Caption This

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This photo illustration is NOT the vice president washing his car in the White House driveway, but rather a doctored image from the fevered imagination of the satirical journal The Onion.

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I was sorry to see the Pontiac brand die.
But I loved Packards, too.
and Mercurys.
And Studebakers.

I heard the Onion is having a hard time paradying the Obama Admin.
Seems no matter what they write, the truth is often just as ”out there.”

Joe Biden: “I’ll tellya what, you pay for the gas, the insurance and take over the payments and I’ll drive the car around for a while, and when I’m done, you can have it for your kids!” “Oh, it may need some work by then, I’m not good about maintenance issues”….

Nah, it’s not doctored. That’s him.

You can get with this or you can get with that…….

@ Nan G, #1:

We had a ’53 Studebaker Commander when I was a kid. Nice car–futuristic-looking in its day–but it was true about the loose screws. (“That guy has more loose screws than a Studebaker.”) I remember my dad kept a Phillips screw driver in the glove compartment to keep the trim screws tight. Studebakers were Indiana-built cars. So were the Crosleys.

Other disappeared cars I remember are the Nash, and the Hudson.

“No, I’m not overcompensating for my puny debt reduction package.”

My first truck was a 1948 1/2 ton Crosley.
Had a fire engine-like ladder attachment on one side with a long wooden ladder hanging on it.
Also had running boards.
Beautiful grille, though.

Drove that thing until 1966 whenever I needed a truck.

Arrrg! My eyes! My EYEYYYYYYSSSS!

Joe Biden helps to reduce the national debt the only way he’s qualified to.

Joe Biden. Mr. February of the democrat studs calendar 2011. (it’s sales aren’t very good)

Folks, keep that picture in case one of the little ones drinks something poisonous and you need to induce vomitting. Present that pic and then stand back.

“WHAT CO2? This thing runs on fossil fuel!!!”

“It’s electric! Dumby!”

“Hey, Me and Prez we are going pimping . . . Michele she’s coming too!”

“See that Bird . . . I got one for you on each hand!”

“Al sent me this as a going away present”

“Let me tell you it is 99% foriegn made!”

“It the last one made in the US of A!”

“It is the latest GM product to be recalled! . . . into production!”

“They sent me a whole fleet of these for the IRS!”

The great thing about Arab immigration is the value of my Firebird has skyrocketed!

“I’m broke dude. I even took the pennies out of these loafers. Look …look at my hand… I can’t even afford toilet paper anymore”


“Look..dude.. those Walmart greeter jobs require some Qualifications.”


I heard he was really something in the back seat of an Edsel back in the day.

Would you buy a car from this man? Then why the hell is he VP?

Obama tests out the new tourist repellant.

In the same nightmare she has every night, Rachel Maddow relives the exact moment she became a lesbian.

I hope to trade this baby in for a 77 El Camino with Astro tuff in the bed, just like my idol.

Footage of Sheriff Joe on the job.

You mean Biden?

I hate to see a man without socks, it looks vulgar.

“Like my boss says, you guys can ride in the back seat!”


“Whaddaya mean this ain’t the Smokey and The Bandit edition??!!”

I am going to vomit!

Wha’da ya mean? . . . I registered it in Massachusetts!

“There is part of the new government study . . . funded by CARP . . . Counterproductive Accoutrement Recrudescence Prestidigitation . . . part of the new super rail program . . . you know . . . in Chicago!

“Come on, come on . . . can’t you see . . . this is the new Made in America Lexus!!!”

“If you can see this,you’re WAY too close.”

Hand me a slurpee wouldja? I need the energy; I gotta get this moving.

DaNang67: hi, I think you could eat a jerky, It would get you to this morning better,
and It’s good. bye

THAT’S what he does, like all of DEM, just pretend for the picture,
HE wont wash it, there is too many personal imployed to do just that,
and they just had a raise.

You may not realize it but this Trans Am is a big f#@kin deal!!!

Don’t say I am going through a mid-life crisis because I finally bought a firebird. I know how to gird my lions. This is the last chance to own a real American made auto.


“Hey, it was Barrack’s idea to dump Pontiac…. not mine!

Something about racist co opting of indian culture or something-
you know him, always with the causes!

Anyhoo, I always loved my Trans Am anyway… the flaming chicken on the hood would be a great new symbol for the Democratic party if we ever lose the donkey”

“This car is a Big Fuckin Deal”