Last week President Obama was overheard telling a room full of Democrats that during the most recent budget negotiations the GOP had sought to defund some of his priorities. He checked them into the boards with “Do you think we’re stupid”?
While the GOP members certainly don’t think the President is stupid, he definitely thinks the voters are. (Perhaps with good reason… If you haven’t seen the video “How Obama Got Elected” now as we roll towards 2012 it might be a good time to watch it. If you have, now is a good time to revisit it. The level of ignorance of some of people who exercise their right to vote is nothing short of extraordinary. Rather than giving out voter cards at the DMV like lollypops at a pediatrician’s office we might want to require prospective voters to pass the same citizenship test wannabe citizens must pass…)
Not that it should be a surprise to anyone that the President thinks Americans are stupid. It’s one thing to hoodwink people during the campaign as everyone expects politicians to stretch the bounds of credulity. This was perfectly demonstrated when candidate Obama suggested that he sat in Jeremiah Wright’s church for 20 years yet somehow never heard a single one of his racist anti-American diatribes. It’s another thing all together to expect citizens to believe their President is openly seeking to mislead them. Such was the case early on in the Obama presidency and that arrogance was never as clear when the administration introduced what is possibly the most absurd policy gauge ever uttered by any politician, the infamous: “Jobs created or saved.” How is it even remotely possible that the president thought that anyone with a functioning brain would consider “Jobs created or saved” as a legitimate measure for any policy anywhere? No idea, but they did… and did so with a straight face.
Now we jump ahead two years and we finding the President once again demonstrating low opinion he has of average American’s intelligence. Not only does he think that Americans will somehow forget his plethora of flip-flops, (which Victor Davis Hanson lays out brilliantly here) what’s worse, he thinks that no one else in the country is bright enough to understand the Constitution.
One example – In December, despite a federal court ruling that the FCC lacked authority to regulate Internet service providers, Chairman Julius Genachowski and two fellow Democrats on the five-member decided to do just that and rammed through Net Neutrality regulations – which limit how ISPs can use and charge for their networks. Earlier this year the House passed a bill explicitly stripping the Commission of that power and the Senate is likely to kill it. This usurpation of power by Obama portends very bad things… If the default now becomes that the Executive branch gets to decide what it can and can’t regulate, with explicit exclusionary language from Congress being the only yoke on its power, the nation cannot survive as rapacious nanny state government bureaucrats seeking to feed their insatiable appetite for power will always be able to act more swiftly than a legislature of 535 representatives with tens of thousands of different priorities.
In another example, just last week, in signing the budget compromise, President Obama added a signing statement which essentially says he’s going to ignore part of the legislation. The bill included Section 2262, which essentially defunds the President’s czars overseeing the auto industry, health care, climate change and urban affairs. Strangely, rather than simply abiding by the legislation’s covenants, which actually applied to positions that were already vacant, the President felt the need to explicitly say that Congress did not have the constitutional authority to limit his spending. Back in 2008, then candidate Obama said that unlike George Bush, he “would not use signing statements as a way to do an end run around Congress.” Essentially what the President is doing is practicing a line item veto; something I and many others support, but thanks to Rudy Giuliani, the Supreme Court has ruled unconstitutional. Barack Obama doesn’t care about that and thinks American voters are too stupid to notice. As if to prove the point, now he’s not even using a proxy like the FCC to shred the Constitution, he’s going out of his way to do it himself.
These are but two examples where President Obama, the self described Constitutional expert “I taught the Constitution for 10 years” is demonstrating his disdain for said Constitution. At the same time however the issues are relatively esoteric. It is up to the Tea Parties and the GOP (if the leadership can remember that the word leadership actually suggests leading) to clearly articulate to American voters that while Barack Obama may be a Constitutional scholar, he does not feel the document applies to him or his administration. If they can do so in a coherent and compelling way, even the voters in John Ziegler’s video might be bright enough to vote against another four years of “Change we can believe in”.
See author page
I think there is a need for the American voters to take more time to educate themselves as well on the constitution. Regardless of which party you support, you can turn on a conservative news channel and hear the story one way and then turn on a liberal news network and hear a completely different version. Somewhere between these two versions lies the TRUTH, which is not effectively being communicated to American voters.
This lack of truth revolves around every topic–housing market and foreclosures, government policies, spending bills, etc. We ourselves need to also take the responsibility to research these bills, laws, and regulations ourselves and take a look at what is truly going on in this country. And I agree, someone needs to step up and LEAD, which is not occurring.
Yeah, good luck with that! The average American male is more into NBA play-offs and on-line porn/poker than his civic responsibilities any day of the week.
I don’t know if I’d say that the average American male is more interested in such things, but your point is valid. The Constitution, and all related material concerning it, such as the Federalist Papers, is absent when discussions of government legislation arise, if those even arise at all with a large portion of the population. It certainly isn’t present amongst the politicians, generally, no matter which side of the aisle they sit in. As for Obama’s signing statement, and I realize that Bush had those as well, the President needs to not play political games with signing a bill into law, and if there is something that he/she feels doesn’t reconcile with the Constitution, then veto the damn bill. They still have that power, the last I heard.
Agreed. I thought of mentioning how the God of all neo-cons, President Bush, also engaged in the “shredding of the constitution”, but I am willing to be that there were no threads dedicated to said shredding of the constitution at Flopping Aces (if there were please link to them and show me).
It must be so tough to call oneself a “conservative” as the lies and distortions and inconsistencies eventually catch up to you and smack you in the ass.
I wasn’t a commenter here at FA during the Bush years, but I imagine that some of those who you castigate, that were here, commented on it.
As for conservatives, too many of the GOP, while having conservative views at home, become dem-lite once inside the DC city limits. Hence, the TEA Party, who mainly focused on dems and obvious RINOs in the last election, but have made it clear to all in the capital that they will be held accountable.
What you see here, with constant topics on Obama’s hypocrisy, and the destructive legislation passed by Pelosi/Reid, is the backlash from the 2008 elections, of which the dems promised “change” in DC.
Maybe you should start a reader topic about the failures of the right to follow the Constitution. You may be surprised about the agreements you would receive in doing so.
I realize Bush did this too, a LOT, more than any other Pres. However, I thought he ran for President on being NOT BUSH? Yet we have signing statements, rendition, Gitomo, military tribunals, 2 wars STILL going on and a “kinetic military action” aka another war. We also have a few things he passed Bush on, like TRILLIONS of new spending after say he would cut it half, soaring gas prices that he ripped Bush about, raising the debt ceiling that HE voted AGAINST, and now advocates for. Higher unemployment for longer than anyone can remember. And a list of hundred or so other things he promised, “my administration will not do that” Everything this corruptocrat says has an expiration date.
Oh Ivan, I’m so sorry that not everyone here thinks the same way you do.. Clearly you are mentally superior to us foolish neo-cons, republicans, conservatives, moderate democrats and liberals… Surly if we all thought like you: there would be no war. All the children in africa would eat three meals a day, every woman would wear a burqa and stay home to knit sweaters all day.
I’ve never seen someone pollute the pages of FA as much as this guy, everywhere I go… I would be seriously shocked to find out he has ever had any female companionship with the stuff he’s said. I’m also sure he has not spent much time around veterans, he is totally disrespectful.
Like you, I wasn’t posting here back then, but I doubt they ripped Bush for his destruction of the economy, with a little assistance from the Dems Frank and Dodd.
The “conversion” to Dem-lite happens a little bit too much for my tastes-and a little too often for me to believe it’s just a coincidence. Notice that we almost never see the Dem-lite convert to Tea-Partier?
Now why would that be?
Let’s face it, the Republicans continuously lie to us on the run-up to election day, then head off to Washington to vote liberal.
We have a saying where I come from,”The knife in the back is preferable to the knife in the front.”
Do you understand the meaning of that saying?
You see the difference is that Obama says he’s going to spend and spend and spend and screw over the nation. Okay, BFD, we knew this about the guy. At least he’s up front on what he’s going to do.
It’s the Republicans who sit there and lie to our face and plunge the knife in our back. That is why I direct much of my rage against them, because they are traitors to our cause.
What really gets me is that so many so-called “consrvatives” don’t get upset at this in the least.
Yes, we punished the Dem for their failed handling of the economy in the Nov. 2010 elections. Time to move on and hold the REPUBLICANS to a higher standard, which they seem incapable of doing.
I do that in all my responses here at FA and look at how they rage in disapproval (I enjoy it, I’m making the correct enemies when the likes of “Hardright” the lefty are wetting themselves!).
Have a good day, John.
Could someone here at FA link to all the plethora of threads where the FA posters castigated Bush for his signing statements.
Thanks guys! I know you’ll find at least a dozen different threads where this happend.
Right, okay, Zac.
Go ask AYE Chihuahua about how smoking hot my wife is. He stalked me on the internet so he knows.
You’d never get anything remotely has hot as that.
So you validate your self worth by your wife’s appearance? Dang… knew you were a pathetic whiner with no solutions, and no principles. Now you’ve let us know you’re as shallow as a saucer to boot. Thanks for that clarification.
You miss my point entirely, Ivan, and maybe that’s my fault for not explaining it clear enough. You come here, and look at all the posts leveling criticism at the liberals, and then judge that because of that, we conservatives here must then be ok with whatever the GOP is doing. You could not be more wrong. It’s just that at this point in time, the most destructive opposition we have is the democrats, who as a group, has moved towards statism.
Ask a battle-hardened veteran which enemy they tend to first, and they will invariably tell you that the most dangerous is the first one they will engage, if given the opportunity. The same idea applies here, with the democrats destroying the foundations of our country, they must be engaged first. 2010 was one such battle, and 2012 will be another. Actually, that is probably wrong, considering the TEA Party is against all politicians who act in opposition to the Constitution. I suspect that 2012 will be a landmark election, and either we conservatives start moving the whole lot of DC back towards Constitutional government, or the statists win and our country will be doomed forever.
While I don’t deny any wrongdoing, Constitutionally, by the right, I believe that the main battle to fight is against Obama, and to do so, the light must be shown upon his unconstitutional actions. I won’t claim that you are wrong, in your rants and criticism of the GOP, in general, but you really should refrain from criticizing the messengers, just because their message differs from yours. We conservatives here all want the same thing, in the end, namely, the return to limited government that is fiscally responsible, and any actions towards that end are welcome.
I think past signing statements included an explanation of how the president was going to carry out the new law.
IOW, his interpretation.
What Obama did was say he was not going to do that.
Then Obama did much worse than that.
Obama’s signing statements say he is NOT going to carry out certain parts of the new law he signed at all.
That is not only hypocritical it is also a quantum leap beyond what other president’s signing statments said.
BDS raises it’s head. Bush destroyed the economy with a “little assistance”? Either you are off your meds or have overdosed. Bush may have been mediocre in many respects, but to blame him for that is just more proof of what a phony you are. That issue has been hashed to death here and a quick FYI, the dems share most of the blame for our current economy. The GOP isn’t without blame, but yet again you give the dems what amounts to a pass while holding the GOP to a different standard.
Apparently ANY defense of the GOP means we are mindless supporters to Ivan. It doesn’t matter he’s seen us crticize them on issues in the last week since he’s just here to troll.
Jealous much? Personally, I suspect you’ve seen her pic as you and Aye to chat off-line.
I’m just damn proud of her and I’ll say that over and over again.
You’ve got to be kidding me, Ivan…. Physical appearances mean nothing to me. Whether mine, or others. I leave that to you hollow shallow types. You can be as proud of her as you like. Who the heck cares? Me? I extend my condolences and sympathies for having to go thru life with you.
As far as pictures and Aye. I haven’t a clue what you’re talking about. But I do see you’ve accused Aye Chi of “stalking” you… conveniently when he’s not available to defend himself. Not surprising. That kind of behavior is the hallmark of delusional and self-absorbed cowards, like yourself. But for the record, any conversations Aye and myself have enjoyed off forum never suffered from the slightest stench that happens with the mere mention of you. Would ruin a perfectly good conversation with a friend, discussing such unworthy subjects.
Hard(flacid)Right said:
Hmmm…given that Bush was CinC from 2001 to 2009 and the REPUBLICANS controlled CONGRESS most of that time, how is it MOSTLY the Democrats fault?
Why did Bush not reign in Fannie and Freddie? Why did Bush ignore the FBI warning in 2006 that the Sub-prime industry was so riddled with fraud -including loans to illegal aliens which Bush did nothing about being in our nation-that it represented a THREAT TO THE NATIONAL SECURITY??? Why did Bush not say anything? Why did Bush just sit there?
Why did Bush go along with TARP when every real conservative was screaming from the roof-top not to do it?
Whatever. You live in imagination land where you, like the lefties, make up all sorts of crap about your neo-con overlord and then actually believe it to be true.
HR… it’s a lost cause. Ivan can’t remember to last year, last week, yesterday even. Don’t you think you’re pushing it to get him to “remember” news in 2004-05 on the GSE hearings? Surely you can’t be asking him to associate various new regulations and some deregulations from the 1990s, laying in place the housing bubbles and unsustainable rise in home prices.
There’s not much you can do with people like Ivan… or Ed Schultz… both of whom believe that all the debt and problems of the US started, and ended, with George W. Bush. Those with weak minds tend to follow the loudest talking points, and are unable to trace the events over decades that lead to our fiscal woes. The two largest being Medicare and Social Security. And they sure don’t get the separation of powers, and limitations of each branch.
He’s already confused enough… hates Dems, hates the GOP, whines alot but hates 3rd party voting. Apparently, all he can do is pay his Conservative icon, Pat Buchanan, lip service, but not really support him in an election. And anyone that believes the Chump had an epiphany, and still refuses to reconcile words to actions, really has some intellectual and strategic limitations. The kindest thing you can do is not overload him with tough questions and memory tests. He’s already on th edge… LOL
gee, Ivan, I hate to pile on, but how short is your memory?
Remember this chart?
LOOK with your EYES.
See what was happening when Republican Bush and Republican Congress were working together?
Then see the direction the deficit took once Democrats took over Congress?
Next see how Democrat Obama plus Democrat Congress took it?
Obama claimed that his budget plan would cut his deficit by half by the end of his term.
But, given that Obama has already helped quadruple the deficit with his stimulus package, pledging to halve it by 2013 is hardly ambitious.
And, yes, Bush was technically still in office when the TARP was planned, but all stimulus packages were designed by the incoming administration, the Obama administration.
Bush knew they were the ones who would have to work with their plan, so he allowed that.
@Nan G:
The increasing deficit had nothing to do with the collapse of the housing market.
I see you’ve now checked into imagination land with Retire05. Enjoy your stay!
Ivan says:
“You’d never get anything remotely has hot as that.”
He he he.. Are you twelve years old?
I don’t care to stalk you and don’t know how ether.
Maybe you should not define yourself by who your wife is, for starters it makes you come across as needy. What makes it more sad is that you refer to your wife as “that”. “That” does not sound very respectful.
I have no wife and no plans of having one. My longtime girlfriend moved back to Thailand 2 months ago and I have not heard from her since. I don’t have any problem finding a girl who wants to go out to dinner or to a movie even though I’m not the most outgoing guy. But I do know a few things about women, they don’t like guys like you.
When I play poker online, I use my time while waiting for a good hand, to read Flopping aces… I also have managed to read the Federalist Papers and the anti-Federalist Papers…. Don’t knock the learning opportunities available for those that know how to multi-task.
treasones obama with the help of the senate makes the constitution and bill of rights nil and void.with a stroke of his anti american attitude and hate for this country,he signs americas death warrent.a white hitler did the same in his country in,a black obama hitler has done the same in america.this is a new page in americas black history month.the day a black president distroyed a country.