According to media reports, President Obama (almost) resolved the spiraling Egyptian crisis in one “private message” to Hosni Mubarak. “Mubarak Promise Comes After Private Obama Message”AP reports.
President Obama is firmly in charge and appears to finally be calling the shots. In a bold, presidential moment, Obama said Tuesday evening that he has told Mubarak that a transition to representative government “must begin now.”
For the millions of Americans who only watch CNN, it appears that our president has, once again, saved the day. Only problem is, it’s just not so.
On Monday, after maintaining a conspicuous silence throughout the escalating Egyptian protests, Obama finally revealed America’s stance on the escalating Egyptian crisis. A full week after they started. White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said it is “not for me or our government to determine” whether Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak should leave office.
Translation: America, via Obama, is firmly committed to sitting on the fence and waiting for the situation to resolve itself. As it appeared to do on Tuesday, with Mubarak announcing the he would not be running for re-election.
With a response time measured in minutes, Obama appeared on national news and claimed the credit. The Washington Post reported:
President Obama, clearly frustrated by Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s intention to retain his hold on power until elections later this year, said Tuesday evening that he has told Mubarak that a transition to representative government “must begin now.”
Taking a cue from George Bush’s famous “We hear you now” declaration made on the burning embers of the World Trade Center, Obama proceeded to voice his support for the Egyptian protestors, saying the passion and dignity demonstrated by the people of Egypt has been an inspiration. He says young protesters will reach their destiny. “We hear you now!” Obama stated.
The media ignored the fact that it took a full week for our president to be so inspired, while giving full credence to the “private message” Obama reportedly sent to Mubarak which reportedly persuaded Mubarak to announce he would finally step down. Does anyone else smell a rat?
Like every other issue Obama has faced in the last two years, he maintained a deafening silence until he saw which way the wind was blowing. Then he jumped on board and took the credit. Following events and maintaining silence until there is no political risk is not leadership.
The good news is, Obama has finally taken a stand. The bad news is, he is now committed to those who want Mubarak out now. Unfolding events show this crisis is far from over. With communications now restored, Americans are watching live as this crisis spirals into yet another phase.
Waiting to place a bet until after the race is run is not leadership. And claiming success for a position he never took is shameful. Almost as shameful as trying to obtain courage on the cheap by trying to associate himself with the real leadership George Bush took. “We hear you now” indeed.
As you have displayed RW, you really can’t handle the truth. You have degenerated into nothing more than a troll.
Again, if we are so awful and unfair, why are you still here?
richard, because I like his television and radio shows, his love of country, the massive amounts of money he has raised for veterans’ families, his integrity and the way he makes no secret of being a conservative does not mean that I know all about his background.
I do not think he is a veteran, but does that matter? I am not a veteran either, does that make me inferior in some way?
Anticrocks I understand why you like Hannity.I find his obsession with beating on B.H.O. pretty boring.I like O’Reilly,find him interesting ,knowledgeable and yes “fair and balanced.”Also has some beautiful,smart women on his show.
To be a veteran is an honor but certainly confers no superior status.I do question any who seem quick to send our young to foreign wars.Have they experienced this themselves? I’m sure those like O.T. would agree it’s no John Wayne movie.
H.R. As I ‘ve mentioned before I’m here because I enjoy the postings of people like Mata,Wordsmith,A.C. and Skooks.O.T. as well.Also get a boot out of the hard right like you,minuteman,Aleric et all.Props to Greg and Tom who fight the good fight.
Missy “my betters” Sounding like Ms.Bees.Please elaborate.I’m heading for a run on the beach.
Semper Fi “the old curmudgeon”
I used to like O’Reilly quite a bit, but I have noticed that he is drifting a bit as the years go by. When he rails on states to reform pedophile laws, he is at his best. Kudos to the changes he has brought about via the pressure his national TV show can bring to bear.
No, Mr. O’Reilly tends to give Obama a pass too often for my tastes. But I tell you this, I would take O’Reilly over Matthews, MadCow, et. al. over at MSLSD any day.
anticsrocks Not a fan of anyone at MSNBC.Don’t watch it.Think John King at CNN the best political analyst.Think Wolf is fair but dislike his sidekick Cafferty.
At Fox I like O’Reilly.Think Cavuto “I may not be the sharpest tack in the box” is very painful to watch. Though I disagree with his politics, I like Huckabee personally,and believe if he can get the nomination( a slugfest with Romney and Bachmann or Palin) he has the best chance of beating B.H.O.
Late night I like Jon Stewart, a defender of the liberal viewpoint,and much prefer Letterman to Leno.Be well.RJW
Well, we have hijacked this thread, but we are talking!
Huckabee was one of my picks for possible GOP contenders until I learned of his stance on early prisoner release. Those, what was it five? police officers would still be alive today had Huckabee not released that guy early.
Stewart is okay, he can be really funny, but I think he leans way left too much. Letterman jumped the shark long ago. He comes across as a crotchety old man now, and I felt this way loooong before he started picking on Palin.
John King is pretty fair for what I have seen of him, but Blitzer is not.
Rush pointed this out in a funny, yet accurate way –
Unfortunately the video has been scrubbed by youtube (imagine that), but the transcript is here. I will post the commentary by the author of the article talking about what Rush pointed out.
A.R. re. polls .You can check Real Clear Politics Pres.Approval every day and get everything from Rass. to Gallup.Pls let me know what you see today.
I think Rush a windbag. The Right’s Olberman. Who do you think will get Repub. nom? who’s your pref? Thoughts on Bachmann?
Back on thread.Your take on Egyptian protests and America’s proper role,if any.
Rush is far from the Right’s Olbermann. Olbermann cannot back up what he says, Rush always can.
I never mentioned the polls other than to demonstrate Blitzer’s obvious bias in favor of Obama.
GOP nom? Well, I like many, I like none. Let me explain.
There are traits and strengths in several contenders which I would love to “roll into one” person.
Newt – Has a lot of baggage, in that he sided with Pelosi in that AGW commercial. That being said, I would love, absolutely LOVE to see him in a debate against Obama. LOL That would be awesome.
Huckabee – Too soft on criminals.
Palin – The out and out rock star of the GOP, but the MSM will unleash the dogs of war to keep her out of office making a run for her that much more difficult.
Pawlenty – A strong conservative, but fights the name recognition issue.
Patraeus – Great military career, but not enough is known about him. Also, he is partly behind the rules of engagement that have tied the hands of our soldiers.
Rudy – In almost all areas, he looks great on paper. However his stance on abortion will be the stone around his neck.
Herman Cain – Former head of Godfather’s Pizza, Cain is a strong conservative, but he would also fight the name recognition issue.
John Bolton – Probably the best, smartest of the possible Presidential contenders in either party when it comes to foreign policy, Bolton faces the fact that no one has ever been elected President without winning other elected offices beforehand.
Donald Trump – Billionaire, television personality, real estate mogul. Trump wears many hats, but would he want the mantle of the Oval Office? I don’t know, but what I do know is that he would tackle OPEC head on and in all likelihood back them down on how they fix the price of oil. I could actually back Trump if he launched a serious campaign.
My take on the Egyptian protests. I believe that they were instigated by other than grassroots public outrage. What may have began as a cry for freedoms and democracy has been co-opted by the Muslim Brotherhood.
As for America’s role, I believe as did Reagan that sometimes one has to side with a dictator in America’s best interest and then put pressure on that dictator to transition to a democracy. That is what Bush was doing while he was in office and actually brought about a free election. Since Obama has been in office, that pressure has abated.
When Obama stabbed Mubarack in the back on the world stage, he sent a message to every single America friendly head of state – the USA is not your friend when times get tough.
A.R.. If you can spare a couple of minutes at RCP you’ll see Obama is up in the polls.
Most people you like,Trump,Bolton,Gingrich,Cain Can’t win.Do you care.Would you rather have a chance with a Romney or a Huckabee or just go down in glorious far right flames? Your choice.
Rush engenders right wing passion and glee but majority of Americans think him a buffoon only slightly less so than Beck.I understand that you don’t see this.No problem.
Who were the protests instigated by if not the 100’s of thousands in the streets?
Mubarek’s time was up with or without us. He’s a ruthless thug and a disgrace to his country. Good news is we “own ” their army and they won’t be letting “The Brotherhood” take over anytime soon.W started this Democracy push in the M.E. and Obama is onboard.It’ll be a bumpy ride and we must protect Israel.
Most people like “Trump, Bolton, Gingrich, Cain” can’t win? Well that remains to be seen, yes rich? Do leave the tarot card neon for the window behind, please.
I’m not sure why you are so concerned that we compromise our political principles by settling for a Romney or Huckabee rather than going “down in glorious far right flames”. But frankly, that’s none of your business who a conservative chooses to support. We tried the “compromise” with McCain, and that gets us no where. On the other hand, the fiscal conservative promises (different from reality, as we will see) did yield stellar results in the midterms. Either way, your opinion is not only not necessary, it’s questionable in it’s intent. So my suggestion is can it, or take it where it will be appreciated. Because I need no lectures from you on who I choose to support, who I deem worthy of support, nor do I have any respect for your attempt at political tarot card reading.
If you want to rest your seer abilities on Angle in Nevada, where the state was 55/42 for Obama, then a nobody fighting lots of Reid money/propaganda power did quite well getting 44% in that state. Almost embarrassingly well (for Reid, an establishment politician), in fact. As far as O’Donnell, considering that she got 40% of the vote for a state that went 61/36 for Obama in 2008, I’d say that was an impressive showing as well. Both races are indicative that your euro-socialist stronghold mentality is losing it’s grip in even the most formidable of Dem blue states.
Now what needs to play out is the rest of the Obama lame duck term. The GOP is not off to a good start with their lame duck session concessions, and their pathetic budget rolled out today. But then, it’s still preferable.. this fiscal death from a thousand cuts vs the Dem death by slashing your wrists financially… to Dem rule. Because for each paper cut they inflict, conservatives will boot them out in the next election until we actually have policy makers true to fiscal responsibility. And we won’t be getting that from Mr. Romney’care, nor the likeable but still a RINO Huckabee.
Obama is “up” in the polls compared to what? Certainly not his glorious entry into the WH. It’s all relative, rich. And polls – a waste of time, IMHO – vary from week to week and responder’s whim to whim. Nor can you viably claim that the “majority” of Americans think Rush is a buffoon. Obviously you are unaware of the scope of his listening audience. Such statements are absurd on their face, made out of emotions instead of facts, and allow you to willingly step into a world of ridicule you deserve for bandying about such nonsensical talking points.
As far as your concept on Egypt, you have fallen hook, line and sinker for the media spin. This is about as Democratic a movement as Zawahiri is in favor of Democracy, and is in no way part of Bush’s pro democracy agenda. Granted, some of the protesters may desire more western style rule, but we have no numbers of that. Nor have we seen signs and banners that proclaim such western style reform. There is no leadership and political reform agenda that resembles “democracy” associated with this protest. Even the protestors are divided… many are the Egyptian prisoners who escaped at the end of January. Others are the young out of work men with questionable political ties… but it sure isn’t pro capitalism. No “leaders” have emerged, save for El Baradei, who was prodded and aided by both the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Google executive who set up his social website network to help organize the protests – all meant to accomplish one thing only… dissolve the current government and throw the nation into organized chaos.
Even today they continue the same BS lines… knowing that Mubarak will no longer be a leader after the next election. But no.. that’s not good enough. THe chaos and disruption has not been achieved, has it? Wake up, rich. Take a deeper look than Anderson Cooper’s plaintive whining and editorial massaging.
I will put this to you simply for consideration. Even if the protestors numbered 800,000 in the streets, they represent 1/100th of Egypt’s population. Let me repeat… that is .01% of the entire Egyptian population.
If you consider that some have estimated 27% of Americans are skeptical of Obama’s birthplace, how would you feel if birthers and birth skeptics launched protests, threw over 2008 election results by rioting in the streets and demanded Obama ousted?
Finished pondering that parallel? Good.
Now, how would you feel if other nations chimed in, demanding that Obama resigned because of the rioting in the streets?
What you fail to notice is that the protestors don’t demand anything more than Mubarak’s ouster. Unlike Iraq’s protests in the past days, asking for better and more affordable infrastructure; or the US tea party members demanding fiscal responsibility; the Egyptian protestors are a one trick monkey of ideas… Mubarak must go, and be damned how a “transition” happens, or what that “transition” is. This doesn’t make you suspicious? And if not, why? Don’t most protests have a clear message other than “GO!”
Instead you blindly assign a protest to something that is not substantiated by fact or numbers, and is in fact is a movement detrimental to stability or their current rule of law. Mubarak was elected six years ago… as they do every six years. Was the election rigged? Dunno. Then again, even our elections have their flaws. That is Egypt’s onus to bear.
But ponder this…. Why demand he step down immediately, triggering a Constitutional mandate for emergency elections in 60 days when none can be ready, instead of launching effective protests and electoral options just a few months from now? Will the nation, under his control and at peace with the US and Israel, fall apart before September?
Or does the reality that something really stinks here escape your factoids?
Mubarak was an ally… much as Musharraf was an ally. There’s another one the media demonized. Oh yes.. we are soooo much better with Bhutto’s sloppy widower leftovers. Bhutto, whose corrupt regime was the mother of the Taliban in Afghanistan, but was canonized in the western media’s eyes in order to take down Musharraf. In fact, have a good look around Pakistan. Are they, or are they not having even more problems with terrorists in their midsts since Musharraf? Is Pakistan better off now than with a quasi-US ally in the seat of power? And is the US better off with Pakistan with Musharraf gone?
Bush had common sense Obama lacks. He didn’t dump an ally overboard, and he let the Pakistan election run it’s course. Not with this bozo-in-chief.
If Mubarak is the “ruthless thug” you say, then Israelis did well to have a “ruthless thug” in power these years who honored the treaty. And the US did well to have that same “ruthless thug” who had our backs with the global Islamic jihad movements. He deserved far better than Obama gave, and Egypt now knows that as long as Obama, or one like him, is in charge, the US is a fair weather friend quick to throw another body under an already crowded bus. A Muslim leader of a Muslim nation will never be the same kind of ally as a western leader. We can only expect so much of them. But then, Obama’s busy mowing our western allies down too, turning them in for treaty chits that mean zip, nada, nothing.
Obama has been on the wrong side of “pro democracy” forces three times in his brief US reign, rich. He ignored the Iranian protestors’ plea for legit elections. He dissed Honduras for kicking out a wannabee dictator, as per their Constitutional law, and demanded that despot be reinstated. Now he has thrown an ally by the wayside, and supported a small percentage of street rioters and thugs – with only one message meant to create chaos – and advocated actions contrary to Egyptian Constitutional law
… oh wait, he’s changed his mind with the polls four times on Egypt already… First support for Mubarak, then support for the protestors, then demands Mubarak leave *now*, and finally quietly agreeing with his smarter envoy who noted leaving now is insane. Why the vacillation? Because he’s a foreign policy doofus who represents a danger to this nation in all aspects. The sooner this guy leaves the people’s house, the safer we will be.
I will, however, agree with you on one point. The Egyptian army loves our outfitting, and our training. They love coming to the US to become “the best that they can be”, so yes… we have allies in their army. And they have conducted themselves with a US style of posse comitatus for the duration of this that does US trainers proud. However like Pakistan, the army can be infiltrated and there is no doubt the Muslim Brotherhood has the possibility of assuming power… using their puppet El Baradei. And make no mind, once they have installed him, and used him for a short time, he’ll be booted out the door as well. So you are banking on very shaky odds there.
Olberman is a rabid, hate spewing loon. Rush is nothing of the sort. Also as mentioned Rush backs up his claims. I’ve actually seen olberman launch an accusation and say that we on the right need to disprove it if it isn’t true instead of him proving it. I have also seen him say that an (absurd) accusation must be true because the person didn’t deny it.
Mata, Mata, Mata!
How Naive of You!
What with all of the cross over voting allowed in political primaries AND all of the so-called ”Independents” who are allowed to vote D or R, the Left pretty much forced McCain on the Republican Party last time!
And I bet they try to do the same thing this time.
What’s to stop them?
Nan G…
What’s to stop them is us, of course. I do believe conservatives have become less mealy mouthed since 2008, yes?
@MataHarley: Mata, Please…talking sense to Richie is like offering a Hog a Holiday. Quite honestly, the Hog would not understand it or know what the Devil to do with it!
Training Egyptian Army Officers was a very challenging tasking. They loved Our First Line Gear but never understood how to maintain it, thought that the simplest of maintenance requirements was a waste of Their Time, Factory Reps and Contractors were hired to do the simplest of maint. chores as the Egyptian Troops were just concerned with the Weaponry, Gunnery and how keen that gear looked rolling through the Streets on Parade.
The ME Politics is complex as well and as corrupt as anyone could possibly imagine….IF you saw it in play instead of being a Tourist or there to do Business. The illiteracy and dire poverty is something that cannot be imagined by 99.99% of Most Americans. As in most ME Countries, the Leadership/Democracy there resembles something more of a very Tribal arrangement and Elections are quite frankly a huge joke. The outcomes are known before Ballots are printed and distributed. Having spent a great deal of time in the ME, that is fact and not an assumption on my part.
On Media Spin here in Our 57 States, the Newsies are in the Bag for the Current Regime. Regime…not Government as We are no longer Governed here. It is Rule by Agency or Edict in the US of A and arguments to the contrary are just BS at base value. Over Regulation, Over Reach and the Tyranny of Regulation has driven Industry and Business to do business Overseas as there are far more Friendly places to produce products. Having spent most of my time in Boots overseas, that is something I know as fact and not assumption as well.
The Media in the US resembles that of Government Run Media in Third World Nations where criticism of the Regime is not going to happen. The Regime, not a Government, is what it can aptly be called. Deals made behind Closed doors, Legislation that is Voted on without OPEN Debate or being Read. That spells Regime. Period.
Great offering, Mata as is Your usual, but in a way it is just casting pearls before swine. Give the Hogs their Holiday!
Oh and Ricky, Call me Colonel. Most Junior Officers do.
I’m not Jack Nicholson. He could not wear my Boots on his best day.
Mata Welcome back.You lost me with ” many are the Egyptian prisoners who escaped at the end of Jan.” What % of the 100’s of thousands you think that might be? Why should I even read the rest after that?
I did note you claimed a moral victory in Angle loss and O’Donnell thrashing.How sad for you.
I’ll certainly agree you and the Colonel ain’t mealy mouthed no more.Bombastic Rush would be proud.
Nan G. “The left forced Mac on you” I’ve now heard it all. Well not really any better than your statement that the Moslem Brotherhood was the guys on horses beating on the protestors.
rich, on Jan 31st, thousands escaped Egyptians jails in the turmoil. I was listening to an Egyptian scholar on a talk show a few days ago… can’t remember his name, and he was the one who first mentioned it. He had the number at 5000. Said they had no cars, no jobs, no money, and no way to leave the area to avoid the curfew. Oddly enough, they had some outside help in that escape…. gee… wonder by who and why? *not* Coincidental that one of those facilities housed the Muslim militants? Gangs of armed men releasing militants and thugs from multiple prisons… think that was Mubarak supporters, releasing Mubarak prisoners?
And you should read more “after that” because obviously you aren’t in possession of enough facts to combat your emotional responses.
And just how many protestors do you think there has been at max? Because it sure ain’t 800,000… The largest number I’ve seen reported was from Muslim Brotherhood friendly, Al Jazeera, and their timeline, which had it at 250,000. And how many of them are Muslim Brotherhood, along with the jail escapees? Do we know?
So subtract your estimate of Muslim Brotherhood, the jail escapees from 250,000. Take that number and divide it by the 80 million Egyptians, and tell me what percentage is now dictating to Egypt and the bozo in chief how to run that nation?
Again, what we do know is that they have no demands for democratic reform. Only calls for Mubarack to leave immediately. How convenient is that? How against the Egyptian Constitution would that be? Again, you choose to ignore the obvious because you so want to believe the media BS.
You call two nobodies, getting 2-4 more % vote than Obama did during the 2008 election in blue heavy states, and running against established Dem gubernatorial candidates “a thrashing”? How sad for *you*! Perspective and strategy is evidently not your strong suit.
I never expected either to win. That wasn’t rocket science. It was the political machine and money. That they fared so well, and that the midterms totally *thrashed* the Dems is quite the moral statement. Or, perhaps better put, a statement on the lib/prog political immorality.
really now, rich…. such a juvenile personal snipe. OT can speak for himself, but I have *never* been mealy mouthed – as my mother would be prone to aver. However the cross voting Nan G mentioned, where I laughed because she accused me of naivety, is a political primary reality. For me to be naive, as she suggests, would demand that I ignore the success and expedition of Operation Chaos to benefit Hillary by the GOP. And also to assume that I was dumb enough not to recognize the GOP’s own worst enemy in 2008 – as well in the run up to the 2010 midterms – was not cross voters, but the GOP establishment themselves.
I am neither naive, nor dumb. But I do get amused at those who have a somewhat narrow vision of current events, and don’t recognize decided changes in power and influence.
The GOP establishment, right along with your Dems/libs/progs, had their hands slapped soundly by the midterm results… much to their chagrin. And that includes Ms. Palin’s success percentage of supported candidates who won their races. You know, those ones who “can’t win”, in your less than credible esteem? Perhaps you think there were only two of those candidates… but then that’s not my fault you’re not up on things.
Both major political parties are on official notice. What flew in Congress pre-tea party movement will not fly so easily post tea party movement. It’s a new day, and we’re all dollar poorer. Spending by either party is only going to result in more joining the fiscal responsibility demand fray.
Mata, you took what I merely touched upon and expounded on it nicely.
On Egypt, I think the stance we need to take is the one Reagan took when he said this about the Shah of Iran:
Thanks for the text, anticsrocks. Mark Levin has the soundbyte on his site as well. He was playing it quite often for a few days. Levin, as you know, not only worked for the Reagan admin, but worked both his first failed campaign, and the winning campaign in 1980.
Richard the new born troll has the nerve to call others bombastic. I have to agree with Mata, but more forcefully. Rich, we don’t care what a left-wing-apologist-whore like yourself thinks about our candidates. If your judgment was the least bit sound you wouldn’t be a liberal.
Limbaugh is just a guy like you with an opinion that differs from yours. I don’t make time for him.
He is a talking head like the rest of the Newsies. There are no more Journalists in the Country anymore.
The World as the Newsies show it is just a separate reality that is by design far from factual. If You buy into any of out without vetting it from three other sources, You get Fooled. It is like having ‘others’ do your Intel work like the current CIA does and expecting the truth. That just ain’t gonna happen.
My realities have to be based upon substance because Lives are at risk when decisions are made. If the Folks at the Top of the Chain were sold a line of goods, Folks like me lose Troopers and that is not a good thing. So excuse me if I am critical of Info Sources. I have to be. Polls are like windsocks. I pay no attention to them as the wind changes often. I give Polls zero credence. Since Politics is the Applied Science of Lies and Half Truths, I give Career Politicians the same slack as I would a pick pocket.
Rush Limbaugh is not a part of my day anymore than any other Radio or TV Character. My views are based on My experiences and don’t get sugar coated for anyone. If you don’t like them, don’t read Em.
A fascination with anyone that is not part of YOUR Daily life is just irrational. The Radio or TV has an ON/OFF switch for those of you that did not read the Owners Manual.
richard wheeler: You are descending into the liberal/moonbat category with every comment you post.
Out of all that Mata said in post #61, the only point you mention is about the prisoners??
That is all you got from what she said? Or did you just not read it?
Do you even care that you are sounding like braindead rob more and more each day? Crap, you could give Olbermann pointers on how to be a moonbat blogger now that he is unemployed.
A.R. I’m afraid you and your sidekick Hard Right have shown yourselves, once again, to be nothing but foul mouthed fools.At least Mata and the Colonel show a certain civility in their comments.H.R. is just vile and obviously proud of it.
richard wheeler: I am foul-mouthed?
Please illuminate me on just where I got foul mouthed.
@Mata – Thank you. I am a huge Reagan fan and a Mark Levin fan as well. Reagan’s wisdom is timeless, his speeches could very well be speaking to today’s issues.
I have Mark’s book, Liberty and Tyranny, but haven’t yet picked up Men In Black. Right now I am reading Palin’s newest book along with Decision Points by G.W.
You’ve made it clear your not much on predictions or projections( most of the time) but would you make any projection on what % of Egyption voters would back Mubarek in a free and fair election.I suggest a substantially lower % than Christine got in Delaware.BTW didn’t get the “2-4% more than Obama did in 2008 election pls clarify.
Trick question, rich?
Zero… he ain’t running. Neither is his son.
Mata Lucky for him and him. Where are his supporters? Why are they not out in the streets in large #”s. If protestors massed against Obama as you facetiously (I hope) suggested, his supporters would answer in spades.pls clarify my ? in#74. Thanks
sigh… should have been obvious save for the way I phrased the above. My apologies, and I’ll clarify.
Two nobodies, running against established Dem politicos in a heavy Obama supporter blue state, got 2-4% more than McCain did running against Obama in 2008.
Obama/McCain in Nevada: 55.15 / 42.65
Reid/Angle: 50.29 / 44.55 (Note Reid didn’t even get the other 6%)
Obama/McCain in Delaware: 61.91 / 36.93 (real GOP bastion there, eh? LOL)
Coons/O’Donnell: 56.61 / 40.03
Trends, rich… it’s called trends. Just like the continued downward trend of the bozo-in-chief’s approval rating since stepping across the WH threshhold on day one.
Still waiting on you to point out where I got foul mouthed, wheeler.
Don’t make accusations if you don’t have the balls to back it up.
@richard wheeler, what a stunning observation. Because a minority mixture of thugs, escaped militants and others are out in the streets, causing chaos, you think the rest of the nation should go out there and join/clash with them?
If birthers attempted the same here, I wouldn’t be out on the streets either. I would expect our law enforcement and state leaders to rein in the lawless and irresponsible behavior. Heard, of course, about the assassination attempt on the veep, right? Musta been those peaceful pro democracy types….
Haven’t read the reports about those who just want the protestors to go home so they can once again return to work? You need to get out more.
You’re a hopeless dreamer… they’re all “pro democracy” forces to you. Right. Like OT says, you’ve had enough Hog Holiday from me, rich. I provide links and facts. You provide feelings, emotions and uninformed speculation. You just saunter about in your little nirvana dream world, and I’ll leave you alone now. My job here is done.
Mata# 77 Explained. Got it What was the part about Two established Dem Gub. candidates.
A dreamer I am. Hopeless not always.
@richard wheeler…
Antics, something happened to Rich around the time of the Tucson shooting and he’s been little more than b-rob’s replacement since he got banned.
Maybe he blames “the right wingers” for the shooting. Maybe seeing the true face of the left as they played the blame game sent him over the edge. Maybe he’s mad because the left is rapidly losing power. Who knows? What I do know is he has been attacking and smearing the very people he claims to stick around for.
I suspect you are right, HR. It is just that I abhor baseless accusations. I can remember no instance of being foul mouthed. Nor can I remember you being foul mouthed either.
*sigh* I think Mark Levin is right – libs can be entertaining when not in power. But sometimes they can be annoying as well…
anticsrocks… you did, you did! I saw that curse word… *dare* I repeat it???? Heaven forgive me for such an atrocity passing my cyberlips But we can’t have you in the dark about your usage of foul terms, can we? You said……
You should most immediately apologize for exposing us all to such foul and unacceptable language!
Mata –
I apologize for I have committed an unsavory, despicable act. I shall take my punishment now.
*turns to wife*
“Honey, I need 50 lashes with a wet noodle.”
Sheesh, what a circus! Just can’t make this stuff up:
MATA! You said the O word! You CANNOT say Olberman. Arrg! Now I did it! Now I’ll have to go slam my fingers in a car door as penance.
In all fairness Antics, I have used a swear word from time to time. However I almost always use an * in place of some of the letters. Him calling me foul mouthed is amusing considering he had no problem with braindead rob calling us teab*****s.
Speaking of approval ratings–HEY RICH, check this out. Hahahahaha!
Anticrocks Apologies to you re cussing. H.R. not so fast.
A.R. Ask again you ck.RCP pres appr.poll.
To all You know I’ve never supported Olberman but to suggest Rush’s banter (better?) is bought into by indies or moderates is wishful thinking.
” There are those that look at things the way they are and ask why.
I dream of things that never were and say why not? ” Robert F. Kennedy
MATA IT’S Fri morning in Cairo.Last you posted,suggestion was 200,000-500,000 anti
govt. protestors consisted of up to 5000 escaped prisoners ,a variety of thugs and
an undetermined # of The Muslim Brotherhood.You thought law enforcement should rein in this lawless and irresposible behavior.I apologize for laughing at that time because as you know I have always said I respect your viewpoints and I still do.
Can you give an update on your current thoughts.Do you think a majority of the 80 million Egyptians oppose this movement?.Do you think CNN is lying about what they saw and experianced in the square? Anything else that may differ from previous post. Thanks much
I’m sorry, Rich… did you see 80 million people in that square today? Are you aware of the capacity of that site? Numbers I heard today are about the same…. couple hundred thousand plus.
Has math changed in the last 24 hours? Have you a clue what’s in the Egyptian Constitution? Do you know the difference between a resignation vs transfer or power, why Constitutional amendments would be needed for a “smooth” transition, and how those amendments are possible via status? In short, do you know *anything* about the Egyptian Constitution? Or is that irrelevant?
As a matter of fact, do you see any logic in their demands that there be a void in power that leads you to believe there is anything “lawful” under their current law in this movement? As I said… and oddly enough I heard Limbaugh echo today (is he channeling me? LOL)…. this is not much different than if birthers took to the streets and demanded Obama’s resignation.
Nothing different in my opinion, rich. Still hoping for that “gee… we wanna be like the US” kind of feeling in Egypt?
Me? Just watching Egytians being played by fool, overrun by thugs in the streets. Hey.. it’s their nation. They can screw it up as they wish. We, along with Israel, just need to be ready for the repercussions. Also, waiting for how the Muslim Brotherhood, who does not have the power via their (current) Constitution, to nominate a presidential nominee, is going to get their puppet, El Baradei, into power
What we do not know about this activity far outweighs what we do know. But we know enough to see it is not as the media portrays. Or, at least a few of us do.
“Each time a man stands up for an ideal,or acts to improve the lot of others,or stands out
against injustice he sends out a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million
different centers of energy and daring,those ripples build a current which can sweep down
the mightiest walls of resistance.” Robert F. Kennedy
We must stand with the people of Egypt as we do the people of Iraq and Iran(PUSH THAT DICTATOR OUT)in their quest for freedom.
@richard wheeler:
1) We DIDN’T stand with the people of Iran when they revolted against Ahmadinnerjacket…remember? Those protesters are still being hung, one by one by one, as a loud and clear message to those who dare speak up.
2) What comes next in Egypt? Who is going to take control there? Will Obie go down as the president who lost Egypt? We’ll see.
Aye It’s not over in Iran.That tyrant had best sleep with one eye open.
The Egyptian people have won.Mubarek and repression are the losers.We can’t stand with repressive dictators even if they’re “our dictators”
@ Richie, OK then. Pack a bag, go stand with the People of Egypt. Put Yer Money where Yer Mouth is.
(and Yer @ss too!)
Americans are as Welcome there now as Always. Bring a LOT of CASH. Just don’t expect Your US Passport to be a get outa jail free card. When the Military has had enough You will hear the APC and Tank engines start up.
Go BE the Stupid American that put his nose where it did not belong.
Ever deal with the Egyptian Military?
Try it Bud!
I Dare Ya!
But don’t bet any money on the outcome. The odds are not really that grand.
@ MataHarley, Hey Lady! Will Ya stop giving Richie all that Mind Candy?
Please? Let HIM go to EGYPT, SYRIA, LEBANON, TEHRAN or anywhere that He can find a soapbox.
BUT, Don’t ever ask me to send the Bail Money. Maybe B-Rob will go there to represent him if He has a good US Passport.
@richard wheeler:
It’s not Rich? Really? What’s happening there right now to make you say that? Nothing good. Nothing pro-freedom, that’s for sure.
Obie passed up the opportunity to nudge that regime when the people rose up. As a result, they continue to suffer under their brutal oppressors.
The question is Rich, what have they won?
I’m reminded of the old saying: “The devil you know is better than the devil you don’t know.”
Nature abhors a vacuum. I wonder what force will fill the new void in Egypt. None of the players on the field at the moment represent a bight, shiny new future for the people of that country.
@ Aye
@ Mata
Patronizing Ritchie is like feeding a stray dog. It does not make the dog smarter. He still will come around for attention and you will just have more crap on your lawn at the end of the day.
Let him go there and find out. FA needs a Foreign Correspondent with His Sparkling Credentials to tell US what Jail Cell Conditions are like in Ferrin Countries that don’t want Americans tellin Em what to do…
Richard aka” the old curmudgeon”