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Pretty good you’re on facebook.I’ll have to add your page to my page or whatever it’s called.


Great, Now you are on FB you wont need me posting your articles for all my friends to read.

Some thanks.

Honestly though, it is great to see you guys here!
I’m loving it!

Well I guess I shoul look on the bright side. Now I can find a bunch more conservative friends to “friend” Maybe even some in my local area.
Everyone here should feel free,, nay,,, *invited* to send me a friend request.

Wheee! I can torment my liberal friends even easier now!

YES!!!! Already added as a ‘fan’ and shared the page with my fb friends…will be easier to share the great posts with one click. Thank you!

My facebook page is full of everyone playing Farmville, Cafe World, Island Paradise, etc. Have to sift through all of it to find my grandchildren’s comments and photos.

Are we going to be able to see who in here made King of the Compost or how many Mystery eggs are found? Will it somehow just remain the interesting things we find in here without all those games interspersed?

@Missy-if you don’t want Farmville & the games to show up at all, you can actually block the game (as opposed to the player) directly from your wall. Near the title there should be a dropdown that lets you block posts. You can undo it later from settings too.

Not sure if this is what you meant but if so, hope it helps!


Yes, that’s what I meant, will try to figure that out. Would hate to go on the FA facebook and have that stuff follow to clutter up the page.

Thanks! Not to good with computer stuff and all that junk is frustrating but will spend some time trying to get rid of it. Will it block all their posts or just the games they are playing?


It should only block the application but if you click the Block button and it asks if you want to block the person rather than the application, there is an undo button.

Awesome, hopped right over, became a fan now to share with all my other friends 🙂

Will comment here as I am unable to comment on the donation topic. Made a donation, sorry was not as large as I would like it to be, but hey, with the Obama-economy and all…. I have been checking in to FOA for years now and love the info and format. Only gripe, occasionaly, as reason posting here now, page won’t let me post comment. Button for “send” is below arrow reached at page bottom. Damn! To think I missed out on many “caption this” contest.

As for amount donated, recieved letter from Scott Brown yesterday (only donated same amount as I donated here) thanking me for “generous” donation. Hope Scott Brown stays appreciative of the little guy during his Senate term. I might have letter recieved from him framed for inspiration.

Mon, one man’s dollar is another man’s million. As one of the FA authors, I thank you… and all the rest of … who have donated even a penny to aid Curt in his redesign endeavor.

For someone who is stuck in the typewriter age, can you explain the advantage of FB & Twitter?

Not sure that I can…I spend a ton of time on the net, I do have a Twitter account which I use more to follow politicians that I like, such as Jim DeMint, more than I use it to post anything…I also use the Twitter account to follow guys like Frank J from IMAO blog because I think he’s a riot.

Facebook is lost on me. My wife has an account and I have a lot of friends who keep telling me I need to get one. I had a friend from the Twin Cities who said I need to get a FB page so we could keep in touch. This guy has all of my e-mail addresses, my home phone, my cell phone etc etc…I rolled all of that out and asked why he needed one more way to get ahold of me when he already had mutliple options now? His comment, “You just need one man”

Maybe some other posters here at FA can tell us what the pluses of it are because they aren’t immediately obvious to me.
It would be nice to torture liberals with FB if it has that advantage though.

Facebook is really good for having all of your favorite sites and subjects in one place. It provides opportunities to interact with others and it helps to put a name and face to those dumb 0bama voters. 😉

I have been following this site on Facebook for a while now and it is simply one more means of getting the facts out to more people. Those who are not newsjunkies really are clueless to what this administration is up to because they spend too much time watching all those inane reality television shows.

Love seeing your posts on my FB and my Reading List! 😉 This is a brilliant place!

@Slveryder: Thank you for the FB tip!! I hate that Farmville crap. I just went in and blocked it all. Much better!!

@Skookum: Hi Skook, I use FB for politics, and I am a “Fan” of several people such as Marco Rubio, Jesse Kelly, Mark Levin. That way I can keep up on interesting things that they post. I have heavy privacy screens up on my page so that I can control sharing any of my info. I only have about 10 real FB friends & I warn them in advance that I do get political. I often post interesting things to share about Obamacare and Climategate etc. I have a Twitter account only to follow politics, and my real name isn’t used because I don’t want anyone I know finding me. I “follow” several people such as Michelle Malkin, Jason Mattera, Paul Ryan, Jim DeMint, Herman Cain. I never post anything, but it is interesting to follow stuff such as the day of the Healthcare final vote, and if anything hot comes up politically someone on Twitter is usually all over it. I was getting a lot of spam after I signed up for Twitter and finally figured out how to set my Twitter account to block anyone from accessing my e-mail. Try one of them for a couple of weeks. You can always dump your account and go back to your typewriter!!

Thats what I use FB for too PatriotGirl. It gives you the ability to be in touch with large groups of people across the country who are like minded without having to have massive amounts of email waiting for you when you get home. I’ve also found some fabulous companies that sell 100% American made products in addition to keeping up with my favorite politicans from other states, etc.

Facebook is a shit-hole of terror-supporting lefty activists. They continue to allow groups like this to flourish:


…and spread Osama-supporting propaganda like this:


Flopping Aces should most certainly NOT support facebook!

This is great! Now, I can be twice as snide.

http://mypetjawa.mu.nu/archives/202071.php is _not_ a pro-OBL site. I think you’ve misunderstood it…

I love you guys, but I don’t do Facebook…!

I’m glad you’re on it– FB or twitter is the way to go, nowadays.
I hate to say it as an oldtimer on Free Republic and a plank owner at Free Dominion, but the forum format is last century- this is way of the future.

The Pro / Con evidenced in the comments are valid, but Curt . . . well done.

FA is not a “Personal” site, and falls into the organizational side of things human, so its presence on site like Facebook holds less risk to its owner.

On the other hand, . . . for personal postings on engines like Facebook, as one who has had direct familiarity with the world of software and some of the most complex incarnations of hardware, I would caution all users to refrain from exposing their more private data. It’s not even about keeping things off such sites that you might not want your grandchildren to see or read, . . . it’s about keeping information out of the hands of both self-serving or criminal hands. . . . And the 2 come in very different costumes.

It isn’t just thieves you should be concerned with or wary of. There are people, I’ll include here the executives of companies like Facebook and Google, who will use your most personal information to satisfy their own personal, and corporate objectives. Don’t make the mistake of assuming that these people are either benevolent, or altruistic, regardless what claims they make. They are on the long term, just as dangerous to your well being, as talented hackers who break into the servers which hold your personal information.

Some of the new software coupled with incredibly powerful processors, can agglomerate patterns using images and/or data from posted information, to gain insights which should be worrisome to those sharing just a little too much with their “friends.”

For anyone who might doubt the possibilities, and needs a peek at the kind of power I’m referring to, just check into Google’s new image compilation engine which can accumulate images taken from a multitude of cameras, from a multitude of users, from a multitude of angles, in a multitude of lighting situations, of the same object or scene, . . . to create ONE three dimensional rendering of the subject matter. . . . Just as example. 😉

Oooppsss. Too late, . . . This one’s too far down the track. The US government is building a vast domestic spying network. . . . Makes you feel warm all over.

@James Raider:

My granddaughter gets at least 300 friend requests a week. Somehow sites have managed to post her current facebook photo and that links to her page. We decided that’s the reason for the many requests, she had no idea sites were doing it.

For the other grandchildren, the parents set up their pages using incorrect information.

Missy, . . . keep in mind that any photos taken with GPS capable devices like most new cell phones, imbed the exact GPS location of the device/photo into the photo’s code. Whatever other website that photo is copied to, contains that code – which goes with it. (That capability should be turned off.)

The world now not only “sees” what you did, but knows exactly where you did it. It’s halleluiah time for egos in bad need of stroking.

Can you demonstrate that?

TSgt Ciz,

http://www.cdfinder.de/en/en/en/gpsinfo.html This one’s a rapid download, and is very simple to use.

There are endless nefarious possibilities with geotags. Example: posting a picture on Facebook while on holidays ensures the world knows you’re not home, since that picture will have a very different geotag than the ones you posted from home. etc., etc.,

. . . Have fun.


@James Raider: #26 & #28


A few thoughts in Wikipedia’s article on Geotagging, about the potential unconsidered dangers:


“This is a photo taken 2 weeks ago showing the great stuff in my living room, along with the geographical coordinates. And this is a picture dated today, showing all the world that I’m currently away on vacation, 1500 miles away…”