Just The Guys In The Neighborhood [Reader Post]

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3279236161_c0e90e2e6d_o.gif Obama Land image by uleryrns

In this age of public awareness, thanks solely to the information available on the internet, only a fool or a liar tries to assert that the MSM isn’t a quasi- propaganda bureau for the Obama White House; however, if the MSM would have been objective journalists and investigated Obama’s ties with Reverend Jeremiah Wright, the racist Black Liberation preacher who was Obama’s spiritual mentor for twenty years, and the other unsavory characters whose true hatred of America was suppressed by a media that has boasted of its objectivity for decades, Obama would have never been elected.

Here we have the most frequent visitor to the White House, espousing his views on International Socialism:

Now that we realize that we have elected a man whose personal friends want to discard the Constitution and create an American form of Socialism, we are left feeling lost and bewildered;  wondering how long the fraud has been perpetrated against the public under the pretense of objectivity, while the majority if not all journalists put their personal political beliefs ahead of their personal obligations to honesty and integrity in being complicit in the election of America’s first Socialist. Liberals only scoff at the concept of an obligation to report news with honesty and integrity, they only owe loyalty to the “Party Line”; journalism is considered an extension of editorial opinion that includes the use of propaganda to report every nuance of news with the maximum political promotion, with no preconceptions or chivalric codes alluding to an honest reporting of the news.

In a rare reference to the Constitution, they cite the First Amendment and the enumerated freedom of the press and maintain that a journalist has the power to write freely as long as they avoid the most outrageous libels.  Therefore they answer to no one and have no fiduciary obligation to write the truth.  In their opinion, this is an obsolete concept that exists only in our minds, leaving us naively believing in the innate quality of goodness and honesty in our fellow man.

We often cite the silliness of the Utopian Obama Socialists and their willingness to believe any tripe that is passed through the Progressive Socialist Sausage Grinder; yet a slight majority of Americans were willing to drink the Obama swill drawn from his propaganda tap.  Unless we can overcome this radical infiltration of our country in November, we will lose this country to to the bizarre Dystopian Dreams of Obama and his radical associates that he barely knows, the guys who just live in his neighborhood.

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tadcf, you said:


Next, I was with the First Marine Expeditionary Force in Vietnam. We ran patrols and larger mission almost every day. Our losses were so high, we had to draw from the platoon to make up squad size patrols; and from the company when platoon size patrols.

Minuteman26 said:


tadcf- The First Marine Expeditionary Force was formed in Okinawa in 1969. It did not deploy to Vietnam. Suggest your just another scumbag poser when it comes to your so-called miltary experiences. Suspect there are a few Marines on this site who would like to meet you in person. The rest of what you have posted is nothing more than leftist dribble.

❓ ❓ ❓ Is there some reason you ignored Minuteman26’s post? perhaps you may have missed it, just thought I would run it by you again, please explain.


You’re dumber than a post. Where do you think the Marines deployed from, when they went to Vietnam–Okinawa. So, you think I’m a poser, huh. Put your where your mouth is–that’s assuming you talk out of your mouth–I bet you, oh, I don’t know, $10,000 that I have a DD-214 (that’s military talk for discharge papers, in case you didn’t know) that shows I’m not a poser. Okay?

By the way, you seem to know so much about the military, what branch were you in?


I can’t honestly say how you’d be treated on a liberal blog–I don’t blog on them–I just read them.

When Scookum was saying that the bombs were filled with nails, I think he was trying to suggest they were to be used as an anti-personnel weapon–like a claymore mine. If the put nails in a bomb to be used in a situation where people were not the target, then they wasted valuable space where additional explosive could be employed. My only suggestion was that it gave readers the wrong impression–that it was intended to be used to kill people–which was not the case.

You’ve got the fact backward. In the beginning, a faction of the Weather People were interested in killing and maiming people–they may have used nails in their bombs. But after they blew themselves up in the NY townhouse, they changed their direction (watch the entire video that was provided by Aye Chihuahua). At that time, if they included nail in there bombs, it was out of ignorance.

If they had intended to kill and maim, why was no mention of people being killed when they show the pictures of the exploded buildings, and not mention is made of casualties?

Hard Right #50:

I’ll make you the same offer I made to Minuteman 26: If you don’t believe I was a Marine in Vietnam, I’ll bet you $10,000 I can show you a valid DD-214. How about you? You ever been in the service; or a war? No, neither? Ah? Or should I say Ha–as in Ha-ha-ha.


But after they blew themselves up in the NY townhouse, they changed their direction

I see, they only needed a one step program at Bomber Anon and all is forgiven, Ayres/Dorhn didn’t even have to repent and ask for forgiveness. Since you find nothing wrong in the terror they inflicted across the nation, let me ask, how would you feel if some strangers invaded your property and blew it up? Are you fine with that as long as they remembered their manners and….called ahead?

IMHO, after they blew themselves up, the cowards realized the error/er, danger of bomb making, recruitment must have suffered, no bomb makers, no bombs. Bombs for thee not for me.

If they had intended to kill and maim, why was no mention of people being killed when they show the pictures of the exploded buildings, and not mention is made of casualties?

They killed a police officer and injured others in that bombing, they attempted to kill a judge and take the whole family with, the family got lucky, no phone calls, just lucky. Even if they never killed anyone, they destroyed property belonging to the citizens of this country, private citizen’s property as well.

Don’t know if anything has happened to you personally, but our farm was broken into and robbed. Walking through the open door after the robbery knowing strangers had invaded, robbed and ransacked our home, was horribly chilling, Imagine getting a call and someone tells you they are bombing your property.


You said, Don’t know if anything has happened to you personally, but our farm was broken into and robbed. Walking through the open door after the robbery knowing strangers had invaded, robbed and ransacked our home, was horribly chilling, Imagine getting a call and someone tells you they are bombing your property.

Like you, my family and I live out in the middle of nowhere. We’re surrounded by wetlands. The Canadian geese just love it. We have thousands of them, every spring and fall, since we’re on their migration route. There’s very little land around here that’s high and dry enough for a home to be built. There are a couple of vacation cabins near here but the nearest year-round neighbor is at least five minutes away. (We’re good friends and we look out for each other.)

The one time I made a 911 call to the sheriff’s department, it took them 17 minutes to get here. I timed it.

So I can certainly understand how you feel, Missy. Home invasion by armed intruders is our worst nightmare, particularly since my job requires me to be away from home a lot. And due to the nature of my work, my political activism and the like, I have attracted an online stalker (“progressive,” of course) who has obsessively learned everything he can about me.

This is the perfect recipe for a severe case of paranoia. Add plenty of guns, stir thoroughly, and bake it out there in that lonesome farmhouse at 98.6 degrees for 30 years.


We don’t live there, it’s going to be where we retire and over the years we have had 3 breakins, the last time was when they got into our house. We don’t know if they were armed but, they left with my husband’s gun collection and a lot of ammunition. All of it was built into a false wall, they had to be there long time to be able to figure that out. Losing the guns and ammo made it so much worse, fearing they might be used in another crime.

I understand your paranoia, an internet friend suffered through much of what is happening to you, just because he is a Christian, a conservative and is very, very bright. He often patiently explained to the stalker why his positions were in error, backed it up with source material, the stalker was just a crazy out there that was obsessed with him and it got ugly.

Be careful, and I hope you or your family never has to deal with him face to face.

tadcf – I still think you’re a freaking poser. DD-214s can and have been falsified, so because you can come up with one don’t count for squat. Why don’t you answer some questions to offer some proof; such as your age, when you served, your mos, what Corps you seved in in Vietnam, what unit, what base, when you served in Vietnam and what conflicts you might have been in. Might change my opinion.

Aye Chihuahua #52:

As long as you keep focusing on the past, and on hypotheticals–divorced from reality–the less chance you have of changing the real problems of today. I do not expect to change your mind, but perhaps some of your readers–upon refection upon reason–may question their heretofore unquestioned, devoted allegiance to the far right-wing.


As long as you keep focusing on the past, and on hypotheticals–divorced from reality–the less chance you have of changing the real problems of today. I do not expect to change your mind, but perhaps some of your readers–upon refection upon reason–may question their heretofore unquestioned, devoted allegiance to the far right-wing.

Dance, little man.


Why is it so painfully, agonizingly difficult for you to just answer a direct question?

For those keeping score at home here, once again, is the question that tadcf has choked on:


I only blame Bush for what he did–not for his accidental associations.

And if Bush had launched his political career from the living room of a pair of avowed, unrepentant domestic terrorists who had the overthrow of the American system of government as their long-standing, plainly stated goal would that be an “accidental association”?


Didn’t think so.


I don’t know if I can change your mind–after all, everything I can tell could be learned. If your worried about my DD-214 being falsified, I’m sure it can be verified by the VA–if you’ll agree to the wager.

We made an amphibious assault in 1965, near DaNang. As I said, we called ourselves the First Marine Expeditionary Force, because we were the first large scale contingent from the Marine Corps in Vietnam–whether the name was not commissioned until 1969, as you suggest, I cannot say. I was only a Pfc., and such matters were far above my pay grade.

I was a forward observer radio operator for an 81mm mortar platoon–which meant I went out on every patrols–which ordinarily placed me seven or ten men behind point, depending upon whether it was a squad-size or platoon-size patrol. Being so long ago, keep in mind I’m 66 years old, and suffer the long-term effect of Agent Orange, my mind isn’t what it used to be, so I can’t recall a lot of specifics–plus Ive tried to put a lot of it out of mind–I can’t recall a lot of detail, such as my CO and such.

You really pissed me off when you wrote the comment you made. I’m glad I could not connect with the site until later in the afternoon–I would probably said some things I would regret–some things ‘becoming’ an old marine.


Sorry, but I questioned where the first response to your comment went through, so I retyped and sent it, which might cause some duplication.

@Aye Chihuahua:

Dance, little man.


How bout to this catchy little ditty?


Missy #67:

This is just your personal opinion based on your experience or inexperience. Opinions are like noses, everyone’s got one.

tadcf – I’ll say this again, the 1st Marine Expiditioary Force never served in Vietnam. And if you served there, you would never forget the unit and men you served with and what you did there. Your claim that exposure to Agent Orange has dulled your memory, in my opinion is BS. IMHO your still a poser.


You’re a never ending conspiracy theorist. I’m getting tired of playing your game. Like I said, nothing can convince you. Put up, or shut up. $10,000 wager. By the way, what’s your military and war experience?

To everyone on reading this site who served in the U.S. military, including tadcf, thank you all for your service to this country. Your defense of our liberties is appreciated.

That said, whether or not tadcf served in the service has no bearing on whether or not the Weather Underground was a terrorist organization, whose founder also happens to be a friend/business associate/life partner or whatever of our president.

We can’t know what was in the hearts and minds of the so-called “people” in the Weather Underground, we can only judge them by their actions. Their actions speak to the fact that they were willing to wage war against the establishment of this country in order to bring about political compliance (or at least awareness) with their views. Since they waged this war via cowardly actions like planting IED’s in buildings and inspiring terror in the populace, I am inclined to call them terrorists.

That tadcf appears to be defending them on the ground that they were just nice, misunderstood people who wouldn’t hurt a fly, except for that time when they killed a police officer and wounded others, doesn’t speak well for his judgment. Again, though, the quality of tadcf’s judgment is irrelevant to his prior experience in or out of the U.S. armed services.

Similarly, my opinion on the judgment of a political aspirant such as our current president utilizing the political clout of a self-avowed terrorist such as Bill Ayers as the launching point for his (President Obama’s) political career is comparably low.

And tadcf, if you believe, since I never served in the armed forces, that I am not entitled to an opinion, then I am forced to question why you are no longer defending my right to speak freely. If you are not defending my right to free speech, are you not thereby breaking the oath you swore to uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemies?

Just asking.


NUADA; thank you,that is great. bye

tadcf: hi, I see that you are very negative on each of your comment to all, this tell me
that you must surely be depress in your situation where you live in, but remember it;s not anybody’s fault but your own. SO STOP trying to feed your negativeness to the group
who are the smartest you can find. bye


I am not saying that the Weather Underground were “nice, misunderstood people”. I’m simply saying they were misrepresented by the video and article featured by Skookum–which has made the rounds of the right-wing sites, in one form or another.

The Weather Underground was trying to bring down the system by violence, just like those who threaten change through ‘second amendment remedies’ –the only difference is that they did not just threaten, they made good on their threats. Another difference is that they carried out their threats using property as their target–unlike the radical right-wing groups, which give me the impression that they make not such distinction.


Also, I’m not trying to limit your freedom of speech, or anyone else’s, I’m just saying that people should also know the facts.

tadcf: I find it interesting that the only person who has mentioned “second amendment remedies” is you. It’s almost as though you are trying to blame the FA folks for inciting violence by pretending that they said something only you said, and then making moral equivalence between that lie and the actions of the terrorists of the Weather Underground.


As for freedom of speech, I believe you said:

You know, I really get tired of people that weren’t even born then making statement about those actions.


The only people I don’t respect are those who talk patriotism, but have avoided the armed services–like Cheney.


And if you weren’t around at that time, and participated in some of it, you have no grounds to talk about something you know absolutely about.

So, if I’m reading this correctly, no one is allowed to debate anything unless they know “all the facts”. Is that about right? If that is the case, doesn’t your admission:

One thing you’re right about is that I wasn’t on the inside.

preclude you from this debate altogether, by your own logic?

Isn’t it a bit audacious of you to claim that you know better about the motives and intentions of the Weather Underground terrorists than FBI agent Larry Grathwohl, who actually was on the inside?

And how do you make the claim that Bill Ayers had no intentions of killing anyone while he is on the record as having calmly discussed the re-education and/or murder of 25 million Americans in his quest to overturn our capitalist/imperialist society?

I find it alarming that you are so willing to write off the murder of a police officer as “an unfortunate incident”, and so quick to draw parallels to us right-wing folks for having made the threat of ‘second amendment remedies’ (even though only you have made that claim). It seems obvious to me that you have greater sympathy for a group of terrorists and murderers than you do for the people on this blog, and frankly, that upsets me.

You will note, however, that even as vexed as I am, I have no desire to inflict any harm on you, even psychologically via words. I simply disagree with your point of view and find it sad that you have chosen a side in this debate that seems contradictory to the side you should be on, having given an oath to defend our Constitution.

I do hope to defeat your philosophies at the polls in November, however.


Dayum….that was a beautiful, and scorching, takedown of tadcf’s nonsense.

Please, please stick around.


The Weather Underground was trying to bring down the system by violence, just like those who threaten change through ’second amendment remedies’ –the only difference is that they did not just threaten, they made good on their threats. Another difference is that they carried out their threats using property as their target–unlike the radical right-wing groups, which give me the impression that they make not such distinction.

Two questions:

1) To which “radical right-wing groups” are you referring?

2) What violence, or threat of violence, either real or imagined, are you using as a reference point?

Nuanda #75:

That was an over-generalization on my part. What I meant to say was that people that weren’t there at the time and had no idea what really happened, or people who hadn’t researched the issue, do the issue an injustice by speaking out of ignorance. I was speaking about nail used in their bombs, as a suggestion that the were ani-personnel weapons, which they weren’t. I’ve also asked this conservative site for a reference of Larry Grathwol saying the contrary–and, like so many conservative citations, I haven’t gotten it. I don’t know what your talking about in regards to Bill Ayers’ “intention to kill/re-educate 25 million people”–please cite your sources.

As regards ‘second amendment remedies’, this is a reference from Sharon Angle, of Tea Party fame, and I think expresses the feeling of many right-wing activists. As far as the Constitution goes, I think the right-wing has the belief that they have mysterious insights into it’s meaning–somewhat akin to their interpretation of Fundamentalist Christianity.


Yeah…. right… nails in a bomb … guess they are there to tack up the sheet rock.

I was speaking about nail used in their bombs, as a suggestion that the were ani-personnel weapons, which they weren’t

Libtard logic at its best!

tadcf, You got it wrong, the right-wing know the CONSTITUTION by hearth and dont intend to change one word of it and this their strenght in any discussion:
you meant for sure the left wing who have done the cut around the CONSTITUTION when it fit their agenda, OF course you know,and dont take this group for a ride, they prefer to travel without you.

Nuanda #75:

I’m sorry but this response didn’t get sent, for some reason, so I’m sending it again, in case there’s some repetition.

My initial comment may have been overly generalized. In general, the text original article put the Weather Underground if a poor light, and if you weren’t there personally, or if you hadn’t researched the issue, you wouldn’t have known the between truth of fiction. I do believe in informed debate–and not debate from ignorance.

I’ve asked for citations on what Larry Grathwol had said, and hadn’t gotten them. I got the term ‘second amendment right’ from a speech by Sharon Angle–of Tea Party fame–the Republican Party candidate for Senate in Nevada.

What is your source material as to Bill Ayers intention to “kill or re-educate” citizens? And, I’ll ask again, if the Weather Underground was so intent of mass murder, why weren’t more people’s death reported amidst all the explosion that occurred.

I believe in the Constitution, but not the interpretation of the right wing.

tadcf: IF you beleive in any other INTERPRETATION of the CONSTITUTION, that means
YOU”R on the side of thoses who disregard the CONSTITUTION word by word,
DID you ever made the OATH to protect the CONSTITUTION?

Aye Chihuahua #76:

Sharon Angle, the Republican nominee for Senate, coined the term ‘Second Amendment remedies’, which is very suggestive, and neither she nor the Republican party has clarified or rebuked her statement.

If you (in the ‘royal’ sense of of the word, ‘you all’) would pay more attention to the main stream media, instead of keeping you head buried in the right-wing sand, you would be aware of these things.

There are also various right-wing group or people–even some on this site–who avow violence in reference to changing this government.


If you (in the ‘royal’ sense of of the word, ‘you all’) would pay more attention to the main stream media, instead of keeping you head buried in the right-wing sand, you would be aware of these things.

Oh, I’m very well aware of what Angle said…in fact, I’m aware of her entire comment:

Angle: I feel that the Second Amendment is the right to keep and bear arms for our citizenry. This not for someone who’s in the military. This not for law enforcement. This is for us. And in fact when you read that Constitution and the founding fathers, they intended this to stop tyranny. This is for us when our government becomes tyrannical…

Manders: More needed it at any time in history, it might be right now.

Angle: Well it’s to defend ourselves. And you know, I’m hoping that we’re not getting to Second Amendment remedies. I hope the vote will be the cure for the Harry Reid problems.

Seems rather benign to me.

I find this whole branch of discussion with you rather amusing since, on this very thread, you’re openly defending the Weather Underground for actually acting upon their desire to violently overthrow the government.

There are also various right-wing group or people–even some on this site–who avow violence in reference to changing this government.

Cite please.

Exit: Was the Second Amendment put into the Bill of Rights by the Founders in order to allow the People to protect themselves from a tyrannical government?


I was speaking about nail used in their bombs, as a suggestion that the were ani-personnel weapons, which they weren’t. I’ve also asked this conservative site for a reference of Larry Grathwol saying the contrary–and, like so many conservative citations, I haven’t gotten it.

Yes, you’ve asked. Yes, it was provided way back in comment #15 and again in comment #25 and again in comment #26.

Here it is once again:

I remember the Sunday morning in January of 1970 when it was obvious to me that the three FBI agents were upset. They wanted to know when the bombings of the Detroit Police Officers Building and the 13th precinct would take place and which members of the Weather Underground would be assigned to do it. Bill Ayers had debriefed me regarding every aspect of the plans we had developed before telling me I was being reassigned to Madison. Bill’s two major requirements were that the bombs go off at the same time and that the greatest number of police officers would be killed or injured. Both bombs were to contain fence staples or roofing nails to ensure this effect. Bill Ayers didn’t care if innocent people were also killed or injured. Bill had even gone so far as to tell us that the bomb at the 13th precinct should be placed on a window ledge. Both bombs were set four days later than originally planned but both also failed to detonate due to failures in the timing devices.

Is this an instance of your questions not being answered or more an instance of you not listening to the answers?

Finally, there’s this:

I don’t know what your talking about in regards to Bill Ayers’ “intention to kill/re-educate 25 million people”–please cite your sources.

Well, here ‘ya go:

If you (in the ‘royal’ sense of of the word, ‘you all’) would pay less attention to the main stream media, instead of keeping you head buried in the left-wing sand, you would be aware of these things.

Aye Chihuahua:

I would tend to put more stock in something said under oath, than something someone says that may just be publicity. But, what’s point for modern day politics. These people were very young and searching out methods to answer the outcome of a revolution. Do you really believe they think the same today. They didn’t have a plan, they were just brainstorming. I don’t really know who or how many believed these things. It would be more persuasive if it was Grand Jury testimony or something. Why is something that happened over 40 years ago so important anyway?


I would tend to put more stock in something said under oath, than something someone says that may just be publicity… It would be more persuasive if it was Grand Jury testimony or something.

Which is exactly why you pointed to the documentary video where Bill Ayers said that people were not the targets, eh?

So, which is it?

Feel free to just grab those goal posts and drag them to wherever you need them to be.

Remember also that Grathwohl has no motivation to lie about any of this.

Ayers, et al understand that there is no statute of limitations on murder. Thus they much keep their stories closely managed.

These people were very young and searching out methods to answer the outcome of a revolution. Do you really believe they think the same today. They didn’t have a plan, they were just brainstorming. [and bombing and terrorizing – Aye] I don’t really know who or how many believed these things.Why is something that happened over 40 years ago so important anyway?

Well, in the documentary there was not one shred of remorse. None.

Also, at the end, the interviewees made it clear that their dream lives on.

That’s why it’s important. That’s why it’s still a matter for discussion, consideration, and awareness.

Aye Chihuahua:

I’d like to see the entire video–where can I see it. This simply could be another example of taking something out of context. Plus I didn’t recall hearing the following in the video of Larry Grathwohl:

“I remember the Sunday morning in January of 1970 when it was obvious to me that the three FBI agents were upset. They wanted to know when the bombings of the Detroit Police Officers Building and the 13th precinct would take place and which members of the Weather Underground would be assigned to do it. Bill Ayers had debriefed me regarding every aspect of the plans we had developed before telling me I was being reassigned to Madison. Bill’s two major requirements were that the bombs go off at the same time and that the greatest number of police officers would be killed or injured. Both bombs were to contain fence staples or roofing nails to ensure this effect. Bill Ayers didn’t care if innocent people were also killed or injured. Bill had even gone so far as to tell us that the bomb at the 13th precinct should be placed on a window ledge. Both bombs were set four days later than originally planned but both also failed to detonate due to failures in the timing devices. ”

That’s why it’s so important to document your sources–so a person can go to the source and analyze it for themselves.

Aye Chihuahua:

And what does Sharon Angle mean by “And you know, I’m hoping that we’re not getting to Second Amendment remedies.” Does she mean that we may have to revert to guns if Harry Reid wins the vote? That’s just what the Weather People were doing, except with bombs.


The links to everything I’ve posted are all right there.

It’s not my responsibility to click the links for you and point you toward which line to read.

It’s all right there.

Take some time, brush up, and when you’re ready to have a conversation for which you are actually prepared, look me up.

Until then, I’ve other things to tend to besides spoon feeding.

Aye Chihuahua #87 and #90:

I don’t generally like to denigrate the character of the person given evidence, but since you brought it up, Larry Grathlow had plenty of reason to fabricate statements. For example, it made him a right-wing hero. Also there is money and position to consider–all these are pretty good reason.

In addition, I’m of the opinion that if someone will not tell truth or exaggerate about one point, the will do he same about others. In the video clip he says, “…the members of the Weather Underground had, for the most part, advanced degrees.” Now, the only way to really disprove this statement is by doing a search for every member he was talking about. I can’t do that without a list on names. However, I know Bill Ayers–the alleged co-leader. along with Bernadine Dohrn–did not get his ‘advanced degree’, until the mid- and late-eighties. And I’d bet most of them were in about the same situation. Especially since, in the video, he mentions his meeting is with about 25 member–which was pretty much the size of the core group.

If, actual testimony can be found, yielding name or the participant, then these can be researched and the truth discovered. As the provider of this evidence, you are intellectually responsible the provide this evidence upon request, for inspection in order to determine the impartiality and factual nature of such.

The only example of this video that I can find on the web are those that are the same as this single clip, promoted by right-wing websites. Surely you must have seen a more comprehensive document of which to base your opinion? That would be the least you could to promote an unbiased basis for your comments.


You seem to not believe you are responsible for showing the evidence required when someone calls your charges into question. This routine may be okay with your followers, but not with people of a contrary opinion. The reason you can’t tell me what Sharon Angle said she meant by saying ‘Second Amendment remedies’ is because she refuses to clarify her meaning.

How many ways can one person exhibit stupid… tacfd seems hell bent on figuring out the number.

You have a video with a guy uniquely tied to the situation telling it like it is and you discount him because the video doesn’t appear on left wing web sites.

Were you born this stupid… or did you take some shrapnel to the head… oh..never mind… you’ve already told us why you are such a dim bulb in the chandelier… YOU’RE AGENT ORANGE STUPID

tacfd… your question about Sharon Angle… and her comment

“And you know, I’m hoping that we’re not getting to Second Amendment remedies.”

She is clearly stating that she HOPES WE ARE NOT getting to the point of federal intrusion in our lives that people feel the need to forcefully revolt. That’s pretty much all a peace loving person can do….

Now… do you want to use your AGENT ORANGE INDUCED STUPID to try and make that into something which it is not? Of course you do… you’re AGENT ORANGE STUPID!

Donald Blye:

You look at it one way, I look at it another. But I don’t denigrate your intelligence or disability. I bet you dream of pushing little old ladies in wheel chairs down stairs too.

tadcf: GEEZ, what an awfull thing to say, I think you need some help to change your negative spirit. bye

tacdf – I prefer to dream of pushing little old ladies up the stairs…..

Regardless of whether I’m pushing em up or down the stairs… you’re still a low wattage chandelier as evidenced by your arguments.