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Oh, Goodies.

And that is just the bathroom safe…

Bathroom? I thought it was what was in the trunk of the SUV…

That’s my wifes “little” safe. Wait until you see what’s in mine!

Decisions, decisions, what accessory should one use for this little number:


Yesterday I had a long discussion with my daughter. She is a Nurse Practitioner.


As part of her job she is aware of the impact of illness on the families of the afflicted. One of her resoundingly solid perspectives is that “No Family should be forced into bankruptcy due to cost of medical care”.

I am very confused on this issue . . . should a government ran medical program save a family from bankruptcy? Should any program including private insurance provide such level of protection? Should all the wealth of a family be exhausted and bankruptcy be a predication before catastrophic health coverage kicks in?

Some feedback both left and right, on this question might help me resolve my personal perspectives. My personal perspective is that health is priceless and 100% of a families gold should be used up before the government or any third party resources are kicked in. Note, that if a family does have insurance that “co-pays” and uncovered costs may result in bankruptcy . . . should protection from this total collapse of resources be a “BASIC RIGHT”?

Should I wear the uzi with the low tops, or this tec-9 with the high tops?

That safe needs more diversity. The owner is a firearms bigot. Not one AK-47 in there.

OOT- Saw Bristol Palin yesterday. She was driving her truck with the plate “TRIPP” on it. Even tho it’s AZ, she may want to change it as even we have anti-Palin crazies here.

Do you share???

Tall Grass…you are exactly right! What they are actually asking for….if you untwine it….is “free money” when you need it to protect the economic status of certain people..regardless of what they do or don’t do…when they have life altering or catastrophic healthcare related expenses. That’s what it is (preventing bankruptcy from life/health related events). There are other ways to go about that..through legislation and reform…than forcing everybody into a gov run health care system (which has it’s “own” problems) because the problem is NOT that we don’t have good healthcare services…it’s that they cost a lot of money. And to that point, I know lots of people who “could” have bought health insurance…but didn’t because they wanted to use the money for something else (toys, etc). People who “should” have, given their family history,…boned up on good insurance BEFORE they needed it. That’s why they call it “insurance”. Most 20 somethings…are loath to have it …even when it’s only a couple hundred a month…and you well know why. We also know…hidden deep in that “right”…is that it isn’t for everybody. They full expect “rich” people should be the ones “paying” for it. When you untwine this…it comes down to the same thing every time….a guaranteed standard of living that somebody else pays for.

My mom was also a nurse practitioner.
And it was she who had the expensive and lengthy health problems in her last 7 years.
She made some very tough choices.

One was very hard on me:
IF she was unconscious I was NOT to call paramedics, as she was not in pain and might go peacefully.
I sat with her through a 10-hour long coma in her home, obediently not calling paramedics.
When she awoke and could feel pain I did call paramedics.

Later she left her home and sold it to use the money toward uncovered costs.
She lived in a rental near me.
When her health cascaded downward and the end was near her written instructions (about what could be done VS what she would not have wanted) took a lot of the pressure off me.

She did not leave much cash to her sons and me, but so what.
The youngest of us was in his late 40’s at the time.
Now, I want to add something: earlier in her life, when she was hale and hearty, she would have wanted all the stops pulled out to save her.
She had said so.

SHE changed.
No one forced her.
She also took the lead in talking to her doctors.
She would have mightily resented it had the doctors pressured her and I believe she would have dug in her heels and spent her own last cent then anything the system would have spent on her had she been treated the way Obama wants all people treated with his yearly death planning.


Is that your collection? Looks nice but no 1911’s?

I was out last night, but how did you get the combination to my gun safe?

I have a little issue with some of the stimulus money. The Air Force Academy here in Colorado Springs was given $18.7 million to install a solar collection field. What once was a plesant entrance to the base will now be “littered” with a field of solar collectors. They will save $500,000 in electricity each year. (Rate increases were caculated in this number.) With no maintenance (we only get golf ball hail several times a year.) it will take 37 years to pay back the investment. The life of a solar collector is 20-25 years. This is the type of investment our president advocated in his SOTU message.

So what the heck is going to happen in Egypt?

Pelosi’s wings got clipped and now we find she cost us $2,100,744.59 over the last TWO years plus over $101,429.14 for inflight expenses. Kept the liquor stocked honored her request for chocolate covered strawberries. Like our military had nothing better to do than stock those planes for Nancy Pelosi.

43 trips, 90,155 miles…..in 10 months in 2010.

The Air Force did not provide expense information for the remaining 21 flights.

Wonder what her entire tab was during her entire time as Speaker?


Manute Bol, the basketball great, had this dream for a Southern Sudan free from the rape and enslavement and murdering from the Muslim Janjaweed of the north.
Only 4 Million deaths later (including Manute’s own death) the new nation of Southern Sudan is a reality.
The turnout for the vote was 99%.
Think about if the USA ever got 99% of all eligible out to cast their votes.
It would be a miracle.
And thank goodness the Muslims in the North have recognized the validity of the vote.
Maybe there’ll be some peace for these people.



Time to Vote video and others on the right-hand side here.

This is such a wonderful video.
Any idea how I can put it on a CD?
Or get it onto iTunes?

Yo Curt… think the PC types might consider the thumbnail on the main page a porno shot? All those butts? LOL

Oh, and I’m still laughing at Chris’s “and that’s just the bathroom safe!”

What’s going on in Egypt? Is this another Iran, with government cutting protesters to the chase?



What’s going on in Egypt?

One thing is for sure, what’s going on there isn’t going to end well.

From my reading this morning it appears that Egypt has turned off the Internet. All of the major ISPs (four, I think the number was) have turned off access.

From what I heard on the radio this morning phone service, at least international phone service, is being disrupted as well.

Not going to end well.


My guess is that the Egyptian gov’t took a lesson from Iran, and are avoiding YouTube and other media coverage of the protests. Many of us changed our locations on our FB, Youtube, and Twitter accounts to thwart authorities in Iran, I wonder if that’d be helpful now.

But if internet is shut off entirely, I guess that means the authorities don’t have it either…. Protesting with no form of communication on either side. CAN’T end well.

Mubarak ordered the army to take charge of security in the country with the help of the police as officers firing tear gas and rubber bullets fought running battles across the country in a fourth day of anti-regime demonstrations.

More at link.
We used to have a terrific Egyptian blogger who would have filled us in on all the details, but, as most people who know bloggers and Islam know: he was arrested, beaten then killed in an Egyptian prison.
The official story was that he hurt himself by knocking out many of his own teeth, breaking many bones then somehow killing himself.
OK, sure.
The graphic photos of him on line after his body was recovered were awful.
I also read that Wikileaks contributed to the riots we are seeing as they spread the little-known fact that police were taking women into custody so they could have sex with them.
The police were taking men into custody to help their relatives have fewer competitors locally in their line of business.
The police were covering up kidnappings and rapings and forced conversions and marriages of young Coptic girls and teenagers.

The Revisonist History of the Left!
Chuck Schummer Teaches a NEW Civics.
Three branches of government…..
But NO Judiciary!

you know, we have three branches of government. We have a House. We have a Senate. We have a president.

See it on video here.

ObamaCare has been declared un-Constitutional, those snotty little Congress critters overstepped their authority, the Supreme Court is the only branch that can expand the interpretation of the commerce clause, the government cannot mandate we purchase anything—-ObamaCare is void.

Ha, ha, ha.Florida US District Judge Roger Vinson as well as Judge Henry Hudson in the Virginia case agree with Curt, Mata, Aye, Word, Skookum, Skye, Scott and many of our guest bloggers and posters. I wish to take this time to thank the above mentioned for their year long effort to explain and explain and explain to known, mind numbed partisans that all those dirty tricks played by the democrats to get this crap passed was just their way of showing their rears—- because ObamaCare would be unconstitutional. The Supremes should just ignore it and decide not to hear the case, the whole fiasco has been waste of time and money from the first committee meeting.

Heartfelt thanks to All!




@Missy: Missy,

It’s a step in the right direction but we still have to wait for SCOTUS to rule on this. Hopefully there are enough justices who realize this is unconstitutional and will decide as such thus strengthening the Constitution instead of rendering it meaningless by giving unlimited power to the other two branches of government. It wouldn’t be surprising if Kagan was chosen because she guaranteed a thumbs up vote in favor of the law because Obama realizes how high the stakes are.

Given the DOJ’s stance on today’s ruling and the appeals still ahead, when it does reach the SCOTUS it seems to me I recall Justice Kegan should recuse herself

Elena Kagan breezed through her recent confirmation hearings, but there’s some crucial unfinished business the Senate should insist on before voting on her nomination to the Supreme Court. To wit, she ought to recuse herself from participating as a Justice in the looming legal challenges to ObamaCare.

which would lead the SCOTUS to a 4-4 outcome leaving the lower court ruling in effect. Please enlighten me if I understand this incorrectly.

THEY should be all arrested by the FBI for having spend so much money belongning to the PEOPLE ,

THEY would be charge on their threath to destroy the STATUE OF LIBERTY

I’m kinda mixed on all of this. Human nature and the history of the Nation hints to me that this fight over Healthcare no matter which way the SCOTUS rules in will not be over but will only be inflamed and problematic given 112th’s Congress repeal of the Healthcare law and their pocket play of the bill till the next Senate elections before finaly giving it up to the Senate floor to vote on in full. Add to it that States are starting to be bickering school children between each other over issues not related to Healthcare such as the AZ 1070 bill or why or why not one State should get Federal Tax dollars collected by another State to bailout piss poor managed budgets from the first State when the second one is fiscaly stable and you have a timberbox of a problem.

Electric cars in Oregon may be hit with a mileage charge, under a bill in the State Legislature.

The .06 cents a mile fee would take the place of the gas tax that electric car owners don’t pay and be designated for road maintenance.

An electric car being driven 15,000 miles would rack up $90 a year in mileage fees.


What was the bumper sticker I kept seeing in Oregon?
Gas, Grass or Ass, Nobody Rides For Free

Still true, 40 years later!