After nearly half a century of riding his Blackness, Obama has the overwhelming desire to reconnect with his Irish forefathers!
Ah, the proud Kenyan and spiritual leader of the Muslim world is wearing the green and sprouting shamrocks out the back of his trousers. His name now can take on an apostrophe and become O’bama, perhaps Seamus O’reilly O’bama. He has the ability to become anyone with his ghost writers. Perhaps Ayers can now write Green Dreams of my Irishness.
Aye lads and lassies the great shape shifter has changed course, now he can be known as the most Irish of all presidents: that Black Muslim identity is wearing a little thin with America and the rest of the world. So he becomes a new O’bama, if you have no past it is much easier. Now instead of wearing grass skirts in Kenya or bowing to Middle Eastern dictators while farting on Israel, a move that hasn’t been received well, Obama visits the homeland of the White Sheep of the family and enjoys his Irish identity that he has tried to ignore his whole life.

Now that Ireland is in trouble, the same trouble that has affected the other Socialist governments of the Eu, the Irish will be very interested to hear of the O’bama Stimulus, of borrowing your self into oblivion, and other economic programs that have failed miserably in the US.
They will surely forget the bust of Churchill that was sent back to the Queen on his first day in office or the ghetto type presents from his personal DVD collection. The fact that he hates the British for bringing the land of his father out of the Stone Age will have little effect on the false gaiety of the occasion.
What has brought about this latest revelation? nothing else is working. He is being held at arm’s length by most groups within the US, so why not identify with the group you have categorized as an enemy, the White American with his overwhelming guilt at owning slaves 150 years ago. This may play into the Irish immigrants who fought in that war that would lose more American lives in an afternoon than were lost in all of Viet Nam. Yes, he can now show an affinity with White America and maybe buy some votes. Of course it is only about race; he has never not been about race. Only this time, instead of perceived White guilt, he brings us comedy. It will become known as Black Leprechaun Humor.

A professional horseman for over 50 years, Skook continues to work with horses. Skook has finished an historical novel, Fifty Thousand Years, that traces a mitochondrial line of DNA from 50,000 years ago to the present. The story follows a line of courageous women, from the Ice Ages to the present, as they meet the challenges of survival with grit and creativity. These are not women who whimper of being victims, they meet the challenges of survival as women who use their abilities without excuses or remorse, these women are winners, they are our ancestors.
Fifty Thousand Years is available in paperback and e-book, it is getting great reviews. You can purchase a copy here; Â Visit me on Facebook.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dylantheauthor
Alas, we once had a real Irishman in the WH…
What an insult to every Irish American that Obama is now pandering in Ireland. His hypocracy knows no bounds. He has spent his life trying to distance himself from his “white” roots, as he explained so well in Dreams From My Father. Now, as he is losing popularity he takes the obligatory trip to Ireland.
It is humorous that Obama had to go to Ireland to find a shovel ready job.
That is the wit that makes life more endurable. Keep them coming, I will be on the road all day and checking in now and then.
Shovel ready, I wonder if they had to show him which end to hold. Shovel ready, too funny! And he told us there were no such thing as a shovel ready job, after he said he had shovel ready jobs!
@Skookum: Where I come from, a shovel is referred to as an”Idiot Stick”- it has a shovel at one end and an idiot at the other, so no- he knows what end to hold- (I am pretty sure, anyway- he isn’t wearing his “soft” helmet today, is he?)
When is he leaving office?????????????????????????????????????????????????????
He is hoping to make up the for few % of the Jewish vote he (might?) have lost last week with Kennedy Jews this week. He is after all the most brightest president ever.
It is bizarre how a friend of his is arrested under reasonable circumstances and he brings it to the forefront of the country, by saying the police acted stupidly. The White House has a Beer Summit and the racist cop is th one who helps this close friend navigate the steps into the backyard
Joplin Missouri looks like it has been bombed with well over a 100 people killed and he is campaigning in Ireland, grasping at the same roots he has cursed all his life.
There is something tragically wrong with this personality. He grandstands in a country he has disdained all his life, while back here in America we have tragedy and he can’t be bothered to even mention that he is aware of the catastrophe.
Don’t worry Mr President, we as americans have learned to cope and to help in emergencies; we also feel for your friend Skippy Gates who was arrested for making an ass of himself during an investigation. We realize he was a Black man of distinction that could qualify as an Elite and that the policeman was White, it is a scene that happens everyday in America and we can only ask your forgiveness. Don’t worry about the dead and broken in Joplin, we will take care of that on our own, after all most of them are White.
Enjoy yourself in Europe. We regular Americans will take care of our country as we always have and without your help.
You’ve never heard of the Black Irish? (That’s a joke, son.)
You never know who you might be related to.
An interesting side note: All blue-eyed people share a single common ancestor: the individual with whom the OCA2 genetic mutation which gives rise to blue eyes first occurred. Genetic tracing reveals that he or she lived 6,000 to 10,ooo years ago, somewhere near the Black Sea.
Can we call a spade a spade? 🙂
Scotland Yard has actually picked the codename ‘Chalaque‘ to refer to Obama for security reasons during his visit.
It is a Punjabi word.
Sndarjit Singh, a Punjabi speaker in the UK who is director of the Network of Sikh Organisations, told the Sunday Times that Chalaque ‘is used when Punjabi speaking people want to denigrate someone who they think is too clever for their own good’.
Greg, as a Green eyed person, I have been curious as to the origin of this trait. There are some amateur geneticists who maintain the green eyes came across Europe from the far East with the Celts, along with the red hair genes. I should look it up one of these days, but if you have links, what the heck.
Way fewer people have green eyes than blue and I can’t help but wonder when I see someone else with this strange color what distant relative we shared in distant history.
I am all done spreading my seed around the world, it is too much of a financial hardship to justify the joyful fun of spreading the Green eyed genes around, but I trust that others will pick up the green eyed colors and charge into the breach for glory and genetics. Duty can be accepted in many forms. A sense of duty is important in maintaining a healthy gene pool; especially, if you are a strong swimmer.
” Introduced by Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny as “the American Dream come home,” Obama told the throng in central Dublin: “My name is Barack Obama, of the Moneygall Obamas.” ”
. . . Obama’s attempt to reach back for glimmers of Ronald Reagan’s bright rays.
Meanwhile, for the Irish, P.M. Kenny needs to do some serious political ass kissing as his country struggles with looming bankruptcy. Ireland has a $150 billion debt sitting on a population of only 4.5 million people. Ireland badly needs U.S. support in renegotiating its loans, and lathering Obama with fawning will guarantee his support.
The Irish know exactly what they’re doing, and they understand the needs of a week, needy ego, cocooned in a narcissist.
” Introduced by Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny as “the American Dream come home,” Obama told the throng in central Dublin: “My name is Barack Obama, of the Moneygall Obamas.” ”
. . . Obama’s attempt to reach back for glimmers of Ronald Reagan’s bright rays.
Meanwhile, for the Irish, P.M. Kenny needs to do some serious political ass kissing as his country struggles with looming bankruptcy. Ireland has a $150 billion debt sitting on a population of only 4.5 million people. Ireland badly needs U.S. support in renegotiating its loans, and lathering Obama with fawning will guarantee his support.
The Irish know exactly what they’re doing, and they understand the needs of a feeble, needy ego, cocooned deep inside a narcissist. They don’t much care about his attitude towards American debt, but surely he’s seeing first hand what his kind of politics and attitude toward spending does to a country.
. . . Meanwhile, as Skook pertinently mentions, all hell is breaking loose in the Mid West – lost lives, lost homes, and lost businesses.
Shovel ready, indeed!
@Skookum: maybe one of the ira will take that mullato out…. so he cannot ruin Our Country……
@Skookum, #11:
I’ve always found one fact about ancestry very odd: We each had 2 biological parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great-grandparents, 16 great-great-grandparents, and so on, with the number doubling each generational step backward in time. Run the progression back around 30 steps and we all seem to have had a lot more ancestors than there were people living on the planet–a puzzling situation known as “The Ancestor Paradox”.
Hey, Buffalo! Kennedy? The media is certainly excoriating Arnold on that infidelity, but, as Skookum notes, blowing sunshine up O’bama’s ass.
Arnold should have drowned the maid.
Um….I have green eyes….
That is, unless you live in Tennessee. Then your family tree only has one branch.
Just a little redneck humor, lol!
@retire05: “His hypocracy knows no bounds.” Oh, his hyprocracy knows some bounds, he just hasn’t found them yet.
@Skookum: Well, I’ve got Green Eyes and my paternal side hales from Scotland via Australia.
Buddy Jetter, i don’t know what purpose the now fairly inactive IRA would see in taking out our Pres. I work in Ireland and when this group makes an appearance in Dublin, you see shame and embarrassment among most of the Irish.
Obama is only a symptom of a greater problem. He must be defeated in the arena of public opinion. Despite our best efforts and the rather impotent efforts of our Republican Pols, especially the older ones, Obama and his fool’s court are his worst enemies. There is no way we could program him to make the incredible errors he piles upon himself with his adherence to Europe’s failed Socialist policies. In fact Putin expressed his utter disbelief in Obama’s insistence to try failed programs, he was quoted as saying, “Socialism doesn’t work”. I think he is more of an expert than Obama’s peanut gallery of misfits, yes men, and ideologues from academia. He might have had a fighting chance and been a formidable opponent if he wasn’t so intent on appearing to be the brightest bulb; none the less, he has portrayed himself as an incompetent fool and who are we to wish him an early demise. Those are tactics reserved for the heavy breathing Liberals and the frothing at the mouth Progressives who fail to see the absolute failure and ineptness of this administration.
He has prescribed his own political demise with his choices and thoughtless actions that have succeeded in deepening the economic morass that we are struggling to overcome. Nay, save the theatrics for the nitwits who called for unseemly deaths for George Bush, it suits their imbecile profile much better than that of a Conservative. Keep your chin up (not as high as Obama), lunacy is its own reward and if we didn’t allow Obama to pull the country into the depths of the cess pool, America might be tempted to elect another political moron with no past and no future.
We will have justice and vindication, Obama will be another one term peanut farmer traveling around the world, trying to be relevant, while people laugh at him. This is his legacy.
Greg, I’ve read a little about this ancestry business. We often like to trace the “lne” back to one particular guy or family, but once we go back a hundred hears or so, we are talking about 24,000 antecedents.
There are some that say we are all related through Julius Cesar because of his amorous exploits with the girls of Europe and North Africa. Apparently he was prolific or as we would say with horses he was potent.
Some guys have quite the life; although, his had a rough ending.
Very interesting feedback on the green eye business. The bulk of my ancestors hailed both from Sotland and the Emerald Isle. I am not tracing back to one or two, but a whole pack of them that were quite comfortable bedding down with their own kind.
I married two blue eyed women and produced 5 with blue eyes and one with green eyes. I am not sure this is significant, but those are the stats. I’d say the green eyes are a recessive trait.
Surprisingly, there seems to be a higher percentage of Mexicans with green than Gringos with green, but then again the trait might just be more noticeable among the hispanic. It’s purely scientific anecdotal science of course.
I like the legend of the Caucasian Horsemen migrating out of the Indian sub-continent and infiltrating the population of Europe with red hair and green eyes. Hair color is another strange deal; with me as a boy it was white, later was blonde, turned red, then dark and now trying to be white again, a full circle. What goes around, comes around.
The truth is, we are probably all, at the very least cousins. Marrying and killing often became the topic of story and plays when the relationships were too close. Twenty five hundred years ago, there were fewer people and it was much easier to keep track of distant relatives. The Oedipus complexes and problems were probably much more frequent than we care to admit or think possible.
JR. the Irish understand people much better than the average person and they have the gift of making people feel important; just the type of lullaby, Obama needs to cut loose of a few billion of our money to give buoyancy to another failed economy. You can’t blame the Irish, for their gift, for they certainly know how to talk a fool out of his money or our money. Stand by for Obama to become a national hero of Ireland.
Of course! Just watch “Darby O’Gill and the Little People”!…..
In any Irish pub, you can find at least one orator with greater speaking skills than our president and none of them need a teleprompter.
In case you missed it. While visiting Ireland Obama decided to adopt a “luck charms” Irish accent.
Obama Adopts Irish Accent in Ireland
(You have to go to the end of the video to hear it)
@kalashnikat: This is why we have freedom of speech, and I for one, like the “Long story short”, so I call a problem what it truly is, I do not try to ease into it by calling it an “issue” when it truly is not. I am proudly not politically correct, so yes- we CAN call a spade a spade.
It is what it is.