Mark Levin noted, during his radio show last week, an article from the The New England Journal of Medicine which lays out how ObamaCare can be dismantled after the victory of Conservatives last Tuesday: (h/t Dave Ross)
[audio:https://floppingaces.net/Audio/levinobamacare110310.mp3]A more serious possibility [than repeal] is that ACA opponents could deliver on another pledge: to cut off funding for implementation. Here is how such a process could work
~~~The ACA contains 64 specific authorizations to spend up to $105.6 billion and 51 general authorizations to spend “such sums as are necessary” over the period between 2010 and 2019. None of these funds will flow, however, unless Congress enacts specific appropriation bills. In addition, section 1005 of the ACA appropriated $1 billion to support the cost of implementation in the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)…. [and the] ACA appropriated nothing for the Internal Revenue Service, which must collect the information needed to compute subsidies and pay them. The ACA also provides unlimited funding for grants to states to support the creation of health insurance exchanges (section 1311). But states will also incur substantially increased administrative costs to enroll millions of newly eligible Medicaid beneficiaries…
Without large additional appropriations, implementation will be crippled.~~~Since most major provisions of the ACA do not take effect until January 1, 2014, [these] delaying tactics might eventually enable repeal
Check out the whole PDF on Levin’s facebook page here.
Probably 25% of the new House members were elected because they promised to throw ObamaCare out the window. The rest of the members can see the writing on the wall. Either follow suit with your promises or be thrown out yourself. Get a repeal motion through so those who oppose repeal are on record with their votes then go through the process of defunding it, as the author of the above article so helpfully lays out.
There is more to be done on top of ObamaCare. Just yesterday Senator-Elect Marco Rubio gave an address laying out the priorities of our new Congress. Specifically to reduce the debt, repeal and replace ObamaCare, prevent the Obama tax increases that are looming, be bold and put forth alternatives to the Obama policies coming out of Washington and then fight for them.
The newest members of the House and Senate will be held accountable. Either do what you promised to do or you’re gone. As it should be.

See author page
Yeah thanks to the twin disasters that were Blair and Brown – who btw were actual socialists – and have gotten Britain into deep debt. Shame they didn’t save money instead of spending it on foolish wars like Iraq and then getting into much deeper debt with the GFC. However at least the coalition of Tories & Liberal Democrats have put the country into austerity plan and have kept the UK’s AAA credit rating.
That’s right every time there is a cut in anything there is always a riot in the UK. Usual about one a week across the country which has now become a national pastime along with morris dancing and eating bad food.
With the defence cuts the navy decided to have a shanty riot on their ships until rum and lash restored order. With the cuts of the quangos – the lords were a leaping in disgust and smashed up a tea party in kensington palace and caused quite a stir whilst the bureaucrats ripped up their bowlers hats as they made their way through the fog of ye London Town. The cuts in nursery provisions and chimney sweeps caused mayhem in Cherry Tree Lane.
If you going to create an absurd exaggeration – you might as well stick to the usual stereotype – e.g. The French. 🙄
Well, well Silly Rob. Seems the “proof” you put up to defend you spelling error is well, not the “proof” you had hoped for.
From the link you provided:
Maybe you libtards ought to check your sources before you admonish anyone else with such a disdainful attitude.
Note to Silly Rob: ANYONE can edit Wikipedia, so without sources backing up Wiki, you are not citing proof of anything.
Mata —
You, sista, are the lazy person who made statements and refused to back them up. Thankfully, now you have, slothful one.
I checked out your list. Interesting . . . but as with all positive statistical measures of live-ability (like educational attainment, crime rates, etc.), it is dominated by “Real America”, the Blue States. Alaska is BEHIND DC and Delaware. New York, New Jersey, Cali. . . . the usual suspects. And of the worst ten, seven went for McCain . . . again, no surprise.
Query — wonder how much of that GDP “productivity” is nothing more that the $1.84 dollars Alaska gets back in tax expenditures for the $1.00 they put into the fisc? The GDP measure doesn’t reflect that, now does it?
Oh, know what else jumps out about that article? The comment that “Alaska contributes a lot to the nation’s economy, but residents here also have the dubious distinction of having the second highest public debt in the country.”
It’s probably easy to have your GDP “look good” at first glance when you have high state debt, then combine that with piggish federal money grubbing.
And in other news: Silly Rob’s silence on his lack of credible sources for his misspelling is deafening.