It’s so predictable.
A recent set of headlines on Drudge read this way:
TODAY: Obama pledges ‘singular focus’ on economy…
ONE YEAR AGO: ‘Obama to focus hard on economy’…
TWO YEARS AGO: Obama to put ‘renewed focus’ on economy…
Yeah sure.
The LA Times headline of the year:
‘Obama assails Republican foes, urges bipartisan effort’
If there’s one thing you can depend on, it’s Barack Obama saying one thing and doing another. Most likely Obama will pound something like globawarmiatechange or amnesty down our throats.
And today was no different. Over at The Hill they told us that Obama was getting all bipartisany:
Obama urges House, Senate GOP leaders to put politics aside
President Obama, returning to Washington from his Christmas vacation in Hawaii, urged House and Senate GOP leaders to put partisan politics aside in the name of working to boost the economy.
~~~“I think that there’s gonna be politics, that’s what happens in Washington,” he said. “They are going to play to their base for a certain period of time. But I’m pretty confident that they’re going to recognize that our job is to govern.”
Sounds great. But sure as the sun rises:
Obama ready to deploy executive powers against GOP Hill
In response, Obama is expected to make more frequent use of executive orders, vetoes, signing statements and policy initiatives that originate within the federal agencies to maneuver around congressional Republicans who are threatening to derail initiatives he has already put in place, including health care reforms, and to launch serial investigations into his administration’s spending.
Signing statements?
Obama said during his 2008 campaign that he wouldn’t use signing statements, codicils presidents can attach to bills challenging or refusing to enforce parts of a law, the way his predecessor, President George W. Bush, did. But since taking office, Obama issued signing statements on budgetary matters, foreign aid, commission appointments and more — along with a memorandum promising to use “restraint” whenever exercising that power.
Why, it seems just like yesterday….
Woman questioner: “Do you promise not to use Presidential signage to get your way?”
Obama: “Yes”
And Obama hints that the Constitution is not about to obstruct him:
WASHINGTON — President Obama’s aides, confronting a bill that places new restrictions on the transfer of Guantánamo detainees, are likely to recommend that Mr. Obama sharply criticize the limitations when he signs the legislation, a White House official said.
~~~The bill has set up a dilemma for the administration because it puts in conflict two of Mr. Obama’s goals for dealing with the legacy of former President George W. Bush. Mr. Obama wants to close the Guantánamo prison, but he has also sought to avoid making the kind of sweeping claims of unilateral executive power that Mr. Bush frequently asserted.
~~~“If the president is determined to work against the will of Congress, then he should use the only tool available to him under the Constitution and veto the legislation,” she said in a statement. “Congress should then act quickly to override that veto.”
When Obama says “Put politics aside” he means you put YOUR politics aside and do what he wants.
I’ve said it before. You have to be an idiot to believe anything Barack Obama says.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
While not native-born to Chicago, Ill, Obama certainly adopted the THUG tactics practiced there:
To quote You, Dr. John, as you quoted Obama, just last month:
** Obama: “They Bring a Knife…We Bring a Gun”
** Obama to His Followers: “Get in Their Faces!”
** Obama on ACORN Mobs: “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!”
** Obama to His Mercenary Army: “Hit Back Twice As Hard”
** Obama on the private sector: “We talk to these folks… so I know whose ass to kick.“
** Obama to voters: Republican victory would mean “hand to hand combat”
** Obama to lib supporters: “It’s time to Fight for it.”
** Obama to Latino supporters: “Punish your enemies.”
You are absolutely correct, Dr. John, when you point out Obama’s meaning when he says ”Let’s put politics aside.”
He always means YOU put YOUR politics aside and do as I say.
Well the Pretender in Chief’s plan works only if he has a RNC with no back bone and too afraid to stand up for themselves. When they fight back then PEBO will be the first to cry foul and sit in the corner sucking his thumb while his thugs do his dirty work.
Here is another view of how we got in this economic mess, who bears the most responsibility, and where we may well end up soon:
The fleeing of decent paying manufacturing jobs overseas has been on a downward trend for a long time, and it started with Bill Clinton and his Nafta free trade deal, but fits well with Republican priorities and plays well with their main contributors ( I know, the Dems take money from the same guys too…).
We have taken our manufacturing base and moved it overseas, and now happily buy the Chinese made junk at WalMart with mindless glee, tickled at the “deals” we are getting. It only costs us the future prosperity of our children and the manufacturing base of our Nation…. not a bad deal so we can line the pockets of Flag loving companies and the Communist Chinese, all while our Representatives kiss the Chinese’s A** so they can fund our war debt while they devalue their currency so they can put the hurts on ours. All the tax breaks in the world will not bring back those jobs, if the Bush Tax Cuts were working so well for that purpose, those jobs would be here and increasing right now.
And from an article in 2005:
If McCain were president instead of Obama, do you think our situation would be any better, that the economy would be OK now and employment would be vastly improved? I doubt it, this hole was dug deep before the ’08 election…that is why Bush sent folks that $300 or $600 check in the spring of ’08, yep, Bush used an economic stimulus to slow down what he knew was coming, probably just to hold off the crash until the election was over. He even fumbled that one too. The Oil companies saw it coming too, and squeezed almost $5 a gallon gas prices to maximixe profits before the free fall. McCain voted for TARP, as did many of the Republicans, here’s a list for you:
Why would so many Republicans vote for TARP, unless they were convinced that the Economy was toast if they didn’t, all before the ’08 election was even held?
So, your sayin’ this is all Obama’s fault?
Realistically, AIG was the only entity that really needed saving. Goldman Sachs did not. TARP was necessary and it’s been paid back, so scratch that portion of the debt from Bush’s last year.
I am not saying it’s all Obama’s fault. The lack of a recovery is Obama’s fault. He’s protected all the unions at our expense. He’s screwed with the financial system, leaving the fatcats not only intact but flourishing. He’s removed incentive for bankers to lend money for investment. $2 trillion deficit last year on top of it all.
I am saying that the financial crisis is nearly all Democrats’ fault.
Oil companies do NOT control the price of oil. Time for a little more research, Moose. It is Obama who is choking off domestic oil supply and making us more dependent on foreign sources AND driving up the prices along with that demand.
Moose- do you think electricity comes from a hole in the wall?
Just wonderin’
Did you seriously quote David Stockman? He laments the Bush tax cuts? Moose, tell us what the marginal tax rates were going into Reagan and what they were coming out of Reagan.
War between the rich and the poor? Only if Democrats foment it. What are they going to do once they kill all the rich? From where will the money come?
BTW, Obama is doing his utmost to make the wealthy even wealthier and at the same time create a greater and greater dependency class.
And for God’s sake stop WHINING. If you don’t want Chinese stuff, DON’T SHOP AT WALMART. Tell your friends not to shop at Walmart. And don’t shop at Kohl’s either.
But people do because they care more about the cheaper prices than they do American jobs. So you can blame the poor for making themselves poorer.
Makes perfect sense for a marxist to want to find ways to dramatically highlight a “wealth gap” within a weak republic.
I shopped at Costco this week (not a member!) and I felt both dirty and thrifty after …
Ah, the best of both worlds…… 😉
If McCain were President we would still have McCrystal in Afghanistan and he would have had the troops he requested. If McCain were President he would have sent FY2009 with the 8,000 earmarks and across the board increases back, or vetoed it. If McCain were President we would not have had the pork laden Stimulus nor would he have swelled the rolls of government workers. If McCain were President we would not have ObamaCare and the tax rates would have been extended thus, we would not be facing the mucked up mess with our income taxes this year.
Obama has added 25,000 more government jobs
and the number of government jobs paying $100,000 has doubled under Obama.
And the cost of those jobs will double every 20 years. Those jobs add nothing to the economy. Government is like a metastatic cancer.
About that David Stockman. He’s an opportunist that constantly gets a reset from the Reagan hating left and then goes on to use it to his advantage. So, what does he need now and how best to achieve it. Why, he needs money, writes a book, appears on liberal media, even Keith Olbermann hosted the con….Reagan hating books sell and the libs are all to happy to help promote them, wonder what the advance was. BTW, the company he presented a way too rosy picture of was an auto parts company that supplied parts to Chrysler and GM. Before long he was able to buy out smaller parts companies creating a monopoly and then soaked the big automakers. Nice guy, I’d trust him with my grandchildren. sarc/
Why does he need money? He lost a $13 million investment in the above described company. Later was charged with fraud, after years of lawyers and court proceedings, charges were dropped when he agreed to pay over $7 million to settle the civil action suits filed tjat were also filed against him. So, fines, penalties, lawyers in addition to the $13 million. Yeah, he’s the one to go to regarding all things financial.
Good comments regarding the way a McCain presidency would have been better than the Obama one we are stuck with.
I’ll add one more.
Look at this chart…..
Look along the bottom and find month -13.
That was the month Obama took office.
Things were highly reversible….had business-friendly solutions been imposed instead of the jobs’ killing policies of Obama’s.
All that misery after month -13 was avoidable.
To a degree anyway.
Too bad we have a president and Cabinet and 40 czars all of whom have such scant experience making a payroll.
They tried one big government solution after another.
Yet still to this day, according to the chart, things are worse for the workforce than at any other time since WWII.
Here’s another great chart that shows how Obama slowed down the recovery to a crawl by forcing through ObamaCare.
But when it was clear that Republicans were going to win at the very least, the House, look at how the pace of recovery took back off.
This chart covers all of Obama’s full months in office.
I’ll stick to what I know best, that is oil and gas exploration and production. I see that Mr. Mooseberries is blaming Boosh and the oil companies for 5$ gas. This price will be back by Memorial Day, according to the Petroleum Institute estimates, based on supply and demand. The Dept. of Energy( all 17,000 strong), which produces no energy, has no plans for energy development, will continue regulating. The EPA will continue to increase regulation. The Dept. of the Interior will increase regulation. Taxes will necessarily skyrocket. More drilling bans coming up.
Your Bamster, Chu, Browner, Jackson, and Salazar are complete busts and will make Jimmie Carter look like a savior.
You folks have the World’s largest reserves of Oil Shales. Utah, Wyoming, and Colorado could be American leaders in oil production. Two thirds of this oil is easy to get at(Tertiary lithography) and production could start in 5 years. You have the engineers, equipment, knowledge, and finances to do it.
Production costs would start at 50$ per barrel. There’s part of your answer.
@Nan G: I’ve read some of your posts and you Conservadums are the reason why the Right comes up with “Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act”. Referefing to it in that name is shamefull, but to actually put it on the bill…The world once again is laughing at Conservadums. This site I was hoping would provide key weak points on both sides of the aisle, instead it’s the echo chamber of lies built on top of lies (I should have just watched Faux News).
Now Kareem…You’re not really posting those insulting things here using a gov’t computer now are you?
Why yes…you are.
You’re posting during your workday too aren’t you?
Aren’t there rules against both of those types of behaviors?
Why yes…there are.
You’d better get back to work now.
What’s a ”Conservadums?”
Maybe you should have read and looked up the charts on my #12.
Obama has been a private sector job killer from day one…..
Unless all you care about are tax-sucking government jobs, that is.
(Oh, wait! Aye caught you using a taxpayer bought computer and posting on this site while you suck on the taxpayer teat! So, I’m guessing you are OK with Obama’s private-sector job-killing policies.)
@Nan G: He is just Trolling for attention. He may want to peruse the FA Archives before using name calling as his calling card. We seem to be getting a lot of Daily Kos Refugees here requesting “Political Asylum” lately. Until He/She presents a worthy subject for discussion
I don’t have time for a response.