spending does to a country.

. . . Meanwhile, as Skook pertinently mentions, all hell is breaking loose in the Mid West – lost lives, lost homes, and lost businesses.

Shovel ready, indeed!

@Skookum: maybe one of the ira will take that mullato out…. so he cannot ruin Our Country……

@Skookum, #11:

I’ve always found one fact about ancestry very odd: We each had 2 biological parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great-grandparents, 16 great-great-grandparents, and so on, with the number doubling each generational step backward in time. Run the progression back around 30 steps and we all seem to have had a lot more ancestors than there were people living on the planet–a puzzling situation known as “The Ancestor Paradox”.


Hey, Buffalo! Kennedy? The media is certainly excoriating Arnold on that infidelity, but, as Skookum notes, blowing sunshine up O’bama’s ass.

Arnold should have drowned the maid.


Um….I have green eyes….


That is, unless you live in Tennessee. Then your family tree only has one branch.

Just a little redneck humor, lol!

@retire05: “His hypocracy knows no bounds.” Oh, his hyprocracy knows some bounds, he just hasn’t found them yet.

@Skookum: Well, I’ve got Green Eyes and my paternal side hales from Scotland via Australia.


Of course! Just watch “Darby O’Gill and the Little People”!…..

In case you missed it. While visiting Ireland Obama decided to adopt a “luck charms” Irish accent.

(You have to go to the end of the video to hear it)

@kalashnikat: This is why we have freedom of speech, and I for one, like the “Long story short”, so I call a problem what it truly is, I do not try to ease into it by calling it an “issue” when it truly is not. I am proudly not politically correct, so yes- we CAN call a spade a spade.
It is what it is.