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If he’s willing to admit he got into office because of his race, I’ll admit some of his defeat was due to his race in ’10.

What a little wimp.

How come the first African-American President couldn’t have been someone of the caliber of Allan West? Why this human piece of fecal matter?

Dennis Miller discussed Obama and his administration and their performance. He said he wanted to believe that the administration was not deliberate in his efforts to tube the country. He just though they were “the gang that couldn’t shoot straight!” I hope this is incompetence, too.

Hmmm… Everyone’s favorite republicans are black; therefore we must just have “black people” to confuse the socialists so they don’t “think” were racist. That way we won’t actually look like were all racist, even though we are racist and our favorite leaders are black……..

Curt, it is an embarrassment, which isn’t being called out by the MSM.

I’m unsure if the following video has been viewed enough by anyone questioning whether a “housing” bubble was coming, and whether Democrats were fuelling the flames that blew that balloon beyond redemption, but here it is: Democrats Criticize Regulation of Fanny and Freddie.

They weren’t just in denial and an embarrassment, they were criminal.

How is it possible that any of these Democrats are still in Congress, and still collecting pay checks?

It must be a sad thing to have “race” as the only leg to stand on. Personally, I would be ashamed, but then that’s just me. Shame doesn’t count for much these days.

Zac Such an impressionable young man. The Republican Party of 2011 will pay huge lip service to the Allen Wests ,the Herman Cains and the Sarah Palins but they will nominate a good ol boy just like they’ve always done before. Let’s count back Mac, W, Dole, BushSr., R.R.,Ford,Nixon,Ike etc etc.White Protestants all.
After a defeat in 2012 they may give Rubio a shot but it will be a LONG time before a Black or a woman gets the Nom.Heck,they’ve never even nominated a Catholic.

This is about right. The world is going to hell and all that SOB can think about is himself. It’s like I said- you can’t be steeped in sh*t for as long as Obama was and not smell like it.

barack, barry, steve or whatever his name is uses race when ever it fits the situation. It is obvious that he was elected by a great percentage of white people, regardless their reasoning. The man is a marxist. The man is a narcissist. I think he truly believes that once he got into office every one would kneel at his feet and do his bidding . I think the opposite is happening as evidenced by the union bosses snapping their fingers with barack responding accordingly. It is obvious he is over his head. He doesn’t have a clue what is going on in the world, he dances and parties when families are losing their homes, their livelihoods all because of HIM! He couldn’t care less. While michelle berates people for eating incorrectly they both continually stuff their faces with expensive lobster and beef and 2200 calorie meals. It amazes me that when ever they are caught ‘cheating’, she tells the public it is all right once in a while. Give me a break woman, it is obvious to me you haven’t missed a meal or had a nutritious meal in quite a while.

My heart fears our country will continue this downward spiral if the Republicans (which I am one) do not get their act together. – and grow an iron pair.

Oh, and if barack thinks the tea party is racist, he only needs to knock on holder’s door. That man is a blatant racist and makes no bones about it. – That man is another story and should resign and if he is not man enough to do that barack should fire him (well I can dream). I am sick and tired of that race card and barack has rendered it pretty much useless. He probably thinks if you are against big unions, you are racist too. geesch. my head hurts with having to keep up on all of this – but I do because I ensure people know the real truth instead of what the barack media tells them. Thank for your the rant.

Rich the democrats just got the first black guy elected, ever. I’m happy that the US is a country where race is not an issue for potential leaders. Far as myself and any rational person is concerned, skin is skin. What really matters is the values of the POTUS.

Allen West is a elected official and I could be wrong; but i don’t think democrats elected him. It also might be hard to say that republicans are different in florida, but I could be wrong on that too.

Maybe we conservatives aren’t so far away from having a guy like Adam West as we look…. Just saying.

@ richard wheeler, Dickie, You are just echoing the soundtrack of those that can’t tie their boots with one or both hands. You have surpassed pathetic and come off like John Kerry. Quite frankly you are an embarrassment and are neither a Patriot or one Who cares about America taking the wrong path.

Comment further, speculate on Elections but believe that the consequences are realities for those that Serve now for more that what Your Political or Racist beliefs can allow. You are a joke and but don’t have the balls to admit it. I don’t know where You got lost but know that You are.

Curt allows a lot of crap to be placed here. You get that advantage by courtesy of His generosity.
Not by Mine.

I would be pretty upset if someone compared me to john Kerry.

O.T. Your personal insults don’t bother me in the least.In fact I kind of enjoy them.In my post I simply stated the truth about the history of the Republican Party Pres nominees.Obviously it struck a nerve with you.As well it should.This lack of inclusiveness is one of thr reasons I’m a Democrat.
I thank Curt for allowing me to exercise my 1st Amendment Rights.I guess guys like you and Mike think you can take them away at your discretion.
As far as questioning my patriotism,that’s pure B.S.

It is easy for you to accuse people of Racism Richard, but sadly most of those “good old boys” of the South are Democrat and have been since the victories of 1865 by Republicans both in War and Ideals. Give one piece of proof that W. or Ike were even remotely racist. Tread carefully, as Ike is known in history as being the President that pushed though many Civil Rights acts that were violently resisted by a Democrat Senate only to be later used as a foundation for Johnson’s attempt at Civil Rights reform only to be further resisted by a Democrat House and Senate with highly aggressive filibusters. Do not rewrite history for your sake. And as for modern day examples, please list why, “W” was a racist. You’ve made the accusations, now prove them. History alone has already disproved your Ike stance. The man was raised in Kansas, and given Kansas’ bloody history over the matter it is utterly cowardly of you to insist this area is Racist given the blood spilled in this area a decade before and years after the civil war over the matter with the Slaver/Racist ideals squashed. Yes yes, we can all go to the lawsuits over the 1940’s and 50’s but to think the Republicans put these policies into place that lead to lawsuits is a blunt rewrite of history and if the matter wasn’t so serious, it’d be stage tragedy in any other matter.

Woodrow Wilson and Harry Truman were far more negatively impacting on the matters of Race in this nation, and does it pose a problem for you that both were Democrat? Wilson, imposing policies that stripped many African-Americans of their Government jobs or Truman who domestically shown a weak stance towards stopping Jim Crow laws (aka kinda like how Holder is behaving in DOJ over Civil Liberty violations.)

And I’m not even going to dip into the fact that the KKK had been sanctioned by the Democrat party in both its first form after the Civil War and after its revival in the late 30’s to hurt and hinder Republican interests in the south, up to and including murdering Republican members in the government systems for the Southern States.

Zac, do you date older rich women with severe superiority complexes?

Do you try and bull sh*t the country about your past?

Do you tell lies for political gains?

Do you consider yourself among the political Elite who are destined to lead by a false and self proclaimed sense of superiority?

If you answered No to all these questions, no one is likely to compare you to John Kerry, AKA Mr Ketchup.

They keep calling him the “most powerful man in the world” , and all he can do is holler RACIST. Give me a break, he is the weakest president in the history of our nation.

Mr. Irons I’ve accused NO ONE of racism. Good ol boy network is not racist.I’ve merely pointed out that since 1900 the Republican Party has not had a Catholic or Black or Female Pres. candidate or Veep(to my knowledge).It’ s a fact.Hope it will change.

Nobody would compare me to John Kerry. I’m sure of that.

I’m also not impressionable.

im·pres·sion·a·ble  (m-prsh-n-bl)


1. Readily or easily influenced; suggestible: impressionable young people.

2. Capable of receiving an impression; plastic: impressionable plaster

I don’t mind being called the usual names like “A-hole” or “bastard” some call me “the slave driver” I’m fine with it, but what exactly are you trying to say calling me impressionable Rich? Play-dough is impressionable. I am not play-dough.

If you make that claim, why use, “Good Old boy.” That is a synonym for a racist even today’s world, and given this article is over Racism, it’s not too far flung to connect your comments and given how Ike and W have been slammed by Leftists as racist.

And actually if you dig, yes Republicans have had in their primaries at State levels people of different faiths and Race. They failed to win the votes in the past but times are changing. Your claim is a joke.

@richard wheeler: Little Dickie, you knowledge of history shows again. It has been the Republican Party who supported blacks. It was the Democrats who prevented civil rights reform for so many years. There were more republicans who supported Kennedy’s reforms than Democrats. There were even KKK Democrats elected to the US Senate (Bird). You don’t hit nerves, you hit the button that says “I can not believe someone can be so ignorant!”

@richard wheeler: #6

. . . Huh?

The tormented mind and the percepts that wrote this seriously and deeply disturbed blitzkrieg, is a mind angry at something that no one here can help with.

Demonstrating a blind need to link itself to some ephemeral social self-righteousness found in an ideological train wreck disguised as a political party, such an ego will flail about pandering for approval to salve insecurities. Time would be better spent looking for counselling, instead of posting too revealing comments.

@ richard wheeler, If You continue to Judge Folks by Gender, Race or any other of Your Cozy Liberal standards, You cashed in Your Chips here. You bought into something that You do not know the consequences of Outcomes.

Patriots do NOT support the destruction of the Republic. Look into Your beliefs and Pick Your side. You are not any more Patriotic than John Kerry. Go throw Your medals over the fence and show Your Colors.
Do It, Patriot to a way gone stupid concept in Your Head.

Do not expect respect from me. Not ever.

@richard wheeler:

Actually, Rich, your “fact” is completely wrong. This is the 21st Century, begun on either Jan 1st, 2000, or Jan 1st, 2001, depending on who you ask. Remind me again, who was the VP candidate for the 2008 presidential election?

BTW, I recognize your point you are trying to make, but you are still wrong. Even in the 20th century, the Republicans placed William Miller on the ticket as VP back in 1964. He was a practicing Catholic at the time of nomination.

As far as black nominees and women are concerned, the Democratic party has held the majority of their numbers for many, many years, and yet, Obama was their first black nominee on the ticket. Geraldine Ferraro, in 1984 was their first female nominee on the ticket. Kind of lame to criticize the Republicans for being “a good ol’ boys’ network”, when the democrats have virtually the same history concerning general election ticket makeup.

Also, BTW, the Republicans are generally credited with having the first black presidential candidate.

During the convention, Frederick Douglass was invited to speak and became the first African-American to be nominated for President of the United States in a major party’s roll call vote, receiving one vote from Kentucky in the fourth vote.

As well as being nominated for President, Douglass was also a trusted advisor to Lincoln, campaigned for Grant, and was appointed a federal office by Grant.

Now, what were you saying again?

I always thought when somebody said you are impressionable that meant you left them with a good impression. Glad I looked that one up.

I don’t have the highy developed vocabulary of an english aristocrat, and that might be a good thing.

@ johngalt, Dickie is like the neighbors dog that craps on your lawn. He just never picks up after himself but shows up for responses to his posts and a hand out because once upon a time, he was Somebody and expects a handout. I can’t give Him anything more than “thanks for Your service” but disregard His Politics as a nuisance and detrimental to the survival of the Republic that He once Honorably Served but now supports those that wish to destroy It.

Dickie is a sad case.

Poor Dickie.

@ Zac, #23

No worries, we are all, each and every one of us, Impressionable, . . . regardless how you define it. The critical differentiation is made between those who have common sense enough to allow or control the degrees of such “impression.” You decide what you buy.

“Impressionable” is also a tactic used in demeaning aggressions toward others, by insecure and diffident bullies in futile attempts at self-gratification.

Yes I guess your right James Raider. Everyone gets “influenced” by others, its just a matter of who your influenced by.

Seems to me in certain context Saying a guy is impressionable is like telling him he is a sock puppet or a robot; someone who only does what there master says.

I stand corrected on Sarah in 08 and William Miller in 64 as veep candidates. Good ol boys speaks primarily to the exclusion of women.Both parties could improve in this area.Dem, only Party to have Catholic at top of ticket and a Jewish veep in Lieberman.Noting this is not meant to offend anyone’s sensibilities.I HOPE IT WILL BE A MOOT POINT IN YEARS TO COME.
O.T. You continue to rant about my supporting the destruction of the Republic.Crazy

I knew my statement would raise a storm It’s good to see you guys getting fired up. Keep it up.Get involved

@richard wheeler: You said:

I thank Curt for allowing me to exercise my 1st Amendment Rights.I guess guys like you and Mike think you can take them away at your discretion.

Can someone get the man a crying towel??


LOL! Since when is a private entity required to let people speak freely?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but this ain’t Congress. Free speech on FA is a privilege that can be taken away by the whims of Curt and others on here, and if they ever choose to do so, no one’s First Amendment rights would be taken away.

Why is it that liberals always like to read things into the Constitution that isn’t there?

@ richard wheeler, Nope You have exhausted my patience and tolerance and continue to support those that wish the demise of the Republic.

You still don’t get it and need to contact the Brain Fairy. He left You a Quarter under Your pillow.
Done deal, Jocko!

A guest suggested that when Tea Party activists said they wanted to “take back” their country, their real motivation was to stir up anger and anxiety at having a black president, and Obama didn’t dispute the idea.

Not like some Dems and liberals weren’t up in arms crying, “Dude, where’s my country”, “protest is patriotic” and demanding America take back the country during the 8 yrs that preceded Obama.

@richard wheeler #6:

After a defeat in 2012 they may give Rubio a shot but it will be a LONG time before a Black or a woman gets the Nom.Heck,they’ve never even nominated a Catholic.

So if Condi Rice had run in ’08, she would have had zero support amongst Republicans?

Has the Democratic Party ever nominated a Mormon?

Gee, no Buddhist or Hindu has ever been elected to the highest office…must be due to racism in both parties! I suppose we need affirmative action for politicians and start meeting a race and religion quota to balance out our 200+ history as a nation…

@johngalt #22:

Kind of lame to criticize the Republicans for being “a good ol’ boys’ network”, when the democrats have virtually the same history concerning general election ticket makeup.


@richard wheeler #12:

In my post I simply stated the truth about the history of the Republican Party Pres nominees.

Prior to President Obama, President W. Bush had the most diverse cabinet of any president, previously. We as a nation have been trending in this direction. Not just a single political party. It wasn’t a multicultural society that founded this nation so no biggie that it’s been all white guys as president up until #44. Today, the ethnic makeup of our nation is much more diverse. How many GOP Latinos won elected office in ’10, btw?

@richard wheeler #27:

Good ol boys speaks primarily to the exclusion of women.Both parties could improve in this area.Dem, only Party to have Catholic at top of ticket and a Jewish veep in Lieberman.Noting this is not meant to offend anyone’s sensibilities.I HOPE IT WILL BE A MOOT POINT IN YEARS TO COME.

It already is a moot point. The only ones race-obsessed, always paying attention to skin color are liberals stuck in the 60s, still thinking they are “fighting the good fight”; or, purposely keeping blacks on their plantation for political purposes, slandering the GOP as the party of racists, because without the black vote, Democrats would never win another election.

That’s why the Michael Steeles, the Bobby Jindals, the Marco Rubios, Mitch Daniels are such a threat to Dems. Dems want- need– to continue portraying the GOP as the club for rich, old white guys.

Btw, Dubbya’s done more for Africa than The One has….do we really need to keep score?

When you don’t have a response to the argument due to your own incompetence Barry, the next best thing to do is ‘attack’ the Tea Party. Liberal way to go…

Funny, when someone misconstrues the President’s comments according to him, ‘they’ didn’t hear him correctly. He apparently hasn’t ‘heard’ the Tea Party either. Just ‘looked’ saw a lot of white and ‘assumed’ they ‘must be’ Racists…

Such Ignorance Mr President. Did you not instead see a ‘Sleeping Giant’ Awakening? Those who have remained ‘silent’ while our Government and the Liberals in this country have run a muck, and have practically run this country into the proverbial ground? Thereby Creating a third world socialist country? Evil run A muck? You have it all wrong Mr President and your fellow Socialist Libs. Right is Right, and your are wrong Barry. I Agree, you are a loser too – for your ignorant race comment.

This is WHY Mr President the Tea Party wants to Take their Country Back !! “Take it Back” to Constitutional Principles and a Republic NOT move ahead with your Socialist/Commie Principals /No borders/Soros/Ayers/Van Jones /Weaken America Agenda..

“White” only Tea Party Activists? Funny, I have never seen a sign or Mission Statement that said the Tea Party is a “White only” Activist Grass Roots Organization” Has Anybody out there seen that? Rather, the Tea Party States it is open to anyone who ‘believes’ in Liberty, Freedom, Fiscal Responsibility, Free Markets, Limited Government. Thats the criteria. All Inclusive. No Gimmicks .

The “Race Card” is DEAD Barry it’s 2011 not 1930! IT”s YOUR Policies Barry and YOUR Administration’s Policies Barry! Nothing more! Whitey ain’t playin’ that game no more! (just had to add that it sounds funny)

@johngalt: You said:

LOL! Since when is a private entity required to let people speak freely?

I was being sarcastic. Sorry thought it was evident. To my mind, he was whining a bit, that’s all.

@johngalt: You said:

Why is it that liberals always like to read things into the Constitution that isn’t there?

You surely aren’t calling me a liberal, are you? If so, then you haven’t read my comments or posts here, or my posts over at Conservative Hideout 2.0 or at my own blog, Present Discontent.

When all else fails, play the race card. It’s over, using that worn tactic is crude, certainly well beneath the dignity of the office that childlike man sits in. His racism will reverse everything we have gained before this is all over.

Hmmm, what have we here?

Elizabeth Dole for President 2000 Campaign Brochure
‘National Leadership World Respect.’

A fine and gracious candidate, I followed her and would have voted for her in the primary but, she dropped out. She was also on the short list for VP for President Bush.

“Well, the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they know so much that isn’t so.” Ronald Reagan

Richard Wheeler makes that quote flagrantly obvious.


WOOHOO! NiceDeb has done it!

The Left-wing Institute for Civil Discourse is NOW OPEN!!!

“This website was inspired by the NAACP, Media Matters, Think Progress and New Left Media‘s, a website that was set up to publish and monitor “racism and other forms of extremism within the Tea Party movement.” Apparently, they had trouble finding material because when I checked in late February, 2011, their last post was dated 10/20/10, and it linked to a progressive organization’s “study” of supposed Tea party racism. It’s almost like the webmasters lost interest in tracking “tea party racism” after the November elections.

“Meanwhile, every day, conservative activists have been hearing about left-wing thuggery, especially since the union battles in State Houses across the country were ramping up. I thought it was time to start storing the videos and news accounts of left-wing violence and moonbattery in one place.”

Spread the word, folks! Send tips to “thugtracker” at gmail dotcom.

@Wordsmith: If one took race away from the debate, democrats would have nothing.

The race card is entirely worn out.

I for one have had it up to here with this racist administration and the chickenhearted buzzards who refuse to call them out on this despicable stance! From holder to his association over the years with radical hating racists, the President always manages in the end to show his true colors. Slam his Leftist policies, you’re a racist! Disagree with his complete incompetency in foreign policy, you’re a racist. Point out the open faced lies about cutting the deficit in his budget, you’re a racist! In other words, try to have a civil discourse with any radical leftist in this country today using facts and figures, you are a racist!

Debate and civil discourse. It’s where ideas come from! It’s a forum to, if not fix a problem, at least address it and come up with some consensus to at least try! As such, debate or discussion can hurt one’s feelings and/or illicit some rather harsh reactions. My point is until we as a people can discuss stuff without hate, until we can cast aside our own ideologies, our biases, etc. and approach a subject with open minds, there cannot be fixes. As a society we must work together. Listening is a fine art. Learning and changing one’s mind due to constructive criticism, and I want to emphasize that, constructive criticism is a sign of maturity and leadership. Can you even remotely understand this view Mr. President, or is your head stuck so far up your elitist ass that you as most politicians are too far above us mortals to bother worrying about it? From my little part of the world, it sure appears that way! One thing for sure in my view. You and your administration have done more to set back racial relations in this country than any other administration in my lifetime!

Debate is imperative for this country to survive. Criticism is good, provided it is true! As I said, debate must be accompanied by open minds. This must be conducted by using the Truth and Facts! This must be done by educating yourselves! Keep an open mind, but dig up everything you can from both sides. Then make an informed decision. As we go forward, we will be called fear mongers and worse! WEAR IT AS A BADGE OF HONOR. Radicals of any persuasion FEAR the truth and facts, so shout it out as loudly as possible. This is our country. Love for country and the ideals it was founded on IS NOT HATE as the hard left keeps saying. Opposing bad policy IS NOT RACISM as we are charged with! Fight the BIG LIE with the TRUTH! Our country depends on this!


You surely aren’t calling me a liberal, are you?

Good lord, no! My comments you quoted from #29 was meant as an addition to yours from from #28, not an attack on you. I apologize for any misunderstanding there.

As an aside, there was much talk of Powell being a candidate during the 90’s

I posted this one the wrong thread and moved it to this one. That’s a first.

It’s amazing how people in this country love to play the race card. The ones that do are the ones who came up with all of this hyphenated American garbage. I used to do it myself until I realized how divisive it was. If you are an American citizen you are an American.

Think about it. If you see a White person you refer to them as White or an American not as an American- European or a European-American. If you are going to hyphenate it is used for dual citizens or when discussing someone’s ancestory such as American-Canadian or Canadian-American. When referring to Blacks however they are referred to as African-Americans. Why? How come they are not whole Americans like Whites? Are they only half American because they are Black? When you think about it, it’s actually racist and degrading. If someone is Black why assume they are from Africa? Not all Africans are black and not all Blacks are African. If they are to be hyphenated, it should be to annotate dual citizenship or ancestoral background. Since Africa is a continent and not a country they should be referred to as say American-Nigerian or Nigerian-American. Call a Black from Brazil an African-American because they are black, and you will probably offend them. Bottom line, you are American or you are not. And the PC, divisive, race baiting crowd in their efforts to play the race card are actually racists themselves in doing so. They are the ones treating Blacks as seperate citizens.

@johngalt: Thank you JG. I was confused myself, lol.

Per Webster:

mulatto- a person who has one Negro parent and one white parent.

Isn’t that what Obama is? He took office a little over two years ago and history is already being revised by calling him our first Black president. Factually incorrect. Part of the reason it’s being done is because it gives his supporters some sense of moral superiority over everyone else. By bragging that they have claim to the first “Black” president it’s a subtle way of saying those who oppose him are racists.

BTW- Joe Lieberman was the VP candidate for the Democrats in 2000. Barry Goldwater was the Republican nominee for President in 1964 and he was of Jewish decent. Unlike Lieberman though, he was not run out of the party for putting America first and politics second.

@another vet:

Part of the reason it’s being done is because it gives his supporters some sense of moral superiority over everyone else.

That is exactly why it’s being done. While many people engage in acts of moral superiority, Liberals use it daily to feel better about themselves and associate with those who feel similar.

@johngalt: It’s REAL old too. I’ve been called a racist by a few Democrats for having voted for McCain and for opposing Obama’s agenda despite the fact that I know and associate with more Blacks than all of them combined. Hell, my best friend is Black. Ironically, one of these die hard dems is one of the biggest racists I know. He always drops the ‘n’ bomb when referring to Blacks. He also constantly bumb raps the Catholic Church, Republicans, the military, blames 90% of the world’s problems on the Jews, and deep down probably believes America got what it deserved on 9/11 because Bush was President. But since Obama supports big government socialism, he refrains from criticizing him.

@another vet:

I’ve been called a racist by a few Democrats for having voted for McCain

Some Democratic opponents wanted to portray McCain as racist in ’08. Amusing considering the story of his adopted daughter, Bridget.

@Wordsmith: Was that before or after the rocket scientists accused him of not being an American citizen because he was born to American parents on an overseas American military base? They still accuse Bush of being a racist even though his approval rating is/was over 80% in Africa because of what he did in combatting AIDS over there or that he freed millions of Muslims from the rule of ruthless dictators.

Another Vet Goldwater was Episcopalian.Mac took a bigger hit from far right Evangelicals in 2000 S. Carolina primary than he ever took from Dems.
You’ve surely heard whites refer to themseves as Italian Americans or Irish Americans or maybe just IRISH on March 17.

Funny, “far right Evangelicals…” What political party does that consist? Republicans? Not really… Contrary to modern day attempts at repainting, Democrats are still the majority social conservatives especialy when it comes to Religon.

Mr. Irons Lets be clear.In the 2000 Republican Primary in S.Car. Mac was slandered by fellow Repubs. hoping to secure a much needed victory for W after Macs Rumors were spread about the legitamacy of his adopted black child,about his rumored infidelities to Cindy,and a violent temper fostered by his 5 1/2 years in The Hanoi Hilton.It was ugly, tied directly to Rove ,and got W the win.
To their credit S. Carolinian Repubs gave Mac a huge win in 2008 primary.