A Voice Of Reason From Czech Republic


This One’s For You Vaclav

United Nations: September 25, 2010

Vaclav Klaus, the Czech President told the U.N. General Assembly that the solutions to the world’s economies do not lie in regulatory agencies within the U.N. nor the idea of world governance by the U.N. He denounced the idea of:

“creating new governmental and supranational agencies, or in aiming at global governance of the world economy”

“On the contrary, this is the time for international organizations, including the United Nations, to reduce their expenditures, make their administrations thinner, and leave the solutions to the governments of member states,” he said.

Klaus appeared to be responding to the address of the Swiss president of the General Assembly, Joseph Deiss, who said on Thursday at the opening of the annual gathering of world leaders in New York that it was time for the United Nations to “comprehensively fulfill its global governance role.”

Deiss suggested the world body should get more involved in economic and financial issues and not leave them solely in the hands of forums like the Group of 20 club of key developed and developing nations.

Klaus, a free-market economist who oversaw a wave of privatization in the 1990s after communism collapsed in his homeland, also said the world was “moving in the wrong direction” in combating the economic crisis.

Klaus is a Free Market economist who was instrumental in the privatization of the Czech Republic after the collapse of Communism, he stressed the fact that the move toward Socialism is a huge error and that it was a “mistaken assumption’ to assume that regulatory interventions will prevent future economic crises; he insists that such agencies will only serve to destroy markets and prevent future economic growth in developing countries.

“The anti-crisis measures that have been proposed and already partly implemented follow from the assumption that the crisis was a failure of markets and that the right way out is more regulation of markets,” he said.

Klaus is also a critic and skeptic of global warming, he maintains the United Nations should stay out of science, especially the Climate Hoax of Climate Change: unfortunately, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has realized the potential for graft in Climate Change and has made “Fighting Climate Change” one of his top priorities.

It is nice to have men of integrity in positions of leadership, who are immune to the billions that are being fleeced from the industrial nations of the world; hopefully, he will give some backbone to American politicians who seem to be afraid to call out and identify theft and fraud being committed by the U.N. and our own government.

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Klaus has always made sense when confronting global warming. Just recently, a group of scientists have determined that maybe solar activity affects the temperature of the Earth. Wow, what a concept. That would be like adding more wood on the stove would warm up the room!

Randy, I too have found that more wood on the fire causes a room to become warm and that certain types of wood can actually burn hotter with less ash and creosote build-up in the chimney.

I also remember reading articles from over 50 years ago that mentioned sun spots and violent eruptions on the sun’s surface can alter the weather and climate here on earth. The United Nations should send a team there, actually they should all go there and do a study so that we can manage weather and climate. They we will be masters of the universe and everything will be perfect, no more storms, floods, droughts, hot days or cold days just continuous Utopia and corruption.

Now, I am off to work.

I’m an expat in Prague, just saw Klaus’ wife at an art exhibition last Thurs.

He’s also a huge Euro-sceptic who’s plenty aware the French and Germans are out to saddle the up-and-coming (with a huge wage advantage) Czechs with their regulatory and VAT burden.

At Davos, he went right up and got in Al Gore’s face with “I don’t think there’s any global warming” and “I don’t see why you don’t welcome the opportunity to talk with people who share opposing views… I do”

Václav Klaus is the only European leader that appears to have intelligence and common sense. Five years ago he called what he was witnessing in Europe, Europeanism. He defined it as a substitute ideology of socialism.

Klaus defined “social-democratism,” which in his view was the “dominant model of the economic and social system of current Western civilization” as being “based on big and patronizing government, on extensive regulating of human behavior, and on large-scale income redistribution.”

Compare his credentials to Obama’s, . . . it’s no contest. For anyone interested in his views – Václav Klaus

His speeches should be required reading in the White House. He makes what we are exposed to from the teleprompter junkie, an absolute embarrassment.

He is a lonely voice in Europe, and he should be given much more exposure in North America before it tips Eastward any further. Good pick for Sunday reading Skook.

Last week it was 90 degrees here one day, breaking a 40 year old record for that date, but the record for Sept.was 97 degrees two days in a row back in 1950 or so. CA was cold this summer and freezing weather in South America was a killer. Does anyone think it could be cyclical…..

It would be too much to ask any Pol in Washington to make a statement remotely close to this one by Václav Klaus – made this year at Johns Hopkins University:

“It is necessary to warn against the attempts to once again blame problems in the market as problems of the market. The current crisis was not the result of a market failure or of any inherent deficiency of capitalism. It was a government failure, resulting from the immodest ambitions to insensitively intervene in such a complex system as society and economy. Government actions and interventions caused, prolonged, and dramatically worsened the crisis.

The crisis will sooner or later be over. The long term damage, however, will stay. The adversaries of the market have managed to create a far-reaching mistrust in the system, but this time not only in the free market capitalism, in the laissez-faire system, in the capitalism of Adam Smith, Friedrich von Hayek and Milton Friedman, as it was the case 70-80 years ago, but in the highly regulated capitalism of the current era. And this is disturbing.”

I also like that he differentiates between being “pro-market,” and not “pro-business” when government moves into collusion with the largest corporations.

Vaclav Klaus is a rare politician – one who is both knowledgeable of history and philosophy, and one who isn’t afraid to tell the truth. Thanks for posting this, Skookum.

It is too bad he couldn’t run for office here in the states… I mean you don’t think the MSM would demand to see his birth certificate, would ya? 😛

Mr.Obama did you hear the truth? 🙄

@ anticsrocks,

. . . Would it were so.

Klaus has better credentials than Obama or almost everyone in Congress it seems, particularly when there is such dearth of leadership and lack of anyone who knows what he or she is doing when it comes to the “American Economy” and really understanding it.

it is well known by scientists that the sun goes through periods of increased solar flare activity, occasional short term bursts of storm activity, and that we are currently heading past a low to the upswing of a cyclical period. http://www.lunarplanner.com/SolarCycles.html The global warming crowd tends to ignore and downplay the effects of the sun on our weather.


You have to keep in mind that temperature records have only been recorded for a relatively short period of time. The U. S. Army operated the first national weather service in 1878, and it wasn’t until NOAA started building weather stations that there was much of what could be considered a regular scientific record. Having said that, the reliability of some weather stations is in question, partially due to the urbanization of the areas near weather stations. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=15&ved=0CC0QFjAEOAo&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwattsupwiththat.files.wordpress.com%2F2009%2F05%2Fsurfacestationsreport_spring09.pdf&rct=j&q=how%20long%20have%20we%20been%20recording%20temperatures&ei=BGCgTJ_zJIiosAP1ifXVAQ&usg=AFQjCNGJrkOaOopT9siHUv_FAVqyF8fYsg&cad=rja

What is telling is that the true believers in global warming/cooling continually ignore scientists and meteorologists who are agnostic (“not proven”) and those who say it’s hogwash. (The creator of the Weather Channel is incidentally of the latter camp.)

I’m all for conservation and re-utilization, I detest wastefulness, and today we are in a near incomprehensible “throw-away” economy. (Something doesn’t work? don’t fix it. Just toss it out and buy a new one.) Our grandfathers would have without so much as a “how do you do” taken us to the woodshed over our wastefulness.

Past doomsday warnings from the wing-nuts of the Sierra Club and Greenpeace, however made me highly skeptical of the sensationalistic fanaticism around the global warming/cooling soapbox crowd. The clincher for me, that this was a quasi-scientific hoax, was when two (so-called) scientists started telling outright lies regarding satellite data. (ie. operators and tracking systems were ‘mistaken’ about the orbital path and location of the spacecraft, and that this introduced errors in the data. Having experience in the spacecraft command/control centers for some of the referenced satellites I can guarantee that their claim is total poppycock. We knew precisely where, when and how high each of our spacecraft were at all times. Exactly where their sensors were pointed and their operational status. (This IS that “rocket science” you hear so much about.) Oh, and by they way. Even if the space craft were not in their highly accurate calculated orbital paths, (which they were) this would have had no effect whatsoever in the collected thermal data.

Factoids: No spacecraft is ever in a stationary orbit over the Earth. They are always moving. In a geosynchronous orbit the satellite’s path traces a “figure-eight” in the sky (When your weather man shows you a satellite image, it is most likely from this type of spacecraft). Polar-orbiting (sun-sycronous) spacecraft pass over the earth in a flat plane while the Earth rotates below it. (The latter type of craft is where you get most of your “Google Earth” pictures.)

Buy that man another beer!.