I predict we pick up the following Senate seats: AR, CO, IN, NV, ND, PA, WI, WV which makes eight.
CA, CT, IL, WA are the races that I see being the most realistically winnable of the remaining races. I don’t, however, see the Republicans picking up more than three of those four.
In the “Who saw that one coming” category: Barney Frank will lose to Sean Bielat in a stunning upset in MA.
Post your predictions in the comments.
Would love to see this! However I am very worried that we are waaaay too optimistic. Those are huge swings in voters that rarely happen in individual areas, let alone wide sweeping areas.
Fat Barney going down in MA. Yea right and Hillary will be O’s next running mate.
My humble opinion.
Forget California, it’s going full Demorat. Too many idiots here and way too many illegals voting under the radar. You see how easy it is? Meg Whitman thought she hired a legal worker…So you see, pretty much any Dem in Cali is a winner…
Robert there has been some unforeseen fallout from the Meg/Maid affair.
A lot of businesses are refusing to hire anyone with an accent!
They are sticking to white folks and black folks.
Oh, and any other person whose English is flawless.
It is called, “Situational Irony,” when Obama’s Policies Hurt WORST the very People who Supported Him the MOST.
What little hiring is being done the ones hiring are saying they don’t want to be accused of hiring an illegal after taking a person’s SS# and DL# as true.
Kirk is ahead by 4 points right now, don’t know if that’s enough to beat the cheat. Military ballot problems and the dems have thousands of mail in absentee ballots messed up. Our first year with mail ins and they just had to get their hands on them.
My “oh crap” nightmare is that Lisa
MurkmorkMurkowski will win. She’ll become the poster child (and millstone) for ruling-class RINOS.58 Congress
9 Senate (Biden actually gets a job to do)
Christine O’Donnell FTW!
The left’s attempts at fraud will be breathtaking. Their success will determine the extent of the republican victory margin.
A.C. Thanks for your predictions.I see Repubs gaining 58-68 seats to take control of House.Boehner, new speaker, expected to play 100-120 rounds of golf in 2011.His total trips to tanning salon dependant on weather conditions during his golf outings.
Senate Repubs pick up N.D.,Ark.,Ind.,Wisc. Dems hold Conn.,Wash.,W.V.Cal. Nev.,Penn.lean Repub. Ill. Col. tossups.Believe Repubs pick-up 5-8 seats and Dems hold Senate.
Sarah doing her best to prop up Miller. Race may depend on how well Alaskans can spell.
Enjoy Giants in 6.
I sure wish someone had found this video sooner, so it could have helped Meg Whitman more.
But it is devastating….
Interviewer: You said something a moment ago that I have to follow up on and I have to draw you out on. You said you don’t have to lie anymore now that you’re not a politician. What did you lie about when you were governor?
Jerry Brown: It’s all a lie. You’re pretending there’s a plan…
Interviewer: What did you lie about?
Jerry Brown: You run for office and the assumption is “Oh, I know what to do”. You don’t. I didn’t have a plan for California. Clinton doesn’t have a plan. Bush doesn’t have a plan.
Interviewer: You said you had a plan for California and you lied because you didn’t have a plan?
Jerry Brown: You say you’re going to lower taxes, you’re going to put people to work, you’re gonna improve the schools, you’re going to stop crime… crime is up, schools are worse, taxes are higher. I mean be real!
Too late fore anything. The only only dissapoint on nov 3ill be the repulicans/tea party. as a independant, who watches, listens and studies all candidates seded one main problem; As the Democrats rule, they will continue. What the Repulicans fail to do is offer solutions. Tell me why i should vote republican. They can’t. Most Americans feel this way. When we go into the poll on tuesday, we will realize that. “it is better to take a step foward than backwards”. WARNING TOTREPUBLICANS, DONT C OUNT YOUR CHICKENS BEFORE THEY ARE HATCHED. OTHERWISE YOU WILL BE VERY DISAPOINTED. DEMOCRATS WILL KEEP ALL MAJORITY
A.C. I love election day. No matter the outcome it’s what makes America great.
Congrats to Giants.My dad, a great fan, took me to see them last time they won in N.Y. in 1954.
Had them in 6 and they won in 5.Expect my prediction range POST#58 will hold.Couple of beers in Charleston someday? THANKS RJW
I think someone needs a new crystal ball. 🙄
A.C re my posts #8 and 11 Denver Post says Bennett has won.With Murray win in Wash repubs have picked up 6 Senate seats. House looks like 64 +/- 2.
Better place my weekend football bets.
Have a great day. RJW