Hillary Has A Broad-Assed Campaign For Stoves To Save The Planet

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It’s A Short Trip For Both Of Them

At the dubious meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative that conveniently just happens to coincide with a high-level United Nations summit this week, the theme of fighting Global Climate Change was stressed at both meetings to increase pressure on the United States to Redistribute Wealth among the poorer leaders of Third World nations.

The catastrophic floods in Pakistan and the melting Himalayan Glacier myth along with the fear of rising sea levels, a lie that stays alive by repetition, was stressed by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasnia of Bangledesh.

“Climate change is a reality,” said Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wazed at a side event of the Millennium Development Goals Summit, which concludes Wednesday. “We in South Asia know it through experience. The onslaught of natural disasters has increased in frequency and ferocity in our region. Moreover, the abnormal, rapid melting of the Himalayan glaciers and the rise of sea level portends cataclysmic consequences.”

The factors that make Third World nations more vulnerable to the Hoax of Global Climate Change and the Redistribution of Wealth Scams that accompany its solutions are of course endemic of Third World poverty and corruption of their ruling Elites.

high poverty rates; high reliance on industries like fishing that are vulnerable to changing sea levels and more powerful storms; already existing stresses on health and well-being, like HIV and illiteracy; poor economic and social infrastructure in many places; and a lack of technology and resources that make adaptation more difficult.

Though less developed countries are low contributors to global warming, they are often the first to feel its effects through natural disasters like hurricanes, droughts, and floods. Agricultural production can be harmed and vector- borne diseases like malaria and dengue can increase as the climate changes.

“Climate change is imposing additional burdens on the world’s poorest and most vulnerable and threatens to reverse hard-won development gains,” said Helen Clark, head of the U.N. Development Programme. Natural disasters halt the progress that must be made to achieve the MDGs by 2015, she stressed.

Delegates discussed ways to mitigate future problems. Clark emphasised the importance of investing in disaster risk reduction and preparedness, which costs less and saves more lives than waiting until a natural disaster has struck. South Asian countries are currently working together to establish a regional system for early warnings and risk management.

Delegates stressed the importance of support by the international community, by financing (Money) and technology transfer.

The Maldives has pledged to become carbon neutral in ten years to show their support for the idea of getting funds from the industrialized world or the US.

Delegates have expressed their disappointment at the failure of a binding treaty on Climate Change last year in Copenhagen, they plan to bring their ideas on Wealth Redistribution as it relates to Climate Change to the U.N. Climate Change Conference to be held in Cancun later this year.

The Mexican Secretary of Foreign Affairs Patricia Espinosa stressed the need of developed countries to display the same devotion to International Socialism and concern for the environment as Mexico, citing that Third World Nations cannot wait for solutions from experts, it is necessary to make real changes now, “This is a political matter that goes to the heart of the way our societies are organised.” Of course she was implying an International Socialism with the governance of Elites, who can best control resources and the money of the world.

At the Clinton get together, Hillary unveiled her own plan to save the planet,

The goals of the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves are multi-tiered. “First, a major applied research and development effort to improve design, lower costs and develop global industry standards for cookstoves”, Clinton said. “Second, a broad-based campaign to create a commercial market for clean stoves, including reducing trade barriers, promoting consumer awareness and boosting access to large scale carbon financing.”

The U.S. is to fund $50 million over five years to provide clean cooking stoves to developing countries. Clinton says it’s in order to reduce deaths from smoke inhalation and fight climate change.

Led by the United Nations Foundation, the alliance aims to have 100 million homes using clean stoves and fuels by 2020. “Our long term goal is to have universal adoption all over the world,” said Clinton.

The new alliance gathers U.S. government agencies with the United Nations Foundation, Germany, Norway, Peru the World Health Organization and corporate backers including Morgan Stanley and Shell.

The last time Hillary pushed for industry standards, we ended up with the funny shaped light bulbs that create a toxic nightmare if broken and lost thousands of US jobs overseas, but it had very little effect on the Clinton balance sheet.

Source: FreakingNews.com

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Personally, I’d rather see real cook stoves sent to 3rd world people than cash.

Traditional cook stoves in the 3rd world allow too much heat and a whole lot of smoke to escape while food is cooked.

So-called clean cook stoves have a tall cylinder with a small opening on the bottom side for wood and air to enter.

The fire is contained right under the pot.
Very little smoke is created in this system since it hits the bottom of the pot and collects as ash.

A good design of one is shown here.

Good one Skook, . . . meanwhile the pressure at the UN will finally see Rajendra Pachauri resign as head of the UN climate change panel resulting from his lies and distortions on the Himalayan glaciers. The corruption at the UN is rampant, but thieves are fighting amongst themselves as to who gets the biggest portions of the U.S. taxpayer money that funds these frauds.

BTW, re a previous thread discussion, here’s a current headline supporting the comments: BONO CHARITY SPENDS MORE ON WAGES THAN GOOD CAUSES – “According to a report in the US the global charity took in £9.6million in public donations in 2008, the latest year for which US public tax records are available. A meagre £118,000 was split between three charities – while more than £5million was spent on executive and employee salaries.”

An ego pretending to be doing “good” in Africa, while building his PR. He’s not even sending them food, much less education.

@ Nan G… Let them buy their own gear. The US taxpayer is NOT a Third World Country Obama/Hillary Socialist ATM fer Christs sake!

My vision of the future of a successful America does not include UN membership or funding.

@ James Raider, the last time I looked Charity was Voluntary and not Mandatory 😉

@ Skookum…yes. But you already knew that Pardner. 😉

I will support a John Bolton/Sarah Palin ticket for 2012 but will not give a penny of my assets to any others.

Let the pissing on my boots and rock throwing begin here. 😆

Whose Money Is It Anyway? …

“A just security to property is not afforded by that government under which unequal taxes oppress one species of property and reward another species.” –James Madison

Having earned my tuition for freshman year university working at a sheet metal shop I know you all are right.
It would be wonderful if they could make these things themselves.
And easy.
I wonder what stops them?
I guess not caring that their own poor eat food cooked on the floor of their huts.
Could the people who need the stoves afford to pay for them?
That’s the debatable part.
Probably not.
So, either we give them away or we set up a local charity to make them at our expense and give them away.
I haven’t read details of Hillary’s plan.
Does she want them sent to the poor or built locally and given to the poor?

“The last time Hillary pushed for industry standards, we ended up with the funny shaped light bulbs that create a toxic nightmare if broken and lost thousands of US jobs overseas, but it had very little effect on the Clinton balance sheet.”

Coal burned to generate electrical power is the primary source of environmental mercury contamination. Compact fluorescent lights provide as much illumination as incandescent bulbs at roughly 1/4 the electrical consumption. They also produce markedly less heat while doing so, further reducing electrical consumption by air conditioning systems. Overall, the use of incandescent bulbs rather than CFLs results in 4.65 times as much environmental mercury contamination, combined with significantly higher electric bills.


CFLs hardly create a “toxic nightmare” if broken. Each CFL does contain about 5 milligrams of mercury, however, so you’ve got to take reasonable care if you break one. There’s a good article about that here:


We’ve been living with a much larger version of that same hazard for years. A standard fluorescent tube or kitchen ring light contains up to 8 times as much mercury as a compact fluorescent light.

A far more serious mercury danger is lurking somewhere else, affecting 1 of every 6 children born in the United States:


That danger has largely come by way of coal-fired power plants–another argument in the favor of switching to CFLs.

This isn’t liberal or conservative stuff. It’s a matter of common sense and basic science.

@ Nan G, Nope, Hillary just wants to throw Borrowed US Tax Dollars down the “Black Hole” that is the UN in order to further Her Political Ambitions. The UN is the ultimate World Gummint and I despise All who support it or use it as a Forum…

@ Greg…waste of bandwidth and teller of tall tales… resident of FUGAWEE.


@ Old Trooper 2, #13:

I deny the existence of “the liberal light bulb”. When the pros and cons are understood and all totaled up, some ideas are just plain better.

CFLs will probably get bumped eventually by LED technology, which will ultimately be cheaper and better still.

After a few dumb replies, I figured that I wouldn’t do this any more. But sometimes you just can’t help it. So here’s another.

Skookums last twenty words #16, says it EXACTLY as I believe it.

Hillary is Obama in a different package. One that includes a broad ass and thunder thighs. But I digress.

dee, hi,dont go anywhere, stick with us, you are giving smart comments, bye

I totally agree with you guys a great rack and flourescent tan like Sarah has is much more appealing.

” “Climate change is a reality,” said Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wazed at a side event of the Millennium Development Goals Summit, which concludes Wednesday. “We in South Asia know it through experience. The onslaught of natural disasters has increased in frequency and ferocity in our region. Moreover, the abnormal, rapid melting of the Himalayan glaciers and the rise of sea level portends cataclysmic consequences.” ”

Ooooohhh, right! They know from experience over –what? 20 years?– that the climate is changing. Never mind that “climate changes” take place over multi-hundreds of years. Heck, if it’s hotter tomorrow than today, THAT’s probably perceived as climate change, too… Sigh.


” Delegates stressed the importance of support by the international community, by financing (Money) and technology transfer. ”

Okay, NOW I see where this is heading… Sorry guys, we’re tapped out. Obama & crew have already spent everything we’re going to earn for the next several generations. The Third World is going to have to do something else besides show up at the UN and at Climate Change meetings and demand that “somebody” (meaning good ol’ Uncle Sugar) “help” by throwing money at whatever the current crisis is…

@ Greg…you make about as much sense as the neighbors dog that craps on my lawn. Decoration without a purpose…

@ rich wheeler, what resides in Sarah Palin’s head makes more sense than what the Pretender in Chief reads from his teleprompter and life as You know it is based NOT upon Fiscal Prudence and not social justice or some other Socialist Bull Crap. The Democrat Party died with JFK. Debate that ad infinitum here but you are just an old fool and not Chesty Puller.

@ Skookum, Young Mike is no longer a problem here. “Red” Thomas has him under cutting training and “Red” trained me to ride “cutting horses”…

Hillary Clinton is a carpet bagger and a phony.

Let the rock throwing begin…

@Greg: The problem with the curly Q light bulbs is that we ought to have the CHOICE to purchase them. We should not be FORCED to switch to them.

I already have the government in my bathroom – try buying the type of toilet you want, ain’t gonna happen, we hafta have these environmentally friendly ones that use a cap full of water per flush -now I gotta have the government in my whole house telling me what kind of light bulb is best for me?

Last year, I had to purchase tires for my truck. As the result of someone backing into my truck when my teenage son was driving it, I had a brand new tire along with the brand new fender, so I only needed three. But this guy at Wal-Mart told me that he couldn’t sell me three tires and mount them on my truck. I asked if it was because they didn’t have three tires of the type I needed in stock. He said that they had plenty, but that federal regulations prohibited him from selling and mounting three tires on my truck. He could sell me four or two or one, but not three at a time.

He ended up just doing it in two transactions, thereby doing an end run around the regs.

Now why there are federal regs concerning this, I have no idea. Maybe it is some safety factor, that would be the only thing I could think of. Probably more likely that the tire companies have a strong lobby, lol. But my point is, I need the government to pick up that piece of paper called the U.S. Constitution and start abiding by it. If it isn’t mentioned there, then dammit leave it up to the states and get the hell out of my every day existence.

Really I mean securing the borders, defending the country and maintaining the military ought to be enough to keep them busy.

@ Skookum, Red told me that I rode the “snot” out of Mike and that Mike will be a good cutting horse. Let me know about your schedule.

@ anticsrocks, Greg is full of what makes a “Christmas Goose” sell for by the pound. It may be just crap?

OT2 #24 Even an old Marine knows fake tits and a phony tan when he sees em.You old Conservs are living your fantasies with this gal.

You’ll surely save your money if you only support a Bolton/Palin ticket.

What did you find out about those two crazed Texans?

Best RJW

@ rich wheeler…You have two issues here…A One Tour Marine aint worth shit and the Obma DOJ aint worth shit either..

You claim a lot and support the Destruction of America, You are an A Grey haired Punk that is not a Patriot and is not relevant.

So Anticsrocks, you are ducking out on your civic responsibility. It’s a good thing it is only Hillary heading up Political Correctness and not Mao: you would be in deep doo doo.

If it were Mao, I wouldn’t even be allowed to own a truck, so it’s all good. 😀

But Hillary scares me in a sort of a deep, almost subconscious way…

Did you know that it takes 4 Xs the amount of energy to make a CFL as it does an incandescent light bulb? Did you know that with the passing of the bill requiring CFLs the last Incandescent build manufacturing plant went out of business? Did you know that most CFLs are made in China? Did you know that nearly 90% of the energy used in China to produce CFLs are coal burning power plants? Tell me please where is the energy savings and the minimizing of mercury contamination.

OT2 I trust you maintain your cool better under real fire Colonel.

😛 This stuff is reminding me of the time my milk cow decided to back up while i was milking her, she had a good reverse. Through the barn wall and into the outhouse and sat down like she had some serious thinking to do, except the seat didn’t hold her and she backed right down the hole. I was laughing like a crazy man until my dad handed me a shovel and told me to get her out of there.

Took half the night. That was a mess. 😉

anticsrocks; GO get it IT’S yours ,hurry before any one else,

SKOOKUM: hi, this IS so funny to imagine, bye

@anticsrocks, #25:

@Greg: The problem with the curly Q light bulbs is that we ought to have the CHOICE to purchase them. We should not be FORCED to switch to them.

Americans aren’t being forced. We’ll still be able to buy rough service incandescents in the 40 through 100 watt range. They don’t cost much more than standard incandescents and are exempt. Incandescents outside of the 40 through 100 watt range aren’t affected by the law in the first place. Neither are specialty incandescents.

@ Randy, #32:

Did you know that it takes 4 Xs the amount of energy to make a CFL as it does an incandescent light bulb?

That’s quite possibly so, but the amount of energy involved in the manufacture of each item is negligible when compared with the amount of energy each product consumes during its service life.

Also, while GE may closing down their last U.S. incandescent bulb manufacturing facilities due to the rapidly expanding CFL market, that didn’t force them to outsource CFL production to China and India. They’ve been outsourcing jobs overseas all along–68% since 1980. They’ve closed 15 factories since then in Ohio alone.

GE has also been one of the strongest proponents of CFLs. GE was one of the major lobbying forces pushing for the CFL law everybody is complaining about.

GE is in bed with the global warmin crowd. They are poised to make billions under cap and trade. GE is also almost ready to go bankrupt. GE made major contributions to the Dems.

CFLs provide an unnecessary souce of mevury in houses. Mercury will become a more hazardous situation to children that all of the lead based paint. The insignificant amount of mercury that Greg agrees is in CFLs can produce hazardous amounts of mercury vapors. Since most houses are carpeted or have seamed floors, the mercury will be vaporized with every pass of the vacuum. The concentrations of Mercury in the air inside a house will be more than 100 times the concentration of Mercury in the ambient air outside (contaminated by coal fired power plants). That is why CFLs are a bad idea. My son and daughter in- law will likely have children soon. There will be no CFLs in their house to retard the development of my grand children.

@ Randy,

With over 5 billion light bulb sockets in North American households awaiting China made bulbs, CFLs will be pervasive. Is this what defines insanity?

@Greg: You said:

Americans aren’t being forced. We’ll still be able to buy rough service incandescents in the 40 through 100 watt range

Not true. By 2014 the sale of incandescent bulbs will be illegal in the United States – not because they are incandescent, but because of their energy inefficiency.

@Randy –

Did you know that with the passing of the bill requiring CFLs the last Incandescent build manufacturing plant went out of business?

Yep, you are right on this one –

Factory closes – link one and link two

@ilovebees –

Got it! Thanks! 8)

@Skookum: #2 You will never make a politician. Making a country self-sufficient takes money out of a politician’s pocket. The money we send over to other countries gets siphoned off along the way and very seldom goes to the people it was meant to help. You have to start thinking political.

Turns out we are not really going to give them cook stoves like we use in the US. We will be giving them unvented camping stoves that are unsafe for use inside under US law.

Thats right we are saying they are safer but they could never be sold in the US for cooking inside because they are unvented. Also they are so small its likely they will not get used because the fire is so small and only 1 pot can cook at a time.

Thease are not cook stoves as we know them they are camping stoves.

The cook stoves are likely safe since there is likely has been no stimulus money spent on making their homes weather tight!