We were Disney Orlando and during a couple of days over the last week we went to the Outlet malls. There’s one on Vineland and another at the northern tip of I-Drive. Once is a while we buy something from a name brand (I bought my wife a Coach pocketbook at the Coach outlet this week) but as we still have two kids in college most of the time we buy elsewhere. I won’t even go into Barney’s or Saks outlets. I think it costs about $50 just to walk in.
So naturally I am quite pleased when I read how Obamacare makes life so much easier for Michelle Obama:
“For moms like me, it makes our lives easier,”
“Moms like me”
Michelle Obama had led the typical Mom life. She was given a job at a law firm following graduation, she married Barack Obama and almost immediately gave up her license to practice law. She then went to work for Public Allies, where she was founding Executive Director. While I have not been able to learn Obama’s salary at Public Allies, the website does offer a hint:
Working for nonprofit organizations does not mean being poor. Unlike the humorous Onion headline “Nonprofit Organization Fights Poverty with Poverty,” many nonprofit organizations provide competitive pay and benefits for many positions.
Her salary history remains murky until Barack Obama was elected to the Senate. Then her salary tripled to $316,000 per year. Her job apparently was to divert indigent patients away from the profitable University of Chicago. Michelle Obama’s total income for 2007 was nearly $500,000.
Once Barack Obama was elected to the Presidency, Michelle resigned from her job. There is some question as to the importance of her job, since one she resigned her position was eliminated.
Other things changed as well once Michelle’s husband was elected President.
Prior to the election Michelle Obama made an issue of her being just another Mom wearing J. Crew clothing on the Leno show.
Dressed in a $148 pencil skirt, a $148 yellow and brown tank top and a $118 yellow cardigan, she seemed to be promoting both fiscal prudence and the overlooked appeal of mustard-colored clothing.
Then the continuing recession and increasing loss of jobs brought a change to Michelle Obama’s wardrobe choices. Michelle Obama wore $540 Lanvin sneakers while bagging food for hungry children. She praised Energy Department employees in a Chanel-inspired jacket. She celebrated her first year as First Lady in yet another $3000 Moschino jacket.
Just like my Mom.
Michelle Obama has had completely lost touch with the realities of life and of economics. She tells audiences
“Health reform is changing that. Under this new law, all new private plans will provide basic preventive services — things like childhood immunizations and checkups, mammograms, colonoscopies, cervical screenings, and treatment for high blood pressure — absolutely free of charge. No copay. No deductible. No co-insurance needed.”
Doctors get to go to medical school for 12 years or more so they can work for free! Manufacturers of the machines needed for these services get to make them for for free! How nice to to be in the fantasy world of Michelle Obama. It’s the utopian world of Star Trek, in which all needs have been eliminated. The problem is, these freebies come at someone’s cost. These services will have to be paid through increased insurance rates.
And worse, it’s not going to work. People don’t like going to the doctor. Carriers are not going to chase enrollees to force them to utilize services.
It’s just great that Obamacare will make the life of the First Lady much better. She needs the relief. This is the woman who is exempt from the tentacles of Obamacare, who has a personal staff of over 20 persons, who has had jobs created for her as her husband climbed the political ladder and who will make tens of millions of dollars along with her husband once he’s out of office.
Just like my Mom.
“Moms like me.”
Earth to Michelle: There are no Moms like you.
God I wish my Mom had been wealthy enough to be a liberal.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
I so Loathe the fraud & fugly – am waiting impatiently for the impeachment – or for the Repubs & their subpeonas come November 2012 – if they (Repubs) don’t start investigating this whole frickin’ mess – all of it including their own complicity – then come the next election – they will be replaced too
This will continue until we have actual CITIZENS who are public servants and remember that that is what they are in Washington – not career politicians who treat us as peons instead of their bosses………………………..
Think there are going to be a lot of people who are going to be sorry that the sleeping giant has been awakened – these idiots also think that the anger is going away – no way in hell – November is getting closer and closer & I can hardly wait…………………
She is nothing more than an elitist. She is another of those who preach one thing knowing full well that they will never have to live with it themselves. There are truly very few moms like her, and not one of them worries about what a typical average mom in America has to worry about.
She and her kind will never have to worry about adequate healthcare combined with adequate living expenses due to a lower take home salary due to government intrusion that claims one thing, yet results in quite another:
She and her kind will never have to worry about adequate food on the table for their growing children due to her husband’s and his associates war on America:
She and her kind will never have to worry about adequate housing for their children, even after her husband’s and his associate’s failure to properly address the financial problems at Fannie and Freddie that contributed greatly to the current housing epidemic, particularly as they have already obtained real estate in a very well to do neighborhood near Chicago due to shady dealings with a Mr. Tony Reszko:
She and her kind will never have to worry about college educations for their children given the fact that after leaving office, the book deals and speaking engagements will come rolling in to augment her husband’s annuity from the government. My guess is that annual income in the area of millions will be the norm in the Obama household, post WH.:
She and her kind will never have to worry about much that the typical average American family does, yet her rhetoric is meant as an ‘inclusion’ into that group of the average. Her ‘proud’ moment in her own history in America has turned out to be a decided lowpoint in American politics for an ever increasing number of American families.
There are a lot more wealthy Conservatives than Liberal. Why do you think Republicans fight so hard for cuts in the estate tax? To help their constituents?
I don’t know that that’s true, but the wealthy liberals own most of the world, e.g. George Soros, Bill Gates, etc.
These are the morons who always say that they should be paying more taxes but never do.
One, I would like for you to show me the numbers you use to claim “a lot more wealthy Conservatives than Liberal.”
Two, show me the data that says that any tax cuts have been detrimental to the economy as a whole, and to poor people in general.
Three, just for your information, wealth and income are two different beasts although they do have effects on one another. Tax cuts are intended for income and while they effect the wealth a person has, they tend to positively effect the economy by allowing an individual to keep more of their income and the resultant actions one takes with that wealth.
Michelle’s dad was a precinct captain for a south side Chicago ward. She later went on to epitome for Mayor Daley. Not your typical mom
tadcf also needs to explain why John Kerry chooses to dock his YACHT in a differnt state to save on taxes when his wife is the one of the richest women in the country?
I don’t claim that Democratic politicians do not do things that are not morally correct. I only claim that as a whole the Democratic fills my ideals about the how this country should be run–more so than Republicans.
You mean as in handing to those who won’t make an effort the fruits of those who will?
I respectfully request that you list your ideals about how the country should be run and how the democrats relate to those ideals. We conservatives here could conjecture all day about how we see the democrats tearing the country apart and trashing the Constitution in the process, but I believe that we would like to hear your voice on the matter, if for nothing else, to be clear on just where you stand. Are you willing to open yourself up for debate on this, or are you just a coward who stands behind a wall of generalities?
BTW, most conservatives here are very willing to open themselves up on their beliefs politically and of life in general. We see no reason why you shouldn’t be willing to do the same.
I already answered that question. If you don’t like the answer, I’m sorry about that.
I’m a;ways picking up those noodles that you link together, foamy kind of flotation things, my grandchildren love to mess around with them in the lake. Wish I could throw a couple of them your way.
dr john:
I don’t know what you’re talking about.
If reference to your remarks regarding my comments in respect to Republicans having a higher income/wealth level than Democrats, I offer the following graph http://pewresearch.org/pubs/451/money-walks , which shows the percentage of Republicans in the upper 10% of income levels (over about $135, 000 annually) was greater prior to 2007–which was the conventional wisdom on which I was basing my assertions. But unbeknownst to me, the statistics changed in 2007, and the incomes of the two parties drew together.
So, this data is relatively current for those in the upper 10% income brackets, but does not include the lower 90%, and does not distinguish between wealth and income–as you suggest. I will continue to research these matters, and keep you abreast of the results. Or, you could research them too.
johngalt #10:
In response to your question, I guess, for purposes of branding, I could consider myself a Democratic Socialist–as opposed to the more dictatorial forms practiced in the former Soviet bloc countries and the Nazi and Fascist regimes such such as Germany and Italy during WWII and China today.
In other words, I believe in a type of socialism that lives up to the Constitution, and other documents establishing freedom in the U.S. Effectively, I believe the government exists for the welfare of the people, rather than the other way around.
American style Capitalism has failed us. and it time to reform it. Now, from the start, I understand that the American capitalism is not pure, just like socialism is not pure in those countries in those countries where that system is said to predominate. All countries Mixed economic systems.
Our mix has yielded an economic system where unemployment has greatly increased due to outsourcing, where many people have lost their home because of the manipulation of politicians and business interests, and many people’s wages have been stagnating while business profits have surged. The answer is not going back to a previous state of laissez faire capitalism–we must go forward.
In the type of socialism-capitalism mix in Germany, and other European countries, workers have a place on corporate boards of directors–to look out for workers’ rights. Workers work an average of 500 hours per year less the their American counterparts. The combine export of France and Germany is greater than China–which is far greater than America. All people have free medical care–France’s medical care is rated #2 in the world–compared to America’s #26. Many of these countries feel it a social responsibility to pay their unemployed citizens, rather than arguing about why they shouldn’t.
That is what I think defines Socialism in many European countries: Taking social responsibility for its citizens.