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The Obama administration will introduce its first statement calling for the United Nations’ top human rights body to combat discrimination against gays and lesbians around the world.

In December, the Obama administration held back from voting for a U.N. resolution condemning killings of vulnerable people around the world.

Gay rights are still hotly contested in many parts of Africa, the Middle East and elsewhere.

Earlier Muslim countries balked, saying they couldn’t accept any reference to the term “sexual orientation.” Pakistan’s ambassador went further, telling diplomats he preferred the term “sexual disorientation.”


Obama is trying to convince groups he threw under the bus that…..what bus?

Here’s one to ponder from Stephen Dinan at the Washington Times.

Allow me to summarize…

“Let’s bomb Libya… see ya after spring break!”

Yes, folks. To put some political perspective, the US..along with “blessed” int’l coalition, declares war, and then bolts town. ALL parties.

Have at it. Field day is declared.

The world is at war, but Washington is eerily empty, devoid of all the power players who normally foster a soul-searching debate when the country goes on the attack.

President Obama made the decision to bomb Libya from Brazil, the top congressional leadership is all out of town as Congress takes a 10-day vacation, and Vice President Joseph R. Biden spent the weekend in Wilmington, Del. Even Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates was traveling in Russia on Monday.

That left rank-and-file lawmakers in both parties with a list of unanswered questions about the Libya operation’s cost, its duration and the danger of the mission expanding beyond just a no-fly zone – all concerns they said are souring them on the operation.

The lack of organized debate in the U.S. contrasts starkly with Britain, where Prime Minister David Cameron faced his colleagues in Parliament directly Monday, and answered their questions.

“Who’s minding the store while we’re at war?” said Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich, an Ohio Democrat who tried to spark a debate on military action last week before Congress went on vacation, and who has since called for Congress to reconvene.

Bizarre question, Greg.

The question to you would be, do you think coalition forces would restrain from bombing if journalists were present, or not? And, in that case, is it “human shields”, or is it ROEs (rules of engagement)?

More importantly, what’s your point? Almost all media is worthless. The most any of us can do is read them all, and figure out the truth between the lines from everyone these days. Civilian self defense, ya know.

@MataHarley, #4:

The question to you would be, do you think coalition forces would restrain from bombing if journalists were present, or not?

Of course they would refrain from bombing journalists.

But the question was actually whether Fox was presenting an accurate news story or not. They were presenting opinion disguised as news, suggesting that journalists from Reuters and CNN (otherwise known as “the competition”) had unwisely allowed themselves to be used as human shields; that the Libyan military had knowingly used them in that fashion; and that Fox journalists had wisely understood the situation and declined to go–when, in fact, they had stuck a camera in the hands of some hapless Fox underling, and sent him off to take the pictures.

The original video centerpiece of the Fox EXCLUSIVE was this one.

They were jumping to conclusions straight out of the gate.

My point is that Fox routinely presents opinion as news. There’s a far more apparent separation on CNN.

Oh, I see we have a test for the resident liberals:

1) Isn’t this a rush to war?

2) Is Obama invading Libya because Gaddafi insulted him?

3) Is this a war for oil?

4) Where are the massive protests?

5) Shouldn’t we have tried to talk it out with Gaddafi instead?

6) Aren’t we just starting a cycle of violence by bombing Libya?

My favorite:
7) Isn’t Barack Obama a chickenhawk?

Interesting read, John Hawkins explains why each and every question was asked.

Hey Greg do you remember huricane katrena; when CNN was saying their was people eating dead bodies?

Now the Union bosses are using thuggary against their own union members who dare question their priorities.
The Washington Times has the full story.

Apparently the money, the dues going toward Democrat candidates bothered guards enough to ask why it was done.
A union boss offered to fistfight the guard over it.
Guards were called ”Republicans,” as if it was a dirty word.

Looks like the Democrates will resort to anything to derail Walker. Judge has a huge conflict of interest:

The Republicans should be nailing Obama to the wall, or cross as he is the “Water walker”, over his failure to notify Congress via the War Powers Act.

From Wiki:

The War Powers Resolution of 1973 (50 U.S.C. 1541–1548) was a United States Congress joint resolution providing that the President can send U.S. armed forces into action abroad only by authorization of Congress or if the United States is already under attack or serious threat. The War Powers Resolution requires the president to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days, with a further 30 day withdrawal period, without an authorization of the use of military force or a declaration of war. The resolution was passed by two-thirds of Congress, overriding a presidential veto.

I don’t remember, and correct me if I’m wrong, that he notified congress within 48 hours. Sounds impeachable, but the Republicans could really care less about impeaching him for breaking the law.

@Zac, #9:

Hey Greg do you remember huricane katrena; when CNN was saying their was people eating dead bodies?

No I don’t, but I’ll certainly look at any documentation you care to provide a link to.

I do recall that CNN had to go to court to get a “zero access” order lifted with regard to news coverage of Hurricane Katrina fatalities.

I think, in the heat of the moment, hearing that reporters were at Gaddafi’s compound, so missiles were not fired at it, both Fox and then CNN over-reacted to the situation.

What really happened is that no one involved knew if or when Gaddafi’s compond might be hit (again).
The minders did come and allow foreign press to come see the damage from the previous missile strikes AND during that time our coalition had also happened to have planned another strike there.
It got called off because of the presence of foreign press (human shields).

A human shield does not need to be a volunteer.
He or she can be an inadvertent human shield.
I think that’s what happened.
CNN sure didn’t like being part of it…..if it was going to be public.
Fox made it sound like it was more planned than it was.
It was a coincidence.

Now, about CNN and the cannibals of New Orleans.
That was too funny when they broadcast that story.
But their own news people didn’t make the claim.
They merely gave Randall Robinson, a social justice advocate, voice to say what he said…..
But the fact that they were using HuffPo for sources…..

RETRACTION: The claim in the first sentence in my post was incorrect. I had been told this was happening, but these claims have turned out to be unsubstantiated. I therefore retract them — but stand behind everything else I wrote without reservation.

It is reported that black hurricane victims in New Orleans have begun eating corpses to survive.

Archived HuffPo

@Ivan, #12:

This was the required 48 hour notice, provided in accordance with the War Powers Act on March 21:

Text of a letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Prsident Pro Tempore of the Senate

Well, Greg… ain’t’ that letter of “notification” bloody well convenient, dooooood. The Senate recessed for a “work week period” on that very same day, lasting until reconvening on March 27th.

There’s your open and transparent government for ya….

@Nan G, #15:

That was too funny when they broadcast that story.

I haven’t seen any evidence that CNN ever did broadcast the story.


All I can go by is that CNN was my network during the storm and its aftermath.
That’s where I heard him interviewed.
The reporter neither bought in nor asked for proofs.
He just sat there.

I was thinking, but its only been a few hours!

@MataHarley, #18:

Maybe everything should have been put on hold to take Congress’s work schedule into account. If he had done, I’m sure Congress would have quickly arrived at some sort of concensus–as they always do lately.

Anyone thinking Obama lacked the authority to order military action in Libya might want to look over the following discussion of the topic:


I’ll let the reader discover the document’s author and its historical context.

One interesting observation made in the document is that American presidents have ordered military action on at least 125 past occasions without obtaining prior authorization from Congress. The author argues persuasively that the authority to do so goes with the office.

Well, Greg… we’re all very happy you have finally acknowledged the legitimacy of the 2003 OIF which – oh, BTW – superceded your thinly disguised, blind O’support in this instance. After all, that event also had the AUMF Congressional blessings… far more than Obama did, agreeing to this on the eve of the Senate recess.

You’re late to the party, but we always like to see when the glimmer of intellect finally hits the noggin.

Wow.. new mantra… “RECESS WAR!”

Since you added the sarcastic “maybe everything should have been put on hold to take Congress’s work schedule into account”, I’ll add a response.

It’s not me questioning Obama’s authority as CiC to engage in the no fly zone. I recognize that authority. I doubt you can say the same with your anti-Iraq views. Thus my “welcome to the party” comment above.

That said, it was also not me, trying to defend it by Obama sending “notice” while the Senate is headed out the door for recess. Poor choice of defense, Greg. Too easy to shoot down as really dumb, ya know.

Then again, POTUS often wait for Congress to be absent to get thru unpopular policies. Obama’s not the only one. He might be the only one who promised he was going to be something different and superior tho… ya know, all that “change” and “transparency” BS from the campaign trail? I guess he figured no one would hear it over the fireworks going off behind the styrofoam Greek columns.

Sorry Greg I had to run to the office and could not answer you.


Well it was really funny Greg, to bad you missed it.

I have heard many people bash FOX, however You are the first person I’ve heard defend CNN as an accountable news source. I’m not interested in a news source that sycophanticaly caters to politicians; Republican or democrat. I’m an independent and a centrist.

Besides Greg don’t you find their is better news online anyway?

@Zac, #22:

It’s still too soon for a Hurricane Katrina zombie movie. Given the film industry’s willingness to exploit anything for a buck, someone will probably get around to it eventually. Maybe we could follow an intrepid CNN news crew into The Heart of Darkness.

CNN comes closest to a “fair and balanced” presentation of straight news these days, in my opinion. I watch Fox also, but I’m more selective about who I watch on Fox. After over 15 years online, I’m becoming increasingly wary of online sources. Anybody can pretty much say anything without being held accountable for its accuracy.

Yes; accountability is my biggest issue with all news online and offline. I’m not against CNN, I am a big believer in freedom of the press. Some would say the government, whom I don’t believe is honest and transparent could make news honest and transparent via legislation. Of course I’m oppose to this. So the task of keeping them honest is up to us; the viewers. We decide if corporations like CNN and FOX see the next decade or go the way of company’s like hudson motor cars, or croc shoes.

On FA nobody can get away without sources. Smart crowd.


What’s your prediction on the NYTimes?
After March 28th it will not allow you to see their web pages unless you pay.
(You get a few free per month, then the blank screen/pay up page.)
I’ve heard it predicted that the paper’s use as a source will plummet.

@MataHarley, #24:

It’s not me questioning Obama’s authority as CiC to engage in the no fly zone. I recognize that authority.

I acknowledge that I haven’t seen you question his authority on the Libyan intervention at any point, and apologize if the sarcasm seemed to be directed at you personally. I can see how it would be taken that way.

A lot of people have been questioning that–from both sides of the political divide.

Greg, it might be that those questioning Obama’s authority are simply giving you and your party back a bit of their own over the last decade.


without knowing the basics of that story, because we surely know how the TALIBANS does that kind of scenario posing as MILITARYS and cutting their own dead bodys and taking picture of it to make it look like they are AMERICAN SOLDIER, IT HAS BEEN DONE MANY TIMES AS WE LEARNED, AND THEY SPREAD THE PICTURES AROUND THE WORLD, SO YOU HAVE TO CONSIDER THAT GERMANY HAS MUSLIMS GERMANS TOO READY TO COOPERATE ON THAT SCENARIO, TO GET THE PUBLIC ATTENTION,

Many of the news sources that used to be on actual paper have lost subscriptions left, right and center. People get news for free now and that’s just how it is, if a buisness can’t adapt then they will go under. On top of that I’ve heard claims that the NYT has lost the writing that made it popular. My prediction is the pay to view will be a final nail in the coffin. Assuming NYT does not get a bailout.

May I ask you oppinion nan?

Rupert Murdoch disagrees with my prediction.

I think Financial Times also has online subscriptions and are doing ok. However NYT has lost the majority of their subscribers already, I do not foresee much of a future for them. I think if NYT does by chance get through the hard times, they will still never be the news paper they once were.
To be honest I can go through a hundred news sources in an hour online. If I have to pay for it I just click next.

*This has always been my favorite WW2 era Donald Duck film. I first watched it at the age of 3. I don’t imagine children’s shows have this much patriotic content these days.

Greg, I stand correct. Thanks for the link.

Have you heard the latest? Fox is reporting that Obama wants to replace FBI Director, Robert Mueller, with, of all people, now get this: Jamie Goerlick …, you know, the same Jamie Goerlick who took a $26,000,000.00 pay-off from Fannie Mae under peculiar circumstances just before they were bailed out , and the same Jamie Goerlick who ordered the “wall” that prevented the CIA and the FBI from exchanging info that could have prevented 9/11. Yeah, THAT Jamie Gorlick!!! It boggles the mind. First Holder, then Sotomeyer and Kagan, and now Goerlick.

We’ll be experiecing the same new development with our local newsp0aper, The Sarasota Herald-Tribune, which is owned by the New York Times, which runs their stories, and which has seen its Classified Ads diminish substantially, because they got greedy, demanding a 15% to 50% commission on whatever they help you to sell, instead of just a flat rate for each classified ad. Which is stupid. I can sell merchandise on Ebay or Amazon, get much wider coverage and pay less commission. The Herald-Tribune is a liberal rag anyway, which has yet to publish an article critical of the Obama Administration or any other Democrats. We dropped our subscription when they changed their policy regarding Classified Ads. Unscrupulous and sleazy liberals.

Brian, hi, that is the smart way to go, they will get the message at the end,
but it will be too late for them to recover,

To save money the United States Postal Service will cut 7,500 jobs.

Where I live I can walk to three US Post Offices in a short jaunt.
Seems like lots of cuts could come before we would feel it.

Thousands of Christians have been forced to flee their homes in Western Ethiopia after Muslim extremists set fire to roughly 50 churches and dozens of Christian homes. At least one Christian has been killed, many more have been injured and anywhere from 3,000 to 10,000 have been displaced in the attacks that began March 2 after a Christian in the community of Asendabo was accused [not arrested, charged, tried, convicted or sentenced!!!] of desecrating the Koran. The violence escalated to the point that federal police forces sent to the area two weeks ago were initially overwhelmed by the mobs.

These are your ”moderate” Muslims.
Hitler would have been proud of so many charismatic leaders such as Islam produces.

Photo at link.
Muslims make up roughly one-third of the total population but more than 90 percent of the population in certain areas, 2007 Census data shows.

One of those areas is Besheno where, on November 9, all the Christians in the city woke up to find notes on their doors warning them to convert to Islam, leave the city or face death, a Christian from Besheno told on condition of anonymity.

“Under the Ethiopian constitution we are supposed to have freedom of religion, but Muslim leaders in our town don’t allow us that right,” the source said.

“In October 2010, the NNSA (National Nuclear Security Administration) announced the removal of more than 450 kilograms (more than 1,000 pounds) of Russian-origin highly enriched uranium (HEU) spent fuel from Poland.

The nuclear material, enough to make more than 18 nuclear weapons, was sent back to Russia in a series of five shipments over 12 months and marks the completion of the largest spent fuel shipment campaign in NNSA’s history. The campaign also included the largest single shipment of HEU spent fuel (187 kilograms) and involved the entire fleet of spent fuel transportation casks used for transportation of Russian-origin HEU.”

Thanks to the NNSA, half-a-ton of inadequately secured potential nuclear bomb material is no longer in danger of disappearing and falling into the hands of terrorists or rogue states. Probably a good use of American tax dollars to get it out of circulation, right?

The 2011 republican budget proposal would eliminate $600 million in NNSA funding. The current short-term budget resolution eliminated $551 million from the NNSA’s budget.

Rachel Maddow on Lt. Gen. Robert Gard, Jr. (ret.), fear mongering, and the National Nuclear Security Administration budget cuts.