Congressional Dems planning mother of all spending “last hurrah”?


©2010 Dennis MacDonald and World of Stock

While fiscal conservatives grow more angry at the GOP for aiding and abetting spending with the now called “Stimulus II” Bush tax framework agreement, our FA Founding Father, Curt, wisely pointed out there is a lot of faux rage and posturing going on within the Democrats over the agreement in his Dec 9th post.

I don’t buy the public bruhaha either.

Granted, there’s bound to be well deserved embarrassment because – after years of raging about tax cuts in general – the Dems piled on tax cuts and credits onto the Bush tax policy extension as a condition for their support. Then, of course, the GOP fell into the trap of doing a Christmas repeat with UI benefits, that will expire a year from now. A political potential at a “Scrooge redux”, so to speak.

This reversal of tax cutting economic policy, in itself, is another indicator that Obama and the Dem Congress might be catching on that not only did their stimulus fall flat, but that the step up in rising mortgage rates indicate Bernanke’s Fed Reserve Policy is backfiring.

Were that not enough to sense new rumblings in the air, even the POTUS himself had a freudian slip of ideology when he proposed an overhaul of the IRS tax code “…to lower rates and raise revenues…” as a method of tackling the nation’s unsustainable debt. An effort I could get behind, mind you… possibly one of the very few since Obama has taken office.

What has become obvious is Obama is astutely aware that he’s in a rock and a hard place. He’s so riled his progressive base that they’re actively seeking a 2012 challenger. The nation has made sure he’s lost his power structure in Pelosi’s House, and Reid’s supermajority is to become but a nation’s nightmare of yesterday.

But those in Congress, who have been addicted to absconding from taxpayers’ wallets for years, do not go down quietly. So one has to wonder if all their posturing is not only to hide their overt change of heart over tax cuts and business credits, but also to serve as the main attraction while more serious spending passes quietly in the pre Christmas nights.

One of those is the ever ongoing funding of Congress… the latest incarnation of the Continuing Resolution being HR 3082, which passed the house late Wed eve, Dec 8th, by a 212-206 vote. 35 Dems defected on the CR, siding with 171 GOPers. While reasons may vary, for many it had to do with the stealth funding for O’healthcare buried in the text. Specifically the funding is for Sections 4001, 4004, 4201 and 4301 of HR 3590, aka the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (if that ain’t a hoot of an oxymoron in retrospect…).

But word is, the piling on isn’t done with the Continuing Resolution even yet. According to Phil Kerpin’s report on Fox News, the Senate is rumoured to tag on “…a full-blown omnibus appropriations bill packed with pork-barrel earmarks, spending increases, and even more funding for every top Obama administration priority.

In short, while the media covers the Dems vaudeville in-fighting act with relish, the usually quiet business of keeping the government running is slated to be a last hurrah of spending by the lame duck Supermajority. But wait… it gets worse. If they didn’t already have the numbers in the Senate, there’s a few sour grapes GOPers willing to defect in order to bring home the pork in time for Christmas dinner.

The most likely to play ball are three retiring appropriators: Kit Bond of Missouri, George Voinovich of Ohio, and Robert Bennett of Utah who will never face voters again. Plus, there’s also the highest-ranking Republican appropriator: Thad Cochran of Mississippi.

We don’t know which earmarks made it into the omnibus yet but we do know that Kit Bond requested 142 earmarks this year totaling over $600 million. George Voinovich requested 172 earmarks totaling over $460 million, Robert Bennett requested 321 earmarks topping $1.3 billion, and Thad Cochran requested a whopping 712 earmarks totaling over $2.4 billion.

Other Republican senators worth worrying about identified themselves last week when they voted against the Coburn-McCaskill amendment to ban earmarks: Susan Collins (R-Maine), Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), Dick Lugar (R-Ind..), Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), and Richard Shelby (R-Ala.).

Needless to say, pressure needs to remain in order to make sure that the new faces, and incumbent Congress, clearly heard the “Thou shalt not spend” commandment, delivered to them just a little over a month ago. Because, apparently, all too many seem to have forgotten, or simply don’t care.

For more information, and ways to speak up via petitions, Americans for Prosperity – that evil organization singled out by Obama as a “foreign influenced” threat – set up a project website called November Speaks…. including a virtual march on Washington. Yes, folks… in this new age, “pajama clad” bloggers can still march on Washington from the comfort of their keyboards. Make your voices continued to be heard.. and then start reminding them of the 2nd commandment…. “Thou shalt cut expenses, just like the American families have to do!”

It has become abundantly obvious in all too short of a time that none of us can afford – literally – to turn our backs on the beltway, and that memories of those holding seats still are very short term. If we are to return some stability to the American economy, and slowly but surely tackle the debt, some big “changes” need to be done. And none of them resemble what “change” we’ve seen for the past two years. The spending must stop, and the hard task of incremental cutting and slicing away is overdue to begin.

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imho Curt is totally correct- and maybe the rest of us are naive if not expecting the worst from this heinous regime

And it’s not just this specious diversion of Dems arguing over the tax cut deal to hide this last-gasp spending binge… the bill’s hiding more spending all by itself:

After another month with an all-time record deficit (Bush’s fault!), let’s all just hope and pray that our country can get it’s act together before the bond market and/or $ collapse force it upon us… and deliver Obama the Cloward-Piven chaos this increasingly desperate narcissistic incompetent appears to crave

Mata– Another brilliant article. Thanks for alerting us.

Pardon me for butting in on your little festival of masturbation here, but, if this is intended as “comedy” you should really announce it as so.
I honestly don’t WANT to be insulting, but… COME ON! Where are your critical capacities other than focused on the team you didn’t vote for. Bush… Obama… Who the hell cares who the Captain of the Titanic was? The FACT is… the ship can no longer continue to float and it ISN’T because of the “Captain” and there is NOTHING the Captain or his “crew” in Washington can do about it! The SHIP itself is simply not constructed of the materials it should have been if it is to successfully sail off happily into a pleasant sunset. PERIOD! Arguing over the uniforms and ranking of the crew in political correctness is madness. It is irrelevant to the fact that the ship is sinking.
I live in Central Virginia. We voted OVERWHELMINGLY Republican and always do. In my county 37% of the population lives off a government check. Less than one third of our our High School graduates even APPLY to college. 5000 people go to High School football games. We are lucky if FIVE go to Board of Education meetings. Obama is a “cuss word”. We are OVERWHELMINGLY Christian, and Fundamentalist at that. Our Governor is convinced the world is 6000 years old and that children once played with dinosaurs.
If ANY of you think what I have just described is a culture that has a snowball’s chance in hell of surviving in a 21 Century competitive world…. YOU ARE CRAZY!
For the first time in our history foreign students at our best Ivy League Universities DON’T WANT to remain in America after graduation. They WANT to go back to their own countries. So, if that is what the best and the brightest young people in the world now think…. who do you think you are fooling with this “political nonsense”… but each other?

This is what we are:

Cultural Confusion -or- A Nation of Mutts

This is one of the reasons why:

American Exceptionalism

Good Luck

Mr. N

Mrs. Neutron: It’s kinda’ early in the day to be hitting the bottle, isn’t it?

I don’t drink John. I also don’t have the intellectual luxury of viewing the world through glasses that only show me what I “believe” is true.
I too am Conservative. Perhaps, more than you. What I am not is a fool.
I see my country perishing right in front of my eyes. We no longer HAVE a collective culture and NO COUNTRY without a collective culture has any possibility of survival. If you doubt that….[see: HISTORY]

I don’t think Mrs. Neutron is a conservative. She’s just a shill for the Weirdo-American community.

Mata… Are you kidding?

(But you might want to be more clear about what you think was supposed to be “comedy”)


If you and I could press a magic button and make every Liberal in America disappear PLEASE tell us all how that will make us less motivated by greed and better equipped to compete in the world. I don’t know where you live, but, I live in the middle of the Bible Belt in ULTRA Conservative America. 37% of the people in my county LIVE off a Government check. The schools are disgraceful. Virginia LIVES and runs by getting MORE back from the Government than it pays in. The extra money comes from Blue States, so, the minute you press that button WE are screwed! Less than one third of the proud Conservatives who graduate high school here even apply to college. Our GOVERNOR thinks the earth is 6000 years old for Pete’s sake!
Do you really think that China, India and the rest of the developing world give a rats a$$ who the Captain of the Titanic is? What party they are from or what kind of a “proud history” they had?

All they know and ALL they care about is that our culture (or lack of one) totally condemns us to oblivion. Republicans and Democrats fighting over nonsense is as useful to America as “who” was fighting in the Arena yesterday was in stopping the fall of Rome.

I AM Conservative. ALL of my children are highly educated and set to live and compete in the 21 Century. Gay marriage, Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Abortion, School Prayer, Medicare, Social Security, Unemployment, Welfare and all the rest are issues that are symptoms….. NOT CAUSES.

Without a viable culture that FORCES parents to DEMAND excellence from their children all the political rhetoric in the world produces nothing. Prayer produces nothing. If it did the Bible Belt wouldn’t be the economic disaster that it is. Voting Conservative produces nothing. If it did my conservative voting neighbors wouldn’t be on Welfare. Condemning Liberals produces nothing. If it did they wouldn’t be higher educated and making more money than most Conservatives.

( “the mother of all spending sprees in the dark of night, and their final heydays of power.”)

No, the Mother of all Spending Sprees is thinking you can bomb the people of Afghanistan and Pakistan into Peace.

Affectionately Your
Mrs N

a viable culture that FORCES parents to DEMAND excellence from their children

That right there is a marker of some sort.

Say Mrs. Neutron, besides the gassy content of your posts, hopefully you are aware that your credibility is also damaged by your style: the liberal use of capital letters and exclamation points. The “crayon on brown paper pag” writing style, as it were.

Anyway, enough about this crank.

In recent news: Obama has ceased to be a factor. He has ceded all power and influence to others. He’ll sign whatever is put in front of him. It’s all going to happen in Congress now.

Perhaps he was a puppet all along, and it’s simply become impossible to hide now.

Presumably everybody here noticed that O allowed former President Bill Clinton to take over the Presidential press conference yesterday. Bill delivered his prepared remarks about the tax cut deal. He then moved on to Q & A, apparently against Obama’s wishes. Obama ended up walking out, saying he had a party to attend and that he did not want to keep Michelle waiting. It’s an encapsulation of everything we’ve been saying about him.

So is he going to resign, or retreat into the Fuhrerbunker?

Although Obama may have said he proposed an overhaul of the IRS tax code “…to lower rates and raise revenues…he will never flatten them as a flat tax would do.

There is NOTHING in that for him and his constituency.
It is true that, despite tax RATES, tax REVENUES have been nearly a flat 19% since 1943.

Most of Obama’s supporters are government employees and from among that bottom 40% of ”taxpayers” who not only pay nothing in taxes, but actually get a check back for MORE than their total withholding!

Up until now almost everything Obama has done, tax-wise, has been highly targeted AGAINST those who don’t support him.

Closing all those tax deductions and exemptions for people who live or save or invest out of this country has hurt many people.

Heck, it even hurt some of those countries that are now losing business!
One example was Kraft Foods.
It bought and for years propped up Cadbury Candies in the UK.
But Obama changed the tax game.
So Kraft Foods was forced to move Cadbury out of UK (a lot of people lost jobs) into a lower-tax country in Europe.

Obama doesn’t seem to care.

So, now, when he says he’s thinking about a flatter tax, watch out!
I’d bet money it won’t really be flat.
It will reward his friends and punish his enemies…..just more creatively.

We’ll be looking at it like we had to look at ObamaCare…..very carefully.
And I bet we’ll find all sorts of bad stuff.

We are looking at how Obama is positioning himself for the 2012 campaign.
HE will be the tax reformer.
His fellow Dems will be looked at as kind-hearted, but budget-busters.
His ”enemies”.the Reps will be looked at as heartless defenders of the super-rich over the common man.

Meta…. The Nation (mine & yours) is not being destroyed by “economic mishandling”. It is being destroyed by greed and an inability to confront a changing world. “Economic mishandling” is merely the result, not the cause.
If you can give me an example of any culture, society or empire in history surviving without a fixed and agreed upon culture… please do and I will admit my error.

Sincerely Mrs. N

I love the idea of a “melting pot” Mata. I certainly DON’T demand, nor wish to ever “force” a fixed culture. Only totalitarian governments can even attempt that and history shows clearly that it doesn’t last.

Economic woes are indeed to be found at various places and at various times. I never mentioned the term “morality”. But, rather than my point being, as you claim, pointless… you have made it for me! NO Empire has ever survived “multiculturalism”. (that I know of) America won’t either. What we are witnessing in Washington and across America is Americans at each others throats over “cultural” issues.
I’m sorry the subject doesn’t interest you.

I wish you the best
Mrs. N

I understand now Meta. If you have already decided that discussing the survival of America as an Empire is a pointless exercise…. we are in agreement at last.

Have a good day
Mrs. N

You should have been a comedian Mata. “Republic”… you mean like Rome?

(“Nor do we seek to expand our territory and dominate.”) I know. We have hundreds of military bases around the world and spend more on our military than the rest of the world combined because we have so much extra cash laying around that, well, an experience abroad is a nice thing for our young people in uniform, right?
The next time you run into a person from another country, ask them if America is an Empire. Ask them if they think we seek to “dominate”.

Pardon me if I was rude Mata, but, that WAS funny.

All the best
Mrs. N

“Republic”… you mean like Rome?

Wow…the product of our public education system there. Unbelievable.

Top earning Americans are still doing VERY well and sooo pleased that their taxes are not going up

Funny stuff Mata.

But you see, it isn’t my concept of domination, or yours, that forces us to be the largest military spender in the world…. is it?
You know, I haven’t tried to insult you, call you names, or even tell you what you can think or post. I have only attempted to articulate questions and ideas that I find provocative and interesting, relating to the place of conservatism in America today. I’m a cheerleader for nobody. I find dogma, all dogma, the mark of closed minds.
I think it’s the primary reason for the mess we all find ourselves in.

All the best
Mrs. N

Yes Curt. Haven’t you ever heard of “The Roman Republic”.

— “After the overthrow of the Tarquin monarchy by Junius Brutus in 509 BC, Rome does not revert back to a monarchy for the rest of its history. The era of the great expansion of Roman power and civilization is the era of the Roman Republic, in which Rome is ruled by its Senate and its assembly, which were institutions formed at the beginning of the monarchy. The history of the Republic is a history of continuous warfare; all of the historical stories which the Romans will use as stories of Roman virtue and values date from this tumultuous period of defense and invasion.”—

Don’t miss the part about, “The era of the great expansion of Roman power and civilization is the era of the Roman Republic”.
Sound familiar at all?

It all fell apart when their culture…. well, nobody is interested I’m sure.

Mrs. N

Ah yes, the leftist plays the victim. After insulting everyone here, she pretends she hasn’t. She then displays her narcissism by pretending she is somehow more enlightened than we are and therefore superior. Your ignorance and simplemindedness is staggering. You decry our military spending as is it’s something to be ashamed of. The only shame that should be felt is by you for pretending to be a Conservative when you are obviously of the left.
Ms. Mentally Neutered, the only one displaying dogma is you.

Hard Right, when someone actually “questions” a position I have taken I don’t see it as an insult.

I don’t call you names. I don’t pretend to enlightenment, unless you are referring to Curt’s not knowing about The Roman Republic. Should I have left him uninformed? Would that have made me more “Conservative” in your eyes?
I’m not pretending to be Conservative. I AM Conservative. I just don’t think spending all your time blaming Liberals for everything is the most constructive course for Conservatism. I think it would be far more productive to clean our own house before we clean theirs. Leading by example always works better than telling people to “Do as I say!”.
Perhaps I’m so far right… it just looks left to you.

Best wishes
Mrs. N

p.s. When did Conservatism become the party of those who can’t question?

You are a phony and a liar. You have zero credibility here. Your arrogance and condescension is quite telling as is your ignorance. Questioning? That isn’t what you are doing. Like many on the left you try to disguise your bashing by saying it’s something else.
At first I thought you might be a Ronulan, but it’s clear you are just a garden variety lefty. You really need to get over yourself if you think Curt and Mata needed “informing.”

referring to Curt’s not knowing about The Roman Republic


Mata, @ #17

I would ask you to note that it is ”the approach,” and ”the type” that sound good to these once-critics.
Not the specifics……of which there are practically none.

WHEN we have those specifics we can discuss whether the idea would work.

ObamaCare sounded good to so many.
But I notice it is exactly those once-supporters, like unions, who are insisting on being exempted!

So, I’ll be less skeptical later, if the actual details sound solid.

Mr. Neutron, may I SAY, THAT I think that you are a professor in highly educate place
of learning, and that you see those young AMERICANS, WASTING THEIR YOUNG LIVES,

@ Nan G, Obama Care in a nutshell

* No One Wants it
* The Nation cannot Pay for it
* It was a Broken Deal to Begin with
* No One Read the Bill

Either NOT fund it or Repeal the cursed thing.

@Mrs. Neutron: #3

Are you paid by how many hits you get on your web site, or is it just an attention getter? You haven’t been here very long, but you have linked to your sight several times already.

The SHIP itself is simply not constructed of the materials it should have been if it is to successfully sail off happily into a pleasant sunset.

The USS America was built out of the patriots’ desire for freedom and was paid for by their lives. It was built better than any other ship before it, after it, and for a long time to come. I am very fortunate to have been born on this ship.

Who the hell cares who the Captain of the Titanic was?

Such language from a “Christian” woman. Have you heard of the “No Cussing Club” a boy started when he was 14?

Just like any ship, it makes a difference who the captain and the crew is. The captain sets the course (right or wrong), picks the crew, decides the level of training for the crew, the maintenance, and the general running of the ship. We should expect only the best captain and crew to sail the USS America.

She has been attacked and battered many times. She has had some major damage done to her since she was launched and had some lousy captains and crew, but she has always been repaired, and many crew members and captains have been thrown overboard.

She has gone the wrong direction different times, but eventually, another captain or crew have put her back on course. She has pickup up many people adrift along the way. We always had room for them, until we started getting demands from some of them that we do things the way they want us to. If they want to run a ship, they should build their own, man it, and pay for it.

I have spent 65 years on this ship. I never got to visit the upper decks, but the decks I did get to go on were just fine for me. I have watched captains set her course in the wrong direction in my opinion, some in the right direction, and seen her go through many storm.

You can complain about the crew or the captain, but don’t ever complain about THIS ship. It was built to withstand anything nature or humans could throw at it. A lot of lives built this ship, and it is costing a lot more lives to keep her afloat. Any time you condemn THIS ship you are condemning all of those who died to build it and keep it afloat. You can get off MY ship any time you want.

Either I am confused, or Obama is confused. He has been saying all along that cutting taxes will cost the US treasury billions of lost tax revenue. Then he said we need to lower taxes to raise revenue. Was this one of those moments Obama spoke without the TOTUS? Whenever a liberal talks on their own without a script to follow, they do one of two things: (1) They babble on and don’t really say anything. (2) They tell the truth. Remember Pelosi’s, “We have to pass the bill before you can see what is in it?”

I don’t think Obama makes any decisions on his own. I have mentioned that I don’t think he even reads his speeches before he reads them off of the TOTUS. He even read someone else’s speech all the way through and didn’t know it.

Could it be a little bit of common sense slipped out of Obama before he knew it. He knows that raising taxes lowers revenue, and lowering taxes raises revenue. After he said we should lower taxes to raise revenue, he couldn’t say, “I’m sorry. Uh, I meant to say we need, uh, to raise taxes to , uh lower revenue. No, no, uh, that’s not what I meant either. Uh, I’ll get back to you on what I, uh, really meant to say.

There won’t have to be anyone to run against Obama in 2012. With the states now making laws that the candidate will have to show their birth certificate before they can run in that state, Obama won’t even try for another four years.

I would like the Constitution changed so that your parents and grandparents would have to be born here so that there is less chance of someone coming over here, having a baby, and teaching it in their old way. The third generation would have gotten a better sample of our freedoms and would be more likely to want to keep them. If you like this idea, after we conservatives take back the senate, please mention it to your politicians.

I want to be singled out by Obama. I could use the notoriety and the money that goes with it.


Joe The Plumber
Became a reporter and has been to several countries. Speaks at different events. I am guessing he charges for some or most of them.

Rush Limbaugh
He had the most listeners of any radio host, but he gained many more. People who had never listened to him wanted to find out why Obama said not to listen to them. His next contract renewal: Priceless!!!

Fox News
For years I didn’t listen to TV news. I got my news off of conservative radio shows while trucking around the country, and from the Internet. Then, Obama told me not to listen to Fox News. Naturally, they are the only one I listen to now. A short time later Fox News had 13 of the 15 top rated news shows.

Nothing yet. I’m still waiting for Obama to tell you all not to listen to me. I guess he doesn’t consider me a nuisance yet. It ain’t because I haven’t tried. I’ve been to all of the 9-12 events and several other Washington DC events. I even faxed Obama his PINK SLIP:

If you want to fax him your PINK SLIP, the number is 202-456-2461.

As the Germans say… Eigenlob stinkt.

And…As the saying goes, “Pride comes before a fall.” These two widely recognized truths may not mean anything to you. But, that is not to say they are not truths.

Mrs. N


If you’re going to misquote it, misquote it right. The right wrong way to say it is, “Pride GOES before a fall.” You aren’t even quoting a misquote right. Are you even a US citizen? You can’t have lived here very long and not know the right misquote, especially since you CLAIM to be a Christian.

SMORGASBORD , thank you for having fix the quote, I could’nt figure it out before,
the word COME was hard to understand in that situation, and the word GOES make all the more sense BYE

Surely you both must know that either way is correct. Or, is this just how you avoid issues?

And for such sticklers for accuracy and proper, according to you, word placement….

…”The right wrong way to say it is,…”

…”thank you for having fix the quote…”

I guess neither one of you are Christians, or citizens. LOL

p.s. Bees says: ..”I (could’nt) figure it out before,
the word COME was hard to understand in that situation”…

The word was comes Bees. As in, September “comes” before October.

Bees says: …”and the word GOES make all the more sense BYE”…

OK, you deal with that one Smorg. Deal with the (could’nt) issue too. In my experience only Communists and foreigners (possibly from Kenya) make those kind of mistakes. I will get out of your way. Give you both some time to brush up on “our” native tongue.

a LOL Mrs. N

@ilovebeeswarzone: #39

I still haven’t figured out if Mrs. Neutron is a liberal, conservative, or a mix, or if they are even a US citizen. Things just ain’t adding up, but I ain’t going to try to figure it out any more. It seems to me they are just trying to get attention.

@Mrs. Neutron:

Rather than proving beyond all doubt that you are in fact the turd in the punch bowl, I suggest you might want to find a friendlier blog:

After you’ve mastered communicating with these friendly folks, do come back and brag.

MATA, THANK YOU, AND @ Mrs. Neutron, oops yes my error , it should have been …couldn’t..
and about your phrase , of …pride come before the fall, sorry it still doesn’t click for me,

@Mrs. Neutron: #40

Why did I know your were going to jump on Bees? She lives in Canada and her native language is French. I thought at first she was just not educated properly, but I didn’t say anything, because letting people know all of their faults isn’t productive. If you are a conservative, you will get to like her as the rest of us do.

SMORGASBORD, HI, it must be hard for poor Mrs. Neutron to feel so SUPERIOR,
THIS feeling is commonly seen in every walks of life, from the bottom up to the GOVERNMENT.

@ Mrs. Neutron, Congratulations!

You WIN the Nit Picking Nimrod Award!

Tolerance for others for whom ENGLISH is a Second Language is not within Your Grasp and Snippy Commentary fully Qualifies YOU for this Award. I have sized You up, found your tone to be both Rude, Overbearing and I am not fooled by Anyone’s Pseudo Intellectual Crap.

I AM a true Conservative, a Member of No Party and have more People Skills in my watch pocket than most folks have forgotten. You get the Award and please come back for more. You just may learn something. Etiquette Challenged folks like you are a Dime a dozen but if you take the time to know some of the folks here before shooting off at the keyboard, you just may appreciate more than a few of these FA folks.

How many languages are You fluent in? I speak Three, not to include Sioux Tribal. Do You own a successful Business, Employ anyone? I do. People skills are Necessary Pre- Requisites to dealing with Employees, Clients and my 30 Years in the US Military dealing with US Forces and Allies.

Save your rant for an hour, come back here without the bile and go through the archived posts. Get to know folks before you offer your crass criticism. You don’t know ANY of Us here. Your General approach speaks Volumes about You, more than I want to know… OK? 😉

@Old Trooper 2: #48

Without spell checking she would be all over me for my lousy knowledge of spelling. It even told me that there is a “d” in knowlege that I had forgotten to put in. As I have mentioned before, I went through school with the sole goal of getting out. At the age of 18 I accomplished my main goal in life: I graduated.

CURT, HI, Is it possible to get that red line again,? I kind of miss it sometimes.

@ Smorgasbord, No problem. I understand your posts here without a hitch. I do believe that FA Sniping by the likes of MS Neutron is inexcusable. Like a dinner guest that uses the curtains for a napkin, uses the toilet and doesn’t flush or complained about getting Prime Rib and not Lobster.

We get a wide variety here. Spelling, Grammar or Syntax do not over rule good taste and civility.
I unloaded here, used no foul language and hit the target. My Mom told me”Manners are Free, Use Them”. It applies here. MS Neutron kinda grated on my nerves and is as phony as a picture of Bill Clinton on a $1K Dollar Bill. I have one at the house. Grover Cleveland.

MS Neutron is a Sniper. She fired several times and missed. No Worries Here Pardner! 😉

Just another Sniper and She deserves a dressing down.

Take Care, Pardner!

ALL THIS… because I posted the very Biblical statement… “As the saying goes, “Pride comes before a fall.”

A very old saying that, indeed, can be said in many ways. ALL, I might add, meaning that it isn’t profitable to condemn your enemies while concentrating on how proud you are of yourself. All meaning that we ALL have faults and that concentrating on overcoming OUR faults is a far better use of time than cheerleading for ourselves and booing our foes 24/7. I honestly don’t really see what that accomplishes.

Mrs. N

@ Mrs. Neutron…Are you Reading Challenged? Read my comment Please.
Then read some Archives to get to See who you are shooting off at the Keyboard at…
Is that difficult??????

Mrs. Neutron, good of you to explain the quote meaning,
I also think it could have my own meaning, even others too, like
a lions pride before the fall, thank you

@ MataHarley…I do not have to be gracious. I just call balls or strikes at times.

Ms Nimrod had her 3 Strikes. I do recall that old saw about casting stones and Glass Houses.

Mata —

You continue to amaze me. You wrote:

Were that not enough to sense new rumblings in the air, even the POTUS himself had a freudian slip of ideology when he proposed an overhaul of the IRS tax code “…to lower rates and raise revenues…” as a method of tackling the nation’s unsustainable debt.

Freudian slip? Did you somehow miss the Obama Fiscal Responsibility Commission’s co-chairs report, which SPECIFICALLY PROPOSED cutting tax rates AND raising revenues through fewer loopholes, eliminating the mortgage interest deduction, etc.? So how the hell is it a “Freudian slip” for Obama to refer to the specific recommendations of the deficit reduction commission HE PUT TOGETHER?

I swear, Mata, not unlike most delusional people, you cons continue to hear only what you want to hear and only see what you want to see. Neither Obama, nor Alan Simpson, nor Erskine Bowles nor the former Bush administration economists buy the b.s. argument that cutting tax rates leads to more revenues, as you continue to falsely imply. Indeed, if tax cuts led to more revenue, the Obama/GOPer con tax cut deal would not have an estimated $835 billion negative impact on the deficit projections, now would it?

Look, I get it — the Bush administration let you GOPer cons down by admitting, in not one, not two, but THREE separate studies, that tax cuts do not pay for themselves. Not that anyone who looked at the deficits run by Reagan and Bush II, as compared to the declining deficits and balanced budgets put in by Bush I and Clinton, would be surprised. I know this “dealing with reality” thing hurts you cons. But facts are facts: when you cut taxes and tell people, in essence, “You don’t have to sent $25,000 to Washington, you only have to send $20,000”, there is no way in hell that Washington is going to get more than $20,000.