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H.R AND Mata Thanks for your responses.

Re. JFK Any who think he would not be accepted by, and a strong leader in the Dem. Party today, do not know the strong traditions of this family. Both Caroline ( whom I’ve met and is a STRONG supporter of BHO) and JFK Jr. carried the Dem. beliefs of their dad.

As previously mentioned it was his “Ask not—” call of 1961 that led to my joining Marines in 1963. His ” A free society that does not care for the many who are poor cannot protect the few who are rich” still rings true.

Re. Civil Rights Act 1964 Strong support from Northern Repubs.(27-5)and Dems(45-1).Opposition came from the South 19 of 20 Dems and 1 of 1 Repubs. Similar story in House passage.Later in year saw Pres. L.B.J.(Support) defeat Goldwater(R.Ar.Oppose) in a landslide.

As southern blacks now joined the Dem.Party southern Repub. congressmen ( led by racist Yes Racist Strom Thurmond (D.S.C.) switched parties and became Repubs. These new Repubs. now took up the long term political methods of the southern Dems.using racial demogogy to turn impoverished white workers and small farmers to the Repubs.This Repub. control of South helped Nixon to victories in 68 and 72.This continued thru 70’s and 80’s culminating in ’94 when control of House and Senate went Repub. for first time in 40 years.Leadership not suprisingly Gingrich(Ga.), Amey and Delay(Tex.) and Trent Lott(Miss.)

Mata I’ll certainly accept Repubs. not always obstructionists in Furtherance of Human Rights and Minority Rights but I do believe it is the Dems. who push the hardest.As a Californian the protection of our environment is a critical issue to me.

Re the military I stand with Navy Cross winner Jim Webb (D.Va.)

I hope we can all agree on Term Limits for all.

The actual J.F.K. quote at his inauguration Jan 20 1961.

“If a free society cannot help the many who are poor it cannot save the few who are rich.”

@rich wheeler: You said:

Re. JFK Any who think he would not be accepted by, and a strong leader in the Dem. Party today, do not know the strong traditions of this family.

I think a more accurate statement would be this:

A modern political Democratic figure who espoused the same platforms in the same manner as JFK would find himself hard pressed to have a leadership role in the present day Democratic Party.

Obviously, were JFK still alive, he would play a key role (if he so chose to) in the Dem Party.

I use Lieberman as an example. He was with them 100% on all issues except the war in Iraq and look what they did to him. So a hawk like JFK would be welcome? Rich, you seem look at this from the perspective of JFK’s presidency. I’m looking at from the perspective of him trying to work his way up the ranks of the dem party. The party has shifted to the far left and those that would dare vote against them aren’t welcome.
JFK would be a moderate Republican from what I’ve seen of his views.

Mr Neutron, I read on your number 2, noting about kids not able to pass go in school,
WELL I would not take it on the kids, those young studients need to have their minds stimulate by the efficent teachers, with a brain to find the core of being young and provide the food for their brains,
you find your self superior then what is your solution for getting the AMERICANS YOUNGS,

Hard Right JFK was a hero on P.T. 109 in WW11

He was not a hawk when pulling back the invasion force at the Bay of Pigs.That mistake was at least partially redeemed by staring down the Russians during the missile crises.
It is widely believed that after re-election in 64 he would not have escalated the Asian ground war as L.B.J. did.

He was ahead of his time on Civil Rights and Human Rights.He made us proud to be Americans and he was beloved in Europe.

“A moderate Republican”No way

@rich wheeler – JFK wasn’t a hawk??? Really?

In response to the Berlin Wall crisis –

As the confrontation over Berlin escalated, on 25 July President Kennedy requested an increase in the Army’s total authorized strength from 875,000 to approximately 1 million men, along with increasse of 29,000 and 63,000 men in the active duty strength of the Navy and the Air Force. Additionaly, he ordered that draft calls be doubled, and asked the Congress for authority to order to active duty certain ready reserve units and individual reservists. He also requested new funds to identify and mark space in existing structures that could be used for fall-out shelters in case of attack, to stock those shelters with food, water, first-aid kits and other minimum essentials for survival, and to improve air-raid warning and fallout detection systems.

On 30 August 1961, President John F. Kennedy had ordered 148,000 Guardsmen and Reservists to active duty in response to Soviet moves to cut off allied access to Berlin. The Air Guard’s share of that mobilization was 21,067 individuals. ANG units mobilized in October included 18 tactical fighter squadrons, 4 tactical reconnaissance squadrons, 6 air transport squadrons, and a tactical control group. On 1 November; the Air Force mobilized three more ANG fighter interceptor squadrons. In late October and early November, eight of the tactical fighter units flew to Europe with their 216 aircraft in operation “Stair Step,” the largest jet deployment in the Air Guard’s history. Because of their short range, 60 Air Guard F-104 interceptors were airlifted to Europe in late November. The United States Air Forces in Europe (USAFE) lacked spare parts needed for the ANG’s aging F-84s and F-86s. Some units had been trained to deliver tactical nuclear weapons, not conventional bombs and bullets. They had to be retrained for conventional missions once they arrived on the continent. The majority of mobilized Air Guardsmen remained in the U.S. – Source

He wanted to double the draft call, ordered bombers to the European continent, and he increased the Army from 875,000 to 1 million men.

Not a hawk? He wanted to be ready to bomb the Berlin wall.

Rich, I am here today because JFK blew the Bay of Pigs invasion. That mistake doesn’t erase his other Hawkish moves.

You mention Vietnam, but are behind on recent info that has come up. It has been found that JFK wanted to increase our troops in Vietnam.

So we have someone who served their country in WWII, stared down the Soviets in the missile crisis, launched the Bay of Pigs invasion, got us into Vietnam and planned to escalate, and wanted to take action on the Berlin wall.

That, is a hawk.

@rich wheeler:

It is widely believed that after re-election in 64 he would not have escalated the Asian ground war as L.B.J. did.

Kennedy was in it to win it, appointed Henry Cabot Lodge as Ambassador replacing Nolting who favored mollifying and patiently working with Ngo Dinh Diem as opposed to the tactics Lodge implemented resulting in deeper involvement, or escalation if you prefer.

The Diem coup was one of those critical events in the history of U.S. policy that could have altered our commitment. The choices were there: (1) continue to plod along in a limited fashion with Diem–despite his and Nhu’s growing unpopularity; (2) encourage or tacitly support the overthrow of Diem, taking the risk that the GVN might crumble and/or acommodate to the VC; and (3) grasp the opportunity–with the obvious risks–of the political instability in South Vietnam to disengage. The first option was rejected because of the belief that we could not win with Diem-Nhu. The third was very seriously considered a policy alternative because of the assumption that an independent, non-communist SVN was too important a strategic interest to abandon-and because the situation was not sufficiently drastic to call into question so basic an assumption. The second course was chosen mainly for the reasons the first was rejected-Vietnam was thought too important; we wanted to win; and the rebellious generals seemed to offer that prospect.

It was Robert Kennedy that wanted to disengage and not escalate, not brother John who was calling the shots and responsible for who he appointed to speak on behalf of our country as well as advise him as to what direction we should take.

Lodge was instrumental in allowing the second coup to take place where Diem and his brother were murdered, their government replaced by the military leaders that led the coup, some civilians were also appointed. That government was later found not capable of governing or protecting the people from the expanding VC troops our government failed to take note of before the coup.

Lodge, Kennedy’s guy, his appointee, was in contact with the Vietnamese military leadership from the early stages of the planning and on the day of the coup, with both the military and Diem throughout the hours it was taking place. Also, a CAS officer was allowed to sit in the meeting with the generals when they informed other generals the coup was in the works, the officer relayed information back to our embassy throughout the day.

Almost like must see TV, a president and his advisors sit back and wait for the minute by minute while Vietnam’s leader is assasinated and his government overthrown, all the while knowing the when, where, and how it was all planned. Kind of “hawkish” wouldn’t you say?

31 Oct 1963 Lodge defers departure

Lodge, who had been scheduled to leave for Washington for high-level conferences, defers his departure because of the tense atmosphere and the apparent immenence of the coup.

1 Nov 1963 Lodge and Felt meet with Diem

10:00 a.m. Admiral Felt, who is visiting, and Lodge call on Diem, who reiterates many of the points he made to McNamara a month earlier. At the end of the meeting, Diem takes Lodge aside and indicates he is ready to talk about what the U.S. wants him to do. 8) Felt leaves Saigon after the meeting.

Late morning Coup units begin to deploy

The first coup units begin to deploy in and around Saigon.

12:00 a.m. Officers meet at JGS

The coup committee has convened a meeting of all senior Vietnamese officers except Generals Dinh and Cao at JGS. There they are informed of the coup and asked to support it. All except Colonel Tung do. Their pledges of support are taped. Tung is taken into custody later to be executed. The CNO was killed en route by an escort. A CAS officer is invited to the JGS and maintains telephone contact with the Embassy throughout the coup.

1:45 p.m. U.S. notified

General Don calls General Stillwell, J-3 to General Harkins, and informs him that the coup is under way.

2:00 p.m. Key installations taken

About his time coup forces are seizing the key installations in Saigon, including the post office, police headquarters, radio stations, airport, naval headquarters, etc. They were also deploying for attacks on the palace and the palace guard barracks and to block any counter-attack from outside the city.

4:00 p.m. First skirmishes, Diem told to surrender

By about this time the first skirmish was taking place at the palace and guard barracks. Failing to reach General Dinh, Diem and Nhu realize the coup is serious. The generals called shortly after this and told the two brothers to surrender. They refused.

4:30 p.m. Coup broadcast, Diem calls Lodge

The generals go on radio, announce the coup and demand the resignation of Diem and Nhu. At the same time, Diem is calling Lodge. He asks Lodge where the U.S. stands. Lodge replies that the U.S. cannot yet have a view. He exprsses concern for Diem’s safety, and the conversation ends there.



After Diem’s fall there was a brief period of optimism based on the expectation that the new military regime in Saigon would be more receptive to U.S. advice than its predecessor had been. By the summer of 1964, when the decision was made to expand the advisory effort again, this optimistic hope had foundered on the fact of continued VC victories and instability within the GVN.

NSAM 288 had, in March 1964, stated U.S. objectives in Vietnam in the most unambiguous and sweeping terms. If there had been doubt that the limited risk gamble undertaken by Eisenhower had been transformed into an unlimited commitment under Kennedy, that doubt should have been dispelled internally by NSAM 288’s statement of objectives:

We seek an independent non-Communist South Vietnam. We do not require that it serve as a Western base or as a member of a Western Alliance. South Vietnam must be free, however, to accept outside assistance as required to maintain its security. This assistance should be able to take the form not only of economic and social measures but also police and military help to root out and control insurgent elements.</em>

If we cannot save South Vietnam, the NSAM continued in a classic statement of the “domino theory,” all of Southeast Asia will probably fall and all of the Western Pacific and South Asian nations will come under increased pressure.


Folks We can debate what Kennedy would have done in V.N. after 64 re-election.We really don’t know.He was a great leader truly understood the Communist threat and was a smart,tough guy.

We do know he was a Liberal champion of civil rights,believed America should lead on human rights and created the Peace Corps and Alliance For Progress that brought American idealism,aid and assistance to developing nations.He championed the central role of The Arts in our society.For those of us who were fortunate enough to have been there it felt like Camelot.

ONLY THE GOOD DIE YOUNG I still miss him

Semper Fi RJW

I have no problem with you looking at Kennedy thru rose colored glasses Rich. I do take issue with your doing so with today’s “democrats.”
They are not the same thing.

Rich, he also allowed government employees to unionize. How’s that working out? I’m still lol over you bringing up “camelot”. Barf