Are You Appalled?


The Japanese version of the inflatable Obama sex doll.

An example of how out of control the Obama Myth has become, but like the sex doll, the real Obama is full of hot air and almost nothing else.

It’s for sure the White House is appalled that we question the integrity and honesty of a president who keeps his past an enigma, like a criminal with a murky past. Some of us want to see the actual birth certificate with all the revealing details, the same one Hillary wanted to see during the primary campaign. Some of us wonder how a lackluster student managed to drift from an also ran college (Occidental) for affluent college kids who can’t hack it in competitive Universities, to a well respected University like Columbia. A place where no one remembers the scholar Obama and his magnificent intellect. He is then thrust into Harvard Law School and on to the Harvard Law Review without writing any papers. He was then appointed to be the Editor of the Harvard Law Review; again he managed this by keeping his stellar performance under wraps, perhaps to avoid embarrassing the law students and professors with his brilliance. Still today, we wait for some evidence of this magna cum laude intellect to make itself known.

But wait! He worked as a community agitator or is that agonizer. Unfortunately, the organization he worked for and managed to funnels billions to, Acorn, was only too happy to oblige a pimp on how to set up a brothel for under age illegal aliens working as prostitutes, not just at one office, but at a number of offices. Now what exactly are the duties of a Community Agitator?

What about you, Ed, are you appalled?

Yes it’s true, the University of Chicago was told to provide him an office and a gig as a guest lecturer, after denying him the position earlier; a guest lecturer is like a guest janitor, occasionally you need them, except the guest janitor position is far more important.

The people who are appalled at the requests for documentation are the ones who work in the West Wing of the White House: the rest of us are appalled that he won’t provide the documentation and the fact that we have been victims of the greatest con job in the history of the world.

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He has spent millions to hide…………what?

That’s the question.

Several times I have lived a life like Obama has, but I always wake up from my dreams.

The good thing is that some states are writing laws making iT MANDATORY for candidates to prove citizenship to campaign in their state. The Constitution already demands this, but when was the last time the democrats worried about what the Constitution said?

If Obama runs, he won’t be campaigning in those states.

@Skookum: Skookum #3
You said, “…jobs like political offices require you to produce something eventually and Obama can’t produce squat.”

Obama The Spreader is producing a lot of squat:

…jobs like political offices require you to produce something eventually and Obama can’t produce squat.

The media propaganda is getting louder to protect their con-man. I wish they could have an ounce of integrity, Obamas BC is important but not THE deciding issue-Obama is NOT a ‘natural born’ due to his fathers nationality, period! (Of course if he’s his father, who knows)
I know Michelle got him a job in the lawfirm she worked, and here is where it is getting murkier:
When asked on the application if Obama ever had any other names, he stated’none’!! (A big lie)

Subsequently, Obama rendered his license voluntarily, while Michelle was court-ordered to render here otherwise she would be investigated for ‘fraud’.
Why that action??? Any takers?

The people who are appalled at the requests for documentation are the ones who work in the West Wing of the White House: the rest of us are appalled that he won’t provide the documentation and the fact that we have been victims of the greatest con job in the history of the world.

Actually, plenty of rational Americans are appalled that this particular President has, in effect, been presumed “guilty” on this issue and, in the eyes of the myth makers, has had to shoulder an insulting burden of proof that no other President has ever been asked to shoulder before. As this issue was previously addressed to the satisfaction of any rational person through the release of the “Certificate of Live Birth”, one is left to wonder why certain elements have perpetuated this ugly slander, for what reason exactly? Is it pure politics? There is an element of baiting those people who don’t feel comfortable with the President’s paternity and name, I’m sure. Perhaps this is just a code way to vent those frustrations without actually saying, “you have qualities that i don’t accept as “American””. Whatever it is, it’s pretty shameful. I would be curious to know how deeply the wing-nuts will drill if he does provide the requested documentation. Clearly this won’t be the end of it because responding to a conspiracy theory with evidence is just giving it more oxygen. I guess we’ll find out shortly:

Long form B.C. just released by W.H. nothing unusual on the face of it at all. However, this opens up the question:Now that this issue is put to bed, what about all of the other documents??

Today’s Obama Metaphor

Nope, I’m not appalled…

Tom says “responding to a conspiracy theory with evidence just gives it more oxygen” I love the smell of napalm on desperate birthers in the morning.

Initial whine “but what about all the other documents?”

Much like the live version, the Japanese sex doll of Obama is filled with, well, the discards of someone’s fantasy- amazing how life imitates art, huh?

@blogforce one: Do you mean, like his Harvard test scores (I bet he was a C-)? To me, all of this is smoke and mirrors, meant to dazzle and deflect his true agenda, pushing through the Socialist programs and regs-

Remember Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour?
He’s the man who wrote the letter to Harvard Law School in support of Obama’s entrance.

Percy Sutton on Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour ‘s influence on his also writing a letter to Harvard…….

What else do we know about Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour?
When he was younger, Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour helped Bobby Seale and Huey Newton create the Black Panther Party. (Not to be confused with the NEW Black Panther Party, please!)

Later, Saudi King Saud hired him as legal council.
Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour has also been an adviser to Saudi billionaires who have funded the spread of Wahhabi extremism in American Mosques.

Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour talking about his book, Betrayal by any other name.

Apalled? No. By the third month of my first season in the Southeast Asian Conference I was innoculated to the cupidities and general mendacity of the power elites.

REVOLTED? Damn straight!


@Tom: I am a natural-born american, with a simple american name, no fancy Yale education, no relatives from other countries, and all kinds public records to back everything that anyone with a few bucks and an internet connection could dig up. However, being a normal everyday citizen, even getting a plane ticket, a passport, or renewing my driver’s license, I have to provide my “Birth Certificate” and “Social Security Card” not a document from hospital saying that I’m alive…

Take away the fact that Mr Obama is president … why is this individual having such a hard time doing this? If I could not provide that documentation I would not get my plane ticket, my passport or my renewed drivers license… Now add back the fact that he has been voted into the office of Commander and Chief of our great nation… seriously… “Conspiracy”!?!? Seems only fair to me…

Well, no reason to let all this Birther rage, energy and organization go waste when there’s still Obama’s report card out there to obsess over. Surely the key to a multi-decade conspiracy to raise a man of humble origins to the the highest office in the land is contained therein. It’s either that or believe the same outcome might be the result of his own merits, hard-work, talents, and a little old fashioned luck. I know most Birthers ascribe to The Law Against Succinctness (anti lex parsimoniae), the principle that recommends selecting from among competing hypothesis the one that makes the most new assumptions. Therefore “Obama is a foreign unwitting puppet of dark forces who hides his report card because he got Cs” (seven assumptions by my count) is the logical choice.

SF 86, Required for a TS Security Clearance as well as a 10 Year Background investigation. Should the CiC or anyone else elected to an Office that requires access to TS info or National Security related Duties be subject to the same or better. I think so.


1. Why would Obama’s status as a natural born citizen be in doubt in the first place? Did you question George Bush or Bill Clinton’s country of birth with the same vigor and repeatedly demand proof even after it was provided?
2. The Certificate of Live Birth, which Obama released years ago, is the document that Hawaii gives to citizens requesting copies of their birth certificate, and is recognized as proof of birth in the state by the Federal government. Why didn’t that put an end to this (I wonder)?
3. How would YOU react if a large segment of the population intimated that you’re foreign, and the only plausible reason they feel this way is because of how you look, your name, and who your father was? How solicitous would you be to these people who clearly aren’t really talking about your birth certificate in the first place, but rather using the fake controversy as as way to repeatedly point out natural and unchangeable attributes about you as a person that don’t sit well with them?

NanG, you only touched on the ice berg.

Percy Sutton, who was a famous civil rights personality, and the legal representative for Malcolm X, had known Don Warden most of his life. Warden helped create the Black Panthers, and all those players were involved with one another during the ’60’s. Sutton, a fellow Texan, remained friends with Warden until his death.

Sutton, who incidently was one of the smartest men to ever graduate from law school, claimed on NY1 t.v. show that Warden (al Mansour) asked Sutton to interven at Harvard in behalf of a Chicago community organizer, Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. When questioned about it, al Mansour, a stanch Muslim and hater of all white people, denied Sutton’s claims using the excuse that he had never met Obama.

But it gets even stickier: Lynn Sweet of the Chicago Times wrote that Obama had $47K in student loans due to his educational travels. But that amount doesn’t jive. Think about this:

Obama went to Occidental, which was not a cheap university. He is at Occidental for two years, and claims that during that time, he worked only one summer. He then goes on to Columbia, where he lives off campus, hangs around with a Pakistani drug dealer who follows him from Occidental but does not work and spends the next two years. How did he pay his tuition, rent, buy food, buy the beer he claims he drank copious amounts of?

Then off to Chicago to work for two years as a community organizer for the paltry sum of $12K/year. But somehow, he was admitted to Harvard. Now, the tuition for Harvard Law School in 1991 was $13,400 yr/ plus books, lab fees, library fees, room and board. Again, Obama lived off campus so his living expenses would have probably been more than dorm living. Assuming that Obama saved every damn dime of his $12/yr as a communithy organizer, it would not have equaled the $26,800 in Harvard Law School tuition alone. Even if we add another $500/month for living expenses ($6,000/yr) not counting books, etc., that means Obama needed almost $40K just for his time at Harvard. Who paid the rest of his expenses at Occidental and Columbia?

As Obama admitted that he was an “affirmative action” recipient during his entire academic career, is he hiding that he was given discounted tuitions and therefore was the beneficiary of AA which would not required an extremely high academic grades?

@Tom: #19
During the time Obama was born, Hawaii allowed people to walk into the office, say they were born there, and give them the live birth certificate, so having one from Hawaii isn’t proof of citizenship. He also is using a Social Security card issued in Connecticut and the block of numbers it was in was reserved for FOREIGN STUDENTS.

There is only one Barack Obama in the USA, so, when that name appears, it is him, and there are up to 39 Social Security card numbers attached to THAT name.

Smorg You hang in there.Ive never bought into the magic bullet in Dallas.Seriously

@Old Trooper 2 #8: That is an excellent statement of O’Bs qualifications.

Furthermore, there is a quote right below it that sums up another of life’s conundrums equally well–

“And when people question my atheism, my standard answer is “Five bullets into John and NONE into Yoko??” — rickn8or

@Tom: To answer your questions:
1: I was in Jr High and High-school during Clinton, High-school and part of College during of W. and to be honest, I didn’t care then and that’s a stupid point to attempt to make anyway. As far as I remember W. was the second Bush to take the presidency, questioning his citizenship would be a little redundant don’t you think? Not to mention Clinton… who claims to be from Hope, Arkansas… really… who from outside the state of Arkansas even knows where that is? Sorry but Mr. Obama actually has some holes in his story!

2: If I’m not mistaken a “Certificate of Live birth” issued by a hospital is about as useful getting a social security number as leaning across the counter and saying “Feel my wrist… yep that’s a pulse.” But then again I’m not in politics, or a liberal so maybe that does work.

3: I guess if I were in those shoes it would go something like this:
Step 1 – Pull wallet out of back pocket.
Step 2 – Pull out stamped Birth Certificate.
Step 3 – Laugh in the face of the idiot that asked for it.

I guess that would be too simple. I would be better with long drawn out complicated back story about my troubled past, and how hard it is to acquire such documentation, and why you shouldn’t need it and just to trust me because people like me… yes that would be much easier and not cause any uproar at all!

Back to my point, which you clearly misunderstood. WHY WAS THIS SO DIFFICULT? He claims to be a natural born citizen with an all American mom and dad and just happens to have a bunch of half siblings from Kenya. But yet I (in the same boat except the siblings) can get a official stamped copy of my Birth Certificate in about an hour from the county clerks office where I was born. Could he not have just jogged down to the court house one one of the many days he spent in Hawaii and gotten a stamped copy and put this all to rest if he had nothing to hide?? Instead story after story from everyone (birthers’ is such an immature attempt at degrading the people curious about this btw) about why it cant be done, or how hard it is…

Now back to you… why isn’t that even a little off beat to you??

Kudos to Old Trooper 2 on the Security Clearance comment.


Back to my point, which you clearly misunderstood. WHY WAS THIS SO DIFFICULT?

Clearly, it wasn’t. I think the question (from my point of view) is why should he feel compelled to release more information beyond that which has already legally proven he was born in Hawaii? Obviously, that was not enough for some people, so why go down the road of presenting more and more evidence to people who will never believe you no matter what you show them?

As for the particulars of the documents, I recommend you check out this detailed explanation on another thread as to why the Certificate of Live Birth was the document released.

@Skookum: #14
It would be interesting to check the font used to “type” the certificate and see if it was the same font used for George Bush’s military records. If you remember, I think it was New Times Roman and the computer hadn’t been invented yet at that time. Maybe we should check to see if the certificate is using the right font and see if the the paper was indented by the hammer of the typewriter. There is a way to find out. There has been plenty of time to come up with a perfect “fake” certificate.

@blogforce one: What was released was another COLB not the Long Form….Still waiting on the long form.


As I pointed out here:

Obama Releases Long-Form Birth Certificate

If you look at the whole thing, not just what’s posted here at FA.
See this PDF copy.
There is a signature of the current State Registrar.
Alvin T. Onaia.
His signature is under his sworn statement:
“I certify that this is a true copy or abstract of the record on file with the Hawaaii State Department of Health.”
He dates it April 25th 2011.

It is not purporting to be an original or a photocopy of an original.
No way, no how.

@Nan G, #28:

It is not purporting to be an original or a photocopy of an original.
No way, no how.

It appears to be a digitalzed image of the original document, laser-printed onto Hawaii’s currently used official document paper. This is probably as “original” as most copies get these days. Over the years original paper records have been photographically transfered to microform film media; later still, those have been scanned and digitalized.

Hey, Skook. You’re a racist.



@Tom: No Tom, other presidents have produced documents. I have had to produce considerable documents to obtain my TS SCI clearance. Hell, I needed them for commissioning. The issue here is that I can not trust someone who has the power to screw up our country if he can not be honest about his past. He has lied about simple things that leads me and many others to believe he has lied about many more important things. There is a natural tendency to mistrust any person who refuses to provide simple things that others need to provide.


Randy, at the risk of repeating myself, he provided the proper documentation years ago and that should have been the end of it. But for some that wasn’t good enough and they asked for more. Now he’s provided what they’ve asked for again. Will they be satisfied? Of course not. So you tell me, how long should the POTUS play this game?

@Tom: He should play until the father is displayed as an American Citizen otherwise he is still a pretender.

@Tom: Tom, have you applied for a US passport using a certificate of live birth? I tried and was rejected. I needed to apply for a certifiied copy of my birth certificate before I could get that federal document. That is the accepted form of proof of birth by the federal government.

@ Tom, OK. When is He going to quit Campaigning for the Office He holds and start Governing.
It’s about time da Community Organizer got out of the Campaign Mode. At this point He appears
to be both Constitutionally and Economically Illiterate. His time to really do something brilliant
besides spend irresponsibly, party like a rock star and exercise windsock diplomacy should be way overdue.

The Game is on the US Tax Payer. We are tired of being gamed. We quite frankly cannot afford the Game anymore.


Randy, I can’t speak to your experience, but the version Obama recieved is the same version anyone from Hawaii would receive when requesting a copy of his birh record, per long-standing policy:

Hawaii’s computer-generated birth certificates carry a raised state seal and a signature stamp from the state registrar. They’re valid documents for obtaining driver’s licenses and other government documents.

That’s the type of birth certificate the Obama campaign released in 2008. The computer-generated version does not include such details as the signatures of the mother and the delivering doctor.

Last Tuesday, the state attorney general’s office said there were “no circumstances” when the state would release original birth records.

Officials said Wednesday that the exception for Obama complied with the law, and they would continue to protect the confidentiality of vital statistics, such as birth records.

@Old Trooper 2:

I agree. So perhaps you should send this memo to the leaders of the Republican Party who refused to put an end to this a long time ago, and now have Donald Trump to thank for their lack of efforts, a man making a mockery of their party and America.

@Tom, #36:

Officials said Wednesday that the exception for Obama complied with the law, and they would continue to protect the confidentiality of vital statistics, such as birth records.

I posted this in another thread, and might as well post it here as well:

It required a waiver of Hawaii state policy for Obama to obtain a copy of his long-form birth certificate–the first the state has granted since 2001.

Possibly people will now begin complaining that releasing Obama’s long-form birth certificate contrary to established state policy is an unacceptable example of preferential treatment.

@Tom: Tom, Tom! It doesn’t matter what proof of birth documents the State of HI requires for a driver’s license. That is a state requirement. The last time I looked, the Office of the President of The United States was a federal office requiring proof acceptable by the federal government. A US Passport is a federal document that requires proof acceptable by the federal government. A certificate of live birth that may be acceptable to the HI Government is not acceptable for a passport. They require an actual certified copy of a Birth Certificate. Obama finally provided one.

@Randy, #39:

The first document he released before the 2008 election was an actual certified copy of a birth certificate. It’s the same sort of document that anyone requesting a copy 2001 to present would receive from the state of Hawaii. It would be accepted as evidence for a passport.

People are confusing this sort of document with the “certificate of live birth” abstracts that some states have issued. These can be so minimal they sometimes show only the child’s name and the date and state of birth, omitting everything else. For a passport a parent’s name must also be shown. Abstracts can also lack an embossed seal or multicolored authentication stamp. One of those is also necessary.

No, Greg… there are few that are “confusing” BC’s. What you are confusing is what is being contested about the document released… which everyone already knew existed… and what the lawsuits were charging about that document’s authenticity. Since no court will ever review the actual evidence… and in any time that has any bearing on Obama’s two terms/damage… what is clear is two things.

1: Yes, a long form birth certificate exists.
2: No, no court will ever review any challenges to it’s legitimacy and authenticity.

It’s a dead issue. Moot point. Let it go, unless you so desperately want to paint everyone with a “birther” label for a political smear. The facts are in, and they are as simple as stated in my two points above.

And neither of them has sheeeeeet to do with the survival of this nation as founded.

@ Tom, Hate to break it to You but I’m not Party Affiliated BUT since You obviously ARE, Get on it.

@ Randy, as Tom has obviously never applied for a Passport or filled out an SF 86, I consider his arguments to be Partisan, Without Merit and not worthy of any intelligent response.

Skook… to the original post. Yes, I am appalled.

I’m mostly appalled that the court system refuses to hear evidence in a filed lawsuit for political fears.

I am equally appalled that this POTUS is expected to produce his grades or other documents that weren’t asked of previous candidates… like Hillary, Dubya, etc. In fact, I’m even outraged that any one’s scholastic scores is suppposed to be criteria for the US presidency. Not in the America where I was raised… where I was taught even a simple farmer with no education could aspire to that level.

But mostly, I’m extremely appalled that anyone who calls themselves a “conservative” would make this a major electoral issue in these times. I know that Obama’s not been transparent or forthcoming about this stuff. Is this surprising to any of you, knowing the MO of this POTUS in any and all aspects of his presidency?

Here’s the skinny… much as many may not like to hear it:

1: Obama is born in Hawaii unless a court reviews evidence and determines differently. I’m good.

2: His grades and personal scholastic excellence doesn’t matter… just like grades were not a deciding issue with previous candidates. I’m good. I can see he’s not the brightest bulb on the planet, and relies on handlers. No surprise there.

3: Anyone that follows the lead of the Chump down this path is following a pied piper with dubious and questionable intent and political agenda. Most especially one as big a fan of the Clinton’s as Donald “the Chump” Trump. I’m not in to being anyone’s fool… especially one as obvious an idiot as Trump.

BTW… as a seque… anyone seen Ivan, or heard of how he’s reacting to his staunch hero’s less than sophisticated and presidential reaction? Does Ivan want to see Trump fulfill his “pre” campaign promise of releasing his tax records when Obama releases his BC? I sure do… for curiousity, if nothing else. The Trump is likely not as big in the financial world as his self-focused swagger indicates. I’d love to read the details just for fun.

@MataHarley, #43:

It’s a dead issue. Moot point. Let it go, unless you so desperately want to paint everyone with a “birther” label for a political smear. The facts are in, and they are as simple as stated in my two points above.

The smear was conducted by the other side, encouraged by people intelligent enough to know better, and the damage lingers even though there was no substantive basis to the allegations being made to begin with. Now the reality-show Bozo who most recently stirred the entire “issue” back up is moving directly on to efforts to discredit the President’s academic credentials. This is politics at the basest, most degraded level. It’s pulling the entire national discussion down and diverting attention from issues of genuinely critical importance. At this point I’d cheerfully use a brush to paint Trump with a bucket of monkey sh-t if the occasion arose–figuratively speaking, of course.

Perhaps this answers one topical question, at least: Yes, I am appalled.

Greg: The smear was conducted by the other side, encouraged by people intelligent enough to know better, and the damage lingers even though there was no substantive basis to the allegations being made to begin with.

To your first “smear conducted by the other side…”, Greg. You wish. Trump is, in fact, a Hillary supporter. The smear orginated from the Hillary camp back in 2008. As for the “damage lingers”? You wish….

“No substantive basis to the allegations”? Well, without a court entertaining the actual evidence of out of sequence certificate numbers and affidavits, only a self proclaimed seer or god could make that statement with the certainly you do.

But I see you’ve proven my point. You won’t let it go because you wish to use it as a smear campaign for a political agenda. No surprise from the side of the aisle who shamelessly conducted a far more dirty and sleazy campaign… and still does… against Palin and family. Your pious attitude carries no credibility here, Greg.

But I see you’ve proven my point. You won’t let it go because you wish to use it as a smear campaign for a political agenda.

Yeah, right. Most democrats–myself included–would have been perfectly happy for the entire matter to have been dropped 3 years ago, after an official copy of Obama’s birth certificate was first made public and confirmed to be genuine by the head of Hawaii’s Department of Health.

Maybe by the end of the week it will have gone away. Embarrassment might finally accomplish what reason couldn’t.


He could have stopped this BS two years ago by making a phone call on one of his non-hitech phones.

Why? Because the same people who called the first document a fake are going to believe in the legitimacy of a second document issued by the same agency? Why don’t we all acknowledge that a certain segment of the population is going to call anything he releases insufficient or a flat out fake if it doesn’t supply the information they expect (for example, any report card that doesn’t contain straight “Ds”). It’s like playing chess in a lunatic asylum. You have an angry group of unreasonable people who demand something and, when they receive it, they throw it back in your face and move the goal post down the field again (whoa, I’m really mixing my metaphors now). This has happened twice already. If you ask for something in good faith and it’s supplied, you don’t turn around within half a day and, with no training in forgery detection, label it a fake and ask for more (as has happened all over the web). What was supplied in 2008 was what was required by law. It is authentic unless you believe an entire state agency is in on “the Obama conspiracy”. End of story (yeah right).

@Tom: Tom, you either can not read and comprehend or you are just a kook that can never understand the lies your president has been telling.

@Tom: This is all a diversion- anyone knows that the liberal progressives are just not smart enough to put together a good, honest social program, much less a decades old “conspiracy”. As far as his “merits”, they are questionable at best. I have a dog that is at least as smart as Obama- I believe he was able to take advantage of “Affirmative Action”, and his liberal profs gave him passing grades, simply because, as Joe Biden, noted Democrat and rectum of his party once said, ” Obama is a CLEAN Black man…”
Really, though, he isn’t Black……More latte…. In Louisiana, he would be called “High Yeller”… I understand this ambiguity caused him some mental discomfort…. perhaps he over compensated?
Let’s ask Dr. Phil…

Are there more people behind bars over this other than the one military doctor who refused to deploy unless he had proof Obama was the legal president?
Shouldn’t that doctor be FREED right away?

What a BUTT Obama is for allowing this military doctor to serve even one day behind bars.

Obama is a cold fish.
Robert Parker writes, this AM about Obama’s ”detached “bemusement” at other people’s struggles.
Struggles that he, Obama, causes!

You know, even children who torture insects or pull cats’ tails GROW UP and out of it!
Apparently not Obama!

Obama wrote with delight (at page four of his ”auto” biography) about how he much “enjoyed” humiliating “white people.”
Obama remembered fondly the pleasure he took in lounging around and laughing, as white pedestrians bent before him, to scoop up dog “shit.”
(Quoting our illustrious president!)

(Where’s my ”sticky paper?”)