The ‘Hideous, Pathetic Tool’s’ at Wonkette…More Outrage Over Their Attack On Trig

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Great video by Steven Crowder about the liberal attacks on Sarah Palin, specifically the recent Wonkette article attacking her son Trig.

The video is good and he brings up some great points but his article is even better where he points out the hypocrisy in our media today, most especially comedians. Where they were once willing and able to make fun of our Presidents, not so much anymore with Obama:

I’m still waiting for the days where other fellow comedians are willing to take this kind of bold approach to the current administration. I certainly would never condone these kinds of deplorable attacks on the Obama children, but unlike their “assault in flock” patterns on the Palin family, I’ve yet to see comedians even attempt to attack the president’s ideas.

Barack and Michelle are the ones in the White House, so wouldn’t a few digs their way be slightly more, well, relevant?

Ooooh, I get it. That would require the testicular fortitude to step out and take an actual risk. Nevermind. Just keep taking potshots at a one-year-old special needs infant.


And instead of admitting they went over the line when they attacked a child of a conservative leader they instead attacked those of us who are a bit upset with their behavior. When Papa John’s pulled their advertising from the site they then attacked Papa Johns:

I just don’t get these leftists. It’s one thing to criticize Sarah Palin, or any other conservative leader, about their ideas, but it’s quite another to attack their children…especially a special needs child.

Do you think there would have been any outrage from the left if a conservative site had done the same about Obama’s children? You’re damn right, and rightly so. But they don’t have to get mad, because we don’t get that low.

Like I said, I just don’t get the left. If this is indicative of them then I hope I never will.

Oh, btw, after 3 sponsors left the building they finally decided to remove the post and apologized for…wait for it:

“the poor comedic judgment.”

That was supposed to be comedy?

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There is a special place in hell for people like Crowder.

Free speech gives people the right to be heard; the free market gives sponsors the right to pull their advertising.

I’m hungry for some Papa Johns!

Gutfeld did a great job taking this tastless jerk down. What is wrong with these (Leftist) people? ::shaking head in disgust::

Hmmm. After a quick search of the web, I find NO condemnation by anyone on the left of this outrageous verbal attack on the Palins(And I consider it an attack on the whole family, given the words and phrases used). Why is this? Could it be that Dr.J’s post was right, that leftists are “animals”?

I’m still waiting for Greg, Rich, or any other visiting liberal, to present evidence to us here at FA of a democrat, or member of the MSM, condemning this kind of rhetoric, or the violent rhetoric, or actions, of leftist protesters. I’ve asked for it for days now, and still nothing has been forthcoming. In my belief, it is acceptable to leftists, to engage in that type of verbal, and physical, action, as long as it is the leftists doing it to the right.

Hmmm. After a quick search of the web, I find NO condemnation by anyone on the left of this outrageous verbal attack on the Palins(And I consider it an attack on the whole family, given the words and phrases used). Why is this? Could it be that Dr.J’s post was right, that leftists are “animals”?

John, these were found after a similar quick search (< 5 min on Google):

well call barns n nobel and amazon complain to them.

Isn’t it supposed to be the Left who has such reverence for those who are ”different?”

Like homosexuals.
Not if these homosexuals chose of their own free will to vote Republican.
Then they are (according to the Left) ”self-hating gays!”

Like blacks.
OOPS, again!
When blacks chose the conservative side they become (again, according to the Left) ”house n’words.”

What about women?
Nope, OOPS here, too.
When women chose conservatism the Left says they are not ”liberated,” even when they balance career, family and everything else.

So, what would you expect from the Left regarding little children?
Who told on his own children about their medical situations, weight issues, school problems?
Why, it was president DEMOCRAT Obama!
So, if he would do that to score points, why expect better treatment from his supporters regarding someone else’s child?
I can’t be surprised by any of this.
It basically was just waiting to happen.
It is how the Left rolls.

As a father and grandfather, I find this blogger’s hatred worthy of hate crime prosecution. Are we to be so worried if some psychopath attacks a person of another color as long as the victim isn’t White then a Hate Crime has been committed. Why is this a Hate Crime? Supposedly it is for taking advantage of a superior position and hating those of lesser numbers or abilities with race as the defining factor. I am proposing that attacking a Down Syndrome child, even though he is only 50% White is a Hate Crime and deserves prosecution by the Holder/Obama Justice Department. A prime example of a defenseless person of a mixed race was never more obvious. Yes there is Free Speech, but even we authors and our commentary writers are responsible legally for what we write. Obviously, Democrats have a special dispensation from prosecution, but this is in the open and beyond the Pale. This perverted disgusting little man deserves to be held accountable; to accept a lame excuse that only attacks in a lesser mode is hardly enough to warrant freedom from prosecution.

A writer with creativity can write truly hateful and hurtful prose, if he chooses to go on the attack, but this is hardly a talented writer, this is a the language of a middle school boy who wants to tarnish everyone’s love and beauty with his own insecurities and anger over his puberty and lack of attention from the girls. He is trying to ruin the beauty of life for everyone else because of his perverted view and anger over life shorting him in so many areas. Let this little man serve as an example of what is wrong with the Left and their acceptance and reluctance to condemn such actions paints them all with the same brush. Yes they have all participate by letting this pathetic little man speak out and now the Obama/Holder Administration will condone these same actions by refusing to take actions. Anyone who defends the right to attack children, especially handicapped children should be deleted from this website at the end of their first post, for there is no argument acceptable for attacking children.


Quote me the relevant parts of those articles condemning the vicious attack by the Wonkette on Trig, and the assertions surrounding his birth by that same attack.

@Nan G:

Nan, I’m curious what exactly you mean by “the Left”? Since everyone in “the Left” are apparently “animals” (clearly “the Left” function as a sort of “Hive Mind”, incapable of independent thought or action), and they all rigidly subscribe to these hypocritical behavioral patterns you’ve helpfully outlined in you post, I’d love to know how to recognize “the Left” when i see it coming, so I can cross to the other side of the street. You know everything about them, so I thought you’d be the right person to ask. Thank you.


Salon is refuting what they label a “conspiracy theory”. In other words, they’re calling those who believe it wrong (or at least mistaken). Why would more than vigorously debunking it be required?

Huffington Post has banned Trig Truthers. Again, what more do you need to hear? I’m curious (I honestly don’t know) if you can find a prominent Conservative site that’s banned Birtherism. Or a prominent Conservative politician who has come out and unequivocally stated “President Obama was born in the United States”. Certainly, we know that when asked point-blank by David Gregory, the Speaker of the House refused to say as much. From what I can see the Left-leaning media is drawing a line on Trig-Trutherism that I don’t see being drawn on the Right regarding Birtherism. Hopefully, you’ll show me that I’m wrong.

Edit: Actually, here’s a great opportunity for members of the FA community to condemn Birtherism. Why not lead by example?

Tom: Actually, here’s a great opportunity for members of the FA community to condemn Birtherism. Why not lead by example?

Tom, most of us here have weighed in with our various perspectives on the birther issue. Just how many times do we have to repeat it to satisfy you?


Any condemnation for the vicious attacks? I saw, and read, of none within those links, relating to the Wonkette writer’s article. You are speaking merely of the aspect about Trig’s birth, viciousness directed at Trig, and by extension, the Palin family. There is a difference.

As for Obama’s birth, compared to Trig’s, there is no comparison. Obama is discussed because of the fact that his birth, whatever one thinks about it, is relative to his qualifications to be President of the United States. As such, it is a valid topic of discussion, if one wishes to pursue such a discussion. Trig’s is not, as it has no bearing on anything other than adding to the outrageous accusations leveled at Sarah Palin herself.

Now, quote me the relevant words within those articles you linked that condemn the verbal assault by Wonkette on the Palins, and in particular, Trig.


Tom is equating the issue surrounding Obama, with that of Trig Palin, and suggesting that since a few liberal sites, like the one’s he linked, have stated that Trig’s birth is not an issue, that conservatives, then, should state that Obama’s birth is not an issue, and drop it. Kinda like discussing a Macintosh apple’s qualities, by discussing it in terms of citrus.


So you draw a fine legalese distinction between the motives for the two “theories” and yet you still find it within yourself to be outraged? I find that kind of hard to believe. They’re clearly both smear campaigns, so I’m not sure how someone who endorses one can judge the other. As for your distinction, as I recall this all started when Palin ran for VP. You’re going to say, “Trig’s mother isn’t relevant to her qualifications”, to which I answer, it goes to her character, whether or not she told the truth. See, one can always find a loophole for shoveling the old dung heap.


I don’t doubt it. And I was merely supplying John with examples of left-leaning sites that have rather vigorously debunked or even banned the Trig-related garbage. Much ado about nothing. So what is the point of this post again?

The point of this post is directly aimed at one 3rd rate leftist blogger, Wonkette, Tom. Maybe you should read it again?

MATA #13 Similarly many here have weighed in with our denunciation of the violence in Wisc. To your credit you have accepted this but it falls on other’ s deaf ears.

NAN Like Tom I ‘d truly appreciate your providing a full description of this “animalistic left” so I too may take proper precautions to protect self and family. Thank you

Let’s limit the criticism of who exactly on ”the Left” actually says such things.
Who does?

If a liberal pundit or Democratic politician can’t defend his actions, he will accuse his critics of harboring prejudices against a particular minority group.

How often have critics of Obama been attacked as ”racist” when all they did was refute Obama’s policies.

Thus today the folks at Wonkette are accusing the pizza place of animus against gay people!

B. Daniel Blatt (The Gay Patriot) writes:
It is telling that Wonkette is now playing the anti-gay card. Their critics have won the argument. Instead of conceding the point and acknowledging their error, they choose to personalize the matter. They just can’t let the right win. But, here it’s not the right that’s “won”, but common decency that’s won out.

It is sure convenient that all of the Left hasn’t called down evil on all of their own minority groups…..just because members from those groups think independently enough to not be on the Left themselves.

But, as minorities, groups like women, gays, blacks and others are thrown under the bus whenever it suits Leftist leaders like Obama.
And, as Obama has done more recently, they can be lifted out of the muddy wheels and thrown a bone and told it is steak whenever Obama thinks he’s in danger of them going away in too large numbers.


Really? If that’s the case, why the general condemnation of this monolithic left i hear so much about?

I just don’t get these leftists. It’s one thing to criticize Sarah Palin, or any other conservative leader, about their ideas, but it’s quite another to attack their children…especially a special needs child.

Do you think there would have been any outrage from the left if a conservative site had done the same about Obama’s children? You’re damn right, and rightly so. But they don’t have to get mad, because we don’t get that low.

Like I said, I just don’t get the left. If this is indicative of them then I hope I never will.

Tom, you asked about the thrust of the post… not the tangents the ensuing commentary took. My suggestion is you take it up with the individuals personally. You cannot assume the expanded interpretation of the original post, targeting Wonkette and their whining about losing advertising… is the original intent. Posts are to inspire commentary here, and they often widen into other subjects and beliefs. Everyone on FA are individuals, with their own set of political beliefs and, yes, bias.

@Nan G:

If a liberal pundit or Democratic politician can’t defend his actions, he will accuse his critics of harboring prejudices against a particular minority group.

You can prove this how? And, no i don’t mean two or three examples you’ve chosen to illustrate behavior that matches your premise. That’s not proof of an all-encompassing factual statement such as yours. I mean proof that 1000 times of of 1000 this will invariably happen. If you can’t provide that, I submit that what you’ve written is false.


Much ado about nothing.

Not exactly, Tom. Where’s the condemnation about the vicious attacks on Trig in the Wonkette piece? Your links merely discussed the issue of his birth.

As for the difference between Obama’s situation, and Sarah Palin’s situation, one is listed within the Constitution, the other is not. I’ve said before, in another post topic here, agreeing with Mata, by the way, that the issue of Obama’s birth is a non-starter for me. But even with that, the people who question Obama’s birth have valid arguments, and reasons for such arguments, to continue them. It is not a ‘smear’ campaign, as you have stated. The question’s surrounding the birth of Trig Palin aren’t either, and it is commendable that those sites you linked have chosen to step away from it, but they still do nothing in condemning mean-spirited, vicious attacks upon the persons of Sarah and Trig Palin. That you cannot see the distinction is evidenced by your trying to compare apples(Obama’s birth) to oranges(Trig’s birth).

@rich wheeler:

To your credit you have accepted this but it falls on other’ s deaf ears.

Rich, I have acknowledged both yours, and Greg’s condemnation of actions in WI. I don’t question your sincerity on such. What I do question, and what you have failed to provide, are links showing either democrat officials, or members of the MSM, condemning such actions. And all that while they continue to insist that TEA Party protests are rampant with violent rhetoric and actions. It’s not so hard to then assume that “all leftists are animals”, when the condemnation is not in evidence. Think about those who do not read this site’s articles and comments, those who do not see the comments of yourself, or Greg, but see a mainstream media, and the democrats they apologize for, never denouncing obvious acts of vicious remarks and violent action, from the left, while maintaining that the right is full of that type of behaviour. Can you not then see how people would think that the left truly is a bunch of animals?

Nothing I have posted on here has in any way been directed at you, in particular. The generalization is made because of the lack of evidence that the left condemns such behaviour of their own people.


Apparently you are not the news hound I am.
Search engines are iffy at best going back before the two or three weeks of what is ”news.”
I’d have to had kept records to be able to answer your request.
I haven’t.

I first really noticed this when our state media and his political opponents called Ward Connerly ”only partly black,” because, as a University Regeant, he opposed race quotas.
That was decades ago.
(Naturally, with Obama’s mixed race background, that particular slam is now off the radar.)

This practice has only picked up steam over the years.
More recently it had been well repudiated by many on the Right.
So now only really stupid people do it.
The folks at Wonkette qualify.
Maybe the reason they felt so free to slam Trig was that their view on abortion outweighed their view that the helpless, like Trig, deserve life at all, much less compassionate treatment.
But that’s just me wondering aloud.


John, I am actually fine with your distinction as to the issues surrounding the two controversies being different. Where I disagree with you is I think the motivations are the same. Basically, you have two very polarizing individuals with large contingents of people who just want to believe the worst about them. The objective realities of how “bad” as humans or politicians these individuals are aren’t large enough vessels to contain what people want to fill them with, so the realities must be reshaped, otherwise the animus would eventually dissipate, or at least shrink. So how, subconsciously, do these new vessels manifest themselves? In the case of Palin, as a woman and a mother, it manifests itself in her womanhood and motherhood. What better way to both wound and revile her? With Obama, as a person with a funny name and foreign father, it manifests itself in his identify as an American, his ‘right’ to feel as American as you or I. You say Birthers have “valid arguments”. I see none. Do you really thing with the millions of dollars at the disposal of his enemies, it would be that difficult to find evidence either A) that he wasn’t born in Hawaii or B) that he was born elsewhere? It would be the easiest thing in the world, which of course only fuels wilder fantasies. Only a person who desperately wants to believe something so far-fetched would do so. As laughable as the Birther movement is, I do admit to a fascination with the underlying motivations that drive people to bend reality so readily. While I commend you for stepping away from that abyss, the fact that you fall short of full condemnation makes me wonder if a small part of you wants to believe it too.


My block quote from post 20 is from the OP. If the OP was limited to a take down of Wonkette I probably wouldn’t have weighted in in the first place. I don’t really get these posts that try to ascribe a one-size-fits-all evil motivation to an entire highly heterogeneous group known colloquially on FA as “the left”. I agree with you that not everyone here does that, particularity not you, but there are some who do and it just makes no sense to me. As I asked Nan, can someone explain to me how to identify these people, if they’re so easily defined? If I’m being too cryptic, I guess my point is that this type of thinking, aside from not accurately reflecting reality in all it’s glorious multifaceted complexity, just leads to rhetorical dead ends. “the Left is bad” Okay, so now what?

A wonk is defined as a boring, overall ignorant dullard. A wonkette, I surmise, is a small, feminine or effeminate wonk. This author Jack who attempted satiric comedy failed at both. Greg at RedEye has it right, that Mr. PizzaStuff has known suffering.
Sarah can’t have Trig in tow without being savaged by the idiot lefties. I remember all the news time that Caroline and JohnJohn Kennedy got on the alphabet Media wrapups. I remember all the Lady, Luci, Lynda Bird sketches during the tragic Johnson presidency. Don’t forget the Eisenhower wedding during the failed Nixon era. The mockery that was thrown at the Bush twins, until the Bush elders interceded. The left is failing badly because Americans see the double standard and blatant hypocrisy on a daily basis.

“the Left is bad” Okay, so now what?

Turn them into Soylent Green? 😉

No they would turn Soylent Green bad,or kill it.

@Tom, perhaps you read that more encompassing that I did. To the first…

I just don’t get these leftists.

I interpret that to mean the specific leftists to which he referred as the subject of his post… Wonkette and her/him/it’s mindless followers.

To the second reference:

Like I said, I just don’t get the left. If this is indicative of them then I hope I never will.

Again, I see this as a reference to those who behave in the same fashion… and there has been no dearth of them since Palin hit the scene as the Veep nominee. It would be quite disingenuous of you to claim there has been no personal assault against both Palin, and her family, in all this time. And I assure you, it wasn’t from conservative sources.

There has been a distinct difference between what the MSM will accept, and fester, from lib/progs and their personal attacks that go well beyond the candidate and to their families, and what-and-how they will treat similar conservative slanders of families from the right… i.e. I acknowledge there has been over the top commentary about Michelle, but I’ve never seen any INRE the offspring. Then again, Michelle becomes fair game as she becomes a campaigner and speaker.

Its wrong to make fun of down syndrome babies!

I think its wrong to make fun of most people.

Even Megan McCain.

To say nothing about hate, gives a tacit seal of approval to the hatred itself; thus, those with limited intellectual abilities, like this particular blogger, who hates with a peculiar venom towards Palin, are encouraged to repeat the verbal violence and hatred. Social discourse suffers and the bar of intellectual discussion is set for the lowest common denominator. Now by the blog sites and the leaders of the Left not condemning this attack and by dancing around the issue rather than setting the record straight as to their true feelings, the issue will be seen and repeated in the future. I dare say, this is hardly a positive strategy by the Left, that is ignoring the issue all together, for as many Democrat parents live through the pain of a Down Syndrome child as Republicans. If Democrat leaders want to ignore this type of incident, they are betraying, at the very least, an insensitivity that will drive the truly compassionate voters away from their ranks. To compare the president to a Down Syndrome child is a schoolyard strategy; besides, for some unknown reason that no one can fathom, our president has sealed all records of his life, a move that causes people to become suspicious of who this president really is and why he keeps his life a secret. The life of Trig will be on display for those who care about his life and for those who take sadistic pleasure in his condition. There is no logical comparison between these two American political figures. On one hand we have a helpless child and on the other hand we have a man who has decided to remain an enigma to the American people he supposedly serves.

President Obama should, as he did with Skippy Gates and the police officer who arrested him, have a beer summit at the White House with the blogger and Sarah Palin. That way he could dispel all the rumors that he condones the hatred directed at Palin and a few correcting words toward the blogger might help him realize the errors of hatred. He can also live up to the election hype of being the one to unite America. Whoops! I just fell off my horse laughing.

Lest we forget, the Birther Issue was formulated within the Clinton Primary camp. Every insult leveled at Republicans for wanting the truth is also being leveled at sweet Hillary, the very first one to throw the Birther Stone at the dubious birth of Obama, a distinction he has brought upon himself by failing to supply the actual document. Mathews and the other loons of the alphabet propaganda services are always having fits over the Birthers, but often forget just who is designated as the first Birther.

Curt Totally agree and respect your comments “DON’T BELIEVE ALL LEFTIES BUY INTO THIS CRAP” Unfortunately many here not so clear headed on that.

@rich wheeler:

Rich, I believe you are entirely missing my points on this, and similar issues, that we have discussed.

Try to follow me here. I know that you, and Greg, have condemned this kind of behaviour of both the right and the left. I do not question that, nor yours, or Greg’s sincerity on said comments. On the contrary, from discussions here with both of you on other unrelated topics, I would expect that that is how you feel personally, as I do have a decent opinion about both you, and Greg, differences on issues notwithstanding.

My point is, that regardless of what I know about you and Greg on this issue, I have not seen an article, blogpost, speech, quotation, etc., from a democrat official, or a member of the MSM, that condemns any such violent rhetoric, or action, on the part of leftist protesters. Even the links that Tom produced do not condemn the vicious verbal attack on Sarah Palin, or her son Trig. They merely provide that they do not question the actual birth of Trig, and/or, ban any discussions about it. That isn’t the same as a condemnation on the Wonkette article. Now, having said all that, even though understand you and Greg have condemned such behaviour, the lack of national figures denouncing such behaviour is non-existent, and thus, I must draw the general conclusion that leftists are animals. Unless, of course, you can provide me a link to a prominent democrat, or MSM member, condemning such behaviour, and then I will have to rethink my conclusion.

Skook, very good ” forgotten, overlooked and ignored” comment on #35 regarding the birther business.

And may I please say regarding #32, I don’t believe Sarah Palin believes her little Trig to be a pain. But I understand your thinking behind the comment. There of course will be more challenges with the baby, but she loves her son and so what would be pain to others isn’t one for her. That of course is my opinion.

This whole thing is pitiful. Hands off obama but eviserate (?) Palin. What a world. Truly, good versus evil.

The average person has to be able to figure out what the propaganda media are doing and are cancelling subscriptions and not listening to radio and TV stations as much as they used to. Partly because they can get the news over the Internet. I am guessing when they do that they find out that there are a lot of Web pages that give both sides of a story. The propaganda media are digging their own graves and have just asked for more and bigger shovels.

The good thing is that when the propaganda media die out it won’t be much of a funeral, because they have already dug their own graves and are already in them.