Rev. Terry Jones has done us all a big favor [Reader Post]

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Religion of Peace Pictures, Images and Photos

Curt pointed out the “unrepentant” Terry Jones to us here. Jones held a mock trial and burned a Quran on March 20. The reaction in the Muslin world has been as uncivilized, vicious and barbaric as it was predictable.

This was the reaction in anticipation of the Quran burning in September:

Muslims around the world called for Barack Obama’s death at protests to denounce a US church’s plans to burn the Islamic holy book on the anniversary of 9/11

Violent protests have broken out in Afghanistan. At least twenty people are dead in their wakes, including two UN workers who were beheaded.

It turns out that this is kind of a window into the heads of those seeking desperately to be recognized as the morons they are. Instead of finding fault with the murders of the innocent, they fault Jones, who committed no crime.

First up, Hairy Reid:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) told CBS’s Bob Schieffer on Sunday that some members of Congress were considering some kind of action in response to the Florida Quran burning that sparked a murderous riot at a United Nations complex in Afghanistan and other mayhem.

“Ten to 20 people have been killed,” Reid said on “Face the Nation,” but refused to say flat-out that the Senate would pass a resolution condemning pastor Terry Jones.

“We’ll take a look at this of course . . . as to whether we need hearings or not, I don’t know,” he added.

Lindsey Graham said that it was time to limit free speech:

Sen. Lindsey Graham said Congress might need to explore the need to limit some forms of freedom of speech, in light of Tennessee pastor Terry Jones’ Quran burning, and how such actions result in enabling U.S. enemies.

“I wish we could find a way to hold people accountable. Free speech is a great idea, but we’re in a war,” Graham told CBS’ Bob Schieffer on “Face the Nation” Sunday.

“During World War II, we had limits on what you could do if it inspired the enemy,” Graham said, adding certain speech can “put our troops at risk.”

And of course, Barack Obama, who blamed Jones first and foremost:

Obama says desecration of the Quran “is an act of extreme intolerance and bigotry.”

That didn’t help Obama much, as Obama himself got torched in effigy:

In Jalalabad, the largest city in the east, hundreds of people blocked the main highway for three hours, shouting for U.S. troops to leave, burning an effigy of President Barack Obama and stomping on a drawing of a U.S. flag. More than 1,000 people set tires ablaze to block another highway in eastern Parwan province for about an hour, said provincial police chief Sher Ahmad Maladani.

A UN official also put the blame for the murders on Jones:

“They were killed when they were running out of the bunker,” said Staffan de Mistura, the top U.N. envoy in Afghanistan, who recounted their harrowing deaths to reporters on Saturday evening. “One was pulled out alive because he pretended to be a Muslim.”

De Mistura spoke in a somber tone as he described how three U.N. staff members and four Nepalese guards were killed Friday when the protesters stormed their compound in the normally peaceful city of Mazar-i-Sharif. He placed direct blame on those who burned a copy of the Muslim holy book in Gainesville, Florida, last month, stoking anti-foreign sentiment that already was on the rise after nearly a decade of war in Afghanistan.

“The demonstration was meant to protest against the insane and totally despicable gesture by one person who burned the holy Quran,” he said.

As terrible as these events have been, they do not pass without some dark humor. A Muslim spokesman denied that the Taliban were involved in the protests, saying:

“The Taliban had nothing to do with this, it was a pure act of responsible Muslims,” spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said by phone from an undisclosed location of the Mazar attack.

The murder of innocent people is the act of “responsible Muslims.” One cannot help but wonder what “irresponsible Muslims” do.

Omar Mazen at the website of the Muslim Brotherhood poses a hypothetical question:

What if some Wahabi Imam in a mosque decided to burn the holy Bible after Friday prayer in Cairo. Let’s imagine the headlines of the highly ranked newspapers, websites and dozens of bitter Islamophobes on their websites truly they would have a field day.

So the suggestion is that Muslims do not burn or desecrate Bibles. Except when they do.

Muslim boys urinated on Bible

Destruction of Bibles is a Saudi policy:

Washington DC – The Saudi government burns and desecrates hundreds of bibles its security forces confiscate after raids on Christian expatriates worshiping privately or at border crossings.As a matter of official policy, the government either incinerates or dumps bibles, crosses and other Christian paraphernalia.

Hundreds of Christian worshipers are arrested every year by Saudi police in raids on their private gatherings. Bibles, crosses and printed materials are confiscated and later burnt or dumped into trash. Bibles and other Christian paraphernalia found with travelers into the country are confiscated and destroyed.

Although considered as holy in Islam and mentioned in the Koran dozens of times, the Bible is banned in Saudi Arabia, and is confiscated and destroyed by government officials.

Recently, there has been a crackdown on symbols of Christianity in Saudi Arabia. On April 21st Saudi authorities raided a make-shift church in Riyadh and arrested 40 Christians. Many Christian religious symbols, such as crucifixes and bibles were later destroyed by Saudi security forces.

When it was revealed last week that a copy of the Koran had allegedly been desecrated by American military personnel at Guantanomo Bay, the Saudi government voiced its strenuous disapproval of such activities. More specifically, the Saudi Embassy in Washington articulated “great concern and urged Washington to conduct a quick investigation”. The Saudi government has also recommended to the American government to install “deterring measures” so that an incident such as this would not be repeated. The Saudi government would not comment on their policy of desecrating bibles that had been seized from foreign nationals.

Sometimes, Bibles are burned to spark the excitement at sporting matches:


Muslims don’t stop at the Bible, either. They’re pretty good at torching churches:

Helwan Governate, Egypt— A mob of nearly four thousand Muslims has attacked Coptic homes this evening in the village of Soul, Atfif in Helwan Governorate, 30 kilometers from Cairo, and torched the Church of St. Mina and St. George. There are conflicting reports about the whereabouts of the Church pastor Father Yosha and three deacons who were at church; some say they died in the fire and some say they are being held captive by the Muslims inside the church.

Kuala Lumpur – At least two Malaysian churches were attacked with firebombs ahead of a Muslim protest planned Friday against a court ruling allowing Christians to use the word Allah, church leaders said. The three-storey Metro Tabernacle, an Assemblies of God church in suburban Kuala Lumpur, was set ablaze around midnight Thursday when two suspects smashed the windows on the ground floor and tossed in flammable materials.

Alexandria, Egypt: At least 21 people were killed and 70 hurt in the suspected suicide attack, which happened during a New Year’s Eve service at the al-Qiddissin Church.

Baghdad, Iraq: Iraqi security forces stormed a Baghdad church where militants had taken an entire congregation hostage for four hours, leaving at least 47 people dead, including a priest, Iraqi officials said Monday.

Nepal: A teenage girl and a woman were killed and over a dozen others wounded when a bomb went off during Mass at the Church of Assumption in Dhobighat on the outskirts of Kathmandu, Nepal on Saturday 23 May. There were 150 people in the Church when the blast went off.

LAGOS, Nigeria – Multiple explosions rocked a central Nigerian city, another bomb killed at least four at an army barracks in the capital and a radical Muslim sect burned churches in the northeast.

The new violence over the past two weeks highlights the tensions between Nigeria’s two major faiths — Christians and Muslims — and threatens peace ahead of the young democracy’s April presidential election.

Jolo, Sulu Province , Philippines: Bomb explosion inside a Church situated in a Police compound in Jolo village in Philippines killed six Christians who are peacefully participating in Christmas celebrations today. Bomb was planted by Muslim terrorists on the ceiling of the Church.

Duekou, Ivory Coast: At least 1,000 Christians were slaughtered this week in at the Salesian Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus mission in Duekou, Ivory Coast by Muslim troops loyal to Alassane Ouattara. The state-run media has been slow to report the facts.

All in the name of Allah.

These are not “isolated incidents” as so often we are told. The religion of peace is tolerant as long as you do exactly as you’re commanded. Terry Jones has done us a service in bringing our attention to the intolerance of Islam and to the useful idiots of this country who, rather than affirm our rights, would instead restrict those rights and kowtow to a dangerous adversary. The very thought that our stupid legislators would afford greater protection of the Quran than of our own flag is nauseating, let alone the fact that it teaches the Islamic world that they way to get America to heel to is through umbrage and indignation. Why do we have to do all the accommodating? Are Muslims that unintelligent- or are they that unwilling to compromise?

And therein lies the truth of Islam. It is the kuffar who must bend always. Islam is neither understanding nor tolerant.

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Time and time again in the USA we read or see news about a person who goes crazy and kills people.
Rep. Giffords was attacked by a man like that.
There have been plenty of others.
One thing they have in common is that warning signs are ignored by many who could have helped.
Now, who are the loons in the case of the Rev. Terry Jones and the Afghani murderers?
It has to be those Muslims who allowed their own charismatic imams to whip them up into a murderous frenzy.
The system of Islam allows the charismatic to have a leg up on the staid and stodgy imam who simply wants to encourage his people to live quietly and mildly.
See, the followers VOTE in their imams.
So, flashy ones garner more votes as well as game the system by seeding the Mosque they have designs on with those who will vote for them.
(This is exactly what the Sharia case in FLA was about, btw.)
So, Islam needs reforming.
Will it happen?
It is looking like Islam is moving in the opposite direction, away from reform.

Think of the Saudis.
Wealthy, equipped with all modern conveniences.
But this is in their newspaper TODAY:

JEDDAH: A total of 30 officials of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice (Haia) have been trained on how to deal with cases of black magic.

The three-day training program was held in the Eastern Province city of Al-Ahsa.

The commission has achieved remarkable successes in combating black magic in various parts of the country.

It has set up nine specialized centers in the main cities to deal with black magicians.

The majority of people arrested for practicing black magic in the Kingdom are Africans and Indonesians.

The Riyadh governorate last year launched a campaign against black magicians and those who illegally treat people by reading from the Qur’an.

Only qualified Saudis are allowed to practice Qur’anic treatment methods. Expatriates practicing such treatments would be caught and deported.

Read that last part again.
Only qualified Saudis are allowed to practice Qur’anic treatment methods.

Yet General Petraeus just announced more respect for the Koran, recommended covering our service women, and so on. (PDF)

Rashad Hussain, U.S. special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference, gave a talk in the Afghan capital of Kabul in which he called on locals to recommit themselves to their religion:

I am of the opinion that one of the strongest tools that you can use to counter radicalization and violent extremism is Islam itself, because Islam rejects violent extremism.”

Um, if we act like we are dhimmis, as these recommendations say we will, we ARE dhimmis.
Dhimmis to lunatics.

Terry Jones has done two things by burning that book. He has once again, made the insanity that is islam quite visible and he has now shed light on the cockroaches that threaten our Constitution, the Bill of Rights and our way of life. The “enemy within” is no longer afraid to come out of its holes into the light. They WILL do whatever they can to, bit by bit, take away the liberty that we take for granted

This is why it is SO important to become aware of what’s happening to our beloved country and VOTE in the next election to rid ourselves of these people who would “fundamentally transform the United States”

Good posting Dr. John, ( as usual )… It is revealing to see how the blame is shifted … of course, burning the “H0ly Koran” draws violence.. they warned us! It was to be expected! We must respect their belief and sacred texts……. while they disrespect ours; kill Christians and Jews; burn churches and destroy or lay claim to Christian or Jewish holy sites…

I am truly fed up with the lie that is that Islam is one of many and an equal religion of peace. It is not. It is based on violence and coersion. I have little room left in my head for reason that there are good and well-meaning muslims umongst us. Are you with us or against us? Are you for freedom of religion or calaphate?

depressing and revealing

This little lady says it all.

(Part 1)

(Part 2)

1st she lays into Lindsey Graham. OUCH!
Then, in part 2, she reads selected Koranic verses and then burns them…..having used bacon slices as bookmarks.

In 2008, the Toronto Sun reported that “hundreds of [Greater Toronto Area] Muslim men in polygamous marriages — some with a harem of wives — are receiving welfare and social benefits for each of their spouses, thanks to the city and province, Muslim leaders say.”

“Polygamy is a regular part of life for many Muslims,” Canadian Society of Muslims president Mumtaz Ali declared bluntly. “Ontario recognizes religious marriages for Muslims and others.”

Government officials quickly denied the Muslim leader’s claims about immigration law and social benefits regulations. Only one public servant seemed sufficiently concerned. “This is wrong,” said city councilor Rob Ford. “They should put a stop to this immediately.”

Instead, welfare abuse by Muslims appears to have metastasized across the Western world. Almost three years later, news stories about radical Muslims — often immigrants — engaged in social benefits scams emerge regularly from Europe, Canada, and Australia. Even when they are not involved in fraud, Muslims frequently are overrepresented on welfare rolls, compared with other communities. The statistics from around the globe are jaw-dropping, especially in economically uncertain times.

Good on Jones. He’s giving the world-esp. the Islamic one-a lesson in tolerance.

And since the west doesn’t realize that lessons learned in blood are not soon forgotten, he needs continue giving said lessons.

Shoot first, ask questions later.

muslim men are homosexuals, they rape their boys and mutilate their girl children so she can have no pleasure in sex.

muslim men get up everyday and do hash or opium and then hit the streets to act like crazy fools.
muslim men do not work
muslim men do not produce anything
muslim men are sheeple always being led by anybody
muslim men hide their women and use them only for procreation

i say get out of the middle east and let them kill each other, that is what they have been doing since the beginning of time. these people are not worth fighting for.
we also need to get these people out of the USA, they are only here to kill us. they will use our judicial system, they will try to be elected in our government, they will be everywhere before you know it and then when the big towel head gives them the word, they will attack us.
these middle eastern people are people of satan. they are on satan’s mission. the middle east is a hell hole for the worshipers of satan and his book, the koran.

This is America where there are mulpiple forms of free speech so if those muckbucks keep it we’ll be torching Qu’ranks by the bushel. Fahrenheit 451 for Muslimbia.

Koran burning? I’ve got an app for that. I hear it makes a very satisfying screensaver when run in conjunction with the pork rind ads.

‘Bout time those boys and girls learned a little tolerance. Cheers –

I have said it before and i must say it again.tell me i can’t burn a book that i buy.wait until they lift the burn ban.Then come on down to texas mr.MUSLIM asshole and see what the good old boys down here do,oh by the way that goes for you to mr.GRAHAM.

It’s a little like Alice’s Restaurant. replace singing with ‘burning a Koran’. We must do this.

“if your in a situation like that there’s only one thing you can do and that’s walk into
the shrink wherever you are ,just walk in say “Shrink, You can get
anything you want, at Alice’s restaurant.”. And walk out.

You know, if one person, just one person does it they may think he’s really sick and
they won’t take him. And if two people, two people do it, in harmony,
they may think they’re both faggots and they won’t take either of them.

And three people do it, three, can you imagine, three people walking in
singin a bar of Alice’s Restaurant and walking out. They may think it’s an

And can you, can you imagine fifty people a day,I said fifty people a day walking in singin a bar of Alice’s Restaurant and walking out. And friends they may thinks it’s a movement.

And that’s what it is , the Alice’s Restaurant Anti-Massacre Movement, and
all you got to do to join is sing it the next time it come’s around on the
This is video from yesterday of Tunesians who burned down a church in Italy.
This after the owner of the church let them stay in there rather than out in the cold!
Gee……I wonder if any Bibles were ”desecrated” in the process?