Left Behind


Cpl. Michael Klipp, left, and Pfc. Brandon Ingram, 25, of Karoll, Ohio, right, load their weapons before heading out.
Max Becherer-Polaris

Andrew Lebovich’s The Legal War on Terror news brief:

In remarks last Friday President Barack Obama conceded that his failure to close the prison at Guantánamo Bay was a “rare unfulfilled campaign promise” (Miami Herald).

Obama also promised to end the war in Iraq within 16 months of being put in office. I recall a liberal friend in 2008 who told me “Obama is going to end the war in Iraq.” (President Obama didn’t “end” the war in Iraq; he’s merely riding on the coattail conditions and decisions set under his predecessor)

It’s now mid-September, and although “Mission Accomplished” has been declared, we still have 50,000 troops in harm’s way. As Thomas Ricks wrote after President Obama’s August 31st speech to the American people,

he was fulfilling a campaign pledge to get all combat troops out of Iraq by today. Unfortunately, it was a phony pledge — the mission of the U.S. troops still in Iraq is, if anything, more dangerous today than it was yesterday. And so the core of the speech was hollow.

And of course, a number of those leaving/diverted from Iraq are still in theater, in Afghanistan.

Col. Andrew Berdy:

Can you explain to me how, or why, the myth of “all combat troops out of Iraq” is allowed to be perpetuated by the press, much less our senior military leadership? Yes, the mission has changed. But units like my son’s Stryker Brigade (not the one that just left!) are, and always will be, combat infantry units.

This is fiction pure and simple. I just don’t get how the nation has swallowed this and why members of the media are not reporting facts the way they are rather than the political PR message the Administration wants portrayed. Does anyone not think that the likelihood of continued combat operations is a reality? When casualties are taken by these “non-combat forces” will those casualties be characterized as “non-combat” as well? Does the public not understand that the secondary mission of our remaining forces is to be prepared to conduct combat operations either to defend themselves or to support Iraqi forces if requested? And when these train and assist “non-combat” units have to engage in, dare I say, combat operations, what will the Administration say then?

I can tell you, as a former brigade commander responsible for securing and helping to rebuild Port-au-Prince, Haiti, while we went in prepared for battle, and quickly transitioned to peacekeeping/nation building, there was never a moment that my infantry brigade was not prepared to conduct combat operations (which did occur late in the deployment) and there was never a moment when we were anything but a combat force. I suspect if you ask those troopers on the ground now they would agree with me and take incredible umbrage with what is being trumpeted on TV and in the press.

Randy, 12 days ago:

This came from a friend who has a son in Iraq. Think there was another political spin on the troop withdrawl from Iraq?

Hey, everybody! I just wanted to send a quick update and give y’all the REAL story on what’s going on over here with the troop withdrawal. The picture is of my crew and I on a break during a mission. The guy to the far left is my gunner (Burks) and the guy in the middle is my driver (Mizell). They go with me on every mission and are great guys. The reason I’m sending this out is because I have had a few people ask if I left Iraq early because all of the combat troops are out of Iraq and I wanted to let everyone know the real deal. It’s kind of ridiculous how the news is saying that the last of the “combat” troops are out of Iraq because of Pres Obama. He says that it was his campaign promise. Take our Brigade for example. We were originally called a HBCT (Heavy Brigade Combat Team). Well, since Obama said he would pull all of the “combat” troops out by Aug, all they did before we left was change our name from a HBCT to a AAB (Advise and Assist Brigade). We have the same personnel/equipment layout as before and are doing the same missions. The ONLY difference is that they changed our name from a HBCT to an AAB and that’s how he is getting away with saying that he has pulled all of the “combat” troops out. It is really ridiculous what he’s doing and he has ticked a lot of people off. And it’s funny how the media is buying all of it, too. So no the last combat troops are not out of Iraq . We are still here. There are other Brigades just like ours that are doing the same missions that are still over here. Sorry for going on about it but we are just sitting over here watching it and are like “You’ve got to be kidding me!” So anyway now you know the REAL story, so that’s why I’m not coming back early. You have to watch those liberals, they’re sneaky!

Anyways I hope everyone is doing well and I’ll see you soon!

Peter Feaver:

President Obama’s speech a few weeks ago on Iraq left me a bit queasy. I had urged him to make a strong case for why 50,000 American soldiers should remain in the line of fire in Iraq. I wanted him to be as compelling in speaking to the soldiers who remained as I expected him to be in speaking about the soldiers who left. And in my opinion, his speech did not hit that mark as well as it could have.

My concern was that without a stronger line of communication between the commander-in-chief and the troops in the field, we would start to see reports about disconnect and alienation. And so we have. Now a single article quoting one or two disgruntled grunts is hardly an indicator of a budding mutiny. But it could be an indicator of a more widely held sense that the president is losing interest in what the troops are doing over there. The consensus interpretation of Obama’s speech — fairly or unfairly — was that his call for America to turn the page was a signal that he would be turning his attention elsewhere. That may play well with Obama’s political base, but as the Reuters account suggests, it may not play as well to the troops in the field.

Let’s not forget the 50,000 U.S. soldiers who are still in harm’s way, serving in theater. Let’s not allow the American people to be fooled by this political shell game.

Members of Charlie Company, Second Platoon, listen as 1st Lt. Michael Makrucki, 27, of Pittsburgh gives them a “ramp brief” before heading out on a mission. Soldiers with the 25th Division, 1-21 Infantry Battalion, arrived in Iraq in early July as the deadline for President Obama’s deadline for the drawdown of U.S. combat forces in Iraq loomed.
Max Becherer-Polaris

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Naturally Hussein knew this to be BS when he said it–like the vast majority of his “promises”–but the leftist, kook base had to be reassured of his America-betraying ways.

He promised the END the Wars, nothing said about the outcomes or the guys that get whacked during the drawdown. He sent 30,000 too few Troopers to AFPAK, less than what was requested.

Never let a Community Organizer be put in the position of War Time President unless the outcome does not matter. For Professional Soldiers it does matter. I swore a different Oath and meant it but then again, I had no political agenda.

so head on over there Old trooper and do what you think has to be done. Don’t like what the position of the United States of America is ? well then just fly on over to AFPAK and maybe your effort will result in one less YOUNG American being killed. And having the right wing complain about the slow pace of withdrawal is a hoot !!

@ John ryan, nice of you to show up with your usual bag of tripe. As a matter of fact I have been there and AFPAK twice. Have You?

Why don’t you piss on your own boots for a change. For Folks like you the outcome does not matter.

@Old Trooper 2: #4 I know it must bother vets like you that you fought for the right of people like John Ryan to speak his mind even if you disagree with it. Thank you for helping to make sure I still live in a free USA.

There is nothing like ”The List” to put you in the correct frame of mind to discuss this issue.

Only two deaths of American soldiers have been added since Obama’s speech.

Army Pvt. James F. McClamrock and Army Sgt. Philip C. Jenkins were killed Sept. 7 at a military base near the city of Tuz Khormato, about 130 miles north of Baghdad, when an Iraqi soldier opened fire.

Nine other U.S. troops were wounded.
The Iraqi soldier was killed.

I hear rumors that the rules of engagement had been made such that our soldiers were more at risk.
But I also hear Generals saying the ROI’s are being tightened up so our military troops can be safe without fear of court martial.

I think it is in the book, The Art of War that uncertainty is heralded as a brilliant tactic.
Why telegraph your moves?

Obama telegraphs his moves.
That is one thing I don’t care for in his leadership style w/ regards battle.

@ Smorgasbord, I Served Willingly and Faithfully for the majority of my adult life, knew the risks involved and my Oath was to the Constitution, my Loyalty was to my Troopers and not the temporary resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, followed every Order and kept my mouth shut for three decades on matters of Foreign or Domestic Policy as that was not within my prerogative
or duty.

Now I am a Retired Trooper, a Cow Puncher, neither a Democrat or a Republican but an American with a low tolerance for those that are Career Politicians or Folks show up at FA to see how far they can toss a cow pie. I am an active part of the Economy, employ full time over 30 Folks that work hard for a living, do not need a Gummint Bailout, Gummint Iinterference, pay my taxes on time and meet a payroll. I most likely pay more in taxes than Johnny Ryan makes in a year and
Love the Nation that it was my Honor and Privilege to Defend against All Comers.

Those currently Deployed are my Brothers and Sisters in Arms and what happens to Them matters a whole lot to me. If I was 30 years younger, I’d be with them right now. I have no political ambitions but care deeply about those, who like me, get deployed every time US Foreign Policy falls on it’s ass. My Service was not always a pleasure but in retrospect, I could have done no less.
Each Generation owes the next something. America’s Second Greatest Generation keeps US All safe now. I was proud to have served with them.

John ryan, you have outdone yourself at appearing ignorant and devoid of class. Old Trooper, the man you have insulted, was wounded in a firefight this spring. I have no doubt that he and his tactics saved the lives of many young servicemen serving in the Middle East. Unless you have done something more than parachuting into the AFPAK theater to start this dance of death, you might apologize for being such a complete ass.

@Old Trooper 2: #7 I don’t belong to any party either. My son is in the Air Force doing his part to keep me free.


Don’t pay any attention to John ryan and his ilk. It’s just chipmunk chatter…

I scrape worse that Johnny Ryans business off my boots every day after a trip to the barn or the corral, however, I always wipe my feet before going into the house. He is to be paid no mind nor given any more time than swatting a fly. His commentary is just the same every time he visits FA to get some attention like an unruly child that acts out in the market because Mom did not buy him some candy

Not to worry. For me it is like water rolling off a duck’s tail feathers.

@Old Trooper 2: #11 At least the stuff you scrape off of your boots has a useful purpose if it winds up on the ground.

I get the feeling JR wears one of those “special” helmets most of the day.

@Hard Right: #13 We know he wears blinders.

Smorg, I understand he can only make left turns too. :mrgreen:

Looks like JR dumps a pile of manure and retreats again. I wonder what he has ever done for his country besides whine?

OT2 I would still be over there, but they want young guys with little rank who will not question leadership as much.

@Hard Right: #15 Since NASCAR drivers only make left turns, does that mean they are liberals?

Good question Smorg. Because they do so only on a racetrack, the answer is no. They are not liberals by default.
Even when walking down a hallway JR would have to turn left until he is facing to his right.

OT2- Pay no attention to JR. Those types are for the most part Monday morning quarterbacks who have done nothing for their country. They sit on the sidelines talking nonesense and wouldn’t know the meaning of the word sacrifice even if it bit them on the ass. Notice how none of them are flocking over there to live under the rule of our enemies. His statement was an insult to all who have served including those who served and disagree with the war. It’s especially insulting to those who are serving there now. As those of us who were there know, the overwhelming majority of the people serving in the military believe in the mission over there. More than 2/3 of those of us in the military at the time voted for McCain over Obama and I’m sure given his “support” for the military and the war effort, that number would probably be even higher if the election were held today. That pretty much says it all.

Good post TOP. JR just shows up, dumps and moves on. I expect he makes a loop and will return after he posts on other bloggs.

JOHN RYAN: you are an idiot to say that to a HERO like OT, and you should apologise
for having been such stupid, IT’S the least you can do.

@ FA, ALCON, (Randy knows this acronym but most of you don’t. ALCON =All Concerned)

Johnny Ryan has some unresolved issues that motivate him to comment in a rude fashion on subjects that he is neither knowledgeable about and throw cow pies at Folks that he has chosen not to respect for reasons that are neither rational or civil. I do not take his commentary as a personal aside nor do I give him an uncivil response. It would serve you well to not respond to his tripe as he comes here for the attention that he never received in his raising.

I have encountered his type before during CODELS, visits from Congressional Delegations, in the personage of an Aide that was a horse holder or gun bearer for a Democrat that was visiting in Theater to dig up some dirt on the Military. They ask stupid questions, eat at the DFAC, sleep in my Officers Quarters, need extra security and “minders” from my Staff to keep them away from dangerous places and away from Classified Documents or Current Operations that could be compromised from a cell phone call or a less than prudent email from the CODEL Party. They eat our rations, crap in our toilets and do nothing useful.

Johnny just shows up here, drops his stuff, wipes his backside and Mission Accomplished!

Just pay him no attention because feeding him just keeps him coming back…I have had better folks piss on my boots and quite frankly, it did not matter then or now. 😆

Now a little something from my Daughter, a Second Year Cadet at USAFA that lurks here but never posts. She hopes that Obama will not be Her CIC when she gets commissioned. She will be Class of 2013

OT2 I only live a few miles North of the USAFA. Would love to meet you for lunch when you are visiting Colorado. I think we can share some stories.

@Old Trooper 2: #23 Your daughter might be taking my son’s place when he gets out.

@ Randy, CAN DO. . .