Like we didn’t hear this last year, and the year before that:
Yup, Sarah Palin has now been declared politically dead…according to those “high” IQ’s at MSNBC.
How dare she respond to those accusing her of being complicit in the death of a half of dozen people including a 9 year old. She should of just stayed quiet right? Of course when she did stay quiet the left prattled on about that.
Laura Curtis asks….what does it really take to end a political career?
- Being found guilty of 11 ethics violations. (Charlie Rangel, D-NY)
- Stuffing your pants with classified documents, stealing and destroying them. (Sandy Berger, Bill Clinton’s National Security Advisor, went on to become a Hillary Clinton campaign advisor in 2008.)
- A prostitution scandal. (Democrat Elliot Spitzer, then Governor of NY, now cohost ofParker Spitzer and David Vitter, R-LA, still in office, were clients. Barney Frank, D-MA, still in office; his boyfriend ran a prostitution ring from their home.)
- Having the FBI find $90,000 in your freezer. (William Jefferson, D-LA, was re-elected while under federal investigation.)
- Being a Klan leader, and saying “white niggers” on TV. (Robert Byrd – D-WV, re-elected until he died while in office) In contrast, Trent Lott, R-MS, was driven from his post as Minority Leader for complimenting former Dixiecrat Strom Thurmond at a birthday party.
- Plagiarism and an ongoing series of gaffes. (Joe Biden)
- Being caught on tape smoking crack cocaine. (Marion Barry, Democratic mayor of Washington, DC, went on to serve on the Washington D.C. City Council and another term as mayor after his release from prison.)
- Swimming away and letting Mary Jo Kopechne drown, and offering to help the Soviet Union defeat America’s most formidable enemy: President Ronald Reagan. (Ted Kennedy, D-MA, re-elected until he died in office.)
Yeaaaaah. She’s a goner.
More at the link.
And then there is this:
A new national study among 1,437 self-reported Democrats, Republicans and Independents revealed that Americans indicated that Sarah Palin was more sincere and believable after viewing her speech in response to the shootings in Tucson.
The study was conducted during January 13-14 by HCD Research and reported on its® website, to obtain Americans’ perceptions of Sarah Palin after viewing a video of a speech she gave in response to the shootings in Tucson.
Respondents were asked to rate Sarah Palin on a scale from 1-7 regarding likeability, believability and sincerity, with 1 representing “not at all strong in this attribute” and 7 representing “extremely strong in this attribute.”
With the exception of likeability among Democrats, Palin’s attribute ratings increased among all parties after viewing her speech. The most notable increase was her sincerity ratings, which increased from 2.62 to 2.69 among Democrats, from 5.25 to 5.45 among Republicans and from 3.68 to 3.85 among Independents.
Eh….it’s all hogwash tho, she is done, finished, finit.
I just so love to see the hysterics this woman causes amongst people who normally would be quite sane.

See author page
u may be stunded that the woman may o to greatness
I heard Donald Trump is seriously considering running for Prez. Hmmm, interesting having him and Palin on the same ticket…
SArah’s career isn’t over even when she quits/ Obama PRAYS that he will be running against her
The Donald has yet to say a negative word about her. If he didn’t want her on his ticket Sec. of Energy would be nice.
Sarah Palin? She’ll never quit! Oh…wait…
And those target reticles? They were just…uh…”surveyor’s marks”…and when she said “reload,” she didn’t really mean “reload,” she meant…uh…well…SOMETHING ELSE… LOL!
Bachmann, not Palin.
Trump and Palin on the same ticket.If only I could wish it so.
It was good to read the things some politicians have done and NOT had end their careers!
And the Left is always announcing the agenda, the career curve, the definition of happenings….as if, teleologically…. they can make it all happening by wishing it so hard enough.
Peter Pan couldn’t have gotten a better reaction from an audience of little children when Tinkerbelle lies dying after drinking poison.
But none of the Left’s machinations make it so.
Wasn’t Jared crazy when he ranted about living in a dream?
The Left needs to wake up.
@Kitten Mitten:
Get used to the fear, let it wrap you like the warm blanket of socialism your masters have offered, the imaginary security of “the state” you dream of is an illusion which is cracking every day. When the last piece falls we will be there and she will be with us.
Just Al.”When the last pieces fall we will be there and she will be with us”. What is that “The Rapture”?
Both parties are corrupt to the core.
What did Veterans Today say?
What did Gordon Duff say?
the fed
Of course Palin’s career isn’t over. It’s going remarkably well. There’s just confusion in a lot of minds about what her career actually is.
According to the media, Sarah’s career has been over about a dozen times since 2008. Wishful thinking by the Left and GOP elites. All her ‘negatives’ were fabricated by her enemies.
Remember when they called her ‘insignificant’ day after day after day after day after . . .
The media weakened only themselves with this big, and now transparent, lie over the last week. And like usual after the attacks, Sarah Palin comes out stronger.
Sarah is as stong as ever and no left wing tevision show person can destroy her no matter how hard they try.
@John ryan, Kitten Mitten, rich wheeler, Greg and all the other libtard drones –
If Sarah Palin is so insignificant one would think that she would hardly be worth a mention. But yet, she releases a statement of 140 characters or less (uh, that’s a tweet for those who are intellectually challenged) the MSM, the leftists in the Obama administration, and the libtard drone bloggers go absolutely nuts.
I think it is a riot to see the Pavlovian, kneejerk response by John ryan, et al. It is as if you all can’t help yourselves. If only you could see how pathetic it is. But keep it up, the more she is bashed by the MSM and the rest of the left, the more popular she becomes. ROFLMAO!!
One idiot on Twitter publicized death threats to Palin and now is so done by because she lost her privacy. Poor left wing victim. Maybe the FBI can console you.
Depends on what you mean by political career – being an elected official of a high office – e.g. running successfully as President or a political career as a pundit. As a pundit she’s probably forever be in the spotlight. But it will be interesting to see if she has the guts to run for President and whether she will succeed or not. Those who have been controversial, who have polarised, and not been fully supported by their own party or the media have in some examples managed to get to the top. But somehow I can’t see Palin becoming President. Not because of recent events – but because I don’t think she has what it takes. Does anyone here believe that she will be elected President next year?
It’s in her interest to be ambiguous about whether she’ll run. Nobody actually knows what she’ll do.
I don’t think about it much. I suspect the 2012 Republican candidate may well be someone we have not paid much attention to. It is a strike against any politician to be perceived as too establishment, whether Democrat or Republican. Last election the GOP candidate was an old insider who, in my opinion, was favored by the media as the designated loser, in the same way that the media favored Obama as the designated winner. You know the rest — McCain acted like he didn’t really want to win, and his own staff was responsible for some of the attacks against Palin. The GOP establishment does not like the insurgent grass roots small government movement, because it rattles their martini glasses, endangers their guaranteed places at the trough, and they can’t control it.
Every time somebody says Palin doesn’t have what it takes, I look at the current crew and realize yet again, Obama and his crew don’t have what it takes either, and a Palin presidency certainly couldn’t be any worse. The odds are against her, but you know what ? The odds are against everyone else too.
I have long said that Palin can and will be effective no matter what she decides to do. She is intelligent and politically savvy. There are times that she takes the road less traveled and leaves the rest of us to wonder as to her motivations, but so far she has done just about everything right. Everyone makes mistakes and she will be no exception, but she knows what she wants and how to get there, whether that be the Oval Office or somewhere else.
Gaffa, you asked if anyone thinks she will be elected to the highest office next cycle. Well I can’t say, because it is way too early to speculate with any accuracy. I do know however, she won’t run unless she thinks she has a good shot at it.
@GaffaUK: I happen to agree with you. Sarah Palin’s career is exactly where she wants it, political pundit. She hates the mainstream media but she is now a part of it and getting paid a pretty penny. As long as she can move the ratings needle then she will have a lucrative career just being her.
Let me be clear here:
SARAH PALIN IS NOT PRESIDENTIAL MATERIAL! Before you flame me just listen.
1. She has never had sex with an intern while holding office.
2. She has never had an affair, denied it, then deny the bastard child was hers.
3. She has never raped a campaign worker.
4. She has never gone overseas to fratenized with the enemy.
5. She has never tossed someone elses medals over the fence of the White House in protest.
6. She has never gone overseas to protest the US.
7. Not only did she not inhale, she never passed one around.
And thats just for starters.
@High Plains Drifter:
Pretty good.
But #7 is wrong.
Sarah admitted to the Anchorage Daily News during an 2006 interview. She was quoted as saying “I can’t claim a Bill Clinton and say that I never inhaled.”
In her book, Going Rogue, she simply admitted to trying it but not liking it.
Yes Nan, I had forgotten that she talked about that in her book. Thanks for the reminder.
That is what I appreciate about Sarah Palin – her honesty and straight forwardness.
I will never understand why no one ever mentions the 7 1/2 hours that Katie Couric taped Sarah & yet all they aired was 7 min.
Can you imagine Barry taping 7 seconds without a monitor?