Certainly there has been no love fest between SOS Hillary Clinton and Obama. But now, even civility may be rapidly disappearing as a frustrated and snubbed Sec’y of State declares she has no intention of a second term in the State Department in the event Obama wins a second term. There wasn’t the slightest bit of hesitation in her responses in her interview with Wolf Blitzer yesterday.
The rapid fire responses, combined with an uncharacteristic air of frustration, is unusual for what is normally a cool customer. A mutiny may have begun it’s escalation during the Egytian uprisings, when Obama was publicly demanding Mubarack’s resignation, while both Sec’y Clinton and Obama’s Cairo envoy, Frank Wisner, were emphasizing that Mubarack’s presence was required for a smooth transition.
Seething about coverage that made it look as if the administration were protecting a dictator and ignoring the pleas of the youths of Cairo, the president “made it clear that this was not the message we should be delivering,” said one official who was present. He told Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. to take a hard line with his Egyptian counterpart, and he pushed Senator John Kerry to counter the message from Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Wisner when he appeared on a Sunday talk show the next day.
What may also be more than coincidental timing, yesterday’s Blitzer interview comes on the heels of Clinton advisor and confidant, Anne-Marie Slaughter’s tongue lashing of Obama the day before. A few days earlier, former POTUS, Bill Clinton, was echoing his wife’s support for a no-fly zone over Libya.
“They are not asking for ground troops, they don’t want us to get in the fight,” Clinton said of the insurgents at a conference in New York yesterday on the status of women. “Nobody wants to see an arms race in Libya, but it’s not a fair fight.”
Clinton, who is married to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, said he was “sympathetic” to the Obama administration’s desire not to enforce a no-fly zone alone. Clinton noted that similar efforts had worked in the past, both in Bosnia and Iraq during his own presidency.
The U.S. is spending $110 billion a year to fight wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, Clinton said, and should be able to contribute to enforcing an air blockade over Libya.
“If the leaders are on television pleading for it, I think that we should do it,” Clinton said of the Libyan insurgents. He said the U.S. should say to the Libyan people, “If you want any assistance we will give it to you, and if you want us to stay home we will.”
Kind of amazing that now Democrats are calling for unleashing potential dogs of war. I do wonder how they reconcile this with their adamancy to slash the defense budget.
But the slights and snubs don’t stop there. Per Foreign Policy Magazine, Sec’y Clinton was put in an embarrassing position with French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, who was urging the Sec’y to press Obama more urgently for Libyan intervention. Clinton’s cryptic reply was, “There are difficulties.” This presented a quizzical moment for another French diplomat, who told FP:
“Frankly we are just completely puzzled. We are wondering if this is a priority for the United States.”
Obama, himself, seemed to mock Hillary at the traditional Gridiron Club Dinner speech last week.
“I’ve dispatched Hillary to the Middle East to talk about how these countries can transition to new leaders — though, I’ve got to be honest, she’s gotten a little passionate about the subject,” Obama said to laughter from the audience.
“These past few weeks it’s been tough falling asleep with Hillary out there on Pennsylvania Avenue shouting, throwing rocks at the window.”
Hillary ends her interview with CNN’s Blitzer by saying she just wanted to do her best in the remaining two years of her State Department duties. Of course, after what can be construed as a mild, but very public mutiny, Ms. Clinton may find a pink slip in the mail if Obama decides to find a more adoring replacement.
According to the Hillary insider, it may be that Ms. Clinton finally has politics out of her system and just pines simply to be a grandmother. Or perhaps, after mixed messages, public snubs and appearing powerless with other world leaders, politics has become too dirty and unrewarding… even for the Clintons.
Vietnam era Navy wife, indy/conservative, and an official California escapee now residing as a red speck in the sea of Oregon blue.
Hillary’s going to be a grandmother???
Now that IS news!
No news that Chelsea is pregnant, Nan G. But we certainly have indication that Momma Hillary is going to be laying in some mandates…. LOL
There certainly seems to be a powerful rift between Hillary and Obama.
But Obama’s got a great way of dealing with things like that.
He just doesn’t bother with those folks.
I read where he hadn’t had one-on-one meetings with most of his Cabinet members during his 1st two years in office.
I guess they were only there as placeholders who could make it through Senate confirmation while he and his non-confirmed czars did end-runs around the Legislative Branch of the Federal government.
As much as I detest 44,I think the euro wienies should man up for this one.As for Shillary,gimme a break,she enjoys being humiliated by black presidents.
Why should she stay when her role has become less than meaningless? Could it be that the left gained so much traction concerning Palin’s early departure from office that she doesn’t want to be painted with the same brush stroke; however, this would be a much better rationalization than the average Progressive spin. She could just claim Obama to be an incompetent nincompoop and quit. The nomination would probably be hers for the taking. Besides, Americans are hungering for some reality at this point. Go for it Hillary!
Skook, the change in Hillary lately has been amazing. Face swollen, fatigue, frustration is quite evident. This job, the events and the pace, has taken it’s toll on her. She’s away from her family for long periods of time. And by that, I would suggest Chelsea more than Teflon Bill.
In this instance, and at this exact point in time, I genuinely believe her “I’m done” vow.
In one aspect, quitting would allow her to rest, sit back, observe. Take a sojourn for 5-9 months, and perhaps her a’political mood may improve and she’d have a change of heart. I’d wager there are few conservatives who would say they prefer Obama over Hillary, if all we had was a choice between the two. For this reason, if Obama plans on a pink slip, he’ll be doing it when enough time has passed that she cannot feasibly mount a challenge to his nomination. So if Hillary’s going to be fired, I’d say 6-9 months.
Resigning? Don’t think that would work. Resigning with the ME in a hotbed of activity, combined with a global economy bracing for another hit in the wake of Japan’s tsunami, would not weigh in her favor. The O’faithful would use the Palin’esque attack of “quitting”, and abandoning her duties in a very tough time effectively against her. Talk about not being around for a 3AM phone call….. She’d already have demonstrated she was not up to the challenge.
Rufusrastasjohnsonbrown, I did deliberately leave my own opinions on a no-fly zone out of my post. I did not want to distract from everyone’s impressions from the events with the debate about the wisdom of a no-fly zone. But actually, you can count me on the side of absolutely no. At least, not one that the US will be engaged in enforcing. If the US wanted to intervene on behalf of the Libyan rebels, that moment is long gone.
The difference between Obama and myself is I agree with Gates and most military strategists in opposing a no fly zone. Obama is just hanging on the fence, trying to figure out what is the most beneficial politically both in the US and globally. Unlike his predecessor, who would take a firm stance – popular or not – with convictions, this POTUS has no convictions but to self.
I think, she has enough of OBAMA, and want to tell people that 2012 is coming fast and she want to reposition herself where she left it,at the end of the canditates choice, where she might think at this point that, if she would have choose to stay longer in the fight, she might have become PRESIDENT,
all it took for her was to stay a little bit longer, the fact is that she was exausted from a campaign
that would be prolong longer, there is so much you can give in energy to gain a nomination, and it was getting disgusting with the big medias except FOX having made up their choices and selling it brutaly with a sting in their leg. SAME happen with MCCAIN and SARAH PALIN from the MEDIA,
and of course the DEMONISATION of BUSH, and last but not least, the money pouring in from
Countrys with an agenda to destroy AMERICA,that money was accepted wholhearthy, even coming underneath a good protected cover, to boost his campain that today turn to ashes
I do not like Hillary OR her politics. BUT, I can honestly say, I have some “respect” for the woman! How?? She says what she MEANS, she didn’t LIE about “who she was”.. Hillary was Hillary! Her politics didn’t change to suit her “saleability! She wasn’t a FAKE, you at least, KNEW what you were getting with her, every step of the way. May not like her views, but I respect the fact she was REAL about it!!
Obama?? Fake as a Three dollar bill…..
Hankster, while I was reading your comment on my sites, an add came , from PARICK MURPHY ‘s campain to stop ALLEN WEST that was a email they are getting scare of ALLEN WEST advancing
slowly but surely,
Didn’t Hillary, or someone at State claim that the USA was NOT involved in the ”blood money” paid to the families of the two Pakistani men killed trying to rob our State Dept. contractor, Mr. Davis?
Another man was run over by a car driven by another State Dept. person, making three Muslims killed by Infidels.
Well….who else hands out USA visas?
Because that’s part of the blood money arrangement.
THREE Pakistani families who received millions of dollars in a “blood money” compensation payout this week in return for pardoning a CIA contractor charged with double murder have reportedly also been granted US visas.
Several Pakistani newspapers reported yesterday that the diyyat, or compensation package, granted to the families of three men killed in Lahore in late January included visas for some family members.
Nan G, they where trying to rob a contractor,and they got kill why would they pay for familys
and immigrate them, It’s out of comprehension, there’s a war being fought in those neighborhood,
those where part of the ennemies, this is only one story, imagine how many other moneys flying out from the COUNTRY IN SCAM LIKE IT,
@MataHarley: You said:
Um, I hate to do this, but I have to call you out on this one. Obama has STRONG convictions on his bracket picks…. 😛
Barack-etology (what an insipid name for this segment…)
Notice when he is talking basketball, there are no “Uh’s” or “Um’s.” Only when he speaks about issues with some weight to them does he lose the ability to speak.
Somebody must have told her there ain’t going to be a second term for Obama either.
quickly forget. Prior to the advent of Barrack Obama and Sarah Palin on the national scene Hillary Clinton was regarded as the most divisive politician from either party. She couldn’t have been elected in 2008 and, if she chose to run in 2012, she couldn’t be elected except against a tiny handful of potential Republican opponents (Christine O’Donnell comes to mind). On the other hand, if Hillary Clinton was president she could probably recruit a more competent Secretary of State than the one Obama picked.
What are the chances that we will hear from Obama or Hillary any statement on this, . . . ?
Thousands in Iran march in support of Arab revolts
How about countering government paid demonstrators?
How about a strong statement decisively supporting demands for reform of totalitarian regimes?
How about a strong statement in support of Israel maybe?
There is a rapidly growing confrontation between Iran’s leadership and the Saudi side of the Muslim world.
. . . . What an incredible conflagration of conflict, tapping the resources of Morals and Principles.
@James Raider: James, these Arab leaders are far from ”green,” too.
When Saddam realized he was not going to get to keep all those Kuwaiti oil rigs, he blew them all up!
I have never even read what the CO2 rise was that came from all of that.
But between the Saudis and the Iranians these tactics would be on the front burner.
Then would Obama stop them?
Of Iran and the Saudi Kingdom, I don’t know which one Obama loves more.
Nan G.,
“Of Iran and the Saudi Kingdom, I don’t know which one Obama loves more.”
Perhaps he just has no idea what to think of either. He strikes me as someone who hasn’t discerned his own centre, and just does not know either who he is or what he believes.
I realize that he tracks on the far left of beyond, but damn, he seems not to even understand what that means. I do think that he totally depends on a few of his handlers for deciding what to think on everything.
I am also confident that over the next couple of years, we will see the surfacing of irrefutable evidence oozing out of his inner circle, that America elected a truly empty suit.
I also feel that his Obamacare-very-socialist-tendency-damn-the-costs program he actually doesn’t understand, is an anomaly intended to cement a personal legacy. It has absolutely nothing to do with “caring” for either the poor or the middle class. It’s not in his nature.
James Raider, I have read a quote from an expert saying those same signs happening from ,
drug consomtion regulaly,beginning in the teens ages,growing that stage wider as maturity sets in, just like an evil spider getting hold of their brain