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All I can say is this young lady better live in an open carry state, because there ain’t NO PLACE to CONCEAL that shootin’ ahrn.

Meet Miss America. Plenty of guns and ammo in the Heartland, but only a token defense at the southern border.

Ah yes… the Right to keep and BEAR arms… funny how they always seem to leave that secon part out…


The heck with politics. I found me a new hunting partner! See you in 2013.


Phony photos of girls with guns just piss me off. She probably had to go throw up after this photoshoot for having to handle a firearm. And the moron that posed her obviously has NO fucking idea how to handle firearms. FINGER OFF THE GODDAMNED TRIGGER UNTIL YOU’RE READY TO DESTROY SOMETHING!

I prefer the real thing thank you very much………

I wonder if she’d be a bigger target from the FRONT or the SIDE??!!

@Rides a Pale Horse….

Your link to the photo reminded me of Crocadile Dundee….

Now that’s a GUN!

@Donald Bly:

Yup……sho’ ’nuff is ain’t it?

Pale Horse: Now, there is a natural Girl that could light up a guy’s life in more than one way, and I’ll bet she is packing real and correct ammo for her weapon. That’s a yes mamm, for sure!


Absolutely NO doubt about that on ANY count.

Gorgeous and deadly……….

My kinda woman

RATDOG: hi, YOU KNOW, that was just for the picture, because, she’ll put on a BURKAT
to conceal the amh. bye

RIDE A PALE HORSE: hi, what is that tool?, I KNOW It’s not a vacum cleaner, nor a nail gun.


Bees, it’s an M-134 “Minigun”. Electrically operated Gatling gun, basically. 6,000 to 7,000 rounds/min.

I call it a “firehose”



RIDE A PALE HORSE: VERY impress with that gadget, does it also work with batterys,?
AGAIN whould be very usefull on the borders, bye thank you.


Yes it does. However, batteries not included.

My suggestion for border security is one of these.

Same principle only MUCH larger as the M-134 fires a 7.62mmx51 (NATO) round and the gun on the A-10 fires a 37mm round.

BTW….the A-10 is the ONLY aircraft that is designed around its primary weapon, the GAU-8-Avenger cannon.

Sadly Hollywood always gets it wrong. Brad Pitt’s character in Inglorious Bastards did exist. Her name was Virginia Hall. Her wanted poster read, “”The woman with the limp is one of the most valuable Allied agents in France and we must find and destroy her.” From captured dispatches, it seems she gave Hitler literal nightmares.

It also seems the longer named Lyudmila Mikhailovna Pavlichenko had a higher kill number than the shorter named Rambo and Rambo is an action movie character.

Here is a picture of a British woman with her burka hiding out in her kitchen with up to 76 ready bake ovens ready to cook up her specials of Al Qaeda and Taliban. This former pilot claims to have made 200-250 extra crispy dishes.

Don’t forget the American “soccer mom” such as, Capt. Allison Black, who takes her kids to the game of whoop ass.

RIDE A PALE HORSE: IF they dont want to close the border, IT surely not because IT cant be done
I would get you a job as a personal adviser on security of AMERICA, you’d sure get the job done quickly and effectivly, you could even choose your people to help, bye

GREG: hi, IS that what you where doing when you went to war?. TAKING pictures of girls?.
good links, thank you, bye

Firehose! Puts a whole new meaning to the term “Hosed” That’s the caliber of woman I can appreciate.

Just a thought on the immigration issue. Since Arizona’s new law S1070 includes a provision for a trespassing charge, each individual so convicted could be assigned to a chain gang, ala Maricopa County. The chain gangs could be used to construct a border fence – we’d be out a several 1,000 pair of pink underwear, a few tons of Peanut Butter sandwiches and the materials for the fence.

If the illegal aliens didn’t have a trade before, by the time they were returned to Mexico, they’d all be accomplished brick layers. Assuming a wild pack of dingo’s didn’t ‘et your gardner.

DONALD BLY: YOU alone can put that sentence anywhere you choose to; It still bring a good laugh.
HOW’s your book coming? I read that before, you where a writer. bye.

Book is coming along… had to do some re-writes and that is the hardest part.

I still haven’t figured out how to write in the “Gardner eating Dingos”!

RIDE A PALE HORSE: hi, YOU know on your 13th, the one who would use it, would say
DONT unplug the cord; WhiLE at the GULF they say “PLUG THE HOLE”. bye

I have always loved Herman Cain, this is very good news imho! Hopefully, the answer to his prayer is that he will run.

Has Obama met his match?

“We need a realistic candidate to run on the Republican ticket who can beat Barack Obama – not just beat the Democrats,” Herman Cain, an Atlanta radio talk-show host, former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza and 2004 Senate seeker, told WND. “We’ve also got to beat Barack Obama.”

He added, “Obama is a master of rhetoric. He is a master of deceptive language. And any white candidate who runs against him will be up against the race card. I take the race card off the table.”

Cain, a devout Christian, emphasized he is “prayerfully considering” a 2012 bid for the GOP nomination.

“I’m a man of faith, and I do believe in prayerful consideration of something this big,” he explained.

In addition to serving as the former president and CEO of Godfather’s Pizza for 10 years, Cain, 64, is also former president and CEO of the National Restaurant Association and former chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. He’s been vice president of Burger King, vice president of Pillsbury Company, a mathematician for the U.S. Department of the Navy and a business analyst for Coca-Cola. He has a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Morehouse College and a master’s degree in computer science from Purdue University.

If he can garner enough support – through contributions, volunteers and heartfelt prayer – Cain believes he may be the man to unseat Obama.

Nicknamed “The Hermanator,” Cain has more than 17,000 fans of his Facebook page, 5,000 Twitter fans and 45,000 members in his Intelligent Thinkers Movement. He is urging supporters to sign up for his political-action committee and help raise funds for conservative candidates for the 2010 election. He saidsupport for that effort will help him gauge his backing for a 2012 bid.

“If I can get that kind of encouragement in trying to change Congress, it will be great encouragement in terms of possibly helping me make that decision as to whether or not I can do this,” he said. “We’re developing a ground game all over this country. We’ll have a way to mobilize all of those people.”

His supporters have launched a “Draft Herman Cain for President 2012” effort to develop teams of volunteers and build a grass-roots base for a presidential campaign.

“That’s been growing like gangbusters,” Cain said. “That’s the sort of thing I’ll be looking at in the next couple of months in making this decision.”


MISSY: hi, good, THEY are coming out,and like the ASTRONAUTS, in SPACE they have the STUFF;
STRANGELY, yesterday, I was looking at a link and I was touch by this PRESIDENT
PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,where as the CONGRESS of the UNITED STATES on second day of april last, pass the following resolution, resolve by the SENAT,the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES concuring that it being a duty peculiarly incumbent IN A TIME OF WAR , HUMBLY and DEVOTLY acknowledge our dependance on ALMIGHTY GOD and to implore HIS AID and PROTECTION, THE PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES be and he is hereby RESPECTFULLY requested to recommend a day of public humiliation prayer and fasting to be observed by the people of the UNITED STATES with religious solemnity and the offering of fervent supplications
to ALMIGHTY GOD for the safty and welfare of our cause his blessing on our arms and a speedy restoration of an hohorable and lasting peace to the NATIONS OF THE EARTH.
I thought it was appropriate to type this, thank’s to aceofwands link,.bye

During the Viet Nam War it was called “Spooky” or “Puff the Magic Dragon”. Here’s the link. There were three mini-guns in a C-47 which I think was a prop plane as jets would fly to fast and be over the target area before the mini-guns would be of any use.


It was a C-130 the C47 was dasigned after the Douglas DC-3 used in WW2 into the 50’s some are still in use today. I’ve seen Puff in action many times, great way to clear out trees and such.


I think I swallowed my chew!

HIGH PLAIN DRIFTER, NOW why did you say that for?

Eric Holder’s DOJ messing around with the military vote, what good is a justice dept. that doesn’t believe in law enforcement:
