And they still call her stupid [Reader Post]

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Two years ago Brian Kalt wrote an article in which he warned the peril in deriding Sarah Palin

Every four years, Democrats in the United States make the same mistake. They underestimate the appeal of the Republican Party to Middle America, and then reduce their own appeal by belittling it. Now, Democrats are falling into the same trap again with Sarah Palin, John McCain’s vice-presidential nominee.

This was the one Democrat policy that was shovel ready. And you know what they have been shoveling since then.

Alec Baldwin seems incapable of resisting an opportunity to make himself look completely removed from the real world. In the HuffPo he wrote:

Christine O’Donnell has attempted to present herself as Palin 2.0, yet the original Palin looks oddly listless and tired on the circuit these days and she has done virtually nothing to expand or freshen up her act. Like some Charo of the Chugach, Palin grinds out the same quips and winks and seems even less prepared for 2012, in any capacity, than she did in 2008.

Palin being stupid is arguably the predominant Democrat theme of 2010.

A search for “Palin stupid” yields almost 3 million hits.

An image search for “Palin in the news” yields 16,600,000 hits.

Another image search for “Palin and Obama” yields almost 12 million hits.

The Chicago Tribune has a page dedicated to news stories linked to Sarah Palin.

Sarah Palin has her own page on HuffPo.

Michelle Obama answers to Sarah Palin.

One PPP poll showed Palin tying Obama in a 2012 Presidential race.

And this morning PMSNBC had this header:

palin and obama

Even the left wing media elevates Palin as Obama’s equal.

But here are my two favorites stats.

A search for “Palin and Obama” yields nearly 49 million hits.

Best of all?

Searching “Obama responds to Palin” gets you, are you ready for this?

46,1000,000 hits.

Either Democrats are psychotically obsessed with a stupid woman or they are absolutely full of crap.

Or maybe both.

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Thanks for this. Well done.


Seems like for all of the Daily Kos attempts at “Grassroots SEO,” (Search Engine Optimization) to try to get the most damaging news articles about the Republican candidates at the top of any search all that has really happened is proof the “Democrats are psychotically obsessed with a stupid woman or they are absolutely full of crap.

Or maybe both.”


Love it.


The verbal slurs against Palin are laughably pathetic. I don’t particularly care for her myself, but she’s not stupid. When Hollywood personalities come out with such tripe, they sway only those people who aren’t willing to think for themselves; in the end, these dolts show themselves for the intolerant elitist snobs that they are.

Be careful with your Internet search results! If you want to search for the phrase “Obama responds to Palin” (or any other phrase that consists of more than one word,) most search engines require you to enclose the phrase in quotation marks. For example, Googling

Obama responds to Palin

results in many millions of hits because any searchable site with the words “Obama,” “responds,” “to,” and “Palin” in ANY order will be included. However, Googling

“Obama responds to Palin”

(note that the quotation marks are included this time) results in about 8,000 hits.


Great story and I do believe that Sarah is in position to take on Obama and defeat him in 2012. If she dosn’t America will forever be changed for the worse.

“Don’t tell Barry what number comes after a TRILLION” When this women get’s into the fight, your going to have to invent a number just for “THE HIT’S”

PALIN/RYAN 2012 “Beauty Brians + More Brains”

Drain the SWAMP (again) sell the jet’s (except for AF#1 & 2) repaint your office-bring back the old carpet, etc. etc. (Just a few idea’s)

One more before I sign off***When have something as BIG as Healthcare, have the American people VOTE on it. My state wanted a 1% sales tax increase, we voted on it, the city wants a .5% sales tax increase-it is being voted on Nov 2. THE PEOPLE want to be involved-show them that they can.

Behar says Angle is a bitch and will go to hell. Will she get fired?

Progressive Socialist Toronto falls to Conservatism last night.

Good Lord, she is hawt!

Ok, lets see, she’s brighter than DimBarry. She shoots, she can gut a fish, she’s a Christian, she cares about the USA, she’s easy on the eyes and best of all gets the Progressive/Socialists knickers in a twist. What’s not to love. 😆

The good LORD packaged this woman with brains, looks, family values, love of G-D and country, but most of all common sense. Show me one Demoncrap that has even one of these attributes.

Rush always says the left and the ELITES will tell you who they fear the most by who they attack. He’s absolutely right, I mean why attack someone that can’t hurt you in any way. No they just ignore those people. They have been trying to destroy this woman since she tore Biden a new one in the debates.

Oh just get over Sarah Palin. She should be a contestant on Dancing With The Stars, not a politician. Maybe her and Nancy Pelosi should team up and do a little AM radio.

Nancy: Every American is entitled to healthcare.
Sarah: Every American is entitled to the fruits of their labors.
Nancy: Are you hungry?
Sarah: Starved.
Nancy: Great, because our next guest is going to teach us how to flap some jacks.
Sarah: Mmmmmmmmmmm. Stay tuned!

Sounds like you need to take your own advice Nugz. :mrgreen:

Mr. NUGZ, and you just know who should or should not be in politics. Who made you the all knowing gift to the world. Me, I would prefer a non politician to be CiC, an every day down to earth woman such as Sarah. I know she scares little old you, but man up you sissy, you’ll get over it. President Sarah Palin has a special ring to it, beats Barack Obama by miles.

Palin is a new broom. With the Tea Party she has knocked out dozens of incumbents in both parties.

The really stupid woman?
Michelle Obama.
But stupid in a tricky way.

Like remember her desire to gut the money out of the Food Stamp program to fund a ”food desert eradication?”

Turns out your average American lives 0.85 miles from the nearest supermarket (where we can get healthy fruits and veggies).

But her plan to build supermarkets for the poor in inner cities flies in the face of the fact that your average low-income individual lives 0.1 mile from a major supermarket where he/she could get those healthy foods.

And remember when she was working at the hospital putting uninsured folks on a bus to leave her ER and go to another?

Here’s what she says about HEALTHY people and buses:

“So that means if a mom wanted to buy a head of lettuce to make a salad in this community, or have some fresh fruit for their kids’ lunch, that means she would have to get on a bus, navigate public transportation with the big bags of groceries, probably more than one time a week, or, worse yet, pay for a taxicab ride to get some other supermarket in another community, just to feed her kids.”

Congress mandated that the department conduct a $500,000 study; “Access to Affordable and Nutritious Food: Measuring and Understanding Food Deserts and Their Consequences” — was published in June 2009.

Only 0.1 percent — one-tenth of one percent — of Americans living in low-income areas more than 1 mile from a supermarket took public transit to the store, the report said.

Ah, but she only wants $400 MILLION.

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

Mahatma Gandhi

Another really stupid female:
Elena Kagan.

She actually wrote that she was backing a stay of execution over questions about the safety of a drug to be used in a lethal injection!

Let’s see…..
According to the directions on the drug, if you take it you will die.

Mr. Nutz, project much?

Today Sarah and Sharron Angle pwned Joy Behar. Palin twittered “What class” of Behar’s expletive laden attack on Angle. Then Angle sent flowers and a note to Behar thanking Behar for the $130,000 plus she raised consequent to the Behar diatribe.

Joy Behar is an imbecile.

Joyless Behar is pathetic. Maybe NPR should hire her…

Is Alec Baldwin the older fat one that has a potty mouth and cursed his daughter out on the phone? You know the one that looks like he aged 50 years in the last 5?

Palin vs Obama…..50,800,000 hits. 😉

Rasmussen, September 20, 2010:

Fifty-two percent (52%) of Likely U.S. Voters say their own views are closer to Sarah Palin’s than they are to President Obama’s, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

Kyle Anne Shiver had his number early on, this from 2/26/2010, nothing seems to have changed other than his polls have slid further into the abyss:


Palin v. Obama: ‘Real’ American v. the ‘Citizen of the World’

One has been adored by the leftist-activist media brigade, which gleefully tossed away its fabled “objectivity” in order to get the candidate with whom it was both in love and in sync elected. The other has been veritably loathed by the same Ivy League-centric mandarin class which long ago forsook its working-class roots and is now actively ashamed of them.

One represents academic elitism. The other comes from a standard state university background.

One uses a teleprompter for nearly every spoken word, often flailing, repeating sentences due to electronic glitches and mispronouncing even those words that seem simple to the average American:


The other uses a few broad-topic scribbles on her hand for prompts.

One is the darling of Hollywood; the other is the butt of crass celebrity jokes.

Pundits see this pair in purely political dimension of left vs. right.

What we have here, however, is far, far more fundamental than a left vs. right spectacle, performed by two adroit representatives.

It’s far more meaty than the little tit for tats among the leftist literati and their adversaries, the conservative commoners.

No, what we have here are two philosophies fighting to the death for the soul of America, each represented by one phenomenal public figure.

Barack Obama, in keeping with international socialists throughout the last century, has proclaimed himself loudly-and-clearly a “citizen of the world.” He conducted his entire campaign as a lecture to greedy, over-consuming Americans on the necessity of propping up the lagging third world and the inherent goodness of his redistributive plans for government.

That this message was apparently lost by mainstream American voters in the haze of media sycophancy, is a sad commentary on both our presumed independent press and the attention span of voters. Nevertheless, Barack Obama’s message was clear to sentient observers from the start of his campaign.

Whether he was explaining the necessity for putting the coal business out of business for the good of global climate goals or telling people they couldn’t just drive their SUVs anywhere they wanted to go and expect the people in the rest of the world to just go along, he made his message clear.

We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times … and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK. That’s not leadership. That’s not going to happen.

To Obama, America is the problem to the world, not the solution. He hammered away consistently at his intention to divvy up the American “pie” in international-socialist fashion, even while disingenuously peppering his talk with Reaganite calls for lowering taxes on the middle-class.

Even if folks missed some of his intentions, it should have been clear to all but the proverbial ostriches among us that Obama was declaring himself a citizen of the world when he actually made his “citizen-of-the-world” speech in Berlin. Thronged by ogling, drooling, chanting Europeans on a celebrity campaign tour, Obama took great pains to paint himself as post-American.

And his first year in the presidency has demonstrated beyond doubt that Barack Obama is indeed anything but an all-American president. From his obsequious bowing, his kumbayah-to-the-world speech at the UN and his magnanimous granting of American civil rights to foreign terrorists, he has demonstrated again and again that America is nothing to him but a member state of the morally superior global community.

Which brings us to Sarah Palin, his arch-foe in the public psyche.

No, Mrs. Palin holds no public office. She wields no genuine power in terms of armies or bureaucracies. She is merely a private citizen.

But Sarah Palin has arisen from the ashes of electoral defeat as the embodiment of archetypal American values, beliefs, hopes and dreams.

At present, with a “post-American” president at the helm, Sarah Palin carries the torch of liberty and American exceptionalism in the palm of her lovely hand. She is the surviving embodiment of the spirit of 1776 and the Reagan reformation.

She is at once the American phoenix and the shining city on the hill, captured in the imaginations of a people still yearning to be free and determined to strive for greatness, even if the rest of the world prefers to drown in mediocrity, corruption and defeatist socialist uniformity.

While it is easy to see Barack Obama and Sarah Palin as nothing but political adversaries in a nation grown weary with partisanship, that explanation defies the reality we see exhibited in the passions of their respective followers.

Whichever side one is on, the stakes are clear. Nothing less than the soul of America is on the line.

Will we give up forever on the American dream and become nothing more than footnotes in the annals of failed international socialism?

Or will we see an American reformation that reestablishes individual liberty and ingenuity as moral imperatives worth fighting for and preserving for our progeny?

The stakes could not be higher. And the archetypes, Palin and Obama, could not be clearer.

These two torch-bearers define an era in which fence-sitting is beyond the bounds of reason.

Two opposing world views are colliding.

And only one side can prevail.

The democrats profess to be the champions of the blacks, Hispanic, women, and minorities in general, until one of them becomes successful.

I wonder if any of the democrats thought about where Wonder Woman Sarah Palin would be right now if they would have just kept their mouths shut. The more that King Obama and his court jesters try to tell us not to listen to a certain person or company, the more the people go to those people or companies. I still want on King Obama’s hit list.

A search for “Palin stupid” yields almost 3 million hits.

I searched my name with “stupid” attached to it and I wasn’t there. I guess that means I ain’t stupid. Can anybody else prove they ain’t stupid?

Either Democrats are psychotically obsessed with a stupid woman or they are absolutely full of crap.

A stupid woman person can survive on their own without the help of the government. A successful democrat woman is unmarried with children and on welfare.

Nan G
Seems like for all of the Daily Kos attempts at “Grassroots SEO,” (Search Engine Optimization)….

Add in the fact that Google edits the help list that appears when you start typing. I quit using Google a long time ago when I found out they didn’t decorate their logo on their homepage for Memorial Day and Veterans Day until the conservative blogs complained about it. They also didn’t remember December 7, 1941. I don’t know if they do now.

Another reason to not use them is recently Google had a fundraiser for Obama with a $30,000 a plate price tag. Less than a week later The FTC dropped their investigation of Google’s “Street View” storing personal WiFi info of people.

Add this: Google Lobbyist Urged White House to Pressure FTC on Privacy:

I use the search engines that guarantee that they do not keep my info:

I did find the perfect job for Obama:

Why would you do that to the other astronauts? What did they do to you?

Nan G #19
She actually wrote that she was backing a stay of execution over questions about the safety of a drug to be used in a lethal injection!

Does that mean that if the drug doesn’t kill them they can sue the manufacturer?

If you are too stupid to understand Google search syntax, you should not be defending other people from charges of stupidity.

A set of single quotes does not imply exact order–so you get the same 53 million hits if you search ‘Obama responds to Palin’ and ‘Palin responds to Obama’. If you do the right search on “Obama responds to Palin” with double quotes on Google, you get 8,200 hits.

What is sad is that Palin is not stupid–in the sense of not having native intelligence–she has just squandered it by being lazy and undisciplined. 5 colleges and a scenic tour of the West to get a third-rate B.A. An inability to prepare for the Katie Couric interview. An unwillingness to spend any time mastering national policy issues so she could go on a Sunday news show… That is the problem as I see it.