Are You A Islamaphobe Just Because You Oppose The Ground Zero Mosque? Islamophobiaphobia!


Good article by Roger L. Simon on the term “Islamaphobia” that is being bandied around a lot lately over the Ground Zero Mosque:

Along with “progressive” (a word that should be restricted to poker), “Islamophobia” is one of the more maddening propaganda constructs of our time. Orwell could not have done better.

Of course we all know what a phobia is – an irrational fear. It comes from the Greek phobos, meaning “fear” or “morbid fear.” Common ones are acrophobia (heights) and agoraphobia (crowds).

With very minor exceptions, I have seen little irrational fear of Islam in our society. What I have seen is a lot of serious and justifiable dislike of the religion for its ideology – notably its heinous treatment of women and homosexuals and its opposition to the separation of church and state, all codified by its all-encompassing Sharia law that seeks to legislate all facets of existence while instituting a global caliphate.

Nevertheless, soi-disant liberals and progressives or whatever they want to call themselves accuse those who dislike Islam for those reasons of irrational fear.


Clearly I see it as ideological battle with the word “Islamophobia” itself a weapon in that battle. It is an obvious way of avoiding debate by tarnishing the opposition.

Only it is not working very well anymore. It’s become too obvious. With 70% of the country opposing the Ground Zero Mosque a huge number of people aren’t buying it. Or don’t care. How many times can you attack someone before we’re back in grammar school and it becomes a case of “Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me”?


There are many examples but some recent ones are Fareed Zakaria – who has informed us that GZM critics are worse than Hezbollah – and NYT’s Timothy Egan – who thinks most Republicans are dopes. Talk about projection.

He comes up with a new word: Islamophobiaphobia….

an irrational fear of ideological nitwits

And I agree that its been tossed around way too much by many on the left at the first sign of opposition to the mosque. As Roger writes:

One of the key ones is the ability to differentiate. For example: just because you oppose a mosque being built at Ground Zero doesn’t mean you oppose mosques in general.

Sure, there are some who you can righteously be call Islamophobic, but I think most people just do not want this mosque so near to a very painful site. I don’t want it either. I also understand we are not at war with Islam itself and there are many many good Muslims out there. But just because I don’t want THIS mosque there doesn’t mean I’m Islamaphobic.

Jonah Goldberg puts things into perspective:

Let’s put this in even sharper focus. America is, outside of Israel ,probably the most receptive and tolerant country in the world to Jews. And yet, in every year since 9/11, more Jews have been hate-crime victims than Muslims. A lot more.

In 2001, there were twice as many anti-Jewish incidents as there were anti-Muslim, again according to the FBI. In 2002 and pretty much every year since, anti-Jewish incidents have outstripped anti-Muslim ones by at least 6 to 1. Why aren’t we talking about the anti-Jewish climate in America?

Because there isn’t one. And there isn’t an anti-Muslim climate either. Yes, there’s a lot of heated rhetoric on the Internet. Absolutely, some Americans don’t like Muslims. But if you watch TV or movies or read, say, the op-ed page of the New York Times — never mind left-wing blogs — you’ll hear much more open bigotry toward evangelical Christians (in blogspeak, the “Taliban wing of the Republican Party”) than you will toward Muslims.

Most conservatives have been very careful to distinguish between the small percentage of Muslims who want to see the United States in flames and those American Muslims who love this country as much as everyone else.

What says more about America–that we always, ALWAYS manage to refrain from an anti-Muslim backlash, or that progressives are always, ALWAYS, convinced that one is on the way?

Islamophobiaphobia it is then.

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the small percentage of Muslims who want to see the United States in flames and those American Muslims who love this country as much as everyone else.

I think you have this backwards.

This article is blatantly false. Islamophobia is fair term in this situation. All I’ve heard on this site is the fear that Sharia law is going to take over the US. What does this say for the faith in the American people, in general–not to mention the power of our form of government (whether you call it a republic or democracy) and the Constitution?

@ tadcf

I don’t believe that is true. Having concerns over some muslims believing the US should be more Sharia compliant isn’t a fear that Sharia is going to take over in the US. Any rational person knows that’s not going to happen. The concern is Sharia will become ok within the muslim community and courts will take their religion into account. If a muslim man flogs his wife for going outside without a burqa, should the courts take his religion into consideration. The answer is no. It’s not part of US law. It’s the same reason mormons can no longer practice polygamy.

tadcf, YOU say,” the power of our form of GOVERNMENT”;
DID they take a stand for the majority of AMERICANS? NO.
THE PEOPLE are not islamophobia at all, they dont want it to be build because ,
they remember 9/11 and their familys and the heros who died, and thoses who
SURVIVED,and are still sicks and dying. SUCH respect is to be remembered from all over the world.
NO Islamophobia there, this is on your side only.

>>Absolutely, some Americans don’t like Muslims.>>

There’s a major difference between “like” and “trust”.

>>All I’ve heard on this site is the fear that Sharia law is going to take over the US. What does this say for the faith in the American people, in general–not to mention the power of our form of government (whether you call it a republic or democracy) and the Constitution?>>

Look at the changes in society over the last 50 years – much of which has been the result of activist judges. For a starter – look at the treatment of homosexuality by the courts (don’t want to get into discussion of what it is, etc – just treatment by the courts). 50-60 years ago, acts of homosexuality were illegal. It was a crime. Today, the court has ruled that a majority vote by the people of a state to define marriage as between one man and one woman is unconstitutional. That’s a major shift. Just recently, a man was judged not guilty of rape of his wife because his culture permitted such treatment. As Mata pointed out, this was reversed – but again – what was the first step in changing homosexuality from a crime to full acceptance by the law? If the courts feel that laws can be changed by cultural practices regardless of what the law actually states, then no – I don’t trust the power of our form of government. Judges have become legislators – that was never intended.

suek: hi, what a good new input, and that is why the left defend their failure by calling
THE AMERICANS ISLAMOPHOBIA to cover their mistakes. bye

I received this email and thought I would pass it on:


This is very interesting and we all need to read it from start to finish
And send it on to everyone. Maybe this is why our American Muslims are
So quiet and not speaking out about any atrocities. Can a good Muslim be
A good American?

This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia
for 20 years. The following is his reply:

Theologically – no. . . . Because his allegiance is to Allah, The moon
God of Arabia .

Religiously – no.. . . Because no other religion is accepted by His
Allah Except Islam (Quran, 2:256)(Koran)

Scripturally – no. . . Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of
Islam and the Quran.

Geographically – no . Because his allegiance is to Mecca , to which he
Turns in prayer five times a day.

Socially – no. . . Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make
Friends with Christians or Jews .

Politically – no… . . Because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual
Leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America ,
The great Satan.

Domestically – no. .. . Because he is instructed to marry four Women and
Beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him (Quran 4:34 )

Intellectually – no. . Because he cannot accept the American
Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he
believes the Bible to be corrupt.

Philosophically – no. . . . Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran does
Not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot
Co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.

Spiritually – no.. . . Because when we declare ‘one nation under God,’
The Christian’s God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to
As Heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in the Quran’s 99
Excellent names.

Therefore, after much study and deliberation…. Perhaps we should be
Very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. – – – They obviously
Cannot be both ‘good’ Muslims and good Americans. Call it what you wish
it’s still the truth. You had better believe it. The more who understand
This, the better it will be for our country and our future.

The religious war is bigger than we know or understand. ….

Footnote: The Muslims have said they will destroy us from within.


Please don’t delete this until you send it on.


This article is blatantly false.

Because I said so! waaaaa

Oh, the deliciously sad irony here….

well if you think that tastes great heres some more for you,

islamaphobia is a made up term used by leftists & islamists who want to paper over what islam is, what does and what its capable of.

any one who wants to expose islam for what it is and does right now. not 500 years ago, right now, and extract pledges of dunounciniation of islam as its practiced right now. in order to be accepted in the western world,

is islamaphobic.

its misdirection.

verbal ju jitsu to throw off the oponent and make him the bad guy for asking questions and exposing the horrors going on right now around the globe.

😈 maybe this photo round up is islamaphobic, or maybe its just ilam in action where ever it gains power or wants power

everything I need to know about islam photo essay.

I oppose the location of the Mosque based upon MORAL standards.
They can build it based upon LEGAL standards and the approval of Local Authorities.

The same Laws that allow the construction of the Mosque absolutely deny the Constitutionality
of Sharia Law in the US.

Now if Team Obama would stop meddling with Arizona State Statutes for the same reasons and
prosecute those responsible for the USS Cole bombing in Yemen I’d would not have that bad taste in my mouth INRE the Current Regime. The Constitution ain’t a buffet, you get it all or nothing.


@rumcrook®: Congratulations! All you did was refudiate Roger Simon’s denial that there is any Islamophobia in the air. Your breath reeks of it. It undermines the point that Simon and Goldberg try to bring in making a distinction between criticism of Islamic ideology that embraces jihadism violence, beheadings, honor killings, stoning, etc. and those Islamic practitioners who don’t subscribe to that sort of backwardness.

Don’t like the term? Ok. Let’s label you something else that is more appetizing, then. How about “misos-Islamic”? More accurate? Fair? In the end, your beliefs are what they are, labels aside.

Simon writes:

Clearly I see it as ideological battle with the word “Islamophobia” itself a weapon in that battle. It is an obvious way of avoiding debate by tarnishing the opposition.

It’s just as much an avoidance of debate and a weapon in the battle when racists and bigots suffer outrage and indignation by refusing the label when appropriately applied. Apparently the new pc is to “not offend” the delicate feelings of bigots.

Simon writes:

With very minor exceptions, I have seen little irrational fear of Islam in our society. What I have seen is a lot of serious and justifiable dislike of the religion for its ideology — notably its heinous treatment of women and homosexuals and its opposition to the separation of church and state, all codified by its all-encompassing Sharia law that seeks to legislate all facets of existence while instituting a global caliphate.

How many Muslims subscribe to the Taliban, wahhabi, salafi brand of fundamentalist teachings? And how many buck the Islamophobic stereotype? Are “mainstream” Muslims conspiring to institute a “global caliphate”? Is it “extremists” only? Can you be so sure that some of the deplorable practices we attribute to Islam aren’t regional/cultural traditions that pre-date Islam itself?

Simon writes:

Nevertheless, soi-disant liberals and progressives or whatever they want to call themselves accuse those who dislike Islam for those reasons of irrational fear. That’s like having an irrational fear of totalitarianism. Ironically, it could also be construed, according to those same progressives, as an irrational fear of their own professed liberal values.

Actually, it’s not “having an irrational fear of totalitarianism” but an objection to who you’re calling “totalitarian”.

For instance, the shock photos rumscrook linked to- what percentage of Muslims actually condones vs. condemns such barbarism?!

And who believes that such practices could potentially become reality here, due to “creeping sharia” or some conspiratorial plan of creating a super caliphate (aside from the machinations of the global jihad movement and theocratic Iranian Islamic militancy)?

How many Muslims do you see following the Spencerian reading of their Korans, going around converting and killing?

Simon writes:

But I propose a new term for something I suffer from much more acutely — Islamophobiaphobia. It’s an irrational fear of ideological nitwits.

Actually, I see that term as applying to those who have an irrational fear of being labeled with an irrational fear of Islam.

Well, not just because we break out in a rash when touching the editorial page of the New York Times or get migraine headaches in the presence of Christiane Amanpour. There are subtler indications. One of the key ones is the ability to differentiate. For example: just because you oppose a mosque being built at Ground Zero doesn’t mean you oppose mosques in general.

And since we know that some who oppose the GZM also oppose mosques everywhere, is it ok to call them Islamophobes? Or at least miso-Islamists?

blah blah blah

you write a lot, signifiying, nothing.

I can picture you 60 years ago just prior to the outbreak of ww2 coining the phrase naziaphobia….

hey whats the problem with german immigrants filling up madison square garden to sieg heil to the new and future man you would have said….

Great response, rumcrook. Guess I’ll just picture you almost 70 yrs ago, as well…. 🙄

cool. picture me in a G.I uniform fighting the fascism you want to coddle…

here’s an awsome example of your perfect muslim. you two could have had a smooch fest. well, right up until he cut off his wifes head and ruined his “moderate muslim” credentials.

A NEW York man who established a TV station in the hope of portraying Muslims in a more positive light, is today in prison after police found the headless body of his recently divorced wife.
The Hassans

Muzzammil Hassan founder of Bridges TV, is charged with beheading his wife, Aasiya Hassan.

According to this report, Orchard Park police are investigating the particularly gruesome killing after her husband Muzzammil Hassan, 44 – an influential member of the local Muslim community – reported her death to the police.

Police identified the victim as Aasiya Z Hassan, 37. Detectives have charged her husband with second-degree murder.

Orchard Park Police Chief Andrew Benz said:

He came to the police station at 6:20 pm [last Thursday] and told us that she was dead.

Muzzammil Hassan told police that his wife was at his business, Bridges TV, on Thorn Avenue in the village. Officers went to that location and discovered her body.

Muzzammil Hassan is the founder and chief executive officer of Bridges TV, which he launched in 2004, to help portray Muslims in a more positive light.

got that? founded a tv network to show how misunderstood islam is…… color me surprised

but im a bbbbaaaaaaaaaaadddd guy for continuing to “misunderstand this religion….


here’s an awsome example of your perfect muslim.

And I suppose this is an example of your perfect American, huh?

see how you are?

your conflating my suspicion of islam the religion based on extensive evidence, evidence you would merrily throw out the window to continue bolstering your innacurate wishfull thinking worldview, and paint me as wanting violence!!!

your like a miniture parody of the definition of orwellian argument

but keep working on it you really almost had me that time 😆 😆 😆 😆


There’s much to criticize about Islam, its history, and a segment of its populace today. But what I don’t see is a one-size-fits-all Islam when it comes to 1.5 billion of its adherents and how they choose to practice their faith.

im coining a new term just for you wordsmith pretzwellian.

your back must be killing you.

one size fits all, …you keep trying, great effort.

a tree is known by its fruit.

individuals can be honorable good people.

but ive seen no evidence that as the tree of islam grows,

it does not eventiually bear the fruit that I am alarmed by.


Ya need to read more, my friend…and look again at who is our present Miss America.
(Look for her burka, ya can’t miss it.)

Personally, I keep looking, and looking, and looking…

I will re-state what I added above because its apropos

a tree is known by its fruit.

individuals can be honorable good people.

but ive seen no evidence that as the tree of islam grows, got that? grows

it does not eventually bear the fruit that I am alarmed by.

it is built in to its core. individuals can resist but growth will bring the friut….

as for reading more, thats a silly attack I dont have any clue how many books or what ever else you have read in life and you dont have any clue as to my life long reading habits.

all snark off,

have a good night,

Good night, Rummy.

But tomorrow start reading about the life and times, pre and post the 1979 Khomeini take-over of Iran.

They were all Moslem before and after…and yet before the asshat came along, there was a large and thriving Jewish community, along with Christians and Baha’i (which is a reformed version of Islam)

Now there isn’t..

Ask yourself what changed? Was it Islam per-say, or that power-hungry asshat of a “holy” man and his minions?

Check into the literacy rates of Moslem countries…If they don’t read their own language, do you think they can read the Koran, which is in Arabic? Do you think they might be susceptible to un-due influence?

Why are there no terrorists coming out of Morocco or Tunisia, or Kyrgyzstan, or Tajikistan, or Kazakhstan, and a dozen other primarily Islamic countries?

Think about it, look into it…and not just through our Cristo-American eyes.

True I am Islamopobic ,Naziophobic .Marxiophobic .Slaveophobic. Totalophobic.Antifreemindophobic .for this reason. I am right wing in my thinking. The only person,who is blunt to state. the truth .core being. of Islam is D Trump .Ayn Rand has been proven to be right.