Left wingers are animals [Reader Post]


I don’t know how else to describe them. Left wingers are animals. They whine about their rights- their rights to scream, their rights to yell, their rights to harass, their right to demand that everyone else pay to support them. And it is a one way street.

They’re not content to disagree with Sarah Palin. They try to shout her down.


Another fine representative of the left greets Palin


They want you to now that they wipe their a**es with the American flag.


They won’t allow Andrew Breitbart to speak without harassing him, but Breitbart gives as good as he gets.


They racially taunt a black conservative


Another fine member of Wisconsin’s left demonstrates his etiquette and respect for the rights of others as a 14 year old girl speaks.


A Madison fire department has so much money and free time on its hands that it can afford to organize a protest to deny Sarah Palin’s free speech via its official website.

The SEIU held a protest on the front lawn of a Bank of America executive


SEIU goons beat up Kenneth Gladney, another black conservative.


And we have the Sarah Palin death tweets:


They’re not content to be heard. They want you not to be heard. Your rights mean nothing to them. They want you dead.

Krugman says to his base “Let’s not be civil.” When were you ever civil?


H/T Jim Hoft and WZ

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Why must you offend animals so much, Dr. John?
Instead, don’t you mean that left wingers are monsters? Hypocrites? Scum of the earth? Dangerous?

Obama can’t rein in his peeps, can he?
Remember this?

The Washington Post: “Obama calls for healing, not blame”

President Obama comforted a community suffused with grief and summoned the nation to recommit to a more civil public discourse as he delivered a eulogy Wednesday evening urging Americans to talk with each other ‘in a way that heals, not in a way that wounds.'”

The Wall Street Journal: “Obama Calls for a More Civil Nation”

President Barack Obama called on the nation to ….a more thoughtful, civil nation.

The New York Times: “Obama Calls for a New Era of Civility in U.S. Politics”

[Obama] asked people to ‘sharpen our instincts for empathy.’

All links found here:
President Obama’s Call For Civility

What a weak and wimpy male Obama is.
If a REAL MAN had made that call, so well spread by mass media, it would have been heeded by his supporters.

Let’s not forget the significant numbers of left wing terrorists America has seen over the years.

@Nan G:

The problem with Obama’s calls for civility is that they implied that the right was responsible for the outrages, and were done on the heels of supposed violence and heated disagreements from the right to the left. As such, the leftists felt no compulsion to actually change their methods of discourse, as they felt that they were not the ones called out for the destructive and violent behaviour, regardless of Obama’s actual words.

The MSM is complicit in this by only concentrating on the accusations of violence and mean-spiritedness of the right, while glossing over, or completely covering up, the actual evidence of the same from the left.

[Obama] asked people to ‘sharpen our instincts for empathy.’ Sorry people, as a fan and writer of innuendo and the double entante, I see the covert message implied in phrases like this. For me it is hobby and a way to have laughs with my fellow readers: for a president dealing with highly compassionate followers who are on the verge of derangement, now that their Black Moses can’t get his compass bearings and lead them into the Socialist Utopian slavery he promised. The implied message is obvious and there for the great mass of un-thinkers, it is another ignition source that they can interpret to commit violence. Empathy is feeling a connection with those who have like feelings, sharpening those feelings is meant to increase the divide that separates America and to be ready with the sharpened edge of empathy to distinguish themselves from whom? Step up to the plate my friends their sharp edge of empathy is meant for our bellies and throats. This ranks up there with the more blatant get in their faces and bring a gun messages our illustrious ghetto president has disgraced this country and himself by uttering.

Obviously our president can’t say be ready to cut them, that is as plain as bring a gun and get in their faces, no it is best to use innuendo for the Lemmings to interpret on their own and they need very little encouragement to commit violence and mayhem. Using this method has been a method of poets for 2500 years; Obama and his speech writers aren’t clever enough to use the method with effectively with grace and beauty, but with their crowd of Neanderthals who barely keep their blood lust concealed the grace and beauty of prose is wasted and not really required.

Watch for the violence to heat up this summer as the Black Moses stumbles in the wilderness like drunks in a dark alley while he desperately seek to reinvigorate the Obama Myth that allowed for a man to be elected with less documentation than it takes to be a small town dog catcher. I don’t care about the embarrassing fact of his birth; I want to see his college records and grades. I want to see if he passed himself off as a foreign national to get priority treatment. In other words, does he have the integrity to be president or is he just a carnival barker who became president. We need documentation and not a phony Social Security number that could get one of us arrested; well, if you aren’t already an un-convicted felon by being an illegal alien.

Comparing this president to the great presidents of history is a travesty; can you imagine Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson, Kennedy, Roosevelt or one of the Bush’s making these comments to a bunch of intellectual lightweights on the verge of rioting or to any group of Americans. This man is truly a disgrace to America and the sooner he is swept into the dust bin of history, the sooner America and the world can begin to heal

My dog would never act the way these so called people do in public.. I demand you use another term for them.


You just gotta love the displayed hypocrisy of the left. In the fifth video, a black man, amongst a sea of white faces, with his head covered by a hoodie, and sunglasses on, shouts at another black man, presumably taking part in the TEA Party rally, and calls him out for not showing his face, and being an “Uncle Tom” and a ‘token’ black man. Now if that isn’t a real life example of the pot calling the kettle black, then I don’t know what is.

My sentiments exactly!

Was this really this weeks “rally” It looks like the conservatives were baddly outnumbered again at their own rally. Well we had better things to do? We should be glad they aren’t civil. for the first time in 40 years in Wisconsin they actually have a legitimate gripe. This stuff makes them look terrible and costs them support. It also deflects attention from the stuff Walker is doing which is some good ideas mixed in with some really bad cronyism. I wish he had started with voter ID.

Good catch, Skookum, and others.
If all you do is listen to the words: ”Now, Sen. McCain has served this country honorably.
Aaaaaaaaaaand at the end of this long race I want to congratulate him on the tough race that he has fought.”
(As Obama gives McCain the finger.)

Gee, double entante for sure!

Sen. Clinton, too.

And during his ”shout out” to John Callahan, mayor of Bethlehem who backed Hillary Clinton in the primaries. Callahan also took a shot at Obama for his “bitter” comments.

I once challenged Obama supporters to find an instance where Obama used his middle finger in that way when an opponent was not being spoken of.
No one has brought forth one video of such an innocent gesture.
Obama does it on purpose.

@Wondering Aloud:

It also deflects attention from the stuff Walker is doing which is some good ideas mixed in with some really bad cronyism.

Some good? Ridiculous. Here’s what Walker has done:

Wis. State Budget Puts State in Best Fiscal Shape Since 1996

The property tax bill on the typical Wisconsin home would rise by less than 1% annually over the next two years under Gov. Scott Walker’s proposed budget, the Legislature’s nonpartisan budget office reported Friday. The Legislative Fiscal Bureau also said Walker’s plan would put the state’s finances in the best shape they’ve been in for more than 15 years. It found the so-called structural deficit – the imbalance between spending and tax revenue as laid out in state law – for the 2013-’15 budget would be $31 million. That assumes Walker’s budget passes the Legislature without new spending increases or tax cuts that would add to the deficit. Under its existing form, Walker’s budget leaves the state with a fraction of the structural deficits seen in the past eight budget cycles.

@Nan G: I got your budget negotiation right here

I’ve long been aware of this behavior and so have a few others.


Don’t forget what Ayers and co. planned to do to Americans that wouldn’t assimiliate into their communist paradise.

You beat me to the punch, but I will add this:

That is an insult to the animals. Animals only attack for food and to defend themselves and their offspring. Otherwise, they leave all others alone.

Left wingers aren’t going to be happy until they control everybody and everything. Please find something more appropriage to compare left wingers to.

I’m not sure what a poor animal has ever done to be equated with these dregs of society! I’m sure Skook would agree with me as in the case of a horse for example. Noble and proud animals who surely are a far better example of life then these lowlifes!

There’s little real difference between angry left-wing haters and angry right-wing haters. Rude and stupid is an ugly combination, no matter what slogans are being shouted or what signs are being waved around. One mob of hooligans is as contemptable and dangerous as the other. They’re all part of the same social malignancy.

If you guys and gals spent a little time reviewing your ranting and raving and name calling of Pres. O’Bummer you’d see yourselves in the faces and actions of these Wisconsinites.

I would take your horse or dog over these left wingers any day of the year.
To paraphrase Andy Rooney (or Will Rogers or Mark Twain?), “The average dog is nicer than the average person.” Truer words have seldom been spoken.
Really, Dr. John, what were you thinking? 😉

I see the truth is rather painful to a couple of our resident lefties. We have moral equivalence and projection from them in defense of their cohorts. How predictable.

The truth is spoken in #17.Any here who adhere to vile ranting,raving and name calling are no different than those pictured above. Are they?

“They won’t allow Andrew Breitbart to speak without harassing him, but Breitbart gives as good as he gets”.
“And to lectured by “You” on the perimeter, you are SO RUDE..”.. Andrew is GREAT!!
I loved the way he gave it right back to em’ we need more of this. I think it’s a great mantra. As in we do NOT need to get lectured by the likes of THOSE who totally want to see a divided America, and a Collapsed America in the name of “Liberalism” AND “Unionism” ….

Foul mouthed, Anti-American, Haters, and Yes, Racists, Venom filled frustrated far left nuts. I could not believe the one guy called the video guy a ‘ homo’. Where does such venom come from? I mean, I get really frustrated, but I am not foaming at the mouth…

And, why does the MSM never pick up on any of this?

And so why are they not Screaming about the high GAS PRICES??? Obama gets a ‘pass’ on that too? Where is all the screaming and carrying on about that? Where is the Outrage? Who does Obama have in his Pocket?? Which Oil Company??? Now there is something to Cuss about ! ….. Just sayin’

Further proof that Progs/libs are inflected with a mental disorder. They are also in complete denial, similar to a meth addict who can look into a mirror and instead of seeing a gaunt, toothless, sore covered face, they see the fairest of them all.

B.B ” inflected with a mental disorder?” What do you see in your mirror?

@Smorgasbord: LOL I was thinking the same thing when I read the title. I have animals, and no way are they even CLOSE to being filled with that much venom and hate..

@Skookum: Bravo! 2012 cannot come soon enough!


Seems it is only ‘You’ who is saying the right wing are ‘haters’? That is pretty strong… I have never viewed videos depicting a Tea Party rally with people practically foaming at the mouth… These videos are nothing short of shocking.

@FAITH7, #30:

Seems it is only ‘You’ who is saying the right wing are ‘haters’?

What I said and what some people seem to think I said are two different things. The generalization I made wasn’t directed at conservatives any more than liberals. It was a comment about people who hate.

Problem with you Greggie is that you refuse to admit that the when the lefties protest, they break windows, throw rocks, get arrested, etc…

When the righties protest, they clean up the grounds when they are done.

Rich, you really don’t have a clue about how you are proving this thread and us to be right, do you?

Keep up the good work. 🙂

Myself and a friend were at the Madison Tea Party Rally and there were a lot of the left wingers there with their cowbells, bullhorns, and of all things; the damn vuvuvezulas or however you spell it….Apparently first amendment freedom of speech in Madison is only ok if it is the left getting their say, anybody else we need to drown them out….There were some good speakers there Saturday. James T Harris did an excellent job of hosting the affair, he kept it alive and fun. Tony Katz also did a great job plus he toughed it out in a dress shirt and sport jacket. Most of the day the wind was howling about 20 to 25 MPH and was driving the snow sideways. The guy never flinched in the cold….
The most sincere speaker of the day, a small business owner from Union Grove Wisconsin who had his livelyhood threatened by a union representative who told him that if he didn’t hang an AFSCME sign in his window they would boycott the place…He refused and word of the unions tactics got around and the guy said his business actually increased. At the end of his story he proposed to his girlfriend who was also in the crowd, of course she said yes…
Yes there were a lot of lefties there and I would say the crowd was probably evenly split between the two. I am sure the weather kept some people home. I thought I was dressed pretty good but after about two hours of the wind and snow even I was getting cold. Nothing a couple of beers at the Argus didn’t fix after the rally.
It did seem to be in very poor taste that the only reason the left was there was to try and deny those attending a lawful rally their right to speak at the capital. In Dane county Wisconsin you kind of get used to the insanity of the left which is condoned and tolerated, while anything the right may do will get front page press in The State Journal and Capital Times in the most negative manner possible…

@anticsrocks, #32:

When the righties protest, they clean up the grounds when they are done.

If only they showed half as much interest in cleaning up the environment…

Umm comrade greg, unlike you we actually use science to clean up the environment. Nice off tangent attack, btw. Trying to derail another thread?

B.B ” inflected with a mental disorder?” What do you see in your mirror?

If you looked in yours rich, you’d see a flaming hypocrite.
Everyone notice how they haven’t condemned anything their cohorts did in those videos? Instead they attack us for pointing it out and showing they aren’t isolated incidents.

@Greggie: You said:

If only they showed half as much interest in cleaning up the environment…

ROFLMAO!!! What a knee slapper!!!

As if those on the right want to pollute and violate the environment.

Straw man, Greggie. Stop setting them up, only to knock them down. Makes you look dumber than you are.

Hard Right When you call human beings “animals” you really shouldn’t be offended if they call you an old red neck racist.Should you?

Anticsrocks Majority on the right don’t give a damn about the environment.

@rich wheeler:

Awwww. Did we hurt widdle richie’s feewings?
BTW, I’m not white, old, or from the south. Doh!
Also by your own self professed standard, silence equals approval. You have SAID NOTHING in condemnation of what your fellow lefties did in those videos. Just like you said nothing when the left falsely accused the right of being responsible for the shooting in Tucson.
So let the hate flow as you are helping our cause.

Hard right says ‘not old,white or from the South”.Guess that just leaves racist.Sorry to misrepresent.
Re violence I again echo Greg’s #17.
Re Tucson Blamed noone but shooter .Inflamatory language didn’t help.
Re Madison All sides should have a right to peacefully state their case.To call unionized police,firefighters and teachers “thugs” doesn’t help.

Left Wingers are animals.

One Nation” rally …Trashing The Mall

At the base of the Lincoln Memorial

At Arlington Cemetery Metro station, several of those union paid-for boxed lunches were left for someone else to pick up, on the Memorial Bridge.

Animals leave it where it happens to fall.
Left Wingers ARE animals.

As to whether they are also THUGS, look again at the plan to throw trash on Boehner’s lawn.
Look how they freaked out the teenage son of the banker.
Look how they shouted down that 14-year old girl speaking at the TEA party.
And so on.

@rich wheeler:

Racist? BZZZT Wrong. Again, you are projecting. Besides, by your liberal way of “thinking” I cannot be racist as I’m a minority.

Re Tucson Blamed noone but shooter .Inflamatory language didn’t help.

Translation: I gave zero criticism of those blaming the right who did so without any facts. I even tried to excuse it with moral equivalence. Also, incendiary language had nothing to do with the shooting, but I so wanted to blame the right for what happened that I still pretend it did despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary.

Re Madison All sides should have a right to peacefully state their case.To call unionized police,firefighters and teachers “thugs” doesn’t help.

Translation: I talk a weak game about both sides deserving free expression, but REFUSE to criticize or condemn those on my side who deny that freedom to others. That’s because I really don’t support freedom of speech. I also refuse to call those acting like thugs exactly what they are, simply because they are leftists like me.

The hateful turn you’ve taken since the Tucson shooting tells me that on some level you blame the right for what happened and are also upset at how badly your side is losing politically. Rather the re-evaluate your views you lash out at us in order to avoid facing the painful reality that you are not smarter than us, morally superior to us, or the wonderful person you thought you were. Rich, I know you better than you do.

H.R. I never said minorities can’t be racists
“The hateful turn since Tucson”. Tucson hasn’t changed me one iota.The hate comes from those like you who call human beings “animals” Truly sick.
“My side is losing badly”.In your dreams.Obama will soundly trounce anyone but Romney/Rubio. Unlikely they’ll get nod.
Believe me H.R.when I say bitter,hateful people like you have only confirmed my views as a Democrat.

Semper Fi

@rich wheeler: You said:

Believe me H.R.when I say bitter,hateful people like you have only confirmed my views as a Democrat.




Nice try dickie. HR is anything but bitter and hateful. Your problem is that he tells you things you do not want to hear. The bitterness and hate I have seen on FA boards comes from your ilk, i.e. Greggie, the now gone Braindead Rob, drive by Ivan, yourself, etc…

Let’s see rich, you’ve called me a racist (while assuming I must be white, southern and elderly, yet I’M the racist?) and attacked everyone here.
Still, absolutely NO crticism of what your side did. Just admit it and you’ll feel better–you agree with what the left is doing. Your silence speaks volumes.
Everyone can see how you deliberately refuse to condemn their sleazy behavior.

It’s not like we are asking them to renounce their views and proclaim ours as correct. We simply want them to say the behavior of those people is outrageous and unacceptable. Instead, they make it a point NOT to do so. You’d think we were asking them to drill a hole in their heads.
Just goes to show, that deep down they actually approve of such tactics when it’s their people doing it.

Ron H, spare us the moral equivalence. You know quite well that that the left does this on a scale that no one else comes close to. Not to mention Rand Paul is more like his father thana real Conservative. Nice try. I see you too have deliberately avoided condemning your leftist cronies.
I cannot watch the video where I am at, but I googled the alleged incident. I noticed almost entirely far left sites pushing the claim of assault. While that makes me question what really happened, like most decent people I’d like to see any criminals prosecuted for their actions.
If this is the SUV incident, then she wasn’t assaulted, and she was the one comitting assault.

EDIT: This IS the video where the woman stuck her sign in RP’s face thru the open window of his SUV, hitting him in the face. SHE was the one guilty of assault. Ron H, try thinking for yourself and not posting leftwing propaganda/outright lies.

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