2012 Poll Watch: GOP Primary


A few interesting polls to look at. First, this one from Rasmussen was obviously done to gauge the support of Mitt Romney against those who may be tea party favorites:

Rasmussen 2012 Republican Nomination Survey

Suppose some of the bigger names decided not to run for President in 2012 and you had a choice between Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Chris Christie, John Huntsman, Tim Pawlenty, Mitch Daniels and Paul Ryan….for whom would you vote?

  • Mitt Romney 27%
  • Chris Christie 26%
  • Paul Ryan 12%
  • Tim Pawlenty 8%
  • Mitch Daniels 4%
  • Rick Perry 3%
  • Jon Huntsman 2%

But where is Palin, Cain?

Odd they leave them out.

Then we have the “darkhorse” edition:

Rasmussen 2012 GOP Nomination Survey (Dark Horse Edition)

If the 2012 Republican Primary for President were held today and you had a choice between Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Buddy Roemer, Gary Johnson, Thaddeus McCotter or John Huntsman for whom would you vote?

  • Michele Bachmann 27%
  • Rick Santorum 12%
  • Herman Cain 9%
  • Rick Perry 7%
  • Jon Huntsman 3%
  • Buddy Roemer 1%
  • Gary Johnson 1%
  • Thaddeus McCotter 1%
  • Some other candidate 17%
  • Undecided 22%

See anyone they left out again?

And finally we have this Fox poll which shows Trump at 4th place, Palin is in this poll at least but still trails Romney and Huckabee and then we have Newt:

Obviously Romney has strength in the early goings so far. Staying under the radar has obviously helped him.

For now at least.

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If I didn’t tape Red Eye I never would have known who Thaddeus McCotter is.
What a funny guy!
He’s chock full of good sense as well.
But he needs to widen out his audience.

Examples of him:

His video on his own Facebook page:

I live way out in the sticks, and saw a “Palin 2012” sticker on a guy’s pickup truck. I’m with him.


It’s fascinating that the top two places on the Rasmussen survey – Mitt Romney and Chris Christie – are both basically liberals at heart. Hopefully people will get a clue later on.

Now that General Petraeus has been named as the new director of the CIA, that eliminates the 1952 Eisenhower scenario.

A let down for anyone hoping General Petreaus would throw his name in the mix.


WASHINGTON – In an editorial in the Wall Street Journal this morning (subscription only), the conservative lobbying group Vets for Freedom is looking to restart the discussion into making Gen. David Petraeus the military’s first five-star general in more than 60 years, to honor his “exemplary leadership” in Iraq and Afghanistan. 

“The U.S. war against terrorism is now the longest war in U.S. history, and Gen. Petraeus has clearly distinguished himself as a leader worthy of joining the ranks of Gens. MacArthur, Marshall and Nimitz,” the piece states. “A promotion would properly honor his service – and it would also honor the troops he leads and has led. Today’s soldiers have fought as valiantly as any in American history, and they deserve recognition of their leaders. Congressional approval of a fifth star would demonstrate the nation’s commitment to their mission.”

Only nine men have held that rank in U.S. military history (although George Washington was also posthumously given that rank as well). The last was General of the Army Omar Bradley, awarded that status and responsibility in 1950.

Since then, lawmakers haven’t seriously considered elevating any other four-star candidates, although rumors bubbled about Colin Powell receiving a fifth star during the first Gulf War.

But Vets for Freedom, like some letters writers to Stars and Stripes, argue that the successful surge strategy in Iraq and Petraeus’ critical role in Afghanistan warrant serious consideration. 

“David Petraeus is also a soldier-statesmen who works with foreign diplomats and generals in hotspots across the globe,” they wrote. “The prestige that would come with a fifth star would also likely help the U.S. in its negotiations with neighboring states—and show the enemies of freedom that we are fully committed to the war against terrorism.”

The group has also launched a Facebook page titled “Let’s Get General Petraeus his 5th Star” to help with the effort.


One thing that the left has not considered is that it is very likely that the Republican canidates are going to be running against Obama/s record. Every day aand night, the media will be forced to say something about what they are saying. Obam still has the same tired old campaign. “Blame Bush or the Conseratives” Maybe he will be able to blame the rest of the world. I think everyone will want to show how different than the current guy!

It is waaay too early for this sort of reckoning, but then again the press must keep busy on slow news days. Whoever emerges to take on Obie will be, I hope, an articulate, likable, conservative whose grasp of the facts and figures will give them the ability to tear the anointed one up in the debates.

As the OP says, we have to remember Obie is going to HAVE to run on his record and that record, quite frankly sucks.

If I had to make a choice of the above candidates it would undoubtedly be Paul Ryan. He has heart and is very sharp fiscally. Throw in an Allen West as his VP and this nation would be in great hands…

I notice that Rudolph Giuliani is never suggested, even though he also ran in 2008.