Recall the day not so long ago that Rep. Anthony Weiner from New York was telling anyone that would listen that he was itching for the coming fight over ObamaCare
Republicans want another debate about health care reform? Well, so should Democrats. They beat us in round one with lies and scare tactics — we welcome a second shot,” Weiner said. “By planning to introduce a bill to repeal health care reform the first week of the 112th Congress, Republicans have made it very clear what direction they intend to take the country — backwards.
But what’s good for you isn’t so good for his district:
Rep. Anthony Weiner said Wednesday he was looking into how a health law waiver might work for New York City.
Weiner, who is likely to run for mayor of New York, said that because of the city’s special health care infrastructure, his office was looking into alternatives that might make more sense. Weiner is one of the health care law’s biggest supporters; during the debate leading up to reform, he was one of the last holdouts in Congress for the public option.
“The president said, ‘If you have better ideas that can accomplish the same thing, go for it,’” said Weiner. “I’m in the process now of trying to see if we can take [President Barack Obama] up on it in the city of New York, … and I’m taking a look at all of the money we spend in Medicaid and Medicare and maybe New York City can come up with a better plan.”
…“We in New York already have hospitals, we already employ doctors and we employ nurses. We have a lot of uninsured people. … [Setting up] the exchanges is the one piece of the puzzle that would be difficult for us to do,” he said. “I’m just looking internally to whether the city can save money and have more control over its own destiny.”
Wasn’t one of the arguments FOR the implementation of ObamaCare the fact that it would supposedly save these local governments money?
Guess we don’t have to wait for Romney anymore:
If I were president, on Day One I would issue an executive order paving the way for Obamacare waivers to all 50 states.
The Democrats will do it themselves.

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I can see Mark Levin debunk this idiot again. Weiner is a huge target every time he does an interview. Levin can’t resist. Should be fun.
The dear Congressman Horschack is a duplicitous, hypocritical moron.
I can’t wait to see Megyn Kelly rip this weenie apart on his hypocisy!!!
God Almighty help hurry us to 2012!!!!!
Weiner the whiner. A classic prog tool. He is bad enough, but just think of the progs that continues to vote for this fool.
And the funny thing is that the Republicans can kill all of Obamacare by not raising the debt ceiling.
If we have Obamacare alive and well next year IT’S THE REPUBLICANS FAULT.
Put the blame where it belongs people, on the guys who hold the purse-string.
He’s just being a typical politician. He voted with his party FOR ObamaCare, but now that he knows most of New Yorkers don’t want ObamaCare he is against it for the city he wants to be mayor of.
I want one of these liberals who come here to defend Congressman Weiner’s statements, both in support of his vote for Obamacare and his recent statements desiring a waiver for NYC.
We elect Representatives to the House to represent our district in which we live in. Weiner was elected to the 9th district in NY. No one outside of that district voted for him, legally. He votes to pass a bill effecting the entire country,yet later, doesn’t want the bill for his district. Then why the hell vote for a bill, unless it’s for the common progressive/liberal cause of control over people. He isn’t representing his constituency in his vote for the bill, if he is against it afterwards.
As well, the more and more waivers that are granted simply lower the pool of people who actually will pay for it. What is really funny is that some of the most ardent supporters, like the unions, are the first to demand not to be included in it. That right there should tell everyone that the bill wasn’t even remotely close to being about saving money for the average citizen on healthcare.
But again, please, liberal friends who comment here: Explain the good congressman’s actions and words regarding Obamacare. We conservatives are all waiting.
Congress should pass one big permanent ObamaCare waiver for all
I framed my waiver and I’m having lighting installed to shine on it.
Just more of the same from democrats. Good enough for thee, but not for me. If he thinks he can do it better, then why the hell didn’t he change the bill? Oh yeah…..NO ONE READ IT!!!!
He’s such a jackhole. Like every other large city in the United States doesn’t already have hospitals, doctors and uninsured. Instead of coming up with Medicare reforms that may make it possible to insure those that don’t have it (some don’t WANT it), they decided to f#@K the entire system. Typical. And they wonder why NO ONE TRUSTS the government to do ANYTHING right.
What Anthony Weiner actually wants is to see if he can create a better health care system–like single payer, or medicare for all–now what’s wrong with that?
@Liberal1 (objectivity):
What’s wrong with that is that it’s duplicitous and hypocritical. If he and the bill were “one” as he claimed and he didn’t realize that it was still wanting, then he is a bigger idiot than I think he is.
And I already think he’s a HUGE idiot.
@Liberal1 (objectivity):
That is such a pathetic attempt at defense. Either that, or you don’t have the slightest inkling of what a Representative’s job really is.
I honestly can’t believe that anyone with a shred of intelligence can believe everything that Weener (sic) believes, and how vehemently (though without logic) he defends it.
Bobbit could cure the country of this Weiner
What, no liberal wants to defend this? This is actually quite a surprise considering all the defense of other indefensible actions by Democrats.
But again, please, liberal friends who comment here: Explain the good congressman’s actions and words regarding Obamacare. We conservatives are all waiting.
The challenge is repeated.
Ah.. the typical Libby shows his hand yet again…. Just like with GREEN ENERGY!! They are ALL FOR IT.. but “Not in My Back Yard !! (NIMBY)…. Ted Kennedy.. best place for a wind farm on the east Coast, was off Martha’s Vineyard… but this would “harm the view here” so… NIMBY!!!! They VOTE for it, they LIKE the SOUND of it, but don’t PERSONALLY want to deal with it!! HYPOCRISY to the HIGHEST degree!!!
There ya are……. who else rules like that???Wants “equality for everyone, and “equal” board for all the players, yet THEY have a different “plan” and “level” for themselves?? Oh, yeah.. the RUSSIANS!! The RED CHINESE! NORTH KOREA! And now we have Uber Liberals trying it here, at many levels! My my… is THAT what we want to allow here now?? And, is that REALLY what Democrats stand for?? If not, WHY do you accept it?? And WHY do I not hear you on TV SCREAMING about it???? Instead, I see you in Wisconsin, Screaming how you actually want to IMPLEMENT it!
Sick puppies indeed!