Deutschland Fur Palin released a curious video allegedly showing German support for Sarah Palin over Angela Merkel and her fragile government. Interesting concept to say the least, I checked C4Palin and came up empty regarding this new group of Palin supporters. A quick domain name WhoIs revealed a Seattle connection to this website and a tracer route of the IP address ofÂ zigzags across the US.
The DeutchlandfurPalin YouTube channel was created on June 10th, 2010. I call bullhockey. This website and associated social media sites has the paranoia of Andrew Sullivan written all over them.
Ich be ein Palin
I think that means I’d like to share a Jelly roll with Sarah Palin….
This is too funny…. I think the merchandisers at are getting a bit over-zealous in their quest to sell products. The IP address originates from an server in Seattle… follow enough of the links and you’ll be presented with plenty of opportunities to purchase t-shirts and other Sarah Palin branded merchandise. Build the marketing channel and they will come!
Donald beat me to it, The IP address is in fact assigned to Just like you can do a whois on any domain you can do it with IP address as well, or just go to and use the whois tool there. It will list the organization that is assigned the IP block.
To be more specific, this IP address is used for their cloud computing systems.
A genuine German website would know how to spell in German (ahem!).
Germany for Palin = Deutschland FÃœR Palin
Since URLs don’t use ä, ö, ü, ß and such,
Germans use ae, oe, ue, ss instead.
DEUTSCHLANDFUERPALIN might be believable, but the “incidental interviewees” are a bit too unusual, and not at all typical of Germans I know.
DEUTSCHLANDFURPALIN is IMHO just a site by another American Democrat who doesn’t have a German keyboard or know German well…but loves to mash up nonsense for the fun of making trouble for Palin.
Maybe Palin could learn German and mangle that language to give the English language a break;)
This is the same old liberal Republicans=Nazis bs.