The Peter Pan syndrome [Reader Post]

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I’ll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up
Not me,
Not I,
Not me!
So there!
Never gonna be a man,
I won’t!
Like to see somebody try
And make me.
Anyone who wants to try
And make me turn into a man,
Catch me if you can.
I won’t grow up.
Not a penny will I pinch.
I will never grow a mustache,
Or a fraction of an inch.
‘Cause growing up is awfuller
Than all the awful things that ever were.
I’ll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up,
No sir,
Not I,
Not me,
So there!

Barack Obama further diluted the currency of the office of the President of the United States by appearing on Jon Stewart’s show. Not even attempting to maintain a sense of dignity for the office, Obama eschewed formality by not even wearing a tie. He made clear than Stewart was easily his equal.

Scott Johnson at Powerline:

Obama became a laughingstock as Stewart played on the distance between the fantasy of Obama’s messianic campaign rhetoric and the reality of Obama in power. This could be potent stuff if you bought the messianic rhetoric, and it should certainly be the grist for all-American comedy that cuts a pretentious politician down to size.

If Stewart and his audience bought Obama’s messianic campaign shtick, however, they might want to get a clue and grow up. Coming at Obama from the left, Stewart et al. aren’t inclined to meditate on the limits of politics. They prefer to take their disillusionment as a sign of their superiority.

Did you really believe that Obama’s ascent was the moment that the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal? Did he let you down? Obama was taking advantage of your credulity, dude. Deal with it.

John Podhoretz:

When an authority figure no longer radiates authority, he is no longer feared (see Machiavelli on the utility of causing fear as a means of exerting political will). Today’s unauthoritative authority figure might intimidate the people closest to him no less than an authority figure of an earlier age did. But in a democracy, an authority figure achieves dominion when the people invest him with that power. The affectation of egalitarian informality breaks down that authority bit by bit until it crumbles.

I watched this encounter, and it came to me that I was watching a meeting of the Peter Pan division of the Hypocrite Millionaire’s club.

And they won’t grow up.

The members of this club include or did include Obama, Ted Kennedy, Herb Kohl, John Kerry and Jay Rockefeller.

And Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.

All these men are worth millions. Kennedy, Kohl and Rockefeller inherited their money.

Kerry married his.

Obama had his money funneled to him through curious land deals, his books and the jobs that were created for Michelle and not necessary once she left them.

Stewart and Colbert amassed their fortunes filling the mushy heads of young liberals with drivel. Stewart is reportedly worth $100 million. Colbert is reportedly worth about $45 million. I found those numbers astonishing. Keeping young people from growing up pays really well. Although these two would have you believe that they are libertarians, they cater primarily to a younger, liberal and mindless crowd.

Ironically, Stewart actually made some good points during a critique of Obama in June. Stewart noted Obama’s failure to deliver many of the key promises made during Obama’s campaign including closing of Gitmo, restoring habeas corpus and ending rendition.

“And no to wireless wiretaps.”

And the young mindless liberals applauded enthusiastically. Peter Pan Obama has learned a few things about the real world since then. If you’d like to see a truly naive amateur in action watch the entire interview here. The Stewart clip occurs at about 31:30 in the Schmidt interview. And don’t miss when Obama says

“Guantanamo? That’s easy.”

Side note: The interview is conducted by Google CEO Eric Schmidt. Google pays a whopping 2.4% in taxes each year.

Stewart noted that Obama not only continues to implement Bush’s policies, but has expanded them.

But all of this went down the memory hole when Stewart actually came face to face with Obama. He won’t grow up.

Obama is now worth about $10 million.

One wonders- why?

Why is Barack Obama worth $10 million? This is the guy who wanted spread around the money of Joe the Plumber, who probably makes less than $50,000 a year.

“I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.”

Said Obama.

Obama is worth $10 million, He doesn’t spread his money around. He won’t need another penny as long as he lives but he is not spreading around what he has now.


Stewart doesn’t spread his around. Neither does Colbert. Or Kerry. Or Kohl. Or Rockefeller. But they will spread your money around.

They won’t grow up.

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I don’t understand. I was looking at the forcasts for the governor races. They were missing 7 of the 57 races!

And one could go so far as to surmise that Jon may be Barack’s better. Just saying.

The Punk demeaned the office when he put his feet on the desk…and he hadn’t been in office 2 hours!!!

Democrats Blame Bad Communication; Republicans Blame A Misguided Message

Two governors sparred over the message Democratic candidates are sending this election— if it’s the right one and if it is even being heard at all.

Governor Ed Rendell, D-Penn., started it all by blaming the Republican voter excitement on his party’s bad communication. Rendell said on CBS “Face the Nation,” “I think this administration has done a great job… We just did a lousy job communicating it. We let the Republicans, to their credit, out-spin us a year-and-a-half ago, and we’re paying the price.”

Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, disagreed, “I don’t think it’s about communication. I think it’s about the product. They’re trying to sell something that isn’t any good. And what we have now is an economy that remains in the doldrums.”

Congressman Peter King, R-N.Y., on the other hand doesn’t seem much room for bipartisanship, “If we do win, we’ll have a mandate, though, to start cutting back on spending. If we just come in and just start splitting the difference with the president, then, to me, we’ll be turning our back on the voters that elected us.”


“Obama further diluted the currency of the office of the President of the United States . . .” Yup! Embarrassingly so.

His deer-in-the-headlights moment, at Stewart’s “BUT….” belied a weaker intellect than that suggested by his PR. Stewart probably didn’t mean to make his hero look like a goof, and in retrospect, he probably regrets doing so. He just didn’t expect Obama to react so dumbly to the “but.” Narcissism screwed with O’s synapses long enough for the reaction to sound idiotic.

taking from the rich and giving to the poor is robin hood, not peter pan.. for someone who knows so much about politics you cant even get your characters right. kind of throws off the credibility dont ya think?

Not to mention “Jack & the Beanstalk” Politics, Leadership and Economics!

I think you mean Robin Hood, not Peter Pan.