ObamaCare Shocker! It Costs More & Helps Less

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Go figure, not like anyone didn’t see this coming eh?

An early feature of the new health-care law that allows people who are already sick to get insurance to cover their medical costs isn’t attracting as many customers as expected.

In the meantime, in at least a few states, claims for medical care covered by the “high-risk pools” are proving very costly, and it is an open question whether the $5 billion allotted by Congress to start up the plans will be sufficient.

The White House claimed that 375,000 people needed the help of these subsidies.  They were just a wee bit off by say….97%

In the spring, the Medicare program’s chief actuary predicted that 375,000 people would sign up for the pool plans by the end of the year. Early last month, the Health and Human Services Department reported that just 8,000 people had enrolled. HHS officials declined to provide an update, although they collect such figures monthly, because they have decided to report them on a quarterly basis.

“Like the rest of the country, we thought we’d have pretty much a stampede. That obviously hasn’t materialized,” said Michael Keough, executive director of North Carolina’s plan. With nearly 700 participants, it is among the nation’s largest so far, but it has one-third of the people expected by now.

You couldn’t see this coming? Well, Obama didn’t and he allocated 5 billion dollars to the program based on nothing.  It’s like they picked a number out of a hat and that number read 5 billion.

So follow me here:

1. They didn’t have anything to support the $5 billion to create the program.
2. The actual number of people using the system is 97% less than predicted.

Add that up and you can only come up with the fact that Obama and pals don’t have a friggin clue.

Ed Morrissey:

The Obama administration and its allies in the Nancy Pelosi Congress revamped one-sixth of the American economy, created new federal mandates, and created chaos in system that worked for the vast majority of Americans, just to deal with eight thousand people? Perhaps they should have tested the issue by creating the program separately first and determining whether the demand required a complete overhaul of a health-care system that mainly worked for the rest of us, instead of arrogating to themselves the task of dictating the shape of a market they clearly don’t understand.

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I took the time to read the Healthcare Bill prior to the vote. It is nothing more than a poorly disguised tax bill and power grab. All who voted for it are traitors to the Republic.

The most astonishing thing is how totally far out of touch our government is with the MAJORITY of the COLLECTIVE . . . Oh . . . sorry, I forgot Collectives don’t have majorities.

Consider this scenario . . . this is the way my neighbors handle their medical problems . . . most injuries that result from domestic violence . . . the last event was two brothers got into a rip roaring fight . . . why? They are meth-heads . . . the whole freaking family is meth addicts. They are fighting the monsters that is themselves.

Big fight step 1. Step 2: Go to hospital . . . drive youself because calling ambulance would bring in the local police, can’t have that since the place is a dump that would make the kids living in Smokey Mountain in the Philippines seem like they live in luxury. No electricity, no water, heat with wood . . . which they gather from following the utility tree trimmers around and picking up the big stuff.

So at the hospital . . . basically they tell hospital they are HOMELESS . . . well they are since the property they live on is actually owned by their grandmother. They have NO social security card or other id that they can show the hospital, nothing.

Why no SSN card . . . simple . . . they lost it years ago and they never got a new one. They don’t work anyway . . . when they do work they work for cash only.

Side Note:

They worked for me hauling hay for awhile . . . as a result of this they stole everything that they could . . . cost me thousands of dollars. Why did I not call the sheriff? Simple, the sheriff hauls them to jail for a week, month, or six months . . . they come back!!! Then I have hell to pay . . . they shoot my cattle, shoot holes in my fuel tanks, tear out my fences, kill my dogs . . . oh, man . . . does this sound like hell? You bet, but there is nothing I can do . . . could I shoot them? Wow, would that be a mistake . . . I am a target for the lawyers in this county . . . to shoot one of these worthless crankheads would cost me more than just a few thousand dollars.

More on Hospital:

So at the hospital they are clearly beat to crap, needing to be sewn back together and one is totall unconscious with head wounds.

What does the hospital do . . . only what they are required to do by law. They treat them. The unconscious one goes to the ICU for a couple of days and the other comes home to his crank.

So the questions:

1. Are these people worried about INSURANCE? What do you think?
2. If they were worried about insurance can they pay? What do you think?
3. If they were offered it for free would they go sign up for it? What do you think?

Is this an isolated case? Probably . . . however there is an entire segment of our demographics that live some semblance of this life style.

This is the “collective” . . . this is the “herd” . . . that Obozo equates and identfies with. We used to call Obozo’s type . . . “N” word Rich . . . can I even say “N” word . . . sad, but true . . . a Caddie in front of a shack . . . a mobile home with add-ons (just on down the road from me is a mobile home that was enhanced with shipping containers for extra rooms).

So what I am saying is very simple . . . 5 billion dollars to cover the stampede to get to free medical coverage . . . the stampede clearly is NEVER going to happen. So how will they enroll these people for med coverage? It will never happen . . . It will NEVER happen.

Tallgrass, I think these people can be called N-Ps (Non-Participators), the problem is I must include myself as a Non-Participator; although, for slightly different reasons. They don’t want to be involved in a system that requires that they be accounted for and take on a pretense of responsibility and accountability: those like myself don’t want to contribute to Obama’s allegorical plan for assuming control of people and of the economy under the guise of health care or Socialism. It is unfortunate to be lumped in the same group as these N-Ps, but I think many diverse groups will continue to surface as the duplicitous nature of Obama and his henchmen is revealed

Hubby has a pool of medical insurers who like to work with printers and other manufacturers whose employees deal with hazardous chemicals.
So, it is a smaller pool that some other companies can attract.
No matter, people have several choices.
But this year none of those many choices were the same price as last year.
The least expensive option is a full $200/month more expensive!
And that is just for the employee!
When they add in family – well, you get the picture.

Can’t imagine what a squeeze it would have been had the ”Bush tax cuts” not been extended.
These people haven’t had raises in over 1 &1/2 years.
But Obama would have happily taken an extra $200/paycheck (over $400/month) from them, had the Dems won the House.
And that on top of new higher medical insurance premiums.

Tallgrass, you need to arrange an accident for those worthless subhumans. The next time they get all doped up, put a stick in the doors and set the house on fire. Even if they get out the house will be unlivable and if they dont then the problem is solved for all.

My Step Dad has the same problem with a trailer park they stuck on the side of his property with his horses. Punk kids coming onto his protperty and messing up fences, stealing equipment and defacing everything else. We set a little trap for them and dug a few holes in the ground to trip up and injury those who are not suppose to be there in the first place. Then we patroled the fence line with M4A3’s and they have chosen to leave this side of the area alone for some reason. lol


I totally understand and at times I would with trepidation have done exactly what you are talking about. There is a serious possiblity of setting off the Hatfield/McCoy confrontation here in this small town. I have considered selling out and moving to another area . . . but then comes the realization . . . it’s every where . . . not just in my small Oklahoma community . . . its all over Oklahoma the same . . . where there was a time of respect and community spirit, mutal support and Sunday picnics . . . it is gone.

In the past I would have been a “redleg” . . . we still have them here in Oklahoma. Native Americans generally divide themselves along the lines of Peacekeepers and Warriors . . . clearly the term does not have the significance it originally had. But there is truly a Spirit of the Warrior and a Spirit of Peace . . . it was the strength or weakness of these tribal factions that ultimately caused war or lead to the relocation or restriction of the tribes.

The dump actually got struck by lightening once, at least that is what I was told, as was the fire department . . . I think they had themselves a cook fire . . . and they were not cooking food.

Last thing they did to me . . . last winter . . . exactly a year ago . . . they set my tractor on fire, with it in the barn . . . came in and dumped diesel fuel over the tractor and tried to torch the barn and everything in it. The tractor burned . . . but since the barn is a shed type with no doors . . . the barn its self did not burn. Had to buy a new tractor though . . . these scum are sneaky and come across open pasture to get to me and they do it at night or when I am away from the place. I was forced to get the insurance involved in that one and subsequently the sheriff too. I am on pins and needles waiting for the next attack . . . which is surely going to happen.

I am not a fool . . . I have my firearms stored with the family firearms. . . not at my home . . . we have a plan . . . a family plan . . . I hope it never happens. Natives in Oklahoma DO not store firearms in the homes . . . at least not if they want to keep them . . . the law in Oklahoma does not like to hear that you have a weapon in the house, period. If they serve you any papers there is always a requirement that there be no weapons in the home as part of those papers. Yes, you can own them . . . and the county will offer to “store” them for you . . . but it is best to NOT store them where YOU can not get to them after a short period of THINK time.

Every paper that is served will have a statement . . . “owns weapons? . . . Yes or No” and that is a warning to the server . . . get it?

The law did NOTHING . . . I have never heard from them again . . . don’t expect to.


Opting out is a personal choice . . . NOT OPTING period . .. not sure that is anything other than stupidity. It is a wise man that is aware of the alternatives and has a plan. It is a wiser man that has a plan based on the experiences of OTHERS. Why go through the learning curve? Take advantage of the experiences of others so that you DO NOT have to feel the fire to know it is hot. All of your articles are writen in that format . . . why take the ride in the lawn chair when the cure is less painful . . . lol.

The problem with the collective concept is principally that they do not have to experience anything. Totally dependent on catastrophe to move them.

Tallgrass and Skookum —

Whether you are talking about a protester like Skookum, the tweakers Tall mentioned, or 21 year olds who think they are immortal, or an illegal who falls through a sunlight while reroofing a building, ANYONE who arrives at the hospital injured gets medical care. The mandate is intended to address two problems: (a) that people will wait until they are deathly ill to buy insurance, and (2) the uncompensated care that hospitals extend, which in one study accounted for 6% to 8% of all dollars spent by hospitals. Tell a grocery store that they will never get paid for 7% of the groceries that go out the door, or tell a car dealer that 7 of the 100 cars that leave his lot will do so gratis. It is a huge problem.

Skookum, Obamacare or no Obamacare, if you got hit by a bus tomorrow, my local hospital would provide you with the $198,025.25 worth of care needed to fix your broken parts. What you don’t pay gets passed on to me and my insurer. So why should everyone else have to pay for you just because you are “protesting” by not having financial responsibility for your own care? Why should we be on the hook for your care because you want to tilt at windmills, yet stick us with the bill?

Frankly, I think it would be cheaper in the long run to just sign everyone up for Blue Cross/Blue Shield and be done with it. The tweakers, the anti-government protesters, and the college kids, too. Because, unlike China, we are not a country that will just let people die because they don’t have the cash to pay for their own care. That being the case, our health insurance policies should reflect the reality that we WILL socialize the costs of medical care and then do it in the most efficient way possible.

Nan G. —

Neat anecdote, but it ignores the fact that (a) under Obama, all those employees have received tax cuts and (b) Obama supported extending the tax cuts for those under $250,000. So, no, if Obama had had his way, they STILL would have received the Bush tax cuts in 2011, just as they are now, on top of the Obama payroll tax cuts, which will put even more money in their pockets.

Other than that, a fine piece of anecdotal argument.

Tallgrass, I have thought about your situation all morning. I say sell out and move to some other ranch or farm. There must be places out West where there is still a semblance of civility. I must say, I don’t know how I would deal with your situation myself. I want to relocate, so it is easier for me.

I have a note on the open forum for you.

Nationalized oil programs were a complete and expensive failure in Canada. Nationalized healthcare has been insolvent since the seventies. Half of Alberta’s provincial budget is “free” medicare. I purchase health insurance, on the side, to assure myself of top notch care when needed. I know that our system is a colossal failure. We have more than 5 times the people of N. Dakota and I feel that their medical system is so much better. Injuries, sometimes serious, are common in the oil patch. I thank the good lord for good health, an analytical mind to reduce injuries, and both health systems that I can choose from.

As an aside, my mother had a complete mastectomy at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota because she might have died waiting for care in Regina, Saskatchewan. Socialism and the something for nothing creed is a killer.

Since when is socialized anything the best way to accomplish anything. Agriculture failed. Socialized medicine is failing world wide. Social security is failing as designed right now. So, silly Rob just made a case for not having Obamacare at all. Everyone is covered for major issues. At least we had a choice where we payed. Under Obamacare, there will be no choice.

Most of us have been around long enough that ANY figure a politician gives is just an ESTIMATE that can be adjusted according to the need. Can anyone name one number that King Obama and his court gave us that is accurate?

Sillious out of Kansas doesn’t know how much Obamacare is going to cost but it will be awesome for all americans and will save the country a ton of money.

What I can’t understand is, how can the most conservative state in the union have a democrap governor? Oh hang on a minute, entitlement is huge. Lincoln in Arkansas, Landfill in Louisiana, and Murkanskill in Alaska. I digress, they’s senators.