Glenn Beck: “George Soros – Behind The Shadow Party” – Part 1

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I whittled down Glenn Beck’s show from yesterday to about 15 minutes for you. It’s the prelude to his week long series on George Soros and The Shadow Party. In it he starts to put together the pieces of the puzzle that make up the radical left and our main street media.

More? Here is Soros having fun subversively and adversely affecting societies:

And don’t look now….here are the radical leftists proclaiming that yes, the Democrats got beat in the midterms, but not the Socialists:

It was progressives who won the mid-term elections, particularly incumbents in a socialist-founded congressional caucus that emerged from last week’s ballots virtually unscathed, boasted an article published by the George Soros-funded Institute for Policy Studies, a Marxist-oriented think-tank in Washington, D.C.

The article recommends that President Obama govern from executive order to push through a progressive agenda.

“Progressives won in the 2010 mid-term elections,” wrote Karen Dolan, a fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies, or IPS, and director of the Cities for Progress and Cities for Peace projects based at the radical organization.

The Congressional Progressive Caucus, the largest caucus in the House Democratic Caucus at over 80 members, emerged virtually unscathed, losing only three members,” she wrote, in the piece published on the IPS website.

“By contrast, the conservative Blue Dog Democratic caucus was more than sliced in half from 54 members to only 26. Further, of the 34 conservative Dems who voted against Obama’s Healthcare Reform, a mere 12 won re-election,” she wrote.

Dolan declared that “our work is now finally beginning.”

“The veil of a happy Democratic governing majority is finally lifted. We didn’t have it then; We don’t have it now. But what we do have now is a more solidly progressive bunch of Dems in Congress and a president presumably less encumbered by the false illusion that playing nice will get him a date with the other team.”

She went on to recommend that progressives “throw our support unabashedly behind the Congressional Progressive Caucus, and let’s push Obama to finally do the right thing through as many Executive Orders as we can present to him.”

Got that?

Rule by Executive Order

More to come…..

You can also watch yesterdays Beck show in its entirety in three parts if you like:

Part I
Part II
Part III

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Thank you, Curt! For any of you who thought I was out of line pointing out the true traitorous intentions of this administration and of the Soros/Obama Plan, you have come to the point where you must decide to resist them or whether you are wiling to be a participant in their scheme to destroy America. This is the part of Soros that he is willing to portray in public; we may assume, his real intentions are far worse, even though he is 80 years old, like the Useful Idiots proclaim when they want to deny the intentions and purpose of Soros. If you are not a follower of the Soros/Obama Open Society Plan, yet refuse to believe that it is the template of this administration, you have allowed them to illude you into complacency. If you wait until you have become impecunious before you admit to having been tricked or befuddled into complacency, the country will be lost, all because you fell for the illude of Obama and Soros.

They intend to destroy this country right before your eyes with Americans watching like stupid beasts as they accept the yoke and chains of Socialist slavery and the Soros/Obama Gang become the Ruling Elites of the world.

She went on to recommend that progressives “throw our support unabashedly behind the Congressional Progressive Caucus, and let’s push Obama to finally do the right thing through as many Executive Orders as we can present to him.”

“In the kingdom of the blind . . . the man with one eye is king” or “A nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse’ . . . On the one hand we have Glen and his prognostications and “I told you so’s” on the other hand we have a federal government that is taking advantage of “perfectly good crisis”. Are we dealing with “self-fulfilling prophecy” or are we merely “good boy scouts” and “being prepared”?

Consider the Oklahoma City event . . . “Do We the People really know the truth?” . . . no I am not a conspiracy advocate . . . but there are so many questions that remain unanswered . . .

The “manufactured crisis” is there such? Needlessly superfluous question . . . yet today it is the foundation upon which our government is functioning.

In the end . . . it matters not the cause of the crisis . . . it is the response that determines the effects.

Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and Carl Ellison are the 3 richest men in the USA all self made billionaires and all supported Obama should they now be considered to be “useful idiots” dupes of the socialist plot to destroy America???? Skookum how is it that YOU are able to see through this finely crafted plan and they are either unable or unwilling to do so ???? Do you think that any one of them would have believed that Obama’s trip was costing 200 MILLION per day?

Bush signed a total of 380 Executive Orders during his 8 years, or about 35 on a yearly average. So far Obama has been averaging about 15 per year (26 total) although he has signed only 2 in the last 10 months. Got That ??? Also of course Glenn Beck was another idiot that bought in to the 200 MILLION DOLLAR A DAY TRIP Got that too?

The Soros problem needs to be handled as he is an enemy of the Republic. John ryan: Have you always been a dipshit?

As someone who has worked for many of the richest people in the world including Ellison, I can assure you intelligence is no prerequisite for having money. As a matter of fact, some of those dumbasses would make you seem lucid. How many of these wealthy people, that you are so proud of, have you worked for john ryan?

How may of them know you by your first name?

John Ryan, the guys YOU mention are NOT financially backing all the ORGS that SOROS is that are doing all the “DirtyWork”….. I can see, by the way you are commenting, you did NOT WATCH any of the show. Don’t watch the program, don’t comment on it. You sound ignorant that way… Sorry!
Beck did a perfect job connecting all the dots, and people, who all lead right back to Soros. And, almost all the Comment and Quotes Beck used to prove his points, came out of Soros’ OWN BOOKS! Can’t get any more on point that that can you,, “Straight from the horses mouth”??? 🙄

@ John ryan, How much are you paid to piss on the wall here at FA?

If this is your Day Job, seek legitimate employment in another field because you have not succeeded in your work. No one with the good sense that God gave a crowbar is buying into your tripe. Now, off with you Laddie. Peddle your BS elsewhere.

The time to clean and load weapons may be at hand sooner than any of us realize…

@John ryan:

The White House website says he’s signed 72 executive orders, eh, they know nothing unless they run it by John ryan. 🙄

The manchild would have probably signed more be it not for golfing, campaigning, partying and vacationing. Bet the pace will pick up after January.

George Soros is a VERY dangerous man!

Missy, since Barack got into the White House,he’s been too busy to keep up with sending JR his daily Liberal talking points , you have to excuse him and Greggy etc for being “out of touch”…. “becuz da boss man been real busy”….. 😆

Soros??? I STILL think he ought to be brought up on some sort of charges for “war crimes” or as a collaborator, or for TREASON against his home country for aiding the NAZI’S against his own people!!! How can ANYONE “look up” to this swine???? 👿

I have for some time wondered if JR is really a Conservative who wants to make libs look even worse with his posts thereby helping our cause.

HR…. you never know!! Stranger things have happened!! 😆

Neil Bortz interviewed Andrew Brietbart this past week, and Andrew said a team of his investigators have proof that 2 of Soro’s foundations, Media Matters and the Tides Foundation were behind the printing of a paper called, “Occupation on Wall Street Journal”, that has been fanning the idea of violence among protesters. He and his organizations are determined to break the back of America one way or the other. It’s past time for justice to be served to this puppeteer and his puppets, in the form of arrest warrants and lifetime confinement in their own U.N. controlled FEMA camps.