I am a California conservative. Believe it or not, there are a lot of us, especially in the rural outreaches of this beautiful state. But somehow California was immune from the conservative electoral sweep of the mid-term elections. Granted, we didn’t have true conservative contenders for governor, or for the Senator “Don’t Call Me Ma’am” spots. In fact, in spite of the fact that Meg Whitman was the founder and CEO of E-Bay, she was also a former devotee of Van Jones. Yikes!! I also think she ran a weak campaign. The story about the illegal alien housekeeper, who was miraculously represented by former Brown supporter and blood sucker Gloria All-Red, for “back wages” (chortle), was a deliberate opportunistic attack by Jerry Brown. Meg’s golden opportunity to fire back came when the recently “discovered” video of Brown emerged, admitting he lied and made sh*t up and had no plan the first time he ran for governor. Meg did use that clip in one of her commercials, but people STILL voted for him!! Why didn’t she run that ad every 5 minutes for the last 3-4 days of her campaign?? Her funds seemed bottomless, and this was one effective snapshot of who Jerry Brown really was.
And then there was the challenger to Senator “Don’t Call Me Ma’am”, Carly Fiorina. Former CEO and destroyer of the once incredibly great Hewlett Packard, who by the way has been my employer for the past 16 years. Yes, I survived the Carly years. I have many reasons to hate her. She was a train wreck for HP. And yet I still voted for her, to be clear, because I felt that I HAD TO vote against Babs. Again, Carly is not a true conservative, and I suspect is a RINO to the core in the vein of John McCain.
Getting back to the Governator… Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected after the very liberal Gray Davis, former Chief of Staff of, you guessed it, Gov Jerry Brown, was recalled out of office for totally screwing up. In particular, he cost Californians untold millions due to the “energy crisis” that was mostly contrived to bilk us taxpayers. Rolling brown-outs were tossed in, even in winter months, to try to convince us of the seriousness of the whole debacle. So Arnold comes riding in on his white horse, never mind that he had no experience. He was the bad-ass of Hollywood fame who was here to save the day. “I don’t need the money” he said, “so I won’t be beholden to any special interests”. Yes, we thought, we like this!! So Arnold gets elected and almost immediately takes a hard left turn. Well duh, he’s married to a Kennedy!!
Fast forward to November 2nd, 2010. Arnold defined RINO-ism. Meg was just about a carbon copy. Jerry Brown had name recognition, many voters were too young to remember his record, or were new to the state, or were voting illegally, or, my personal favorite, were part of the union machine that Jerry Brown himself created when he allowed the Public Sector to unionize!! Wow! The perfect storm.
So when I hear these morons in the Republican party talk about being more “centrist” and “moderate” I say SCREW YOU!! Look what your RINO-ness has cost us!! And not just in California. True conservatism is the only way. When this once great state crashes and burns into insolvency, which will probably be in 2011, then MAYBE people in this state will get a clue and vote accordingly. After all, even here, we have some strong Tea Party activists. But, the recipient class is fast out numbering the provider class here in California. We have something like 32% of the entire country’s welfare recipients. And Jerry Brown is all for amnesty and open borders and in spite of our tremendous budget deficits, wants to give illegals free college educations!! And Governor Moonbeam wants lots of “green” jobs. He strongly supports AB32 which is California’s version of Cap and Trade, due to go into effect in 2011. AB32 and Jerry Brown will be the death nell of this state. It is time to seriously think about voting with our feet. Texas is looking good to me.
Thanks for the legacy your RINO-ness. NOT!!!
I am sitting here trying to think of any other noted personality such as Ahnold, that has spent this long in America and still can’t speak English worth a shat?
Any that you know of?
Sounds like a genuine proof that too much education can be a bad thing, although I would like to see the breakdown between MBA, MD’s and Phd’s. For some reason, I imagine the Phd’s have much more of a liberal side than the other two groups.
Not to worry folks, from the ashes a Phoenix will arise. But before the Phoenix there must be ashes…
Moonbeam doesn’t have the leadership skills (priorities) to CUT the CA budget and neither do the Dem CA legislators. They will enact tax hikes with little if any cuts because they will claim the evil (weak kneed) Arnold cut more than reasonable. With the failure of prop suspending the AGW nonsense both taxes and energy prices will go up in short order, i.e. 2011.
CA will default on it’s bonds and you had better have an exit plan if you live in CA with any kind of means. Once the default happens and the economy goes further in the tank, then anyone with property will see their values further decline. Those who were on the margins with positive equity to loan ratios will see them go negative as thousands more head for the exits, a classic case of supply out stripping demand. So decide now if push comes to shove about mailing in the keys to the bank when your home is underwater in regards to the mortgage.
Where to go? there are 10 metro areas in the country with unemployment LESS than 5%. See the website: http://www.bls.gov/web/metro/laummtrk.htm
To address the original post (not that the back and forth about ad hominem attacks, global warming and all isn’t entertaining)… As a Conservative Californian (do I get bonus points for being a conservative with an advanced degree?) I share PatriotGirl’s disgust with our state.
That was my comment to a colleague yesterday; it will probably take California hitting rock bottom before California voters get a clue.
That’s the whole problem. The voting majority is not middle and upper class, educated and employed people, it is the “recipient class” (so tactfully worded!). I don’t see that changing, in fact, I think that the balance will only get more and more skewed toward them and away from any hope of a more conservative government. Jerry Brown and company certainly aren’t going to do anything to encourage anyone to migrate to California except illegal aliens and uneducated field laborers.
Random Thoughts: hi, I see it makes a difference when someone know what’s going on
at the many levels of a STATE, you gaves us a real view of the problem and a way to fix it too,
hope they listen. bye
I agree with you Random, often a drunk or a drug addict has to hit rock bottom before they can find the where withal to kick the addiction.
Of course by that time half of the illiterates of Mexico will have California Citizenship and we will have Marxism on Parade.
Nobody bail out California. That should be the mantra, stupidity is its own reward and we in California have more than our share.
32% of the Welfare in the country, come on don’t you guys want to support our immigration policy. Illegal Aliens occupy one third of our prison system, huurah for our Immigration policy. Our elementary teachers who actually care about their job complain because they can’t teach kids who don’t speak English. That’s a personal anecdote after working for many teachers.
This is a surreal comedy, it would be a lot funnier if some Liberal would buy my place and I could say Adios Sucker!
Re #53,
The distressing fact rests in the reality that the unemployment numbers are in all cases almost twice those presented by the Bureau of Statistics and promoted by the MSM.
There are also other weaknesses in the employment figures, such as the replacement of full-time employees with part-time workers. October saw another 124,000 Full Time jobs lost. We’re in for a long dry spell that will only change with wholesale leadership replacement in Washington as well as changes made at Treasury, and the Fed, IHMO. Tuesday was good start on the road to recovery.
I’m just wondering how long it’ll take before “recipient class” becomes the approved politically correct label for the parasites.
@runnswim/Larry: You said:
Balderdash. If you contend that CO2 drives global climate warming change, (which it doesn’t) then it matters not what period of earth’s history you look at, for there is CO2 in the atmosphere all the time. You only want to look at CO2 for the last couple hundred years? Not very scientific of you.
And finally, from John Coleman, noted Meterologist and founder of The Weather Channel:
Could one of the moderators please insert this video link?
Global Warming Fraud Debunked by John Coleman
To say that a trace element in our atmosphere is responsible for global climate warming change is just not scientifically viable. Water vapor is much more prevalent in our atmosphere and it has a much larger impact on our climate, yet it is not the focus of AGW alarmists because they haven’t figured out a way to control water vapor – yet.
You have Jerry Brown, in large part, because you ran a really bad candidate. To start with, Meg Whitman did not even have a consistent record of voting. Why put a person in high office who did not even bother to get involved in civic matters until she decided to “start at the top.” There is an arrogance there.
Second kiss of death — self financing. It is one thing to put in seed money and build a base of contributors who invest in your campaign. But Meg decided, in pure CEO fashion, to just do it herself and answer only to herself. Bad mistake. When your contributors do not believe enough in you to pony up (talking about you, Hillary Clinton!), you are done.
Third, she was an empty suit. She appeared to actually believe in little EXCEPT getting elected, She’d run radio ads telling Latinos one thing, TV ads telling Whites something else, then would act surprised when the contradictions are pointed out to her. Her b.s. explanations on why she had an illegal as her maid put the stake in her heart for Latinos.
Lastly, the most devastating ad I saw was the one where she was repeating verbatim the empty talking points that Arnold said when he was running for office. She was promising more of the same and the state had had enough. Say what you want to, but no one can say that Governor Moonbeam is not a cheapskate. Whitman? What evidence that she had the ability or the backbone to get done what needed to be done? She headed an ascendent company, not one that needed to be rescued. Besides — running a business has nothing to do with governing anyway.
Larry, you said
This is as good and explanation, in plain English, as to why carbon release is a problem. But if you modify it to say “dug up, burnt, and release into the atmosphere” it makes in even more clear what the cons are trying to argue:
“Digging up carbon, burning it, and releasing the various resulting compounds into the air is not a cause for any concern.”
I then ask them a simple question:
“You may be right, that there is no man made climatic change. But what if you are wrong?”
Wouldn’t it make sense to make reductions now while we can on the very real possibility (scientists say its more like a certainty) that carbon release causes climatic changes?
They never can answer the question because they simply refuse to acknowledge the possibility that they are just flat out wrong on this scientific debate.
Likewise, if we can adopt a 40 mpg car standard and use less OPEC oil, then why is it a bad thing to pursue that? If we can figure out a way to cut emissions and still have our car culture, the same as Japan, then what is the down side? If we can adopt practices that release only 100 million tons of climatic changing, asthmatic attack inducing compounds into our American skies, instead of 200 million tons, then why not try?
As soon as the cons explain to me why it is a bad idea to adopt a Japanese and German level of seriousness on climate change issues, I will follow their lead. Until then, they strike me as little more than oil and coal industry financed Luddites.
B-Rob: THE GOVERNMENT try to impose this rules to counter and diminish the CO2,
when we know the best way to influence self restrained is not through laws shoved into
AMERICAN’S daily life, but by friendly persuasion with truthfull MEDIAS the people can relate to.
YOU guys try to make it a life and death priority when people are strugelling to subsist with
basic living prioritys: the timing to apply laws from GOVERMENT is wrong and the need to
apply those laws is irrelevant,
YOU as a government underestimated the INTELLIGENCE of AMERICANS to know better,
and to self restraint without the regulations which will not work, because of having been IMPOSED to this COUNTRY where FREEDOM is law of the LAND,so to get anger in the people instead of cooperation, YOU should know that the TIME TO COMPROMISE IS OVER.
58Reply to this comment
I’m just wondering how long it’ll take before “recipient class” becomes the approved politically correct label for the parasites.
We have to update this old saw:
A democracy can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury.
From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.
Seen earliest in a 1989 newspaper.
No one knows who actually wrote it.
@ Larry
Larry, I think that is a great idea. How ’bout if California crashes its economy, they don’t come crying to the people of Georgia (where I live) to bail them out.
ToothFairy: hi, YOUR58,gave me a question, I thought that the word “recipient”
was only used in awards of a certified honor certificat for some achievement in studys and research
IF It’s applye to this crowd of people, It would diminish that word,and would have to be eliminated in one of the 2 meaning, just thinking. bye
Sounds like Benjamin Franklin:
ilovebeeswarzone #65: In this case, a recipient is one who “receives” — a euphemism for “takes.” If you have too many recipients/takers compared to taxpayers/givers, the treasury is bled dry trying to pay all the “recipients” their “entitlements.” How exactly did they become “entitled” to all this? Well, I think Auntie Zeituni said it best. If they manage to drag their a$$ across our border, we “owe” them.
Just for the record, I also happen to have a post-graduate degree, but I’m much more conservative than the average voter with or without such a degree. It could have something to do with the fact that my degrees are in electrical and computer engineering. but I was able to resist the liberal claptrap that many of my humanities and other “liberal arts” class instructors spewed forth. I took particular relish in effectively defending my conservative viewpoints against the inane (but politically correct) views of a particular sociology professor. He would never actually concede to losing an argument, but on more than one occasion said things like “I’m not inclined to disagree with you at the present moment.”
A level head turneth away the loony.