Dr. Vincent Courtillot on how the Sun controls climate, not CO2…

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This was up in the featured post section for a few days and it’s such a good video I had to bring it down to the main page.

It features a 30 minute presentation by Dr. Vincent Courtillot who is a professor of geophysics at the University Paris-Diderot and Chair of paleomagnetism and geodynamics of the Institut Universitaire de France. It’s a fascinating and concise presentation, well worth the 30 minutes of your time to watch. In it he explains how solar cycles control the climate and also notes that IPCC climate computer models do not correlate with observations….I know, shocker. He also talks about temperature trends vary substantially between North America and Europe, contrary to the IPCC computer model predictions.

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This video needs to go viral!

Kristen Byrnes, a 15 year old high school student, reached this same conclusion years ago. http://home.earthlink.net/~ponderthemaunder/index.html Her extra credit study shows commonsense instead of the ignorance that a trace gas like CO2 controls the climate. I have seen so many people at here FA bend over backwards to defend the AGW alarmists when the simple solution is plain. It is much easier to believe in AL Gore, a divinity school graduate, instead of using logic. Maybe the defenders of AGW can not use logic in their thinking.

I got some interesting numbers from an article from Climate Depot.
In a college football stadium with a capacity of 10,000, 3.8 spectators represents the amount of co2 in our atmosphere.
Submariners begin getting headaches when the co2 content reaches 4000 ppm.
Highly trained athletes can exhale co2 to levels reaching 32,000 ppm. I guess highly trained athletes are dangerous and should be eliminated.

By the way, if co2 levels rise, you will have a real greening of America.

This can’t be true. 1,892,432 scientist all agree that there is gloabl cooling/warming/climate change in the USA and that we have to have massive government takeover of manufacturing/healthcare/mining/ science/constitutional rights/energy, and everything else to solve the worlds CRISIS. I suppose that this guy is a birther as well. You know that there are 2,987,965 birth certificate experts that have validated Barry’s birth certificate as well. You obviously have not paid attention to Barry speeches and probably do not believe that Al Gore should have been elected instead of Bush to save the USA/World/Universe.

God bless these wise old physicists that do this stuff, seeking just the Truth. Excellent presentation. Felt like I was back in prof. Nygaard’s A-bomb class. Put a cigar in that guy’s mouth once in a while, and it would have been complete! What positively blows me away was the figure 342 W/m^2 solar flux figure. I’ve always been good with numbers unforgettable: The rest mass and charge of an electron, Avogadro’s number, Planck’s constant, etc. And, most importantly, the solar irradiating flux. A very fine physicist, in the mid 1970’s imparted a memorable figure: 1200 W/m^2. And, I burned it into ROM, perhaps quoted that figure elsewhere in the archives of FA. This physicist’s reporting of this much smaller number, albeit very believable, is 5.5 dB down, is very interesting. What I committed to memory way back then was not at all a constant. Back in the 1970’s, the theory was that the sun’s energy was from fusion of H to He. Everybody knew that. And, 3 decades later, I learned that was B.S! More believably, our yellow dwarf, the remnants of a supernova, is fusing much, much more heavier elements than just H. Like, oxygen and Nitrogen into Iron and Nickel, etc. That, in this process, it ejects much, much, more hydrogen than it fuses. Simply amazing stuff, that explains the solar winds, the make up of this terra-firma, and our planetary neighborhood. These previous facts, I read from a paper published at the U of M. And, one thing stuck out in my mind. We think we know so much about our own system (evinced from the nimrods still digging for life on Mars and the moon) the Universe, which solar systems should have life, etc. But, the nearest star we have to study, old Sol, remains, for the most part, inscrutable. This physicist is absolutely right. The physicist first job is to observe, and then create theories, building mathematical models. With all of this federal largess from government grants, we’ve been stacking the deck, spending way too much time and money spinning inscrutable models to fit a given theory, then we have at the 1st step of observation. I guess in astrophysics, this tendency toward premature spinning of models can be tagged: Theoretical masturbation. Very similar to a phenomenon found in engineering: technical masturbation. In all cases, follow the money.

Thanks Curt, for retrieving this presentation for all of us, in total. I enjoyed not just the confirmations of my suspicions: It’s the sun, stupid! But, learning some new things about the variances of systems. Wasn’t it Mark Twain that stated: “Lies, damnable lies, and statistics.” Another, wise, old bird.


Les Chevaliers de l’Ordre de la Terre Plate, Part I: Allègre and Courtillot

Anyway, it’s at least refreshing that we have now moved on to arguing the MECHANISM behind global warming and are no longer arguing the EXISTENCE of global warming, which is now an established fact.



– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

@ Larry

You know, your side would have a lot more credibility if you were actually interested in making some feasible changes. You want more wind power, you got it and now your very own enviro-weenies want to end wind turbines because they kill birds: http://dailycaller.com/2011/03/29/bird-group-calls-for-end-to-wind-energy-due-to-threats-to-species/

You don’t want nuclear power, you don’t want to update any refineries, your hero Barney Frank stopped a clean burning LNG plant from being contrusted: http://www.house.gov/frank/pressreleases/2010/08-19-10-frank-blocks-LNG-project.html
You want more battery cars, but you don’t want anyone using coal fired plants to recharge the batteries, you want the electrons to magically regenerate.

Meanwhile, the very people you call climate deniers are the very people that are more than willing to do all of the above. Yes, we want more oil drilling. Yes we want updated refineries. We want all of it, plus hydrogen fuel cells of the future. Any and all. Your side just wants civilization to come to an end and revert to hunter-gatherer days. So, quote all you want, but physician heal thyself and your enviro-buddies first.

@openid.aol.com/runnswim: Um, yeah on that. Seems that we aren’t in agreement that the earth is warming…

In an October 9 BBC News story, climate correspondent Paul Hudson noted that the warmest year on record was not in 2008 or 2007, but in 1998.

The story goes on to state that no climate increase has been measured over the past 11 years, although emissions of carbon dioxide continue to rise.

The BBC story cited experts who claim that although the world has gone through decades of rapid warmth during the 20th Century, the earth operates on natural climate cycles, which man has no control over.

Additionally, experts have long debated whether the spikes in warming have been attributed to an increase in the Sun’s energy and that warming causes a rise in carbon dioxide levels, rather than the other way around. – Source

@rocks: 1998 was an outlier — largest sunspot year in recent history. What you analyze is trend line; not individual points. Trend line is clear.

With regard to there being no warming since 1998: there certainly has been warming, as I referenced:



@Aqua: You are raising all sorts of straw men and you are wildly exaggerating. You say “you” this and “you” that. Who exactly is “you?” Even Obama still favors more nuclear plants, as do I. I don’t have a problem with wind turbines killing birds. I like birds, but they are a renewable resource. I’m all in favor of updating refineries. I don’t want to close the coal plants until there are suitable replacements for them. I don’t want to go back to hunter gatherer days.

I was simply applauding the fact that there is — finally — grudging acceptance of the concept that the earth is, indeed, warming and that this acceptance is coming from former critics. We can, therefore, stop arguing about that proven fact and proceed to argue about what is causing the warming and what should be done about it, if anything.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

The earth was warming. It’s called the sun. Solor Cycle 24 is totally quiet compared to the last decade or so. See for yourself: http://www.solarham.com/
Also, Watt is still of the opinion that temp stations are built on heat islands corrupting much of the data. He has some pretty decent proof, even pictures.

Strawmen? Maybe. You? People that claim they want cleaner energy but stand in the way of anything that can provide it. I’m pretty sure I cited Barney Frank and the LNG plant. Like many libs, he suffers from NIMBY, (not in my back yard). Kerry and the Kennedy’s come to mind as well. Obama is for nuclear power, huh? How many permits has his administration issued?

Despite Chu and Obama insisting they support nuclear power, actions suggest otherwise. While campaigning, Obama promised to shut down Yucca Mountain in Nevada, which was done in mid 2009. Without long-term storage of so-called nuclear “waste,” the administration will not allow any new nuclear power plants.


How convenient. Obama has cover for this lie because there will never be a long-term storage for nuclear waste. His buddies will see to that. That’s the You I’m talking about.
Hyperion was given the go ahead in 2008 to manufacture the neighborhood nuke plant. No bigger than a garden shed, it could power 20,000 homes. No weapons grade material, no moving parts, completely sealed. Should sell for about $25million. This would basically mean you would have to pay about $125 every 10 years for your electricity. The units last about 10 years and are replaced with a new unit after that. The old unit is taken back to the factory and refueled and reused. When they get ready to deploy them, what do you think the NRC is going to do? Unless a long-term storage facility is found, they will not be deployed. You will make sure they never get deployed. Clean, dirt cheap electricity that will never be deployed. This would even power up those battery cars the left loves so much without that dirty coal. They are set to hit the market in 2013. And they will…in every country around the world except ours.

It is much easier to believe in AL Gore, a divinity school graduate, instead of using logic.

– Randy

Greetings Randy,

Allow me to correct this common misconception. Although Al Gore did attend Vanderbuilt Divinity School for three semesters, he dropped out. To my knowledge he has never attended any other divinity program, unless the church of Global Warming gives out divinity degrees. If that’s the case, Al Gore would be the High Priest of that confession.

In 1971, Gore enrolled in Vanderbilt Divinity School where, according to Bill Turque, author of “Inventing Al Gore,” he received F’s in five of the eight classes he took over the course of three semesters. Not surprisingly, Gore did not receive a degree from the divinity school. Nor did Gore graduate from Vanderbilt Law School, where he enrolled for a brief time and received his fair share of C’s. (Bush went on to earn an MBA from Harvard).

Given that Gore also made a D in Natural Science during his undergraduate work at Harvard, it is hardly surprising that he should ascribe so wholeheartedly to the “theory” of Anthropogenic Global Warming

We can, therefore, stop arguing about that proven fact and proceed to argue about what is causing the warming and what should be done about it, if anything.

– Larry Weisenthal

Sorry, Larry. What you consider to be “proven fact”, I consider to be “cooked results” in order to bolster an untenable theory for the purpose of massive wealth redistribution and societal control. You say the earth is warming, yet surprisingly world wide crops are failing due to the extended cold winters we have been having in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. If there is any warming going on it is in the fevered imaginations of the charlatans who have hoisted this damnable theory upon the witless masses who are taught to trust their scientific betters. Too bad degrees in scientific fields don’t also confer morality and ethics upon their recipients.

As Peter Binkman so eloquently stated in Ghost Busters: “Back of man, I’m a scientist!

re: #12

What you consider to be “proven fact”, I consider to be “cooked results” in order to bolster an untenable theory for the purpose of massive wealth redistribution and societal control.

Breathtaking. So, … I’m left speechless.

– Larry W

@openid.aol.com/runnswim: Sorry Larry, it is well known that not only have there been a purposeful DECREASE in temperature recording stations, but that, as was pointed out above by Aqua, many are compromised due to their locations.

Could one of the moderators please embed this video?

Pay particular attention around the 5:45 minute mark.

When this B.S. was being spun as global warming, we had 2 straight years of temperature decline, oh not to mention the coincidental onset of solar cycle 24 with almost no spots for 2 years . I started following spaceweather.com daily to look for those (lack of) sunspots. Per this site, a typical solar minimum has 468 spotless days. But, since 2004, there were almost double that number. A double whammy. In January 2008, it was thought that solarcycle 24 had started, with a high-latitude weak disturbance of opposite polairty, but, it wasn’t until September 2008 was the 1st real high-latitude sunspot pair appeared (and then quickly fizzled out). And, then for 2 years. ALMOST NOTHING. After Algore released his book about rising sea levels, drowning polar bears, and devastating storms we were seeing sunspots of 2 polarities on the face of the sun. The overlapping ebb of solar cycle 23, and the onset of solar cycle 24. For almost 2 years. Sub-10, many zero, sunspot numbers prevailed The quietest sun since the space age. The “know-it-alls” at NASA missed the solar cycle 24 activity predictions by over a year. It didn’t stop Michael Mann and his ilk from spinning the stats to still call it global warming. “Hiding the decline.” The next fall following Katrina, we were supposed to be wiped out by Hurricanes. But what happened? NOTHING! Hell, with all this glow-bull warming, if you were at 43 degrees north like me, and decided to plant the veggies in the ground before Mother’s day. You got frosted!. We had a record ho-hum spring and , a record cool summer. And, for the past 2 years, record cold,. record snowfall, and record snow coverage. At about this time, the glow-bull warming hacks had to start re-spinning their yarns, and all of a sudden the mantra is: Glow-bull Climate change. Yes, Glow-bull warming is evinced by glow-bull cooling. Then, about this time: Algore gets his No-bell prize. Snow ruins Algores glow-bull warming speech in the DC area. Etc. Heck, it happened several times to poor old Al, where his glow-bull warming meetings were “snowed out.” God does indeed have a sense of humor. The East Anglia letters are exposed. It became clear to everyone, except the paid hacks, that things were cooling off, exposing the fraud. Changing their song from glow-bull warming to glow-bull climate change, and still trying to re-spin the models to make blame CO2 levels. All of this crap, while completely ignoring the underlying prime mover of climate change: Old Sol.

Finally, we start seeing some academic honesty amongst the scientific community. Physicists resigning form the APS. The exposure of Michael Mann and the East Anglia scandal. And now, we can applaud some real science: Like this piece from Dr. Courtillot.

@batman: Well done Batman! I have provided Larry with numerous facts that show AGW is fraud. Larry is a dyed in the wool leftist. He can never recognize the value of opposing views. He disregards that which does not fit his view of the world.

I suggest the reading of Michael Crichton’s book State of Fear for all here on FA. The politicization of science, concerning global warming first, and global climate change now, is destroying science in a way that the Church never could. Otherwise rational people have been spoon-fed lies, half-truths, and misrepresented facts to encourage the world population to run headlong into economic disaster, while the few “kings” of the science are set to gain superior economic advantage over all.

Theatrical presentations to present the “science” to the world should not be needed. It should be able to stand on it’s own, as all good scientific discoveries can, yet the snake-oil salesmen politicize the issue, even going so far as to claim the ‘skeptics’ and ‘deniers’ are all paid and bought by big oil. At the same time they downplay any charges of misrepresentation of facts to further obtain grants from governments around the world. Long standing scientific facts have been altered to support their theories, their papers on the subject never peer reviewed, and all we hear are the scare stories, including fictional movies presented as factual, so that we may hand over more of our wealth to a lofty few.

We have seen chicken little, and his name is Al Gore. His name is Michael Mann. His name is James Hansen. And they have stirred the barnyard quite enough already.

CURT, thank you for that video, you always bring us at FA, the video of the top scientific studys to lead our mind into a better judgement of the only one truth we are seeking to learn.

Ditto, I have to mention this from the digital book :2012 SECRETS UNLOCK,
of the next polar reversal will make the polls shifted , mean that the NORTH POLE WILL BECOME THE SOUTH POLE AND THE SOUTH GOING TO NORTH, WILL BE CAUSE BY HUGE DISASTER OF UNKNOWN PROPORTIONS, according to old decipher manuscript source OF THE MAYANS.
attributed to the harmonic cycleof the magnetic field of the sun, this precisely on the sunspot cycle theory
of the magnetic field theory which the MAYAS AND OLD EGYPTIANS WHERE AWARE OF.
difficult to rechard and becoming exausted more easily and quickly.
for this reason modern calculation show the force of the EARTH’S MAGNETIC FIELD IS DIMINISHINGby almost 60 per cent over the last 2000 years alone. the MAYAS COUNTED DOWN TO THE END OF TIME JUST LIKE WE COUNT DOWN ON THE LAUNCHING OF A ROCKET,
the last day of the calendar the magnetic north of the earth will tilt toward the south.