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Politically correct bigotry is STILL bigotry, “Reverend”.


Has the video been fully vetted? Is the context clear? Have you asked the MSM whether your fact checking on this video is complete? Are the moonbats gonna attack you over putting the video out while completely disregarding the content of the video?

I was quite amused that Shirley Sherrod and her victimhood was not splashed all over the Sunday propaganda shows. She’s been vetted somewhat and the early consensus is that she’s quite the chronic bullshitter. Her relative that got lynched was a complete fairy tale. Her father was shot by a bigtime Klansman democrat. Her lawsuit against Fox is bogus, because of the timelines of her firing. Breitbart is seemingly scott free because of the content of the second tape and the full version of her speech.

There are dozens of Lib outlets who are piling on Fox, and looks like there will be some retractions. Like the idiots in the White House and USDA, they jumped too quickly and of course didn’t do their homework. NAACP is fully culpaple of not even vetting their own tape. Breitbart, you magificent bastard!

“Breitbart, you magificent bastard!”

And he says he has more in the vault.

“Breitbart, you magificent bastard!”

In the end, Breitbart will be vindicated, and the NAACP and WH will be left shell-shocked due to what they have started. Woe be it to anyone who attempts another voter intimidation scheme like the NBPP.

I heard conservative radio this morning still vilifying Breitbart for releasing the original video. He’s come out 100 times stating that he released the video as received and was releasing it more for the crowd reaction than the full content of the story. The crowd didn’t know what she was about to say, so as she told the story, they were laughing and supporting her bigoted decisions. He just merely wanted to show the blatant racism and ‘anti-whitey’ sentiment that runs wild in the NAACP.

She was just a bonus. Now, in her recent comments and remarks, she’s the gift that keeps on giving. Where she says that she’s done good with the white farmer from the story, she still continues to comment and prove that she sees life through tinted glasses. IMHO, Breitbart did good.

re: comment #2: “Has the video been fully vetted?”

There are obvious editing glitches at 1:46 of the center video and 3:33 of the bottom video. I’d be vetting the hell out of everything at this point. Somebody is going to get burned with a planted tape.

Taking the Charles Sherrod excerpts at face value, I find myself wondering what I’m supposed to be shocked or surprised or upset about.


Sorry I misplaced the sarcasm tag for those comments. In context, or out of it, those comments made by Mr. Sherrod are hard to discount. If nothing else, the incident surrounding Ms. Sherrod has been a warning to the MSM, and NAACP that they need to back off on repeating the lies about racism in the TEA Party being the motivating factor. Will they back off? I don’t have the either the confidence or the optimism required to believe they will.

“Tea Partiers have made these racial slurs, we all know that, it’s just that we can’t find any in this one specific instance, and when we find some to validate the accusation in the first part of this sentence, we’ll be sure to pass those along to you as well.” – NYT

Doesn’t sound like a recovering racist to me. I always thought Uncle Tom was a kind benevolent fellow. That pastor needs a role model.

There’s more racism from Malik Shazzam going viral on the net. Something about comparing their number of caskets to that of the enemy. That was an intro for some Muhammed character.

As expected, Keef Dolbermann put his huge size 14 in his mouth again with his Fox hatred. Special Ed did the same. Breitbart, you threw a firecracker in the fireworks warehouse!

Let define the terms shall we:

Main Entry: rac·ism
Pronunciation: \ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi-\
Function: noun
Date: 1933
1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2 : racial prejudice or discrimination

Let’s define prejudice: (webster)

Main Entry: 2prejudice
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): prejudiced; prejudic·ing
Date: 15th century
1 : to injure or damage by some judgment or action (as in a case of law)
2 : to cause to have prejudice

Let’s define discrimination: (webster)

Main Entry: dis·crim·i·na·tion
Pronunciation: \dis-ˌkri-mə-ˈnā-shən\
Function: noun
Date: 1648
1 a : the act of discriminating b : the process by which two stimuli differing in some aspect are responded to differently
2 : the quality or power of finely distinguishing
3 a : the act, practice, or an instance of discriminating categorically rather than individually b : prejudiced or prejudicial outlook, action, or treatment

synonyms see discernment

— dis·crim·i·na·tion·al \-shnəl, -shə-nəl\ adjective

So did this white farmer kill her father? Was this white farmer in the Klan when her father died? If this white farmer had no connection to the Klan, why did she blame him for it and choose to discriminate against him because of his color? Also, ask yourself if a WHITE PERSON DID THAT, would you not say they are racist?

I always thought “Racism” was what NASCAR drivers did!