Most macabre abortion defense of the night so far: Just a little while ago on the floor, Wisconsin Democrat Rep. Gwen Moore argued that abortion was better for unplanned babies than a life “eating Ramen noodles” or “mayonnaise sandwiches.”
Wow…..just wow.
What a perfect illustration of the liberal mindset, and it comes from one of the most ignorant Democrats in the house. I mean I’m pretty sure many of us had to eat Ramen in our younger days due to finances. Guess its a good thing our mothers didn’t abort us worrying about that fact eh?
It gets better:
Jill Stanek notes another jaw-dropper from Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee: “This is not about abortion, this is about saving lives.”
What are these idiots spouting lunacy for? Why they are pissed off that the GOP is trying to defund Planned Parenthood.
From 2002-2008, Planned Parenthood received more than $342 million in federal taxpayer money through Title X funding alone. In its 2008-2009 annual report, Planned Parenthood revealed that it received $363.2 million in various federal, state, and local government grants and contracts for that fiscal year, a significant increase from the prior year. During that same time period, they performed an unprecedented 324,008 abortions, which equates to 888 abortions each and every day.
If the number of abortions performed alone doesn’t convince you of Planned Parenthood’s agenda, just compare that number with other services the organization provides to pregnant women. In 2008, their number of adoption referrals dropped a staggering 51 percent from the prior year to a meager 2,405. Additionally, the number of prenatal clients they served was less than 0.09 percent of the total services provided by Planned Parenthood in 2008. Pregnant women seeking help from Planned Parenthood were 27 times more likely to receive an abortion than to receive prenatal care or be referred for adoption. That is an appalling and heartbreaking statistic.
Abortion is legal. Federal financing of those abortions shouldn’t be.

See author page
@Old Trooper2: I wish you people would get off the “57 states” thing.
Dig out the tapes and listen. HE DID NOT SAY THERE ARE (or were) 57 states.
He said he had BEEN to 57 states with one more to go, and that “they” would not let him go to Hawaii or Alaska. Count them up! Do you get 57?
The far more interesting questions that nobody but me has asked is “who is ‘they” (Soros’ crew?)” and “Why?”
I’ll leave the speculating as an exercise. I don’t know, and my speculations are way disturbing.
Defensive much there about the gaffes? Failing to understand the hypocritical stance that it was encouraged in the Left leaning groups to insult and drag the previous President in the mud for gaffes? It’s OK, living in denial about partaking in hypocrisy will only impact you while we keep placing light on the gaffes and witness the waffling antics of people who now complain how Obama’s gaffes are highlighted. Don’t like the fact there are people who highlight and detail the goofs and blunders of this current President, guess what you’re not forced by any law to be an audience member of something you find offensive nor are you guaranteed an audience for your own opinions.
@Cary: You said:
Hard Right addressed this:
I didn’t say that it would remove funding from all Title X facilities. What I said that it would remove all Title X funding from Planned Parenthood, which is one of the largest provider of Title X covered services in the nation. Planned Parenthood is being specifically targeted.
An organization that refuses to provide any information about abortion or emergency contraception to women, or to make any referral to a facility that does–even in cases of rape or incest–can receive Title X funds. That’s because of the Hyde-Weldon Amendment, another bit of republican legislation. Republicans will cheerfully turn my tax dollars over to a facility that deliberately witholds important information from its most vulnerable clients.
2012 can’t get here soon enough.
@Old Trooper2: We actually tried some of them. No wonder no one likes us in the middle east!
That’s an attempt to loophole the law to the benefit of those who don’t agree with it. Tom Hoefling also addresses it in comment #32 – with a very good logic that could be applied to absolutely anything that we put our money into. I’m sure most Americans would rather not, as they say, “throw the baby out with the bathwater.” Or have Congress spend its time going after something that the law already covers.
@Larry Sheldon: I’ve used Planned Parenthood several times (when I haven’t had health insurance) and haven’t ever had an abortion (or a pregnancy, for that matter).
They always do a breast and cervical cancer screening, and they write you a prescription for the Pill or give you condoms and the Pill that gets donated from Ortho.
It’s actually, other than that it’s very barebones and not pretty, a really nice place to go. The people are always kind and helpful.
@Mr. Irons:
I think Larry was being sarcastic.
Gerg you said:
Caught being dishonest you try to spin:
How unfair of me to use your own words against you.
It seems to me that Greg has engaged in typical liberal slanting of the facts here. Not only does he not discuss the original posting content, that of Rep. Moore, but he chooses to take the desire of the right to defund fed money for abortions and encompass the entire Planned Parenthood services within that desire of the right, even when it hasn’t been mentioned or even hinted at. Stupid is as stupid does and now you see why people such as Rep. Moore are even elected.
For the record, I believe that ALL of planned parenthood should be defunded. It isn’t a function that the federal government should be involved in and there is no way one can argue the contrary.
I wish that had been stated differently because the evidence is clear in this thread that it is not true.
I would say “It isn’t a function that the federal government should be involved in and there is no way a sane, responsible, ethical (pick two) person can argue the contrary.”
As a matter of statistical fact it is only in these last days that anybody has ever believed in magic money that is said to solve everything.
Hmmmm. I guess since Woodrow Wilson we have believed that we don’t have to pay for anything HAS been pretty common.
Thanks for sharing the videos, I was unaware of Ms. Rose before this. I’m glad that she’s aware that PP has dealt appropriately with those whom she has followed up with, who were guilty of misconduct. With any widespread organization, there are bound to be abuses within it, but she has shown that of the 35 out of over 800 clinics with guilty individuals, they dealt with it appropriately, to the best of her knowledge. Some others, she didn’t know.
Then there’s this:
Seems like Planned Parenthood is taking the issue quite seriously and responsibly.
As if any sane person is going to believe MediaMatters.
Somebody explain to me why the socialists are so in favor of brutally killing innocent children and so opposed to killing vicious criminals convicted of stuff like brutal murders and child abu…….
Never mind. I see it now.
@Larry Sheldon:
Did you even bother clicking the link or reading the article? Or did you decide I that I was simply “insane” when you saw the source?
I don’t really have an incredibly high opinion of Glenn Beck, myself… but I watched the video and responded to what was contained within it, rather than scoffing at the poster for his source. Unless you are willing to do the same, it’s going to be rather difficult to have any kind of discussion whatsoever, which has been going pretty well and respectfully.
Whether you believe the article or not, it seems to me that an investigation by law enforcement into the particular clinics’ misconduct is a more proper response than Congress cutting off all funding for all services in all 800-something clinics.
OT: Because I use my email inbox for work purposes and stop what I’m doing to respond to notifications to that end while I’m go through my busy day, I like to keep other notifications to a minimum. I’ve unsubscribed from this thread, with the intention on coming back as I have spare moments, but I’m still getting them. Is is a flaw in the new system, or am I doing something wrong?
You clicked the unsubscribe button at the end of the comment notification email Cary?
No, I think he just looked at the typical Liberals “mindset”, and Common Sense told him the rest of the answer! Liberalism follows NO known standard sensible thought process…. most “thinking” is derived from “successes and failures”. with a “Healthy” brain learning the lessons derived from those, and applying this information, to get better future outcomes! It other words, OW! that stove is HOT! Don’t touch that anymore! Kids learn that way, and FAST!
So what does this say, of the Liberals mind, where they tend to want to “return” to failed policies over and over and over… and NEVER learn the lessons from failure??
Yes, and I unclick the “notify” button when I leave a comment, but my phone still rings with every response!
Ok, I removed you from the list and will have to check on the glitch.
I just clicked the unsubscribe link from two threads I am subscribed to Cary and confirmed I was indeed unsubscribed. What happens when you click that link?
After verifying that the3 anti-malware software was active and up to date, I did click on the link (you seem not to have noticed, but I am not a read-from-the-TelePrompter socialist, I actually know how to look at the facts (and conjectures, and wild-eyed rants) before forming an opinion. So yes, I did read it again tom ensure that nobody had slipped so0mething defensible into it.I will say that it takes a great deal of discipline to do that with “sources” like MediaMatters (or the New York times, or ….I was about to say “the Washington Post, but of late it looks like there has been an infiltration by sentient beings and I don’t quite know what to do about that…). There are very few “traditional” sources that are believable.
@Larry Sheldon:
After my old computer crashed, a friend lent me his old MAC, and I’m totally sold on it. Never a problem.
I agree with you that you have to decipher the writers’ opinions when reading news articles from just about any source, and discern what angle they’re coming from and what they’re leaving out. That’s exactly why I don’t scoff when the source comes from either a more Conservative or Liberal bent, as the only way to achieve a fair balance is to look at both. If there’s a totally unslanted news organization out there, I have yet to find it.
@Curt, I think the email function resets itself everytime I leave a comment, making me “unsubscribe” everytime there is a response to my most recent comment. Is there a way to opt out once for the the duration of the thread?
@Cary: Yeah, but you have to ensure the “notify me when new comments are added” is unchecked first. It’s set that on default to ensure that any trolls that stop by can’t just do a drive-by and begone.
Thanks Curt, I thought I did that but perhaps I forgot to every time.
At the risk of completing the hijack of the thread…..
I want to severely limit the email to my crackberry so I expanded my anti-spam philosophy (block the world, let through the traffic I want) and did the following:
Set up a gmail account (yes I know–Google, and that is beginning to bother me, but for the moment….) that I never send mail from and don’t tell anybody about. Ever.
Forward all mail sent to that account to the crackberry.
Tell the crackberry about that account and no others.
Install filters on both Cox and the gmail account I use for skanky places (certain blogs, vendors, and so on) to forward certain traffic from certain sources to the crackberry account.
If send traffic from the portable device, you need a second account on it that you use for sending mail and that you can discard when it becomes compromised. (Be sure to find and set the “Reply-to” header–it is buried deep on a crackberry.)
Send further conversation to me via email–think about the cox network and my name here as one word.
How hard would it be to make the box by ”Notify me when new comments are added,” unchecked?
That way posters who desire email notification could click once to get it and everybody else would not have to remember to click once to NOT get them.
Just a thought.
Cary, if you believe what was posted on the media matters site then you are very gullible.
For one, PP called the FBI after they realized they’d been tricked. They identified one of the activists and then called. Before then? Nada. Only when they knew they were in trouble did they act.
As for PP, theVP claimed the tapes were doctored without having seen them or even being specific as to what was doctored.
Here’s some more info to peruse.
You see Cary, the far left decided the next time an ACORN type sting came up they would use the same template. Smear the activists, claim the tapes are doctored, and lie their asses off.
Here is an example of MM lying.
BTW Cary, I went to the MM site and it is the last time I will do so. Having been there before I’ve seen them outright lie and spin to sickening degrees. This was just more of the same. Anyone that thinks they are a valid source is delusional and beyond help.
@ Hard Right.. isn’t this the same way ACORN responded when the Camera’s caught them down and dirty?? Got all “we’re onto it!! We’re fixing it! we’re Concerned!!” etc…But Prior?? Nada…. Looks like the same deal, same play book…. and the same stench…..
@Hard Right:
Wow. Look, I’ve already said that if you wish to discount the article in my link, that’s fine. But I’ve also provided some of my own thoughts on the matter. If you’ve decided that they are not worth addressing because there is something personally wrong with me, I guess I’ll have to live with that as well.
Did I not say IF? Did I say you believed what was claimed by MM?
In other words I gave allownace for the possibility you didn’t believe their claims.
So relax. Your stance on the Polanski situation has given you a cushion with me certain others here on the site don’t enjoy.
I’ve found that the DUNGites, Koslims, and Puffho types swear by media matters. I don’t see you as the type and hopefully you’ll not give me reason to think otherwise.
@Hard Right:
Fair enough, sir, thank you. Since the following comment was inserted via the edit function after sent the initial post, it was perhaps missed, so I’ll leave it again.
… it seems to me that an investigation by law enforcement into the particular clinics’ misconduct is a more proper response than Congress cutting off all funding for all services in all 800-something clinics.
I don’t want my tax money to fund abortions, either. Lots of people feel that way, regardless of their stance on the issue itself. That’s why the law stands as such.
However, for those who cannot afford a doctor, these 800 something facilities offer birth control, cancer screenings, infertility treatment, HIV and other STD testing and treatment, and education to millions of women and men. It just just doesn’t seem like a proportional or rational response to punish all of those people for what amounts to a few bad apples, whom the law should be dealing with individually. Nor has this been the reason given by House members voting to cut off funding. It’s the distaste and moral objection for one procedure which is provided, despite the particular service being within the parameters of the law.
@Cary, #81: “However, for those who cannot afford a doctor, these 800 something facilities offer birth control, cancer screenings, infertility treatment, HIV and other STD testing and treatment, and education to millions of women and men.”
It’s been estimated that 1 of every 5 women in America has relied upon services provided by Planned Parenthood at some point in her life.