Obama Stands Up For Wisconsin Public Service Unions


Governor Scott Walker, of Wisconsin unveiled his plans to salvage the economy and budget of Wisconsin. His plan calls for sweeping legislation that will weaken public employee rights and bargaining ability.

State officials alerted the Wisconsin State Employee unions that expired collective bargaining contracts will be terminated on March 13. A budget repair bill also unveiled will do away with all collective bargaining rights for nearly all public employees and make it much easier to fire employees.

Naturally, the unions and Democrats see this as an attack on unionism that is tantamount to the attack on Perl Harbor.

The Governor has contingency plans to replace striking prison guards with National Guard soldiers and he is not seeking to cripple the fire and police unions, leaving them with their collective bargaining rights.

While the governor of Wisconsin is trying to save his state from insolvency, President Obama injects himself into the states affairs by declaring Walker’s actions an “Assault” on unions.

Apparently, President Obama longs for his old job of Community Organizer or perhaps he would like to retire as a business agent for public service unions, but like when he accused the police of doing something stupid by arresting his friend Skippy, a president should let states take care of state business and concentrate on matters of state and the economy. If the governor needs advice or help, I am sure he will call on Obama the Omnipotent

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President Obama isn’t the only one who has provided Governor Walker with some thoughtful feedback:

A hint of things to come, as the 2012 elections grow nearer.

It is illegal for Federal employees to strike. I suppose that is out of concern that by doing so, they might demonstrate how completely useless and unessential the work they perform every day actually is.

CNN reports:

Sixteen Wisconsin state senators — 14 of them Democrats — did not appear at the capitol Thursday for a scheduled vote on a bill that would strip teachers and other public employees of most of their collective bargaining rights and increase their contributions for benefits, lawmakers told CNN.

The bill cleared the Joint Finance Committee Wednesday night on a 12-4 vote and was intended move onto the state Senate Thursday for a vote, but the absence of so many senators left that vote schedule in question.

Senate Minority Leader Mark Miller said he and fellow Democrats left Madison because they were “trying to allow opportunity for democracy to work.”

I think this goon squad of Dems, their union thugs and ”useful idiot” students expect Egypt-style ”democracy” whereby a few days of thuggery results in their Gov resigning.
No way.

@Nan G, #2:

I think this goon squad of Dems, their union thugs and ”useful idiot” students expect Egypt-style ”democracy” whereby a few days of thuggery results in their Gov resigning.

Do the people in those crowds on the YouTube clips look to you like thugs? Like members of a goon squad?

To me they look like working, middle class family people.

They also look like voters.

Taking the kids out of classes to march with them is just wrong.

If you saw the students I saw on TV this AM you’d realize that most of the students marching with their teachers have no idea why they are there.

They also don’t understand the budget gap that Walker faces, or the nuances of economic policy, tax burdens, and growth policies.

All they know is what their teachers tell them — and that speaks to political indoctrination conducted in public schools by activist teachers, and the inability of parents and communities to weed out inappropriate politicking in classrooms.

And that’s exactly what they admitted to on camera!

BTW, they seemed happy to be skipping class.

And none too bright.

Photos from the scene?
I’ve seen these:

They interviewed all the “Middle Class” people there and the students and most had no clue why they were even there. The Students simply wanted a day off from school. So who in the school board allowed all those students to go to a political rally without consent from all their parents.

@Nan G, #5:

Taking the kids out of classes to march with them is just wrong.

Why? Because it demonstrates that public workers are supporting families, just like anyone else? Because it shows this is an entirely peaceful assembly of concerned citizens? Because it shows that many of the public workers are dedicated to the health, protection, and education of the nation’s children?

Without those public workers, there wouldn’t be any classes for the kids to be in.


it shows this is an entirely peaceful assembly of concerned citizens

What channel are you watching?

MADISON, Wis. (AP) – Police have hand-cuffed a protester at the state Capitol after he apparently tried to charge into the state Assembly.

Moments before a roll call began in the Assembly Thursday, reporters heard a crash outside the chamber. They rushed out and saw a man on the ground. Police officers were on top of him. They handcuffed him and led him away.


MADISON, Wis. — Authorities said an estimated 25,000 people are protesting anti-union legislation at the Wisconsin state Capitol, and nine demonstrators have been arrested.


Greg: workers are dedicated to the health, protection, and education of the nation’s children

Howie Carr just said that the WI union is talking about shutting down more school systems tomorrow!

If there’s one sure way to turn the taxpayers against you, it is to shut down the schools.

Greg: Without those public workers, there wouldn’t be any classes for the kids to be in.

If all of the teachers skipping class were FIRED tomorrow, they could be replaced by dedicated, better qualified, untenured teachers the day after that.
The students would be IN CLASS instead of on the streets.
They would be LEARNING something.


I found that video of the useful idiots, I mean the ”students” who were brought to the union protest by their own teachers.
Short, but funny, in a sad way, because they are so stupid.


Because it shows this is an entirely peaceful assembly of concerned citizens?

“Entirely peaceful?”


The people who forced their way into the legislative chambers and interrupted the proceedings there were “entirely peaceful?”

The larger point regarding what the students are learning from this whole thing is that it’s evidently become acceptable for teachers, adults, to call in “sick” to their jobs by the hundreds.

The children are also learning that all of the calls for “shared sacrifice” coming from the Dims over the years were just worthless platitudes. If you’ve delved into the story at all, and I truly doubt that you have, you would know that the Gov has been confronted with massive budget shortages. His idea to resolve these issues is to spread the sacrifice around to all of the employees as a whole rather than lay off several thousand (I seem to recall 6,500 being the number of potential layoffs).

The children are learning that attempting to thwart the processes of elected democracy by fleeing the state are perfectly acceptable.

Finally, the children are learning that all the calls for civility that we heard in the aftermath of the Tucson shootings were nothing more than mere words.

Yeah, these children are learning a whole lot from these protests…none of it good.

You’re sadly and woefully predictable Gregster. I knew that you’d be right here squawking the wrong tune about what’s happening in Madison.

The missing state senators have been located at the Best Western Clock Tower Resort in Rockford, Illinois.


A lot of people seemed to like it well enough when the Tea Parties were taking to the streets. You’ve got some problem with the other side of the coin?

One other thing Greg…

WI Senate leader Scott Fitzgerald and his family were forced to flee their home because of the “peaceful” protesters who gathered outside.

Seems that there is a whole lot going on with this situation that you are painfully unaware of.


A lot of people seemed to like it well enough when the Tea Parties were taking to the streets. You’ve got some problem with the other side of the coin?

Peacefully gathering is perfectly fine. Happened with the Tea Parties. In Madison? Not so much.

Participating in “sick out” ie lying does not set a good example for the students that these teachers claim to care so much about. Happened in Madison. At the Tea Parties? Not so much.

Dimocrat reps piling on a bus, fleeing the state and their elective responsibilities also doesn’t set a good example. Happened in Madison. At the Tea Parties? Not so much.

Throwing down your trash and making a huge mess of the Capitol grounds? Happened in Madison. At the Tea Parties? Not so much.

Your attempt to draw a parallel between the Tea Parties and these union protestations is an epic fail.

Can the “striking” legislators be re-called or sued for breach of contract by not doing the job the people hired them to do?


The Tea Partiers did not call in sick en masse to public employer jobs to attend.
They did not enlist truant schoolchildren in their protests.
They were not demanding expansion of government intrusion and unsustainable spending – just the opposite.
They did not leave a pile of trash behind.

The peaceful bunch are also protesting at the home of the Senate President, for safety measures he had to move his family to an undisclosed location.

On another note, it was fitting that they hauled off the dem senators in a short bus.

And, it’s rather disturbing that all this mess is occuring in Madison. That happens to be where my birth certificate is housed and I hear that’s a pretty important document. Hope Obama is protecting mine too.


That happens to be where my birth certificate is housed and I hear that’s a pretty important document.

Don’t worry you’ll probably never need it for anything…especially if you run for president. 🙂

@Aye, #15: “Your attempt to draw a parallel between the Tea Parties and these union protestations is an epic fail. “

Then I’ll try another: Wisconsin democrats have apparently learned the lesson republicans taught about the usefulness of obstructionism very well.


Wisconsin democrats have apparently learned the lesson republicans taught about the usefulness of obstructionism very well.

Pray tell, what “obstructionism” did the Reps engage in and what legislation was blocked as a result?

Exit question: How many Republicans hopped on buses and fled in order to thwart the process of elected democracy?

If you think those teachers and the education system are there to teach students you may need a lobotomy. I got a socialist education, and I was taught that the Bolsheviks just had a fairer system of government and that carbon dioxide would ruin the planet. Now I don’t think all teachers and schools are that extreme, but where I was they were.

Just so all americans reading understand: In 1905 the U.S. Adopted the prussian education system, which is a pretty strange time to learn anything from the prussians. That education system was designed to manipulate the children into good little leftists. I’m a rural boy, I’m no elitist, so it was easy to renounce my education 5 years ago. it was liberating! But most of these city dwellers just want to hang on to there education like a piece of toilet paper on a muddy shoe.

I would rather get eaten alive by piranhas then relive my days getting a socialist education.

@Greg: Wow! Greg, are you truly that stupid? I’ve read all your comments and I just cannot believe someone could actually be that disconnected from reality. C’mon, admit it. You are just having fun poking your finger in the eye of everyone else here. If you really believe the rubbish you have spouted above, you are in a sad state.


By the way Greg….protests in the streets of America is yet another Glenn Beck prediction come true.

@Aye, #24:

Who am I to argue with Glenn Beck? If Elvis has indeed returned, I suppose it’s only a matter of time until the Mahdi shows up. Either one is bound to draw a crowd.

@Wm T Sherman:
More examples of ”peaceful” demonstrations from your link:

[T]housands of protesters clogging the hallway outside the Senate chamber beating on drums…….. Protesters also demonstrated outside the homes of some lawmakers.

Union thugs are pretty nasty.
Demonstrating outside the homes of people is egregious.
We saw this before with a teenage son of a ”target” being terrorized by union thugs all around his home.
For shame!

I’m a registered Democrat who’s a firm supporter of private sector unions, while being a firm opponent of public sector unions.

Here’s a great op-ed, with which I entirely agree:


Here’s an executive summary excerpt:

I absolutely believe that private sector workers have and should have the right to organize and bargain collectively. This can, indeed, be in the public interest, for various reasons. But there is an obvious distinction between public and private sector workers. The demands of the former are constrained by the competitive market; it’s not in their interest to bargain their firms out of business (or so one hopes). The demands of public sector workers, however, face no such market discipline. Government services are generally a monopoly. When governments try to pass higher labor costs along by means of higher taxes, the public has no choice but to pay up. When you add union political clout to the mix, neither party to public sector contract talks has an incentive to hold down costs. I repeat: This is not collective bargaining. It’s political log-rolling. And it’s a formula for fiscal ruin, as states from coast to coast have learned.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

@Wm T Sherman:

Dems on the Run!

WKOW reports:

Sen. Jon Erpenbach tells 27 News that Democrats are leaving Rockford, Illinois right now. He would not say their destination.

They have been at the Clock Tower Resort and Conference Center in Rockford.

Our sister station in Rockford, WREX spoke with lawmakers there. WREX reports one lawmaker said, “It’s kind of everyone for themselves.” We’ll have a live phone interview with Sen. Erpenbach on 27 News at 5 p.m.

The Wisconsin Democrats are heading north… Back to Wisconsin??? It looks like the Wisconsin border is only about 20 miles from Rockford?

They are reportedly back in Wisconsin. Let’s hope the cops were there to greet them as they crossed the state line.

More: http://www.wkow.com/Global/story.asp?S=14050028

Something just hit me.

Why do the obvious liberals like Greg continue to post here?

The REAL liberals won’t, or they leave after a post or two, but Greg stays…Why?
It certainly isn’t because he thinks he’ll change anyone’s mind. I’m sure he’s aware enough to know that ain’t gonna happen.

It is because he sees the light. Even if if that light is today…dim to him, and bright to us.

While bashing his posits, and destroying his precepts is all fun and game to us, there is something we are overlooking in our zeal to establish the counterpoint to his blather…

He keeps asking questions here.

Not “there”…but here.

Y0ur usual liberal wouldn’t be caught dead here, but yet Greg persists. Again…Why?

I submit Greg agrees with us, but can not yet admit it.
Because that would stop his “fun”. And what fun would that be if he did?

He has NEVER provided a counter to our posits. Nor has he EVER provided his proof-of-position.

He has only what can be defined as a “devil’s advocate” position. And his “devil” is a moron. (to us)

We need to lighten-up on him. I now think of him as my smart, but idiot uncle. (I love my all my uncles)

He’s seen the light, yet because of his past, he feels the need to provide (in his mind) a “balance” to the prevailing view that is this site.

Keep it up Greg.
I love you, man.

@ Larry
INRE that last comment…
Dood….Larry…I wanna hug you, ya damn liberal.

Do I dare think of you as I now think of Greg?

We shall see. For I see a glimmer.

Oh…but if either of you persist in your NeoFabian pap, I shall be forced to smite thee with the proverbial hammer of vituperative doom.

-Cuz I luv ya.

Guys like Greg always make me me wonder. Did he get to many wedgies in jr. high or not enough? But then I look at the women on the left and realize the humiliation of the left doesn’t end in jr. high.

New York City will need to fire 4,666 teachers to stay within budget: officials.

Citing the tax revenues, teachers union president Michael Mulgrew dismissed the mayor’s call for layoffs as “completely bogus.”

So, I guess denial is NOT just a river in Egypt after all.

New York City will need to fire 4,666 teachers to stay within budget: officials.

What’s killing us isn’t too many teachers (or police or prison guards ), it’s PENSIONS!

Cut pensions and maybe even hire more teachers and police and prison guards, if needed, and we’ll come out way ahead.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

That’s what the whole thing in Wisconsin is about.
Teachers unions locked in their pension plans during the tech bubble.
At least they did in CA, anyway.
It is killing the state.

I think Greg is like into self abuse…. he likes to get beaten up… goes places he’s knows he’ll be verbally beaten to a pulp, yet feels the need to constantly feel MORE “pain”, so he returns for more and more…. a sick twisted sort of addiction to personal humiliation….Perhaps it’s being subjugated and Dominated by others that gives him a “thrill up his leg”??? I shudder to even THINK what his sex life would be like…. I’m sure his Wife/girlfriend is most likely a Dominatrix!! LMAO!!!!
Poor confused abused Greg…….

As to Wisconsin Teachers, Unions and Mindless Democrats…. Look at CALIFORNIA, Consider, THEN open your mouths…..
if you still don’t see the light….
find a round room, then run to the corner and sit down……

Then there is Obama injecting himself…. The Fool cannot run America… Don’t EVEN try sticking your foolish nose into the STATES!WAY out of your league/pay grade “ObiNone”!

Can anyone tell me if there are counter-protests supporting the Repubs and the MSM is simply not reporting on them?

This is turning pretty ugly.
The Democratic National Committee’s Organizing for America arm — the remnant of the 2008 Obama campaign — is playing an active role in organizing protests against Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker!

Look at their official Twitter account’s tweets:

Also the Obama group has also plugged the protests on its blog…..

“At a time when most folks are still struggling to get back on their feet, Gov. Walker has asked the state legislature to strip public employees of their collective bargaining rights. Under his plan, park rangers, teachers, and prison guards would no longer be able to fight back if the new Republican majority tries to slash their health benefits or pensions,” OfA Wisconsin State Director Dan Grandone wrote supporters in an email. “But that’s not even the most shocking part: The governor has also put the state National Guard on alert in case of ‘labor unrest.’ We can’t — and won’t — let Scott Walker’s heavy-handed tactics scare us. This Tuesday and Wednesday, February 15th and 16th, volunteers will be attending rallies at the state….

House Speaker John Boehner called on Obama to pull OfA out of the effort:

“I’m disappointed that instead of providing similar leadership from the White House, the president has chosen to attack leaders such as Gov. Walker, who are listening to the people and confronting problems that have been neglected for years at the expense of jobs and economic growth,” Boehner said in a statement. “I urge the president to order the DNC to suspend these tactics.”

Did you notice?
Obama’s colors run!

Obama sucks, Period. IIRC.. the National Guard is on standby, incase the Prison Guards try and pull a teacher “sick out”… SOMEBODY has to watch the jail!! He’s not sending the army in to run over the protesters… we leave that to the Chinese…. Who Obama bows to as well… Hmmm….

@Purple Dragon… I do not know.. but I imagine it’d be a much smaller group, after all Republicans have to WORK for a living, and to pay TAXES Democrats live on! Where do all those bozo’s protesting and running around think the money comes from?? “Obama’s Stash”???? (think you tube video) LOL!!!!

@Skookum… Your choice of Picture, and the caption, are PRICELESS!!! LMAO!!!

Wm T Sherman: We now know why the cut-and-run dems chose the Clocktower as a place to hole up: http://pajamasmedia.com/tatler/2011/02/17/in-which-we-consider/

Did you know that until Republican Scott Walker was elected governor of Wisconsin, the state was projected to have a $121.4 million budget surplus for 2011?

So, how did that turn into Walker’s $137 million deficit?

Simple. It happened because Walker and his allies pushed through $140 million in new spending on behalf of special interest groups in January 2011. Public employee pay and benefits didn’t have a d-mn thing to do with it. Walker, who is attacking public employees and their unions in the name of fiscal responsibility, is actually the guy who created the problem he’s clubbing them over the head with.

Here’s the back story that’s so far missing from the national news coverage.

Hoot, mon! Makes me proud to be 1/8 Scotch-Irish. Me blessed Grandmother was a Kelly of the Donegal Kellys.

If you’re wondering why Wisconsin’s local police, state trooper, and fire fighter unions will be exempt from from the collective bargaining restrictions Walker has imposed on all other public employees, the answer is simple: Their unions endorsed and supported his election. Teachers’ unions and others did not.

It’s all about political favortism, not fiscal responsibility. It’s about payback.


Gee.. if that was so obvious Greg.. the MSM would be all over it, seeing he’s a REPUBLICAN… would they not?? Like sharks in bloody water!!! Wonder why the “leftist media” is conspiring to “protect him” ….. odd no???
Why don’t toy tell us your well informed numbers on what the cuts he’s making, will COST in the next several years, if NOT done?? You know, like what’s going in with Social Security, and Medicare with all the retirees coming online soon etc…. What great intel do you have on THOSE figures etc… doing a budget requires more than “living for TODAY”…… Right Greggy??

like this from YOUR link???

“The bill generates about $30 million in savings before then and $300 million over the next two-year budget by forcing state workers to contribute more to their pensions and health care, the governor said.”

That’s just one benefit…. but I’m not from there, so I’ll sit back and let Wisconsin sort it out. But, this is coming down the pike, to everybody, everywhere, eventually…. the world she is a changin… deal with it! By the way Greg, did you complain when Obama bought the kind of favoritism you accuse this guy of, with the UAW with the GM and Chrysler bailouts??? Just curious…

@ Skook,
“. . . . it is easier for a community organizer to comprehend than the technical complications of foreign policies.”

Great insight.

While this statement is hugely humorous, true, and on the mark, it is also a really sad statement on the state of affairs, . . . which are the result of a skunking of 53% of voters by an individual incapable of thinking through the broad notions concerning American society.

This was Wisconsin’s official budget prognosis before Walker’s special interest expenditures. As you’ll see on page 2 of the document, a $121.4 million surplus was anticipated. Wisconsin had been doing an exceptional job of getting its fiscal house in order. Other states should be envious.

Walker and the republicans fixed that in very short order; it took them less than a month to screw things up:

“Since his inauguration in early January, Walker has approved $140 million in new special-interest spending that includes:

“• $25 million for an economic development fund for job creation that still has $73 million due to a lack of job creation. Walker is creating a $25 million hole which will not create or retain jobs.

“• $48 million for private health savings accounts, which primarily benefit the wealthy. A study from the federal Governmental Accountability Office showed the average adjusted gross income of HSA participants was $139,000 and nearly half of HSA participants reported withdrawing nothing from their HSA, evidence that it is serving as a tax shelter for wealthy participants.

“• $67 million for a tax shift plan, so ill-conceived that at best the benefit provided to ‘job creators’ would be less than a dollar a day per new job, and may be as little as 30 cents a day.”

Source: http://host.madison.com/ct/news/opinion/editorial/article_61064e9a-27b0-5f28-b6d1-a57c8b2aaaf6.html

@Hankster, #47:

“The bill generates about $30 million in savings before then and $300 million over the next two-year budget by forcing state workers to contribute more to their pensions and health care, the governor said.”

That would be the extent of Scott Walker’s shake-down of public employees and their families. I suppose he and his friends can quickly piss that away too, considering how they blew $140 million in a single month.

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