Reginald Daye has died after suffering stab wounds in Durham, North Carolina on April 3. His alleged assailant has been identified as Crystal Mangum.
Jesse’s girl.
Crystal Mangum is the woman who accused members of the Duke Lacrosse team of assaulting her sexually five years ago. KC Johnson began a blog called Durham-in-Wonderland in 2006 to follow this case and has done a superb job with it. A case narrative can be viewed here. The bottom line was that the three Duke Lacrosse team members were falsely accused.
Jesse Jackson flew to Mangum’s side to defend her as the episode unfolded. Johnson notes that as the DNA test came back negative, Jackson had this to say:
Something happened on the night of March 13th—something so compelling that Durham District Attorney Michael Nifong was prompted to say, “This case is not going away.” Indeed, he asserts that the lack of DNA evidence “doesn’t mean nothing happened. It just means nothing was left behind.” The District Attorney is putting the case before a grand jury.
Johnson then noted Jackson’s “moral” certainties:
“These facts,” continued Jackson, “are not in dispute.”
* “This was the first time [Crystal Mangum] had been hired to dance for a party.”
* “The one African American on the team wasn’t there.”
* “We know that the two women were abused.”
* “What happened? We don’t know for sure because the Duke players are maintaining a code of silence.”
All were false.
Jackson promised that his Rainbow/PUSH organization would pay for Mangum’s college tuition. As suspicions of a hoax grew, Jackson promised he’d pay for Mangum’s tuition even if the incident was proven a hoax.
Mangum also enjoyed the support of NOW, the Black Panther Party and the notorious “Gang of 88.”
The “Gang of 88”:
88 members of Duke’s arts and sciences faculty signed a document saying “thank you” to campus demonstrators who had distributed a “wanted” poster of the lacrosse players and publicly branded the players “rapists.”
No due process necessary. The “Gang of 88” was quite active early on.
Just when it seems like we’ll see nothing worse emerge in this case, Cash Michaels has just posted an article asserting that he:
* was told by Karla Holloway,
* who overheard a call to John Burness,
* who was told by a Duke police officer,
* who overheard a Durham Police Officer
* say that a Mystery Witness told him or her . . .that one of the lacrosse players used ugly racial epithets at the start of the party.
Some would call this sixth-hand slander.
Eventually the players were granted a reported eight figure settlement.
Then in 2010 Mangum was arrested for assault. She was accused of assaulting Milton Walker, setting his clothes on fire and threatening to stab him.
She served 88 days for child abuse. Mangum felt she was getting a bad rap:
“I am being unfairly treated due to preconceived notions that people had about me concerning another case,” Mangum said.
That would be the Duke Lacrosse affair.
Daye was apparently warned about Mangum:
A man who said he was Daye’s nephew called 911 to report the stabbing, saying it occurred while Daye and his girlfriend were arguing about rent money. The caller said police came to the apartment complex earlier while the couple argued, but the stabbing occurred after the officers left.
When asked for a description of the girlfriend, the caller said, “It’s Crystal Mangum. THE Crystal Mangum.”
He then added, “I told him she was trouble from the beginning.”
North Carolina State Attorney General Roy Cooper declined to prosecute Mangum in the Duke case.
You have to wonder what Reginald Daye thought of that. You also have to wonder when Jesse Jackson will have an announcement about his next scholarship.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Certainly grist for Nancy Grace and Gloria Allred, though both are strangely quiet on this topic of late.
Like Al Sharpton with Tawana Brawley, the DA hoped to use the case as a springboard to greater things, and the MSM cheered him on, especially due to the fact the ‘victim’ was a black woman and the accused were white…instead he showed himself up as a fool. Al Sharpton also showed himself up, but ‘hero’s’ are in short supply in the African-American community….
She looks like your typical Obama voter to me.
So this is the second time the Durham police have screwed up an incident. First with the rape allagationas and now they left a domestic dispute and allowed it to escalate to murder.
I hope Crystal enjoys it in jail as she will be there for a while since the race baiters arent going to touch her now that she lied before.
I know Chris Matthews is got that tingle going up his leg again.
Now, come on, folks, we all know that Jesse Jackson, Sr. would never defend someone who was a lying sex worker, him being a minister, and all. We know what a bastion of morality Jackson is, except……………
“A former employee of the Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr. at the Rainbow Push Coalition has filed a bombshell wrongful termination and discrimination complain against the civil rights leader with the City of Chicago’s Commission on Human Rights (my though… where do these journalists learn their grammer?).
The complaint, FILED SOMETIME LAST YEAR, by Tommy R. Bennett, includes shocking allegations about Jackson’s behavior toward the openly gay staffer including an allegation that the civil rights leader propositioned him.”
The complain goes on to say that Jackson required the gay Bennett to escort women to Jackson’s various hotel rooms, clean up after Jackson’s alleged sexual trysts and packing his clothing, as well as ridiculing him in front of other employees, as well as Jackson asking Bennett for oral sex. Jackson is denying the allegations (of course).
Why are we only hearing about this law suit, filed last year, now? And why is this not a police investigation of alleged sexual harrassment? On top of that, Bennett is not suing Jackson, by rather Jackson’s shake down group, the Rainbow Push Coalition. And what is Bennett asking for? $450,000 in back and forward pay that he would have earned pimping for Jesse, and then cleaning up after him. Being Jackson’s personal pimp must pay well. He didn’t get the job until 2008.
Can Bill Clinton, edge worn Bible in hand, be far behind?
Poetic justice would be her meeting Rodney King on a Craig’s list dating site.
karma’s a bitch…
why oh why does the black community continue to rally behind frauds and two bit hustlers, jesse jackson.
Cause that’s the best they’ve got. Sad. The black community does have genuine issues at times, it’s such a shame that they throw their support behind the frauds and hucksters.
The only comment about this women that I could make to those boys on the lacrosse team and Reginald Daye is the old saying “You lie down with dogs, you wake up with fleas.” You fellas were all using the wrong part of your body when you chose to associate with her and Reggie, Reggie, Reggie, damn!
Maybe Jesse J. can get her a job in the Wisconsin Pubic Teachers Union, or for Cook County or the City of Chicago, or the state of Illinois.