News Flash: Obama (Almost) Saves The World [Reader Post]


According to media reports, President Obama (almost) resolved the spiraling Egyptian crisis in one “private message” to Hosni Mubarak. “Mubarak Promise Comes After Private Obama Message”AP reports.

President Obama is firmly in charge and appears to finally be calling the shots. In a bold, presidential moment, Obama said Tuesday evening that he has told Mubarak that a transition to representative government “must begin now.”

For the millions of Americans who only watch CNN, it appears that our president has, once again, saved the day. Only problem is, it’s just not so.

On Monday, after maintaining a conspicuous silence throughout the escalating Egyptian protests, Obama finally revealed America’s stance on the escalating Egyptian crisis. A full week after they started.  White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said it is “not for me or our government to determine” whether Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak should leave office.

Translation: America, via Obama, is firmly committed to sitting on the fence and waiting for the situation to resolve itself. As it appeared to do on Tuesday, with Mubarak announcing the he would not be running for re-election.

With a response time measured in minutes, Obama appeared on national news and claimed the credit. The Washington Post reported:

President Obama, clearly frustrated by Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s intention to retain his hold on power until elections later this year, said Tuesday evening that he has told Mubarak that a transition to representative government “must begin now.”

Taking a cue from George Bush’s famous “We hear you now” declaration made on the burning embers of the World Trade Center, Obama proceeded to voice his support for the Egyptian protestors, saying the passion and dignity demonstrated by the people of Egypt has been an inspiration. He says young protesters will reach their destiny. “We hear you now!” Obama stated.

The media ignored the fact that it took a full week for our president to be so inspired, while giving full credence to the “private message” Obama reportedly sent to Mubarak which reportedly persuaded Mubarak to announce he would finally step down. Does anyone else smell a rat?

Like every other issue Obama has faced in the last two years, he maintained a deafening silence until he saw which way the wind was blowing. Then he jumped on board and took the credit.  Following events and maintaining silence until there is no political risk is not leadership.

The good news is, Obama has finally taken a stand. The bad news is, he is now committed to those who want Mubarak out now. Unfolding events show this crisis is far from over. With communications now restored, Americans are watching live as this crisis spirals into yet another phase.

Waiting to place a bet until after the race is run is not leadership. And claiming success for a position he never took is shameful. Almost as shameful as trying to obtain courage on the cheap by trying to associate himself with the real leadership George Bush took. “We hear you now” indeed.

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I wonder if OBama will step down if we could get a million protestors in front of the White House. Will he hear us now?


LOL, oic!
That should be all it takes, according to Obama’s own standards.

I was going around the channels this AM and caught Chris Matthews on Morning Joe.
I almost fell out of my seat!
He is ashamed of the way Obama is handling Mubarak!
Part of it is that he was in the House with Tip O’Neill back when Mubarak first visited the Congress and was personally impressed by Mubarak.
He saw a STRONG leader.
We then stood by that strong leader who stood by us in the face of popular opposition on keeping a treaty in force.
(In Islam there is no such thing as a lasting peace treaty. Ten years is the outside limit on what they call a ”hudna.” And while under the peace treaty ”hudna” the Muslim side must use the time to rearm!)
Anyhow, I went looking to see if this part of the Morning Joe is online.
Sure enough it is.

LOL Date and time, I’ll be there.

Unbelievable that he is incapable of seeing how foolish he looks.

For the millions of Americans who only watch CNN, it appears that our president has, once again, saved the day. Only problem is, it’s just not so.

Really? I haven’t gathered that from CNN’s extensive coverage, nor from anything I’ve heard on MSNBC.


Darn the timing.

if we could get a million protestors in front of the White House

We had the count there at the monument. Should have just taken that PC exercise walk over to 1600 and made the demand.

I can only imagine how Mubarak must feel. After three decades of accomplishing the impossible — keeping the peace while governing one of the most impoverished, over-populated and chaotic countries in the world — our community organizer calls and tells him he must go now.

The arrogance is palpable.

This is what passes for diplomacy — stabbing one of our strongest allies in the back and treating them as expendable?

Have they given any real thought to what an Egypt under the Muslim Brotherhood would be like for both the Egyptian people and the world?

Far from saving the world, Obama is fanning the flames that may destroy us all. One Iran is enough.

When the blood of students was running in the streets of Tehran, our fearless reader played with his putter; now, Islamic thugs are refusing to change their diapers and Fearless Reader has his panties in a knot and is insisting on a peaceful transition of power. Sorry Libs, this is a major bull shit job that will establish another Islamic Fascist regime that will cause chaos in the ME and war for Israel. What a hero.

He voted “present” once again. He waited for the outcome to be certain and then took a stance. He is a coward.

Obama’s first big speech was to the Muslim world while in Cairo.
That was about 2 years ago.
What’s been the outcome?
Zogby is a Middle Eastern pollster who often runs polls from the Middle East as well as his American pollings.
Here’s what he found among EGYPTIANS during a July 2010 poll…..

On the USA:
85% had an unfavorable attitude toward the U.S.,
87% had no confidence in the U.S.,
92% named the U.S. as one of two nations that are the greatest threat to them,
only 4% said if they had to live in another country they would choose the U.S.

On Barack Obama:
61% were hopeful when Obama took office,
61% said he had not met the expectations set in his 2009 speech in Cairo,
60% were discouraged by his Middle East policies and
54% had a negative view of him.

On Israel:
90% named Israel as one of two nations that are the greatest threat to them.

On the role of clergy in government:
65% agreed with a statement that “clergy must play a greater role in our political system.”

From Egyptians Disappointed with President Obama, Dislike US Policies

Obama is clueless, plain, and simple; once again demonstrating what an opportunist he is, waiting which way the wind blows, then to come out claiming credit, where no credit is due.
He has done tremendeous damage; couple that together with the wikileak news reported by the Telegraph that he gave away the secret of Britains nuclear weapons to Putin for his Start Treaty, and you have a disaster waiting to go up in smoke.

Would he have supported the ‘green revolution’ in Iran last year, there would be a different, and better picture in the Middle East, but again he had to cuddle a dictator to gain favor with the ‘twelfer’.

He wouldn’t be so devious to support the Muslim Brotherhood to stick it to Israel, would he?

As a major Superman fan, I find it reprehensible that my beloved super hero is being photoshopped onto this dirtbag. We all know this miscreant is really the joker. And for that matter, is in the wrong city, as well as the wrong nation. So I shout to the world,,,,,if you as a people want this guy, please take him. We have no need for him. For the low price of one ‘dictatorship’ he can be yours. We’ll even throw in a used court jester with new plugs. A windbag that can explain the story line and the players, all the while telling you nothing. We’ll even throw in a couple of maidens. One sans a hammer but has a creepy botox smile. One sans,,,,,,,hmmmm,,,,,,,well she’s good at shaking hands and smiling for pictures with world leaders. Oh,,,she has a lot of toy ‘reset’ or ‘overload’ buttons just waiting to be pushed.

oic – He would if they were all armed. Either that or flee to Egypt.


Now that! was a fun read! Keep them coming, you made my morning, thanks!

O/T-On my Facebook we are staring a Revolution/Boycott!

There is a movement of a Peaceful Civil Revolution for SuperBowl Sunday to get on the DO NOT WATCH LIST of the interview on Fox News of O’Reilly interviewing Obama. Together, we can make this the lowest rated O’Reilly show ever, LOL!! You can watch the interview on youtube or HULA TV later, but would that not kick the hell out of O’s EGO, ROFL!!

Obama bungles foreign affairs with an ally to appease our enemies yet again.

Obama is clearly cozying up to the Muslim Brotherhood on this one. He invited them to sit in on his speech and he backs them coming to power.

This harkens back to him claiming to the Egyptian Foreign Minister in June of last year. He said that he would show everyone how to handle Israel and now it seems he is doing just that. Propping up the Muslim Brotherhood would be a great threat to Israel.


Nan G, add to Zogby’s polls, this from Pew:

85% of Egyptians consider Islam a positive influence in politics

61% of Egyptians were very, or somewhat, concerned with the rise of Muslim extremism in Egypt

49% of Egyptians have a favorable view of Hamas (a Muslim Brotherhood offshoot)

Favorable view of the U.S.
2008 – 22%
2010 – 17%

Pew also reported that most Egyptians believe in religious freedom but a majority believes in severe punishment for those who leave Islam. A majority of Egypians also support: stoning for adultry, cutting off of hands/feet for the crime of theft.

But cheer up; Obama is going to give us Iran On The Nile.

From the Muslim Brotherhood’s own website:

From the page that tells the history of the MB and it is clearly evident that they are steeped in traditional far left ideology; i.e. socialism:

As this ideology took shape over the next two decades, in the absence of a strong socialist party, the Brotherhood called for nationalisation of industries, substantial state intervention in the economy, a greatly reduced maximum wage for senior civil servants, laws to protect workers against exploitation, an Islamic banking system to provide interest-free loans, and generous social welfare programmes, including unemployment benefits, public housing and ambitious health and literacy programmes, funded by higher taxes on the wealthy.

From Wikipedia on the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States:

The Muslim Brotherhood has been active in the US since the 1960s. Its stated goals have included propagating Islam and creating havens for Muslims in the US, and integrating Muslims. A main strategy has been dawah or Islamic renewal and outreach. In the 1960s, groups such as U.S. military personnel, prison inmates and African-Americans were specifically targeted for dawah. According to a report done by the NEFA Foundation which cites evidence from the United States v. Holy Land Foundation trial, the goal of the Muslim Brotherhood in the USA is

Enablement of Islam in North America, meaning: establishing an effective and stable Islamic Movement led by the Muslim Brotherhood which adopts Muslims’ causes domestically and globally, and which works to expand the observant Muslim base, aims at unifying and directing Muslims’ efforts, presents Islam as a civilization alternative, and supports the global Islamic state wherever it is.

The NEFA Foundation report further explains that in the same document where the goal is stated, considerable time is spent explaining the concept of settlement which is central to the Muslim Brotherhood-led efforts in North America. Settlement is defined as follows:

The process of settlement [of Islam in the United States] is a “Civilization-Jihadist” process with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that all their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” their miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all religions. Without this level of understanding, we are not up to this challenge and have not prepared ourselves for Jihad yet. It is a Muslim’s destiny to perform Jihad and work wherever he is and wherever he lands until the final hour comes, and there is no escape from that destiny except for those who choose to slack.

From the Middle East Forum:

Since its founding in 1928, the Muslim Brotherhood (Hizb al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun) has profoundly influenced the political life of the Middle East. Its motto is telling: “Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.”
These organizations represent themselves as mainstream, even as they continue to embrace the Brotherhood’s radical views and maintain links to terrorists. With moderate rhetoric and well-spoken German, Dutch, and French, they have gained acceptance among European governments and media alike. Politicians across the political spectrum rush to engage them whenever an issue involving Muslims arises or, more parochially, when they seek the vote of the burgeoning Muslim community.

But, speaking Arabic or Turkish before their fellows Muslims, they drop their facade and embrace radicalism. While their representatives speak about interfaith dialogue and integration on television, their mosques preach hate and warn worshippers about the evils of Western society. While they publicly condemn the murder of commuters in Madrid and school children in Russia, they continue to raise money for Hamas and other terrorist organizations.

This chilling statement forewarns us about the Muslim Brotherhood in a way that, unfortunately will probably go unheeded in America.

Europeans, eager to create a dialogue with their increasingly disaffected Muslim minority, overlook this duplicity.

I find it chillingly naive (or duplicitous) whenever our media or politicians look favorably at the ”charitable wing” of Hamas, Hezb’allah, Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, or any of the Muslim Brotherhood’s fronts.
It is as though they have blinders on about the MILITANT wings of all those organizations.
The money we send any of them is fungible; it all goes into the one pot.
And the claim that these organizations are moderating because they have charitable wings is so naive.
Islam demands a charitable contribution from all Muslims and any Islam-compliant banks.
That money goes to charitable wings of all of these terror organizations.
No moderating has happened.
But financing has been made easier.

The fourth issue that I will address is democracy.

I know there has been controversy about the promotion of democracy in recent years, and much of this controversy is connected to the war in Iraq. So let me be clear: no system of government can or should be imposed upon one nation by any other.

That does not lessen my commitment, however, to governments that reflect the will of the people. Each nation gives life to this principle in its own way, grounded in the traditions of its own people. America does not presume to know what is best for everyone, just as we would not presume to pick the outcome of a peaceful election.Obama’s Speech in Cairo 2009

Does this guy read his own speeches ?

Just a couple of days ago Obama sent former U.S. Ambassador to Egypt Frank Wisner back to Egypt as a special envoy to talk with Mubarak.
Wisner did just that.
So, what did he decide after personally talking with Mubarak and other parties involved?
That Mubarak should STAY in office til Sept’s election.
So, what did Obama do?
Obama threw Wisner under the bus!

So much for anyone but a ”YES MAN.”

Nan You are a very busy gal, turning up on almost every post.To listen to you one would think the Muslim Brotherhood had taken over in Egypt with Obama’s blessing and appointed Bill Ayers (on the ground in Cairo) a special envoy. You expect us to believe the Russian media VS. our own people in the square. Can we expect to see you on Glenn’s show anytime soon?

Aleric believes it’s the good working men of Egypt that rode in with machetes to rightfully attack the slackards in the square opposing Mubarek.

Word Thanks for your continued voice of sanity.It is needed now more than ever.

@richard wheeler: Ever been to Egypt? Ever hear of Bright Star?
Probably a NO for You on Both. Got news for You…they love Our Money but don’t like America. Just like Obama…Foreign Policy failure by design.

Why else wound Obama send an ass like Wisner to do Bogus Diplo? You need to brush up on that…
Maybe after the Super Duper Bowl…

OT I’ve been in Cairo and Alexandria as a civilian.Understand our popularity low in Egyot and throughout M.E. .Propping up dictators like Mubarek wins few hearts and minds.Good news is we “own” their army so I expect they’ll go our way in move to a new non radicalized or secular govt. that accepts Israeli sovereignty.This guy Mubarek has to go.As pointed out by Curt the Bush Doctrine,for better or worse, is spreading and Obama is onboard.You can’t put that genie back in the bottle.
Hope you’re enjoying some well earned quality time in Montana.

@richard wheeler: Still in Brussels, NATO HQ for another month. Active Duty, then home to my spread and the Young Dogs can do the Hunting on a reduced Budget and with US prestige on a decline.

I have done two Bright Star missions training Egyptian Military. I have no doubt that the Israelis will without any US support be able to defend their Nation. Dictators in the Middle East are pretty much all you will see, whether it will be Mubarek or the Kuwaiti or Saudi Royals or the Punks in Iran. The larger picture there just must have escaped you. The Regime in Afghanistan is also as crooked as a dogs hind leg as well.

Back to Your NFL weekend … I have on call Staff Duty because others want to watch Adults play a child’s game.

@richard wheeler:
So, Rich.
Which one is a “Russian” media source?
Hot Air?
You Tube?
ABC News?

You can’t refute.
So you throw stones.
Kind of like Hamas and their unguided Qassam Rockets into Israel.
Too often those unguided rockets hit their own people, in Gaza or inside Israel where quite a large population of Arabs live FREE.

Nan Did you not say we’re not getting the straight scoop from our news people actually in the square like Cooper of CNN or Amanpour of ABC? Didn’t you say you heard Ayres on ground in Cairo? Didn’t you suggest Obama supports the Muslim Brotherhood.You are the one throwing misguided stones.

Exit ?? Do you believe the peaceful pro Democracy protests of many 100’s of thousands of Egyptions were disrupted by horseback riding ,machete carrying thugs hired and sent by Mubarek govt.,or as suggested here, were simply the hard working laborers of Egypt?

@richard wheeler: You said:

…I expect they’ll go our way in move to a new non radicalized or secular govt. that accepts Israeli sovereignty.

Really? You think so? This from 2009:

A sign that the Obama administration is willing to publicly challenge Egypt’s commitment to parliamentary democracy: various Middle Eastern news sources report that the administration insisted that at least 10 members of the Muslim Brotherhood, the country’s chief opposition party, be allowed to attend his speech in Cairo on Thursday. – Source

Secular? The Muslim Brotherhood? LOL Moderate??

From Feb of this year:

The Muslim Brotherhood is by no means moderate

The assumption is not only incorrect, but also dangerous, as the Brotherhood’s actual goals are directly opposed to democracy. The Muslim Brotherhood is the world’s most influential Islamist body, and it’s not about to let democracy get in the way of its commitment to Sharia law and the much-desired Islamic state.
It can be difficult to distinguish between moderates and radicals in the Muslim world, but Qaradawi and his followers in the Brotherhood are consistent examples of exactly the sort of Islamism we ought to avoid. Yet, the Brotherhood is well represented in the United States, where its leaders admit to engaging in a “grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within…” The Hudson Institute’s Steven Merley explains,

The Brotherhood leadership has also said that the means of achieving this goal is to establish Islamic organizations in the U.S. under the control of the Muslim Brotherhood. Since the early 1960s, the Brotherhood has constructed an elaborate covert organizational infrastructure on which was built a set of public or “front” organizations.Source

Anticrocks Most believe,including myself and Wordsmith(whose opinion I greatly value) that the M.B. plays a minor role in Egyptian politics with less than 20% of population in their radicalized camp.

It looks like this may be a rare case where no one will be able scream politics with this one. I’ve been reading commentary on some news sites and the are liberals and conservatives saying Mubarak has to go and there are liberals and conservatives saying we need to stand by him.

If we’d only get it together and get off of our dependency on oil from that part of the world………..

Richard made me laugh with his ignorance of Egyptians workers and their attitude toward doing work:

An oldie but a goodie.
As Egypt became more extremist in its religiousity, not only did the photos of the women morph from modern-looking ladies to black bats, and the men begin going for that ”prayer-bump” forehead look, but people stopped being so hard-working.
Here’s the goodie:

Egyptian-born Muslim cleric , Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, has a few ideas to help shorten the prayer time: Muslims can do the mandatory pre-prayer wash at home before reaching the office, instead of in the office toilets during working hours.

“To save some time, they can also just put some water over their socks, instead of taking (socks) off to wash the feet,” Qaradawi says in his fatwa.

While it may be too early to judge the effects of the popular sheikh’s fatwa on productivity in the work place, Egyptian clerics, in a rare show of unity, have largely agreed with the Qatar-based cleric.


According to an official study, Egypt’s six million government employees are estimated to spend an average of only 27 minutes per day actually working, reflecting a real problem with productivity.

All the rest of the time is wasted getting ready for their prayers, (abulations and changing clothing) praying (they can choose as long a chapter of the Koran as they want….or as short) and then changing back to their work clothes.

One spot to find this IN ENGLISH is here.

@Nan G: Nan, You are on top of this in Spades. Thanks for your great links and postings!

@richard wheeler: WE ARE Dependent on Foreign Oil due to Obama’s EPA. Quite frankly what You know about International Anything could easily fit up a Gnat’s @ss for a suppository.

You have an Obama Kool Aid problem. Go to Your local VA Clinic for detox. The Forest for the Trees issue eludes you here. Your Partisan Politics compromises your values if you retained any of them. No wonder you were not recalled to active Duty after 9.11.01 or Volunteered for Active Duty. It may have interfered with Your interests. I have 3 Purple Hearts and am rated at 40% disabled but have been recalled twice.

Watch your Super Dooper Bowl and relive your Youth on TV. I openly challenge your judgment here as valid because you just exercise Partisan Politics and let others do the job that You could not do. You made money while others did the dirty work to make that possible.

My Daughter urged Me to Retire, go home and oppose Max Bauchus for his Senate seat. I quite frankly refuse to tell enough LIES to get elected. I was offered a Star but refused it because it because that would compromise MY values to serve any longer than the next 30 days under a CiC that I cannot respect.

Your postings are humorous but defy any sense of logic. Your invite to my Place in Montana still holds.
You may see how America makes a living, produces a product that makes a profit and is in demand World Wide. at Ruth Criss Restaurants and Officers Clubs that You have never dined at. The Brits at Diego Garcia love that product. You can go there as a CIVILIAN.

@richard wheeler: I believe the point of my comment re: the Muslim Brotherhood was two fold:

1. They want a caliphate


2. They wish to infiltrate (which they have since 1960) America to take her down from within

The reason that the MB has not always been that effective in Egypt is that Mubarack has cracked down on them, sending those who are publicly avowed members to prison.

Damn O.T. What got up your Knickers today. I simply agreed with Word’s analysis of Muslim Brotherhood’s role in Egyptian politics and you slam me like the crazed right winger you are.Your professed political independance is pure B.S.You’re just a water boy for the Beck’s and Hannity’s of the far right. I served my time honorably, received Navy Comm. medal with combat “V” and was 57 on 9-11-2001.INDIE Hell you’re right of Attilla the Hun and proud of it. Have the cajones to admit it and let’s move on.

Nan Pls enlighten me on Egypyion worker’s attitudes.

Anticrocks “Caliphates,overthrow us from within” Turn off Beck.

@richard wheeler:

Richard the link in English is in my #31.
All you have to do it click it.

As to forehead bruising….
Jesse Petrilla, founder of United American Aide Committee was on a train to Alexandria and told this story from 2008:

“…….I realized the majority of the men everywhere I went had a small round bruise on their forehead reminiscent of something out of the book of Revelation. My guide told me that it was from hitting their head on the floor when praying; He also told me that in Egypt specifically, and perhaps elsewhere, some men heat up a metal spoon in a fire and stick it on their forehead to accentuate the bruise, it seems you aren’t cool unless you have the mark. ….”

@richard wheeler: Just because you are pissed at OT, don’t take it out on me. For your information I never watch Beck. He is a populist and I abhor populists. Besides that, when he first got on Fox and began quoting Mark Levin’s Liberty and Tyranny as if it were his own – without attribution, I quickly got my fill of him.

Look up Caliphate and try reading the Muslim Brotherhoods’ own friggin website. They openly admit they are for Caliphate.

caliph, calif, kaliph, kalif, khalif, khalifah (the civil and religious leader of a Muslim state considered to be a representative of Allah on earth) “many radical Muslims believe a Khalifah will unite all Islamic lands and people and subjugate the rest of the world”Source

Your knee jerk reaction, trying to tie a point I made with something you evidently heard on Beck is typical and tiresome. I mistakenly thought you were interested in debate, but it seems you would rather cast stones.

Nan Thanks for “27 min .clarification”.These guys spend hours getting ready.Even longer than American women.Did you answer my questions or affirm my statements in #27. Thanks

Anticrocks My apologies for tying you to Beck.Tell me you disown Hannity’s rantings and we may open a friendly discourse.

@richard wheeler:

Rich, there’s a book out about the problems English-speaking news people have of getting the truth in Middle Eastern/Muslim countries.
I can’t recall the exact title, something like, ”Were you Raped? AND….Do you Speak English?”
Something like that.

In the past reporters took the word of ”stringers” who were locals paid to tell them the news.
But the stringers were proven to be utterly unreliable by facts gathered on the ground that contradicted their outlandish stories.

In fact the old Lancet article about how (was it millions?) many people were killed in the opening days of the US involvement in Iraq was a good example of the use of stringers to collect data.
They screwed up, not because they were evil, but because they went to people they knew and trusted.
Even if it meant getting and counting the same one dead person forty times!

Stringers in, say, Gaza, would paint awful pictures that, were a reporter to go out and look would be debunked in a day.

So, we got away from stringers.

Now, in Egypt this month, we relied heavily on reporters who spoke little or no Egyptian or Arabic.
If, say, some of the Muslim Brotherhood factions wanted to dress up and pass themselves off as violent out-of-uniform police, they could.
Tell me, if you had a gun and ammo at home and were really a cop, would you go out and throw rocks, getting hit by rocks in return?
Would you?
But our media has led us to believe that Mubarak’s supporters did just that.
Who is telling them that?
People can carry misleading signs just to trick one another.
Same thing happened at a few TEA Parties, IIRC.
Remember Mohammad taught that ”War is deceit.”

But did Mubarak’s side prevail?

It seems that the Muslim Brotherhood has gained the most from the extension of the violence.
Even Obama downplayed the threat posed to the U.S. by the the Muslim brotherhood today in his interview.

REUTERS reports:

Tide turns in favour of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood in revolt

Agence France Presse reports

“Today we learned the Muslim Brotherhood decided to participate, which suggests they at least are now involved in the dialogue that we have encouraged,” Hillary Clinton told National Public Radio (NPR) from Germany.

The Washington Post reported:

The Muslim Brotherhood said it would send representatives later in the day to begin talks on a government transition. The talks would be the first between the government and the Muslim Brotherhood, which is banned in Egypt.

Who else benefited?

A piece of Advice Rich. If you don’t know what You are talking about, listen. You may learn something.
I’m not Party Affiliated and could care less about Yours. Your usual talking points miss the target by a mile.

You are just wasting my time here. While others offer You info, you respond with an attitude. that smacks of Arrogance, Ignorance and Some sort of sense of Elitism that does not cut the mustard with anyone of awareness or intelligence on the Subject matter.

Nan offered you something that your Party Line Mentality does not agree with. Things that I deal with on an Every Day basis require more “Need to Know” than Party Membership. You just missed the Target.

You carry the water for Fools and I called You on it. I would not know Glenn Beck from a load of Hay but You would not understand National Security issues or Failed Foreign Policy if it knocked on your front door or knocked over your garbage cans on Collection Day. When Foreign Policy Fails Folks like ME get Deployed or Recalled to Active Duty. Clowns like You just see it on CNN and posture here on FA like you are in the know. You ain’t in the know. You support those whose Failed Policies result in a lack of Stability and bark up the wrong tree when someone offers You a Clue.

In a few weeks I will be home and running my spread and making things work despite the failures of the Current Regime and the one Before it. You never Hired me and the Folks that I answer to want me to stay on for another year because I am doing damage control with a diminished Budget and have gotten results with Allies that have diminished trust in the US as a World Power.

I’m going on Leave and heading for the House soon while I can leave with my integrity intact. Venting on me here like a kid that fell off his bike is the best you can do. How sad for You.

You were sent off to a War You could not Win. I was sent to three of them. Get your own Knickers out of a Knot. Viet Nam was Your War. Mismanaged by LBJ, not Me. Get over it!

@richard wheeler: As I said, I detest Beck. He could do so much more good, but his insincerity rings through in all he does.

As for Hannity, he is the pit bull of political punditry. He makes no bones about who he is or what he does. His foretelling of Obama’s radicalism was spot on and many conservatives bashed him for it, only to turn around and then later laud him for it. Politics is an odd beast.

I like Hannity, he is sincere and as I said, in your face with where he stands. He has raised millions of dollars for the children of our brave veterans. As a vet yourself, I am sure you can appreciate that.

@anticsrocks: Hey Pardner, Sorry that Semper Fi Ricky unloaded on You. I met Hannity 7 years ago and found him to be a man of strong Principles and a Patriot.

My Loyalty is to the Oath I took decades ago to the Constitution and not to any Temporary Resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. If Ricky is an Activist for Veterans He needs to Question why there are so many VA Claims outstanding for Wounded and Service Connected Disabled Veterans that his Prince Obama has failed to address thus far.

Sincerity is in Actions and not Rhetoric or Political Agendas. It is found in looking after those that served and returned home less whole than when they left to Fight for the Nation and it’s Allies. Ricky lashes out against those that he does not find to be Politically Correct on HIS Terms but misses on all Things that do matter. So be it.

Thanks OT, antics and Nan! Yesterday was a busy day, we celebrated President Reagan’s birthday and my daughter’s and grandson’s. Grandson wanted a turkey dinner with all the fixens, I saved kitchen clean up to do during the game and am happy for my Packer backer family.

Anyway, I missed all your contributions to this thread until this morning. I learn so much from so many in here, just want you to know how appreciated you all are. Thanks for sharing, what takes time and effort on you part, all your work, your patience as well, is so much appreciated. And remember, one can be a grown up without being a grown up, sigh.

O.T. The sooner you can retire to your Montana ranch the better for your own health and sanity.With your Loud Affirmations you’re sounding like Col.Nathan Jessup “YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH” in A Few Good Men.*
Would love to see you run against Sam Baucus in 2014.He’ll be 73 if he chooses to run for a 6th term in 2014. Seems beatable though he did get 73% of the vote in 2008.
Forty three years ago this week (Tet Offensive), while you were safely ensconsed in your one room Montana school house, myself and thousands of Patriotic Americans fought the N.V.A led by Gen.Vo Nguyen Giap in a truly bloody battle in and around Khe Sanh.Sir, it does not become you to ever denigrate the service of those that went before. My fellow soldiers and marines of all political beliefs have shed the same red blood as you.
*you call me Ricky.Can I call you Jack?

After reading the following two articles this morning, could we entertain the idea that Obama threw Mubarak under the bus while wheeling and dealing with the Russians for that rediculous START treaty? Just being sarcastic, but….who knows, it just might help him shove all that green energy down our throats by putting us “over a barrel,” an empty barrel, what ever they want, just “make him look good.”

First up:

U.S.-Egypt Relations Under Attack
By Ion Mihai Pacepa

Pacepa explains a possible Russian connection using their old brain washing and front group tactics. Read the whole thing, it’s a must… these two paragraphs do tell us a bit:

The KGB community went to great lengths to transform an Egyptian-born Marxist, Mohammed Abd al-Rahman Abd al-Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini, nom de guerre Abu Ammar, into a Palestinian-born Yasser Arafat. It took us years to credibly falsify his birth certificate and other IDs, to build him a new past, and to train him at the KGB Balashikha special-operations training school east of Moscow [6]. It took us more years and the help of former Egyptian ruler Gamal Abdel Nasser, another Soviet puppet [7], to catapult the newly-created Arafat into his position as chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (also created and financed by the KGB). It is no wonder that in 1970, when Nasser died, the whole leadership of the Soviet bloc attended his funeral. During those early years, Egypt was literally being run by Soviet advisers — the KGB and the Red Army alone had some 18,000 advisers assigned there.

Now it seems that we are dealing with a new and better-looking Arafat: Mohamed Mustafa ElBaradei, who recently popped up in Cairo, just as the newly created Arafat had popped up in Cairo in 1966, where Nasser proclaimed him the “leader of the Palestinians.” Previously, as director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), ElBaradei went out of his way to protect Arab efforts to secretly build nuclear weapons. In an article published in The New York Times, ElBaradei showed his true, anti-Western face: “We must abandon the unworkable notion that it is morally reprehensible for some countries to pursue weapons of mass destruction, yet morally acceptable for others to rely on them for security — and indeed to continue to refine their capacities and postulate plans for their use” [8].


Google Executive Emerges as Key Figure in Revolt

Wael Ghonim is head of marketing for the Middle East and North Africa for Google, whose offices in the region are in Cairo and Dubai.

For over a year young master Ghonim has been working with and for El Baradei, Ghonim has been actively inciting unrest in Egypt through a massive facebooking, twitter, etc. campaign. The goal was to get rid of Mubarak for El Baradei.

Mr. Ghonim is counted among a small group of political activists in Egypt whose social-media savvy over the past year helped spark the massive demonstrations threatening Egypt’s ruling regime. “I said one year ago that the Internet will change the political scene in Egypt and some Friends made fun of me :),” Mr. Ghonim wrote on his personal Facebook profile for friends after two days of swelling protests in Cairo. The next day, Jan. 28, he disappeared.
Last year, Mr. Ghonim was one of four administrators running the first of the major Facebook pages that became a virtual headquarters for the protest movement, according to a collaborator in the political opposition, and also according to an Internet activist familiar with the situation. Mr. Ghonim also set up the official campaign website for opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei and volunteered as a tech consultant for other opposition groups, according to Ziad Al-Alimi, a senior aide to Mr. ElBaradei.
Online activists including Mr. Ghonim have played a central role in electronically sowing the seeds of the current protests. Mr. Ghonim joined Mr. ElBaradei’s political campaign as a volunteer about a month before Mr. ElBaradei, winner of the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize and former head of the International Atomic Energy Commission, made a dramatic return to Egypt last February amid speculation he was seeking a wider political role.

Hmmm, the manchild uses Russia, Russia uses Baradei and Baradei uses a zealous, young, savy techie that just had to go out and get caught.

@richard wheeler:

You come in here and start your crap and then whine. If anyone is an ass it’s you.

Missy #43 The oh sooo sweet grandma.
#46 Who is this??

richard, I see you dropped our conversation since I didn’t blast Hannity as you wanted me to.

Sad, but if you can’t handle the truth, (lol) then I guess it was best we not debate anything. I like to stick to the facts and back up what I say.

ANTICSROCKS Sorry. Let’s do it.Your love of pretty boy Sean will not stand in the way.I appreciate what he does for veteran’s families.What’s his military background?

@richard wheeler:

Of course I’m sweet, very sweet, but, my demeanor doesn’t force me into tolerating stuffy old curmudgeons that think they have a right to play their stupid little games against their betters.