Let the Presidential election rumor mill begin.:
While he says he’ll consider another presidential bid, ex-mayor Rudy Giuliani’s 2008 campaign committee still reported itself $2.7 million in debt just a few weeks ago. He’s said a Sarah Palin candidacy might make him more likely to jump in, but some who have known him for a long time believe Giuliani could be her running mate for vice president, for a “balanced” ticket….
A Palin/Giuliani ticket is certainly intriguing. He doesn’t have the best conservative credentials but would appeal to the more moderate Republicans. He has a lot of leadership experience also.

See author page
He was also a very keen Prosecutor and put a Lot of Mafia types away. He had a tough job as Mayor but on 9.11.01 he was just Aces and Sarah needs a Stand Up Guy as a running mate. McCain was just an empty Name on the Ballot and as usual I had to make a Lesser of Evils choice.
I wish You could Vote, “NONE OF THE ABOVE” and get a better selection…
Rudy would have my vote in a flash. The guy is razor sharp, a tax cutter, and a crime fighter. He was so effective at fighting corruption in NYC that they asked him to come to Mexico City to be an advisor on the issue. Is the guy an ass? Yes probably, but he is good at leading so that’s what counts. First Italian American president!
Must say at this point that a combination of these two far exceeds the regurgitation of the 2008 field the MSM is trying to pound down our gullets. We’ve a ways to go to see what will shake out. Let’s just hope we make it for at the rate the “One” is centering up to cement his dictatrship in 2012 it might just be a moot point.
I would welcome that ticket. Sarah for cleaning house, and Rudy to follow through. I like it. Maybe that should be vice versa, at any rate a strong ticket for America.
I was a big Rudy guy leading up to the 2008 primaries. I never could figure out what he was up to, though. Basically shutting down his campaign, and hoping to win big in Florida, struck me as a bizarre approach to the whole thing. It was almost as if, on second thought, he really didn’t want it all that badly. I wonder what he’s thinking this time.
Great plan! Sarah Palin is the heart and soul of the movement back to fiscal responsibility and faith based values in America. Rudy is the one guy I can count on to be a strong supporter of our military and domestic law enforcement personnel. Both will tell it like it is regarding Islamo-fascism and the imminent threat it poses to our way of life here in America. Equally important will be the fact that our friends and allies overseas can count on the U.S.A. once again to defend and protect those who have stood with us in the past. Got my vote!
Good to see these comments. Watched the talking heads on FOX yesterday morning discussing Sarah Palin, first question… the republican made the grinning dem’s job easy right out of the gate. Never saw the guy before, must have been one of the E coast rinos.
It’s still very early in the process, recent polling has Romney and Huckabee tied with Obama, neither are appealing to me. Half of me wants Sarah to go out there and prove all the nay sayers wrong and make mince meat out of her attackers. We just can’t be sure, at this point, that she wants to conquer a mountain.
I think Rudy would do a good job as a VP, but, “America’s Mayor,” a well earned moniker, will have to face some nasty slings and arrows. Being one that reads tons of comment sections, believe me the left will be attempting to dominate the debate with Bernie Kerik, the marriages, etc,. I’ve seen it whenever Rudy’s name is brought up. They are not going to care about his bravery or his accomplishments, or what he’s done for this country and what he can do, their goal will be to destroy him so they won’t have to deal with him the next time as they are doing with Sarah Palin now.
Yep, that would be quite a match up, armor up good and get them some snake charmers, lots of them, so many slimy pits they will have to tromp through.
Just to add another opinion, we need to campaign against the media, they were a big part of picking the last two Republican presidential candidates only to turn around and openly campaign against them. They are pushing Huckabee and Romney now, we need to recognize if they are for someone, we need to take a healthy look at what they will be dragging into the debate after the primaries. They are up to no good when it comes to Republican candidates.
I dunno…I think it would be hard for a take-charge guy like Giuliani to accept a nothing job like VP.
I was surprised and heartened to see so many pro-Rudy remarks. He was my pick 3 years ago simply because he had the experience and the actual history of carrying through with his promises. Any politician can sound good.
His moderation with regards to abortion was somewhat of a problem, but he reduced abortions and I think he would get federal funding out of Planned Parenthood. The court will probably have to make the final decision on abortion (although, I would like to see this done legislatively).
Gary if you are pretty staunchly pro-life then you would like the Latin American nation’s laws on abortion.
A real losing combination.
Rudy would never take a V.P. under Palin.Romney,holding back but building on a strong Iowa and N.H. base from 08.Should win both.Next up S.Car.-Huckabee wins.Palin or Bachmann(not both, running 3rd).The fun really begins. If economy remains the burning issue Romney will win.Bachmann possible V.P.
Note Mac’s 04 campaigns in N.H. and S.Car. brought victories in 08 and catapulted him from longshot to front runner.
Would like to see Rudy and Bolton running as a ticket. Was for Rudy last go around. Still can’t figure why he dropped out. Bought off maybe? Like Bolton in the number one spot now more than Rudy. Bolton won’t take any crap and would make Obama look like the street pimp he is.
There are lots of strong conservatives I could vote for in 2012 but unfortunately neither one of these candidates does anything for me. Give me a Jim DeMint and Allen West ticket. If Obama can run after a couple of years as a senator then West could certainly be a VP.
Hard to envision a New Yorker being conservative enough for me and Sarah is Sarah….Fielding moderate candidates has helped get us exactly where we are today. It’s time for some real change, not a re-hash of the same old same old…
I would love to see a Bolton/ West ticket. Won’t happen, but I can dream, can’t I?
As for Sarah, for the most part I think the left’s assassination of her character has been successful. Too many people have an irrational hatred of her and no matter how brilliant she performs on the campaign trail, that won’t change.
Bachmann would be a far better candidate than Palin.
And did you guys see that Bristol is pondering a run for higher office? Dear God, on what grounds? Being a single, unwed mother or being the daughter of the woman who resigned after some two years as governor?
Give me strength.
Surely Giuliani has far better credentials and experience than Palin.
Major of New York for 8 years with a population of 19 million who performed well during the 9/11 crisis – that shook the US compared to Palin’s two and half years as Governor of Alaksa of 626,000 where the most exciting incident was that she did a U turn on building a bridge – and even then she quit mid way through only 1 term! Doesn’t experience trump book sales?
She should have Bachmann as her VP and run a completely unbalanced ticket and see how many ‘real’ americans (as opposed to all those fake ones) vote for their vision of America. lol
Forgetting Palin’s prior mayoral experience out of convenience, Gaffa?
Mayor of what? 7,000 people?? Compared to NYC”s 8,4000,000?
Your defense of Palin is Clintonesque, at its best.
NYC is bigger in population than many states.
Give us a break, Mata.
Lol – are you serious?!
I thought putting down their most significant roles would be suffice but if you want to keep digging and present Exhibit B – being mayor of a tiny town – as being ample evidence that Palin has the depth of experience to lead a nation of hundred of millions. Okay – so what did Giulliani before he was Mayor of New York? 8 years as US Attorney for the Southern District of New York. Over 4000 convictions including high profile members of the Mafia during the 80s. Jump forward to Palin’s time as mayor of Wasilla and we find her racking up significant debts to the place and trying to remove anyone ‘loyal’ to her predecessor.
Oh I see…. number snobs. LOL
So if you are the CEO of a company who employs thousands instead of millions, and profits with those thousands, you have no credibility. Or your local pizzaria/pup/small business owner/manager has no credibility because he doesn’t employ enough people to muster up to your snobbish snuff, eh?
But then… in some bizzare twist of the outer parallel universes, that small time “employer”, aka mayor of some insignificant town – in your opinion – has less credibility than a community organizer who’s never “employed” anyone, but just acted as a paid rebel rouser?
Then somewhere, in the middle of your collective delirious tunneled visions, you both believe our current bozo in chief, Obama, has demonstrated “ample evidence” that he has “the depth of experience” to lead the US.
And then you have the audacity to say give *you* a break?
….you two are a hoot. Thanks for the laugh, kids. Always can use them in these times.
Oh yes… specially for you, Ivan, the Paul’bot. You might want to let us know what credibility a man with a bio/medical degree, along with military service as an AF surgeon, followed by career politician, has that’s so superior. As far as I can see, he’s been a college student, and paid by the taxpayer ever since. Not that, of course, I don’t respect some of his fiscal positions. But I don’t see what all fired qualifications he, or any other career Congressman politican, possesses.
Who says small business owners have NO credibility? But to take that metaphor – if you were a shareholder of a major multinational and if you had the chance to express your preference of the next CEO being someone who had experience managing many thousands or a pizza owner – who would you choice?
And amusingly you sneer snobbishly at Obama being a community organizer as if community was bad thing. Don’t they have communities in the ‘real’ America? Of course you conveniently forget to mention Obama experience as a senator. Besides the fiction of the American Dream – pizza shop owners don’t pack in it, run for the presidency and win. The fact is you need to build up money, support and experience – where big numbers count. In the unlikely event that Palin was to be voted in President – which previous Presidents would have such lack of experience as she would have? At least with Wasilla she managing to last 2 terms without quitting unlike her half term stint as governor or that petroleum job she had which was even more brief.
@GaffaUK, have you lost your moonbat mind? You sneer at governance of a small town vs governance of a large town, and have the chutpah to lecture me about being snobbish INRE tasks of “community organizers”?
Community organizers do not rack up the experience of a mayor of a town of *any* size. Obama was no more than a glorified rebel rouser. Or perhaps you know nothing of what ACORN “community organizers” do.
Nor does a Senator have the experience of an executive of a state. Now I realize you’re one of those fur’in’ners from the old motherland we blew off the map in a revolution. But legislators are not administrators. They create law. They do not run the business of a city. That’s like saying the mansion’s architect is qualified to be the Head Manservant of the castle, running the business of castle maintenance.
duh… you embarrass yourself.
But I’ll tell you what. The local Dominos Pizza manager has more experience than Obama in running a business or organization. Put one up against him in 2012, and I’ll be voting for him/her.
And you can continue to diss Palin’s resignation of her gubernatorial term as something negative. Just shows you know less about facts, and simply depend upon your preconceived notions and emotions. Frankly I think she saved the Alaskan taxpayers a beaucoup bunch of cash since those whiners had already racked up over $2 million in state costs for the defense of piddly ass crap they dreamed up, and then got tossed away. It’s difficult to want to do well for your constituents when your very presence costs them unneeded tax dollars, incurred relentlessly by the anti-Palin conspiracists.
But then… don’t expect you to get it. You suffer from the predictable and tiresome PDS complex.
Funny you don’t seem to mind when Obama bolted early out of BOTH of his Senate careers, leaving those who entrusted him to do a job, standing there empty handed. He hit the trail one year after taking his oath as a Senator, and stayed on the road but for few occasions. He bolted out of his State legislator gig in much the same time frame.
Too bad he won’t leave this job early for the next step in his soaring career. But then, I don’t think God has a job opening in heaven.
I like the both of them, for different reasons, but feel the “poison pen” job done on Palin by the Leftist MSM will make her “unelectable”….. My view is 6 to 8% of Voters decide our elections these days. Look back at the last several…. Approx 47% give or take a few% Vote LEFT everytime, and equal amount vote RIGHT every time. Last break from this? The Reagan landslide….IIRC…. Obama won with 53%… he SOLD that swing 6% to his side… this time we hope to swing that 6-8% to our side….
So, the fate and future of America, in essence, is controlled by a group whose main deal is “I’m not sure”.. I can’t make up my mind”… “I’m on the fence”..or the old Blond line of “I dun-no”! THAT is a scary and frightening FACT! So, do YOU feel Palin can overcome the knife job the Left has, and is daily, doing on her, and WIN those less then intelligent “swing” votes?
THAT is the entire crux of the issue, and the fate of her as a Candidate! I’m afraid, she can’t. Maybe a Job IN an administration… show some good performance, and rise up later with that under her belt/in her “resume”… but now??
Abraham Lincoln was a congressman for 2 years and he had no experience of an executive of a state but he did pretty well considered by most historians as President. Plenty of Presidents were former senators or congressmen – so you try to undermine that all you want – doesn’t change the record. And even Lincoln had more political experience if you add up the numbers in terms of years times electorate than Palin.
As for Palin quitting due to saving Alaskans money over lawsuits – then surely using that logic she wouldn’t want to be President then due to the high risk she may get hit by further lawsuits. Or how would you explain that away? lol
Lincoln served four terms in the Illinois Congress, he only served one term in the US Congress because of a deal he made with the Whig party to serve only one term. He also had life experience, employment that took him all over the states teaching him economics, management, how to make a business and community run.
Let’s see, he was a surveyor, clerk in a general store, a postmaster, a laborer, a ferryman, he ran a barge on the Mississippi, captain in the military and a lawyer.
The monkey business regarding land law was a thorn in Lincoln’s side from childhood on, his parents lost their home because of weak laws in Kentucky. They then moved from Kentucky to Indiana because of stronger deeds and the area in Indiana was free of slavery.
His case work was not limited to Illinois, stretched as far as New York, understanding a variety of state law was beneficial those days, why, he even knew each state’s laws differed, that state law differed from federal law…..individual states had individural rights under the Constitution.
It wasn’t a federal law that allowed idiots in Alaska to raise havoc with Alaska’s treasury by going after Sarah Palin. It was a flawed Alaskan law that Alaskans have promised to rectify after witnessing how it was twisted to satisfy the vengeance of democrat party hacks.
The lawsuits, what they were about, costs of defending them, etc. are in the archives, the information is all there, authored by Mata. Proceed at your own risk.
After surveying the field, I would vote for Allen West in2016 if He maintains his Principles and is not taken in by the Curse of Incumbency Arrogance due to drinking the water in DC and hanging out with Career Politicians.
Guliani would be a good choice despite his non-traditional Conservative views. What still confounds me is the FEAR that Sarah Palin seems to bring out in those of a Non-Conservative Political affiliation. The Smears and Character assassination continues despite the fact that her name is not on any Ballots for any office. That should be a consideration in selection. Politics per Clausewitz is War by “other means”. In War it is good that the Enemy should Fear You. If Sarah Palin inspires Fear in those that I consider to be Enemies of the Republic, that is very positive.
(I may do a Reader “Tell” on Enemies of the Republic in the near future. Not on the grand level as Our Resident Literary Artist, Skookum, but from my take on things as a Soldier, Rancher, Business Owner and Defender of the Constitution over a few Decades. That oughta get FA some notoriety as Trolls from all over the Internet Realm will come to place their graffiti on the walls here like stray dogs that leave deposits on your lawn. )
@GaffaUK, comparison’s of the Zero to Lincoln? Desperate. Ya know even Google and the generally deplorable, but with some redeeming factors, Wikipedia is available to you fur’in’ners.
As Missy pointed out, Lincoln served only one term in 1846. He was not a career politican, nor rebel rouser “community organizer”. He owned a general store, served in the state’s militia service, and also served as a postmaster and county surveyor… all before becoming a self-taught lawyer and actually having his own law firm. Later, just before running for President 14 years later, he was also the owner of a German-American newspaper.
As Missy points out, Lincoln’s experience in the private sector and as a businessman is well rounded. His intent never to be a career politician admirable. That you utter his name in the same context as this loser in chief is reprehensible.
As far as the lawsuits you pine for, should Palin achieve the nomination and Oval Office, it’s amazing how deftly you love to step in da sheeeeeet, dude. I will be quick to point out that Obama is battling lawsuits not only from birthers, but for his unConstitutional O’healthcare, his attempts at legislating via regulation has been slapped down a couple of times now by the courts. For a wannabe lawyer, who was nothing more than a community organizer and glorified paralegal for a pittance of cases countable on one hand, he appears clueless about tort law.
However those lawsuits (aside from those filed INRE regulations) and the Zero’s defense are not being paid for by the taxpayers, as Palin’s defense as Governor was via Alaskan complaint procedures. Therein lies the difference. Palin also had a couple of lawsuits filed against her at the same time personally, outside of her status. That necessitated being paid by her family finances which, at that time, were not plentiful. Neither of those lawsuits went anywhere either… one being from a guy, pissed off that she turned him down for a date 10 years earlier, and charging her with discrimination because he was black.
Any lawsuits against Palin as President would be handled just as Obama’s are…. with personal finances. She saved the Alaskans a ton of hard earned frivolous spending, and freed up the AG’s and board’s investigation complaint departments for causes more worthy than satisfying those who insisted feeding their hatred by assaulting her legally, using everyone else’s money.
I said back up there
Here’s one I’ve seen that offers thought.
@GaffaUK…. Lincoln?? Please…. I have my own issues with Mr. Lincoln… BUT, He DID serve like he was supposed to/expected to…. You’ll fine he VOTED on issues, and not by saying “Present” more than 100+ times , so he could HIDE his political views/agenda from the public! Lincoln was a REAL person…. Obama was CREATED! Look at who he “claimed to be” while running for President….. and who he IS now that he’s in office! Two TOTALLY different people….. Maybe you’d care to explain instead, how a FORMERLY “Free” people like yourselves…. have allowed yourselves to become a disarmed group of “serfs”… on the verge of having “sharia law” around to “rule over you” as well???? I’d be MUCH more worried about THAT, than who WE might elect! LOL! Just a thought….
@ CbR, A Herman Cain / Allen West ticket would get My Support and my Vote. A return to sound Fiscal Policies, a return to the Constitution as the guiding Principles and having Two Folks with Solid Resumes and a track record of LEADERSHIP and RESPONSIBLE Management certainly can’t hurt.
The next POTUS has his work cut out for him. The harm that has been done by the Current Regime will not just go away in weeks or months of Regime change. Whittling away the fat from the Current Bloated Government Agencies and ending the Meddling is an immediate priority. There are Decades of Bloat that quite simply are neither needed or wanted by Americans of Principle. There are Generations of Entitlement minded Americans that will be given a choice to sink or swim because the Treasury is burdened with a Mountain of Debt that is NOT in any sense sustainable.
The Over Reach , Intrusiveness and Over Regulation by Agencies must be curtailed immediately. Public Funding for some amusing but non essential Programs like NPR and the National Endowment for the Arts that was hijacked by the left must either become Commercial Enterprises and succeed or fail on their own merit. We just cannot afford that subsidy.
The EPA must become 1/4 its size. The Department of Agriculture must become more Ag Savvy and less of a Political Tool. The Department of Education and Energy are non-essential as well. Neither have any business in Government. The Dept. of Education is a duplication of effort as every State has it’s Own Department for that and Their Standards. The Dept. of Energy has no purpose and has developed nothing of merit or value in the past few Decades.
There are numerous other Agencies that need to be trimmed down or just simply go away. Fannie & Freddie are prime examples of Federally Funded Waste, Fraud and Abuse on a criminal scale. HUD is on my chopping block as well. Every State and City knows it’s Own Needs far better than a Federal Department or Agency with a blank Check. Every City and State has Resources for Planning and Development that are held responsible by the Voters in those States and the Governors. See the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution on that under Powers Reserved to the States.
A return to the US Constitution, Separation of Powers and the Enumerated Powers is what is required. That will be a very tall order but necessary if the Republic is worthy of preserving. Cain and West have the ability to do that. The Republic just needs Leadership that is up to task and the exercise of Fiscal Prudence. The Founding Fathers and Drafters of the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and the Constitution gave us the basics to apply. Lets just get back to basics.
O.T. With all your position papers er. postings it appears you’re gearing up for a 2014 Senatorial run in Montana.As mentioned, I think you’ve got a shot.
2016 Cain/West did you mean 2012 or are you conceding that to Obama (kidding) MATA hates my predictions BUT I got 2012 BHO over Romney 2016 HRC over ( Palin or Bachmann) , 2020 Marco Rubio becomes first true Conservative pres. since Reagan.
@ richard wheeler, If I did decide to run for Elected Office You would not be one of My Constituents.
By then California just may be in Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. Obama may get another term because he has pandered to too many special interest groups and will sell his soul for another 4 years. If Obama does get another term the Nation will be broke and the Republic will be in danger.
That would force me to run for Office. You seem to love predictions and crystal ball nonsense. I deal 100% in realities and have for years. 2012 is a ways off and not relevant to me. I see a Nation on the brink of a reality check but I also see the most ill informed and incredibly ignorant Electorate ever…still believing in a lot of Hope & Change, Wasteful Spending, Borrowing and betting Borrowed money on an outcome that Obama can’t deliver. He never ran a Lemonade Stand with success. He has failed on both Domestic and Foreign Policy and there are those that just can’t believe that they Elected an Idiot to the Office of the Presidency. But they did.
If I run for Office it will be to save the Republic. Since you are not a Montana Resident, Your Vote does not matter. You will be stuck with a Bankrupt State and a broken Republic like the rest of US. You supported the Folks that did the Harm. That does not trouble you. You are like the rest of the Sheep that I have been saving from Wolves for the Majority of My Adult life. That is about as Civil and Polite as I can put it. I Serve the Nation and have Defended the Constitution. I have served under Folks that I can respect and Folks that I did not. There lies the difference. The Republic and the Constitution mattered to me. It still does.
If I decide to soil myself in Politics it will be for something greater than me. Something that Your Present POTUS has no concept of. I continue to Salute the Office but not the Man for the next 30 Days or less.
You continue to believe in magic. I quite frankly know what happens when Fools are put in charge.
My point with Lincoln was that he wasn’t a governor or a mayor of a town and compared to a lot of Presidents his political resume was thinner than most (although still notably more experienced than Palin). Before becoming a lawyer – Lincoln wasn’t particualarly successul in what he did. Refering to life experience is a littel desperate as who doesn’t rack up life experience? All Presidents and those who run for that office have a variety of life experience. You mention wikipedia so let’s have a look…
Obama (age 49 years)
* Columbia University in New York City, where he majored in political science with a specialty in international relations
* He worked for a year at the Business International Corporation. Then at the New York Public Interest Research Group.
* Hired in Chicago as director of the Developing Communities Project (DCP), a church-based community organization originally comprising eight Catholic parishes in Greater Roseland
* In late 1988, Obama entered Harvard Law School. He was selected as an editor of the Harvard Law Review at the end of his first year, and president of the journal in his second year. Obama’s election as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review gained national media attention
* In 1991, Obama accepted a two-year position as Visiting Law and Government Fellow at the University of Chicago Law School to work on his first book. He then served as a professor at the University of Chicago Law School for twelve years—as a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996, and as a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004—teaching constitutional law.
* From April to October 1992, Obama directed Illinois’s Project Vote, a voter registration drive with ten staffers and seven hundred volunteer registrars; it achieved its goal of registering 150,000 of 400,000 unregistered African Americans in the state, and led to Crain’s Chicago Business naming Obama to its 1993 list of “40 under Forty” powers to be.
* In 1993 he joined Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland, a 13-attorney law firm specializing in civil rights litigation and neighborhood economic development, where he was an associate for three years from 1993 to 1996, then of counsel from 1996 to 2004,
*From 1994 to 2002, Obama served on the boards of directors of the Woods Fund of Chicago, which in 1985 had been the first foundation to fund the Developing Communities Project, and of the Joyce Foundation.
* He served on the board of directors of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge from 1995 to 2002, as founding president and chairman of the board of directors from 1995 to 1999.
* State Senator 1997-2004 (8 years)
* US Senator 2005-2008 (4 years)
* US President 2009
Sarah Palin (age 47 years)
*Palin enrolled at the University of Hawaii in Hilo. Shortly after arriving in Hawaii, Palin switched to Hawaii Pacific University for a semester in the fall of 1982
* She attended North Idaho College for the spring and fall semesters of 1983.(In June 2008, the Alumni Association of North Idaho College gave her its Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award.)
* In 1984, Palin won the Miss Wasilla beauty pageant. She finished third in the Miss Alaska pageant, playing flute in the talent portion of the contest, and receiving both the Miss Congeniality award and a college scholarship.
* She attended the University of Idaho in the fall of 1984 and spring of 1985, and attended Matanuska-Susitna College in the fall of 1985. Palin returned to the University of Idaho in the spring of 1986,
* After graduating, she worked as a sportscaster for KTUU-TV and KTVA-TV in Anchorage, and as a sports reporter for the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman, fulfilling an early ambition
* Palin was elected to the Wasilla City Council in 1992 winning 530 votes to 310. She ran for reelection in 1995, winning by 413 votes to 185. Motivated by concerns that revenue from a new Wasilla sales tax would not be spent wisely, Palin ran for mayor of Wasilla in 1996, defeating incumbent mayor John Stein 651 to 440 votes
* Governor of Alaska 2006-9 (2.5 years)
* Vice President campaign 2008
So who has more experience?
The ex- Harvard Law School lawyer, lecturer, community organiser, state senator and US senator or the ex-Univery of Idaho beauty queen, sportscaster, Mayor, Governor?
And here’s some figures snobbery for you…
Illinois population 12,910, 409 (2009 figures) / 59 districts = 218,820 x 8 years = 1,750,563
US Senator. Illinois population 12,910, 409 (2009 figures) /2 = 6,455,204 x 4 years= 25,820,818
TOTAL= 27,571,381
Wasilla 10,256 (2008 figures) x 8 years = 82,048
Alaska. 698473 (2009 figures) x 2.5 = 1,746,182
TOTAL = 1,828,230
PALIN figures are 6.6% of OBAMA when comparing political career (pop of area elected to x years served)
You can argue about Obama’s achievements when he was a senator but Palin’s executive record as Mayor and Governor are hardly impressive.
Whereas if you take Giulliani’s experience and record that far outtrumps Palin’s.
The President can be sued and if Palin really cares about her electors as she claims on the issue she knows that this can take a lot of time (see Clinton). And it’s amazing that you buy Palin’s excuse for quitting. Do you really believe what politicans say? So when they quit and say they want to spend more time with their family – you believe that must be true simply because they said so? lol. If Palin cared about Alaska as must as she claimed she would of stayed despite the legal hassles but she rather take Fox’s money and take her time thinking about whether she wanted to go for the highest office. The legal issues were a convenient excuse and if a Governor who didn’t even last a term can be so eaily and apparently felled by that is hardly going to last in the far more pressurised seat of the US President.
Let me be brief…
Since you start from a completely ill informed premise and incorrect presumption, the rest of your comment becomes pure bullshit and Obama fantasy, using pure embellishment to make up for the vacuum of experience and success.
THe premise in above comments notes that mayors, governors.. part of what we call “the executive branches” here… are on very similar footing as private sector CEOs and managers. They make businesses and communities run. They don’t “organize” disgruntled protests to influence and lobby political legislation. They are the mechanics of how a nation, city, or business works.
Wrong wrong wrong on Lincoln. Your history of the colonies and the colonialists must truly be distorted over there.
Well after reading ‘Team of Rivals’ by Doris Kearns Goodwin – it is the passion that Lincoln had for politics and elected office that comes through. I don’t remember reading much about the cut and thrust and his CEO style skills he showed as a postmaster. lol. Undoubtedly he, like anyone learned lessons in his formative years but as a businessman he didn’t shine – and was in debt for many years. And undoubtably he honed his skills and was able to get into the White house by his years as a lawyer and also in the Illinois House of Representatives for four terms as well as his one term in the US Congress. Being a legislator and knowing also how to influence is also part of the mechanics of how a nation is run. I somehow don’t think Lincoln would of got into the White House if he remained manager of a general store (or a pizza parlor) and decided to run from office based on that alone. lol. And guess what – Lincoln was a lobbyist!
btw – what German-American newspaper did Lincoln own?
Serves your right for putting your sole perspective on Lincoln in Doris’ hands, Gaffa. Her particular brand of historical perspective always focuses on the politics of the subject… and with Doris, it’s generally politics she must admire. So of course you would not have read about his successful lawyer firm, nor about his service and tasks as a postmaster and county surveyor. Both require business skills and discipline, even tho a paid government employee…. just as a manager of a pizzaria requires such skill, tho he is not the owner.
To gain skill and knowledge, not all of your businesses need to be windfalls. In failure there are lessons to be learned.
Please don’t further nauseate FA crowd with foolhardy and wishful fantasy comparisons of the Zero to Lincoln. He’s not worthy of carrying his pipestove tophat.
Ah found it buried away – the small Illinois Staats-Anzeiger, a paper that he secretly bought and owned for about a year and half as part of his election campaign. Of course Honest Abe wasn’t being a career political doing that. I’m sure he did it purely for journalistic non-political reasons. Lol
I see Gaffa wants to continue to rail on “Lincoln” (what bearing on TODAY does this have?) and avoid replying to my inquiry of how England has fallen down the rat hole of “socialism” and gun confiscation etc. etc.. and is showing signs of accepting Sharia law….. seems you’d have “bigger worries” at HOME, than what we are up to! LOL!! So, does giving us a load of crap make you feel better about how YOUR country is falling apart? Just curious…….
Shows how little you keep with the news. Since May last year – the UK government is a Conservative led coalition. Hardly socialist. As for Sharia Law – again you probably just read what you want to read…Sharia Law only applies to family matters of Muslims on the UK. So no beheading, stonings etc. Hardly applies to vast majority of UK citizens but like any religious court system like Jewish courts in US – completely unacceptable. Religion is trite and should be kept out of any legal system.
So what are your issues with Lincoln? Don’t you like the way he whipped the South into submission which just shows how federal the US is and how he free the slaves from racist oppression?
Believing that Doris is my ‘sole’ perspective on Lincoln is simply an incorrect ASSumption on your part. Silly old Doris for focusing on the politics of Lincoln! Why devote pages on politics when we all know Lincoln’s passion was for surveying. Not too long ago I was reading the excellent book ‘Battle Cry of Freedom’ but that foolish James McPherson focusing on the Civil War whereas I’m sure he still would of won a Pultizer if he had concentrated on the seminal US history of Lincoln’s time as a postmaster. Lol
When I was in the Mother Country I learnt about Lincoln’s achievements in the Civil War, his oratory skills and being the great emancipator. Instead I missed the apparently far more pivotal role he played as a store owner.
Sure when a business fails and you land yourself with many years of debt, I’m sure you learn but the venture was still unsuccessful. Your attempts to unpick my fairly uncontroversial comment regarding Lincoln continue to become more ridiculous and feeble.
No Gaffa… what you miss is the context as related to the original comparison…. where you believe Palin or a “small town mayor” is less qualified than Obama as a community organizer. Then you evoke Lincoln.
Perhaps your inability to follow your own distorted train of thought and arguments is the problem. To return to the obvious simple and original comment, Lincoln and Palin are both far more qualified for CIC than the current bozo occupying the Oval Office. Because the experience of running any size town, or having both businesses that were successful (law firm) and unsuccessful (general store) are both valuable for anyone in the administrative branch of power.
That’s the entire argument in a nutshell. Now I have no time to waste further on your distracted wanderings from the original commentary.
Wrong, Wrong, wrong.
My original comparison was between Palin & Giuliani. It was you who went off on a tangent and brought in the comparison between Palin and Obama with your ODS. 😀
Gaffa, asshat… your comments leading from Palin to Rudy to Lincoln are all above. Try “scroll” as an option, and leave me alone with your idiocy.
Yes let’s try the scroll shall we and see what we can find?
My first post on this – no mention of Obama. Clearly my original comparison is between Palin & Guiliani.
Not to long after you post this – stating that I believe in something about Obama despite inconvenient fact that I hadn’t even mentioned Obama on this thread by this point. Lol. Did you get confused??? Bless.
Wriggle out of that…
From Gaffa above:
Don’t even have to squirm, as you should be doing, Gaff. Do you think we are new to your political penchant for our pretender in chief? Are you under the assumption we think this is your first comment in this community?
Dreamin’… We never hear you complain that Obama doesn’t have qualifications. Now why is that? Could it be cause I was right in my observation of your long time behavior?
So perhaps if you could count and scroll beyond #21, you’d find the below… predictably and on schedule:
Where you began your erroneous and misrepresented Lincoln career in order to defend Obama’s laughable and unlaudable “qualifications” as a US Senator for about 140 days…..
So what was that about Lincoln, Senators, and Obama’s record not being involved?