Check out this video from last year in which John Ziegler is being interviewed by O’Reilly. In it you see Brian Williams, the anchor of NBC news, quoting Time’s Joe Klein about Sarah Palin.
Klein would later pass off the words of fellow Journolisters as his own for a anti-Palin piece. This is how insidious the Journolist cabal was. They conspired to send a message through all forms of media, and make it in unison so any and all opposition is drowned out in response.
One of the criticisms of the Daily Caller’s investigation into the “Journolist” scandal (if it is even possible for there to be a “scandal” in what is left of journalism these days) is that these were mostly just a bunch of liberal commentators expressing their opinion and that their thoughts didn’t make it into the “mainstream” as actual reporting. This episode with Brian Williams proves that contention to be utterly, and sadly, without merit.
As the “missing link” video below proves, there is no doubt that members of Journolist both tried and succeeded as injecting their opinions (in this case mostly discredited ones) disguised as fact into the mainstream through one of the most widely viewed and respected outlets we have left, at the most advantageous moment possible.
And the latest Daily Caller release from the Journolist is one more nail in the coffin:
Ed Kilgore of the Progressive Policy Institute, another supposedly “independent analyst,” did the same, even outlining specific talking points: “It requires no particular strategic genius or ‘message coordination’ to recognize that we and the Obama campaign have the next two months to demonstrate that McCain and Palin represent the status quo party, the status quo ideology, and status quo policies,” he wrote.
While other members of the group debated whether to coordinate a pro-Obama message – or, more precisely, whether to concede that such a message was being coordinated — Todd Gitlin of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism had already made up his mind. Gitlin, whose job is to train the next generation of America’s most elite journalists, wrote this impassioned plea on behalf of the Obama campaign:
“On the question of liberals coordinating, what the hell’s wrong with some critical mass of liberal bloggers & journalists saying the following among themselves:
“McCain lies about his maverick status. Routinely, cavalierly, cynically. Palin lies about her maverick status. Ditto, ditto, ditto. McCain has a wretched temperament. McCain is a warmonger. Palin belongs to a crackpot church and feels warmly about a crackpot party that trashes America.
“Repeat after me:
“McCain lies about his maverick status. Routinely, cavalierly, cynically. Palin lies about her maverick status. Ditto, ditto, ditto. McCain has a wretched temperament. McCain is a warmonger. Palin belongs to a crackpot church and feels warmly about a crackpot party that trashes America.
How often have we on the right said that our universities are infested with liberal nut professors? Now here is a man, a man who teaches the future journalists of this country, urging all the other journalists to secretly coordinate a specific message on behalf of the Democrat party.
I wonder what The Columbia School of Journalism thinks of this?
Journalists, including this Professor from Columbia, colluded to force a certain message out through their reporting.
The lefties would be apoplectic if all this Journolist news was from the right side of the aisle, but not now. Now it’s just no big deal.

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Pure, unadulterated vindication.
YES what they are teaching comes down to say,YOU are the most vulgar party and you have to show it more in order to win,show racist more, show hate more, because the other party
wont respond to that : well the AMERICANS have already show their tolerance, and
LOTS of more CLASS than what they have been given so far, so whatever the DEMOCRATS comes up with, wont surprise the people who will have better choice to go to.
Why is it that these intellectual morons sound and act like 13 year old girls passing notes or texting in study hall containing dirty words and innuendos..
BUFFALOBOB: hi, you’r right they are MORONS and act like teenage boys
exchanging notes thith dirty words. bye
It is abundantly clear that to be a journalist today is to have no morals, no integrity, no principles of any kind. Instead, to be a journalist is simply to be a propagandist, something Herr Goebbels would support 100%. The idea of objective analysis, of getting at the truth, is totally lost when one becomes dedicated to supporting one side of a cause to the exclusion of the truth as the “journalists” have done.
They are simply prostitutes now, all of them, and their publishers are whorehouses. They should be marked for life, because they can never, ever, be trusted again. They have shown us what they are made of, and it is not pretty.
Let someone else take their place as actual journalists who will maintain objectivity and seek the truth. We no longer need these people. There is a place for the objective reporter, but that place cannot be given to the one who has dishonored his position. They are trash.