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An American with an idea, one of the things that built this country’s economic might: one of the things that Obama hates about our country and its people.

Texas Country Reporter is a great show. Had a lot of the toys shown when I was a kid.

Some do-gooder, nanny state activist will probably lobby to get these pieces of Americana outlawed because they appear too realistic. Given all the Daisy bb gun wars we used to engage in as children… I’m surprised that those haven’t been outlawed. Gee.. and not once did I shoot out anyone’s eye… but I sure as hell left some welts on a few siblings hind sides. Ah to be young again in the 50’s and 60’s.

From a time when men were men and women were women and they liked it that way

Azle is just a few minutes northwest of Fort Worth. ( I’m in FTW ) What a great story! I’ll have to head up ther e and say howdy. What a great shop . Filling a void. Excellent.

Excellent -I have made sure that my grandson has cowboy pistol cap guns – he loves them!

I remember my sister and I playing cowboys growing up in South America! We will watch some cowboy shows on TV after school, and she and I would chase each other in the yard with these little toy pistols riding a broom….Thanks Aye! I will order some to scare my liberal neighbors!