Imagine President Palin


Rush Limbaugh does. The Right Scoop has some video of his show where he imagines a President Palin doing the things Obama is doing now and how would the liberals and the MSM react?

[flv:limbaughpalinpresident.flv 400 300]

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Imagine President Palin.

Imagining a President Palin is probably about 50% of the reason that we currently have a President Obama.

RT @ComradeThead: Imagine President Palin.

Greg wrote: “Imagining a President Palin is probably about 50% of the reason that we currently have a President Obama. ”

That’s pretty funny. The reason that we have a President Obama is that 95% of African Americans and a majority of Democrats voted for Obama simply because of the color of his skin.

Need I post the videos of the Obama supporters experiencing a religious rapture claiming Obama was going to pay off their mortgages and give them free gasoline?


You probably didn’t listen to the video, did you? Rush very well could have said Huckabee, or Gingrich, or any other well-known GOP politician.

Greg – I pity you, I truly do. It is sad that you could watch that video (assuming you even actually took the time to watch it), and all you get out of it is a jab at Palin, her supporters and the Right in general.

You are a sad little man.

Are you truly saying that you have no problem with anything Obama has done?

You have no problem with his circumventing the laws of the land and the Constitution as he has?

JOHN COOPER’S STATEMENT in #4 and it’s overwhelming approval by F.A. readers speaks volumns. John,since you believe “a majority of Democrats voted for him simply because of the color of his skin” a fair question might be,what % of Republicans/Conservatives do you think voted against him simply because of the color of his skin?
As for Sarah,can’t wait for her to get to Iowa and N.H. and give it her all.

@John Cooper: Is Peggy Joseph any better off today?

How about Mike Tobin?
(Union protester threatens to break FOX’s Mike Tobin’s neck )

While Palin/Huck/Romney would be much better than Obama on their worst day, let’s not kid ourselves about just how bad our situation is economically.

None of the Republicans have the back-bone to eliminate the spending which needs to be eliminated. Boehner has failed the “back-bone” test over government spending when he caved last week to the demands of the left by stating there will be no goverment shut down this Friday, March 4th.

Those who voted for a Republican majority in the House screamed for a 50% cut in government spending, even the majority of Americans polled recently said they are for not raising the debt ceiling!
Yet we once again have been sold out to the special interests in DC.

The knife in the front is preferable to that in the back.

It is amazing that Rush just starts talking off the top of his head, and he sounds far more brilliant than any speech Obama spends days writing (and has speech writers look over the speech). I guess part of that is, Obama and his speech writers are trying to figure out how to make his policies seem palatable to a nation that does not like them. Rush, on the other hand, just says what he thinks.