Democrat – “Abortion Better Than a Life Eating Ramen Noodles”


Oh boy:

Most macabre abortion defense of the night so far: Just a little while ago on the floor, Wisconsin Democrat Rep. Gwen Moore argued that abortion was better for unplanned babies than a life “eating Ramen noodles” or “mayonnaise sandwiches.”

Wow…..just wow.

What a perfect illustration of the liberal mindset, and it comes from one of the most ignorant Democrats in the house. I mean I’m pretty sure many of us had to eat Ramen in our younger days due to finances. Guess its a good thing our mothers didn’t abort us worrying about that fact eh?


It gets better:

Jill Stanek notes another jaw-dropper from Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee: “This is not about abortion, this is about saving lives.”

What are these idiots spouting lunacy for? Why they are pissed off that the GOP is trying to defund Planned Parenthood.

From 2002-2008, Planned Parenthood received more than $342 million in federal taxpayer money through Title X funding alone. In its 2008-2009 annual report, Planned Parenthood revealed that it received $363.2 million in various federal, state, and local government grants and contracts for that fiscal year, a significant increase from the prior year. During that same time period, they performed an unprecedented 324,008 abortions, which equates to 888 abortions each and every day.

If the number of abortions performed alone doesn’t convince you of Planned Parenthood’s agenda, just compare that number with other services the organization provides to pregnant women. In 2008, their number of adoption referrals dropped a staggering 51 percent from the prior year to a meager 2,405. Additionally, the number of prenatal clients they served was less than 0.09 percent of the total services provided by Planned Parenthood in 2008. Pregnant women seeking help from Planned Parenthood were 27 times more likely to receive an abortion than to receive prenatal care or be referred for adoption. That is an appalling and heartbreaking statistic.

Abortion is legal. Federal financing of those abortions shouldn’t be.

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Abortion isn’t legal. That’s a destructive fallacy. The Constitution of the United States, the Supreme Law of the Land, states as its ultimate purpose “to secure the Blessings of Liberty to Posterity.”

And in two places it explicitly forbids the killing of any innocent person, and the second case imperatively requires that all persons, in all the states, be accorded the equal protection of the laws.

Courts don’t make laws. At least not according to the provisions of the Constitution. Only the legislative branch can do that. Judges are limited to ruling in particular cases, and even then, only in accord with the Constitution they swore to uphold.

Who this witches father… Adolf Eichmann??? sounds about right….. MAN there are some REAL sick ones on the left……

Tom, I agree…. Roe v, Wade was a s t r e t c h…….. and i’m not pro OR anti……

Exactly how many lives has Planned Parenthood ever actually saved? I mean, if your pregnancy is threatening your life, isn’t that something that, oh, I don’t know, a HOSPITAL should deal with? You know, one of those places with doctors and nurses and oodles of medical equipment not limited to that which can kill babies.

Never heard of ramen until I was 60 or so.

When I was little we ate rabbit that my parents raised in the back yard, and vegetables from the Victory Garden.

I got so tired of rabbit I haven’t eaten any in 50 years, I’ll bet.

If there was ramen, we couldn’t afford it.

Couple of things: We criminalise ‘smoking’ – we legalise the killing of babies!? WTF
Why are these luntics voting in favor of genocide of their own race?

I would like for someone in the GOP to ask these question on the floor of the house.

That this ignorant woman feels the need to play “cute” about killing babies says a lot about her, that people keep her and Lee in office? ignorance or cold blooded. I shudder to think that these women are role models for the youth in their districts.

@Larry Sheldon:

What? No squirrel pie? We had rabbit stew and squirrel pie. I would only eat the veggies and was queezy about that, couldn’t bear the thought of eating those cute little things. Never will forget those traumatic meals my mom lovingly placed on the table.

Hmm, I wonder how many Ramen noodles this nut of a woman had to eat in her college days… She seems to be speaking out from personal experience on food selection. Is this a Freudian hint that she detests her own personal life? I don’t know but this comment from her is very disturbing and offensive. I like Ramen noodles, it goes great with simmered ground beef and diced mushrooms and it’s easy on my budget.

@Tom Hoefling: And there’s even more than that, Tom. The Declaration of Independence promised

“Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”

Life being the key word.

Absolutely Dr. John. Abortion also violates every single clause of the self-stated purpose of the Constitution. Up to and including its ultimate purpose: “to secure the Blessings of Liberty to Posterity.”

Heartless!!, and coming from two individuals of the female gender. However, their being democrats one can understand the real meaning behind their statements. Life means nothing to a communist except if the life in question is a person in “the party”. Abortion is a control of the natural order and allowing the people who are not within “the party” to procreate, except under certain circumstances, is not allowed. Party members are the chosen in a closed society, like the communist party, as we have seen if we kept our eyes open during the years when we were standing toe to toe with the Soviet Union, which has not gone away but has been allowed by our communist media to become “Russia”. After 1917 that country lost the name “Russia” and will forever be the “Union of Soviet Socialist Repbulics”.

The choice to not have a child out of wedlock would be better and save us taxpayers big bucks. However, if you have no aversion to murder and wish to live in an irresponsible manner; just keep on keepin on. One of the reasons the left has turned our cities into ghettos.

Kill the innocent, protect the guilty is the dem motto.

So your choices are a bowl of Ramen noodles or a needle poked into your skull. I think I know which way I’m going.

In some people’s opinion, the fetus does not equal ‘human’ life at every point in its development. The idea that a soul inhabits the embryo at conception, and that’s what makes it human, is simply certain people’s religious opinion. And like everything else, opinions are like …….., everybody has one. The main difference between liberals and conservatives, is that conservatives demand that everyone adopt
their opinion. In the absence of fact, a liberal withholds judgement. Liberalism is true libertarianism–not the false form co-opted by the American conservative party. (Point of fact: Libertarianism was originally a liberal movement in France.)

I’ll rely on science, not blind faith in your opinion, which is based on nothing.

A unique human life begins at the moment of biological inception, or creation. This isn’t even debatable any longer. DNA technology has removed any shadow of doubt.

@liberal 1: Please tell me the exact date (relative to your birthdate without disclosing you birth-date) before which you believe it would have been OK with you for your mother to have killed you (or, prevented you from being born, if that terminology suits you better)?

Do you have children?” What was the cutoff date for them, in retrospect?

In the absence of fact, a liberal withholds judgement.

What a raging, bold faced lie. Just one recent example was the Tucson shooting. I can present a bunch more.
Liberals DON’T CARE about the fetus. They don’t care if it has a heartbeat. They see it as a burden, an inconvenience, punishment, and an obstacle.

The simple fact is that Black babies and Hispanic babies are aborted at a greater rate per capital than white non Hispanics babies. The rate of black babies killed is stunning, at the rate of kill the blacks in the US will loose their largest minority status. If you want to shut down planned parenthood abortion clinics, tell the fools that they are secretly funded by evil racist Republicans.

@Liberal1: You spout nonsense. I agree with Larry Sheldon – answer his questions.


We are waiting…

Antics, libtard1 is a swoop and pooper. It doesn’t stick around to debate since it’s only interested in spreading agitprop.

House republicans have voted to block all federal funding to Planned Parenthood, arguing that no taxpayer dollars should be used to fund abortion services.

No matter that Planned Parenthood doesn’t use any federal dollars to provide abortion services. Planned Parenthood’s federal funding has all been through the Title X Family Planning program, a provision of which specifically disallows the use of federal dollars for that purpose.

Over the past 40 years, Title X family planning clinics have played a critical role in ensuring access to a broad range of family planning and related preventive health services for millions of low-income or uninsured individuals and others. In addition to contraceptive services and related counseling, Title X-supported clinics provide a number of related preventive health services such as: patient education and counseling; breast and pelvic examinations; breast and cervical cancer screening according to nationally recognized standards of care; sexually transmitted disease (STD) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) prevention education, counseling, testing and referral; and pregnancy diagnosis and counseling. By law, Title X funds may not be used in programs where abortion is a method of family planning.

So, what House republicans are eliminating are a range of womens’ services that primarily reduce the incidence of unwanted pregnancies, reduce the incidence of sexually transmitted disease, and reduce the number of cancer fatalities.

By increasing the number of unwanted pregnancies, one predictable result will be an overall increase in the number of subsequent abortions.

This is the sort of result we get when cracked-brain ideologues distort the facts, and are allowed to run roughshod over common sense.

No doubt they’ll be sporting this amendment as a feather in their caps, telling their constituents how they stood up for what is right.

@Buffalobob: Reducing the births of undesirables was the design intent of “Planned Parenthood”. Read Margret Sanger if you have a strong enough stomach.

I did once, not going to do it it again –look for your own quotes.

Here is a blog that might have the story right–I didn’t read it.

Planned Parenthood and “Black History” a Eugenics story !

Just a little while ago on the floor, Wisconsin Democrat Rep. Gwen Moore argued that abortion was better for unplanned babies than a life “eating Ramen noodles” or “mayonnaise sandwiches.”

Greg, Do You Defend Rep. Moore’s statement? Yes or No?
Will you Defend it or Not? It is almost as incredibly stupid as Obama’s Campaign Trail rhetoric on
“Being punished with a Baby”.

That was the topic of this posting. Not Title X Funding.
Are You a proponent of Sanger’s Eugenics?

As a man who has made a career out of reading faces and eyes, I can tell you one thing for certain with horses, humans, and dogs; if the eyes are set too wide or too close, you have a potential maniac on your hands. This one can see around a baseball, if you center it on her nose between her eyes, without distortion. Laugh if you want, but I am alive because I have used this skill of reading the nut cases my entire life.

#23 What proportion of the “Planned Parent” programs get abortions, what proportion all other services.

If we cut off the public trough, they will have to replace the Title whatever funds, or discontinue the charade, right?

Obama has suppressed abortion stats since taking the presidency.
Is he embarrassed?

CNN correspondent Erick Erickson alleged that the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) three-month delay in releasing its annual Abortion Surveillance Report is evidence of an attempt on the part of the Obama administration to deliberately conceal the statistics revealed in this year’s report.

The new promised date for this data to be released is February 24th. Erickson says in response that he believes it wasn’t until his blog posted its story on what he alleges is a coverup and that and other media outlets picked up on the thread that the CDC finally responded.

“The Internet is an amazing thing. After weeks of checking and phone calls and emails … no report. Then one blog post at RedState later, and suddenly the CDC is falling over themselves to produce something,” Erickson said.

Well, that’s next week.
So, we’ll see.
Only three months late, Obama.
Best president evah!

@Old Trooper2, #25: “Greg, Do You Defend Rep. Moore’s statement? Yes or No?”

I know nothing about Moore or about the context of the quoted comment. Taking it at face value and as a generalization, it certainly isn’t a statement I would defend. If she means it exactly as it sounds I would have little use for any more of her opinions.

In any case, it has no bearing whatsoever on my own thinking about Title X funding, which does not fund abortion services, and which has provided a high level of social benefit for the tax dollars spent.

I think whatever side of an issue we’re on, we’ll always find ourselves in the company of at least a few idiots.

I’ve read Read Margret Sanger. The progs have and will continue to deny her motives. Rationalization is a art form for progs.

@Old Trooper2, #25: “Greg, Do You Defend Rep. Moore’s statement? Yes or No?”

Ok. Then You are kinda dishonest and Hijacking the Topic, as is Your Usual Pursuit here.
Go ahead on Your tangent. Bon Voyage!!!!!!

I didn’t buy a ticket for Your Detour.

If you give a drunk a hundred dollars to pay for his water bill, you either free up his money for booze or he’ll even spend the hundred bucks on booze and not pay the water bill.

When you give hundreds of millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood you’re paying their salaries, and their utilities, and for their political action. So they can spend anything they want on butchering babies.

The language in Title X is a damnable lie.

@Tom Hoefling:
Well put.

@Greg: Answer these questions, then.

Please tell me the exact date (relative to your birthdate without disclosing you birth-date) before which you believe it would have been OK with you for your mother to have killed you (or, prevented you from being born, if that terminology suits you better)?

Do you have children?

What was the cutoff date for them, in retrospect?

@anticsrocks: Looks like something I might have thought about saying.

I never get an answer.

@Larry, those are you questions you posited to Liberal1, I just kind of forwarded them and asked Greg to answer since Liberal1 seemingly is too cowardly answer them.

@anticsrocks: Aha. Now I understand.

If I may suggest–do not hold your breath expecting an answer. Never happens.

lol, Larry. Tell me about it.

Looks like she has had a few too many mayonaisse samiches, and way too many top ramens. Maybe her mom shoulda aborted her all those years ago, and saved us from hearing her lunacy.

No matter that Planned Parenthood doesn’t use any federal dollars to provide abortion services. Planned Parenthood’s federal funding has all been through the Title X Family Planning program, a provision of which specifically disallows the use of federal dollars for that purpose.

So, what House republicans are eliminating are a range of womens’ services that primarily reduce the incidence of unwanted pregnancies, reduce the incidence of sexually transmitted disease, and reduce the number of cancer fatalities.

What we have here from Greg is pure BS (aka dem) talking points. What Greg doesn’t want you to know is that the bill will remove funding only from title X facilities that provide abortions. So the ones that do not have nothing to worry about. For the ones that do, to restore said funding all they have to do is stop performing abortions

This is the sort of result we get when cracked-brain ideologues distort the facts, and are allowed to run roughshod over common sense.

And you have proven to be an excellent example of a “cracked brain ideologue.”

I have eaten a lot of Raman Noodles in my early life. I chose to not continue that through out my life. Now, I eat mostly what I want when I want because I got off my ass and did something. How many people have had someone make that choice for them before they had a chance to succeed?

Randy, throw her a HUMANITARIAN Ration for Her troubles. You remember those delightful Yellow packages that were meant to nourish and not offend.

Well, this statement – as it is quoted – is indeed pretty idiotic. If eating ramen noodles is as bad as someone’s life can get, I’d say we’re all pretty well off! And it’s pretty arrogant to assume we know what our own future holds, let alone another’s.

As for the subject of abortion – if I woman were to come to me, trying to make this decision, I would urge her to keep her baby. Many Conservatives have been asked what they think should the punishment be for a woman who aborts her child. Many say that she should NOT receive jail time, and that her punishment will come from God. This answer puts them on EXACTLY the same page as many Liberals, who contrary to the popular beliefs of many Conservatives, do not take this issue lightly, but believe that it is between her and her God. So I wonder what the point of making it illegal is if not to punish the women who make the choice. If it’s just a matter of making abortions unavailable to those who seek them, should we not then also outlaw wire coat hangers and Clorox bleach?

Exit Question: If an organization were to be created for which gay couples pledged to adopt babies who would otherwise be aborted, how would Conservatives respond to that?

Planned Parenthood costs a Billion dollars a year to run. heres a thought. Don’t want babies?? Use a Condom! Got a disease?? See a Doctor. Just saved a Billion bucks! Next??

“Complex PROBLEM?? Simple Solution!”
Ross Perot…… best thing he ever said!


Putting aside the fact the condoms can break, it’s easy to agree with your statement on moral grounds. But if you’re making it illegal, what punishment do you believe is the proper response for the crime?


If an organization were to be created for which gay couples pledged to adopt babies who would otherwise be aborted, how would Conservatives respond to that?

I’m kind of a Teflon kind of guy for labels so I can’t speak for big-C conservatives at all, not sure about the little “c” variants.

But for me, life is complicated and sometimes balancing forces have to be part of decisions.

There are a number of things I find distasteful about the “gay” lifestyle, but none seem as bad as a human being being part of a can of cat food.

Making WHAT illegal?? Said nothing about abortion….I simply showed we should get COMPLETELY out of the “reproductive” business!! You want to slow down the “birthrate”? Go in, and grab these “deadbeat dads” who have kids, but don’t care for them, and MAKE em pay! No job, NO PROBLEM! The DOC will put you to work, lots of labor needs doing! All moneys derived go to care of the bums kids(S)…. once those kids are 18.. you can go back to your “normal” life! Lesson learned?? Promiscuous sex has a PRICE! Babies, have a PRICE! Condoms, and pills, are CHEAPER! Also would cut a LOT from the Welfare system that way…. and Medicaid….. Complex Problem?? Simple solution! Make the “Guilty” Accountable…. that or we die as a nation.. we’re on the brink now!
And this solution, basically, applies to ALL of the nations problems! Go back to the ROOT, and make THAT person responsible!


Can’t disagree with you there. Many liberal politicians have called for some of the exact measures, as well as others, which you mention here. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of “cure”, as they say.

@Cary: Roe v Wade is the Law in force and Abortion is Legal in the US.
Rape or Incest is a Criminal Act. So is Sex with a Minor in All of Obama’s 57 States. I take Offense at using My Tax Dollars for someone Else’s lack of Personal Responsibility. So I really think that the Simple Solution is to keep Your Feet and Knees together or raise a Child on Your Dime.

The Moral dilemma is the rule of logical consequences vs the ability to pay for Your actions. We call that Personal Responsibility. Being a Fool is not a Criminal Act but a Paternity DNA Test establishes who should pick up the tab. Is that reasonable enough?

@Old Trooper2:

Federal funding for abortions is also already illegal. Your tax dollars are not being used for the purpose you object to. Frankly, I feel the same way as you do. But by cutting off funding to Planned Parenthood entirely, you are cutting off the very programs which Hankster describes – birth control, preventative education, HIV testing, etc… Perhaps throwing some money towards prevention can reduce the demand for abortions enough to make me NOT object to my tax dollars being used for THOSE purposes. It’s an ugly reality no matter which way you look at it, but if we don’t work towards a realistic, compassionate PREVENTATIVE solution, we’re actually feeding into the problem. And the “Just go to the doctor” response would be much more acceptable, if the health care issue weren’t yet another factor.