Cry Me A River

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I can get no remedy against this consumption of the purse; borrowing only lingers and lingers it out, but the disease is incurable.

Henry IV, part two I:2

Obama thinks the economy might have improved on its own by now, according to an interview on 60 minutes. Lamenting his lack of authoritarian control, Obama wants to emphasize the fact that he didn’t have complete control as being part of the problem.

“There are times when I thought that the economy would have gotten better by now, you know, one of the things I think you understand as president is you’re held responsible for everything, but you don’t always have control of everything, right?”

Is he coming to a realization concerning the nature of the job and his constitutional limitations; who could have foreseen that his was part of the problem.

He is not worried about another depression: one of the few in the world who are literate and can honestly say they are not worried; although, the unemployment is a matter of concern. (Narcissism is a mental disorder, rational thought can be difficult to discern from people who are afflicted with this incapacitating disease.) The White House gig pays well, but the expense account is where you really make out. Free helicopters, big jet, and 34 war ships when you travel overseas, now that is high styling. The rest of America should just get used to high unemployment, its the new normal.

What is a danger is that we stay stuck in a new normal where unemployment rates stay high, people who have jobs see their incomes go up, businesses make big profits, but they’ve learned to do more with less, and so they don’t hire.

Its those dastardly businesses that have pared down their operating costs and have learned to do more with less, who have caused much of the problem by not hiring. Thus Obama identifies another scapegoat for his incompetence and stupidity.

And as a consequence, we keep on seeing growth that is just too slow to bring back the eight million jobs that were lost. That is a danger. So that’s something that I spend a lot of time thinking about.

Much of his time on the golf course is spent needlessly stressed over other people’s problems. Consequently, his concern for others as well as being focused on good policy has precipitated a political cost that he thinks is unfair.

We were so busy and so focused on getting a bunch of stuff done that we stopped paying attention to the fact that, yeah, leadership isn’t just legislation, that it’s a matter of persuading people and giving them confidence and bringing them together, and setting a tone.

We haven’t always been successful at that, and I take personal responsibility for that. And it’s something that I have to examine carefully as I go forward.

Mark that last sentence, it is the first time he has taken responsibility for anything. Could this be an epiphany when he realizes that he is supposed to display leadership and integrity

I think first and foremost, it was a referendum on the economy. And the party in power was held responsible for an economy that is still underperforming and where a lot of folks are still hurting.

Actually Mr Obama, it was a referendum against you, your Marxism, your profligate spending, your metastasizing federal government, your Marxist Czars, your Crap and Tax, your health care disaster, your spending, your work ethic, your disregard for the American people and our troops, please don’t take it personally, but you are the number one problem. If you are impeached or decide the job is too overwhelming for your humble talents and quit, America will breathe a sigh of relief.

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Obama the Teflon Prez….NOTHING is his fault!

i can’t wait til he is gone, along with his ilk. he and his ilk are disgraces to our country.

There is a chasm . . . so immense . . . beyond any comprehension . . . thus . . . beyond our minds ability to understand. Disagreement is expected . . . yet consider these conditions:

1. The current overseas jaunt of POTUS cost 200 million dollars PER DAY.

2. The average cost to terminate each Taliban terrorist in Afghanistan is 50 million PER individual.

3. The FLOTUS takes 2000 people with her when she goes on her junkets.

I could keep on quoting these incomprehensibilities . . . but the UNDERSTANDING is impossible . . . to try to understand these concepts would produce only insanity.

Should we expect to understand these situations and make any rational judgement?

IMHO . . . NO

Is there any hope that POTUS can understand our PAIN? NO . . . to US POTUS is insane . . . to the Won . . . We the People . . . are insane.

Each of us would view the scenario of “someone handing us a million dollars” as winning the lottery . . . The WON views such scenario as a superfluous waste of his time.

The average unemployed person collects $300.00 PER WEEK in unemployment compensation . . . our POTUS sets down every morning to breakfast . . . that average cost $30,000.00 dollars.

We the People DO NOT UNDERSTAND and We the People NEVER will understand.

The “Chasm”

To a great extent I think that the POTUS is disconnected . . . he can not see cause and effect . . . there is no understanding on his part of debt, or the source of federal government income (taxes), he does not understand that to tax the entrepreneur increases the risk . . . that the very concept of entreprenuership is a risk analysis, a cost-benefit situation, that risk is never ending, that the cash flow of x dollars per year is in and of itself a risk. Security is a matter of self-empowerment . . . that the risk of security today must be covered by the benefits of tomorrow. I have read the words of many people that become wealthy and always, always they talk about being “secure” . . . they say; “finally I am secure’. What is this but “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” . . . to have that tomatoe patch that produces the fruit of security and to be able to eat the fruit or throw it at the person of your choice?

Has he declared war on againist the middle class . . . I think NOT . . . from his perspective . . . he is looking for “collective salvation” . . . a utopian extraordinary. Is the collective pain worth the benefits to a select few? NOT in the USA . . . we will always have been the country of: “Give us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses longing to be free…” and yes we will make a buck from them, but they so chose, they will acheive riches, rest in a garden, march to the tune of the Star Spangled Banner and be self-empowered. IS this war? No only . . . CHANGE . . . but We the People shall fight it to death . . . ah . . . the only change can be . . . HIS replacement.

His, the Won, fails to see this . . . his understanding . . . will never cross the chasm.

The comment I left at Gateway Pundit regarding the first quote:

“He is saying, as usual, the opposite of what he is thinking, with one little truth thrown in:

Truth: “I do get discouraged…”

Thinking:”…I was hoping the economy would be much worse by now.”

Cloward and Piven know what I’m talkin’ about. As I said, I would hope that nobody here with more than 2 brain cells to rub together would fail to realize that he WANTS the economy to collapse — just as did Cloward and Piven, as did Saul Alinsky, as did F. Marshall Davis, and as do all the Marxist theoreticians and planners from good old Karl himself up to now.

He’s a goof-up, alright, but ONLY in the sense that he hasn’t done us WORSE by now, and all the aforementioned Commies and the other True Believers know it, too. Anyone here who thinks he wants otherwise hasn’t been paying much attention these last 2 1/2 years.”

Taqiyyotomist: It is Socratic Irony, not that I believe he realizes the definition or can spell the phrase, judging by his off teleprompter bumbling; the “I do get discouraged” so ingenuously stated, reminds us of Mark Antony’s Oration referring to “Honorable Men” or Job’s address to his friends “No doubt but ye are people, and wisdom will die with you” but with the audacity and arrogance that promotes his Narcissism; Obama is only too willing to take the irony into a final stage of dramatic irony when his actions on the international stage reinforce his devious duplicity.

Yes the Cloward and Plliven plan based on the struggle against the Free Market so eloquently espoused by Marx and Engels One hundred years earlier is in place and doing its utmost to bring this country and its economic system to its knees; and yet, he still has bone headed cheerleaders and Useful Idiots promoting the demise of our way of life as they prepare to kneel for the yoke and chains of Socialist slavery.

Now, like all Free Market Capitalists, I must go to work and hope for the future

Meanwhile, back at the Ranch…

Joe Biden update: The VP meets on government transparency today. But that meeting is closed

With President Obama out of the country tweaking things in Asia, carefully not bowing this time, and packing away some pista murg and balak papri chat, his trusty sidekick Joe Biden is left to find things to do back home.

There’s a big Diwali party tonight at the White House. The vice president will be there.

But first, JB has a breakfast meeting with Sen. Chuck Hagel and then another one of those Middle Class Task Force events to try to find some of those thousands of missing green energy jobs that have been promised so often.

Joe’s had some problems with promises recently. He assured everyone that last summer would be full of economic recovery. Which it wasn’t. And Joe guaranteed that his Democratic Party would maintain majorities in both houses of Congress in last week’s midterm election. Which it didn’t.

Possibly the most important event of the vice president’s day Tuesday is to meet at 2:15 with Earl Devaney. Everyone knows him as chairman of the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board — the top guy monitoring the gazillion-dollar stimulus and the overdue economic recovery, and ensuring that the taxpayers financing same know all about it.

However, no one outside the room will know what goes on in that Biden-Devaney meeting. That’s because the government meeting on government transparency has been closed.

— Andrew Malcolm

Closed meetings on Transparency, the Stimulus that didn’t, the most Economically Illiterate POTUS evah Tweaking things that he quite frankly does not understand…Hey, whats not to like about this Kabuki Theater Regime? The Gang that couldn’t shoot straight is up to more meddling and mischief. Keep one hand on your wallet at all times.

We were so busy and so focused on getting a bunch of stuff done that we stopped paying attention to the fact that, yeah, leadership isn’t just legislation, that it’s a matter of persuading people and giving them confidence and bringing them together, and setting a tone.

What utter stuff and nonsense! Remember this? He’s given hundreds of interviews and appearances, trying to sell his bill of goods to the American people. He just can’t seem to take “no” for the answer. The only explanation he can rationalize to his ego is that “we don’t get it” or he’s not being “clear and communicative” enough.

@ Wordsmith, It is not the sales pitch, it’s the product. The American Public have bought too many bad products from this Regime and are more wary.The Regime is the outfit that has failed to produce a good product. As always,Let the Buyer Beware, especially from this bunch of snake oil salesmen.

TALLGRASS: hi, I believe that the job of serving THE AMERICANS is very profitable
to only the suppose SERVANT, because he live like a king not like a SERVANT,
and could not understand why AMERICA which is his MASTER is against his quest to ruin the MASTER.

I believe the figure reported in an Indian newspaper was actually 200 million rupees per day, which converts to 4.5 million dollars a day.

It’s important to keep the facts straight. The truth, accurately stated, is certainly quite awful enough.

Such as, Robert Gibbs throwing a fit and wedging his foor in the door to get a few more American reporters into a meeting, in India, which last time I checked was owned and operated by Indians, not Americans. Amateur hour.

@Wm T Sherman:

I believe the figure reported in an Indian newspaper was actually 200 million rupees per day, which converts to 4.5 million dollars a day.

No, the press account was $200 million per day.

If you throw in a naval fleet of 34 ships, the Sultan of New Deli would be responsible for the estimated 200 million per day. Probably more.

@Wm T Sherman:

Snopes et al can write whatever they wish to write.

What they cannot do, and have not done, however, is quote actual figures for the trip.

What they also cannot do, and have not done, is refute the $200 million figure with anything based in reality.

Snopes titled their post “Foreign Currency” but then goes on to write a post which has nothing whatsoever to do with foreign currency.

Snopes quotes people saying “Oh, that’s outrageous.” Well, I agree. It’s outrageous.

They quote people saying “Well, things like this have never cost this much before” yet this trip is not like anything that has been done before and, of course, since the figures were kept close to the vest, we don’t really know for sure how much those past trips have really cost either now do we?

I think that what happened here is that this Indian gov’t official unwittingly let the cat out of the bag and as desperately as the WH wishes to get that cat back in there it’s too late.

If you come across a reliable source which quotes actual cost figures for this trip let me know and I will update my post.

Until then, considering the past record of this Admin regarding outrageous spending, the $200m figure remains credible.

I was wrong about the report — $200 million reported by Indian media it is.

But, I can’t find a credible nonpartisan source on either side of the argument. I simply don’t know what it cost. More than the White House wants to admit.

Hey guys. Snopes is part of the kumbayah crowd with the false birth certificate and the photoshops of Palin, etc.

I don’t believe in the one carrier bs. Out of 50 to 80 planes, half would be combat air patrols and the other half as strike force. Hilarious. Two cariers minimum, in order to launch and land planes if one flat top is damaged. Two carriers or close to 10 k service men alone. Minimum of 20 escort ships and a max of 34 which is ball park. Muchos pesos!

With the continued extravagant “spending” by the Obama’s they must be surely be butting up against the ceiling of the budget allocated to the Administration by Congress. Even if we accept that some of this financial wastefulness is being born by various government agencies (including the military, in ways that the agencies could not have foreseen, or pre-budgeted for,) the White House must also be running low on cash. Forget drunken sailors, this administration spends the taxpayer’s money like spoiled royalty.

Were all these trips and expenses included in the appropriation bills for the White House and the various government agencies? I seriously doubt it. Then again, the Democrats decided not to have a vote or debate when the last budget was due, they just “deemed it as passed”


Obama has a plan to save America.

Impress Indian members of Parliament so much they press gifts on him.

When Obama used his teleprompter to go on and on for 35 minutes in the Indian Parliament, one elected member was so impressed he HAD to give Obama a gift.
All he had of any value was a gold and pearl chain he was wearing.
So, he asked Obama to accept it.
Of course Obama did.

And all it was worth was 4 Lakh Rupees.
But what’s that in US Dollars?

One Lakh Rupee is worth 100,000 Rupees.
400,000 Rupees is worth $8316.00 as of this AM.

Nan G: hi, YOU just hit the right word, SPELLBOUND, THAT is what the VOTERS are here,
they are spellbound by the TELEPROMPTER: I think THE FBI should investigate
and put the gadget in pieces to check, what’s in it.


Aye, I’m suspicious as to why those figures came out in the first place and think it may have been purposely planted. Two birds with one stone…drop some meat into India’s media hoping the opposition pounces allowing a redirection of the election loss news cycle leaving the “right wing” being blamed for repeating it.

The Indians reported this at least a week before it hit over here. Something’s up with this one.