Ever heard of the book “What Liberal Media?: The Truth about Bias and the News?” If you haven’t then take a gander at its description on Amazon:
The incredulity begins with the title What Liberal Media?, journalist Eric Alterman’s refutation of widely flung charges of left-wing bias, and never lets up. The book is unlikely to make many friends among conservative media talking heads. Alterman picks apart charges made by Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, George Will, Sean Hannity, and others (even the subtitle refers to a popular book by former CBS producer Bernard Goldberg that argues a lefty slant in news coverage). But the perspectives of less-incendiary figures, including David Broder and Howard Kurtz, are also dissected in Alterman’s quest to prove that not only do the media lack a liberal slant but that quite the opposite is true.
Yeah, he proved it alright. He proved what a liar he is by participating in that secret liberal media cabal called JournoList, and once Obama won the election this is his response on that list:
“Fucking Nascar retards…”
Others from that list that same night:
LAURA ROZEN, MOTHER JONES (NOW POLITICO): Can you imagine if these bozos had won?
LAURA ROZEN: People we no longer have to listen to: would it be unwise to start a thread of people we are grateful we no longer have to listen to? If not, I’ll start off: Michael Rubin.
MICHAEL COHEN, NEW AMERICA FOUNDATION: Mark Penn and Bob Shrum. Anyone who uses the expression “Real America.” We should send there ass to Gitmo!
LAURA ROZEN: Karl Rove, Newt Gingrich (afraid it’s not true), Drill Here Drill Now, And David Addington, John Yoo, we’ll see you in court?
JEFFREY TOOBIN, THE NEW YORKER: As a side note, does anyone know what prompted Michael Barone to go insane?
SPENCER ACKERMAN: Let’s just throw Ledeen against a wall. Or, pace Dr. Alterman, throw him through a plate glass window. I’ll bet a little spot of violence would shut him right the fuck up, as with most bullies.
JOE KLEIN, TIME: Pete Wehner…these sort of things always end badly.
That’s not it by a long shot. Check these “unbiased” journalists out proposing fascism because they are widdle bit scared of Fox News:
The very existence of Fox News, meanwhile, sends Journolisters into paroxysms of rage. When Howell Raines charged that the network had a conservative bias, the members of Journolist discussed whether the federal government should shut the channel down.
“I am genuinely scared” of Fox, wrote Guardian columnist Daniel Davies, because it “shows you that a genuinely shameless and unethical media organisation *cannot* be controlled by any form of peer pressure or self-regulation, and nor can it be successfully cold-shouldered or ostracised. In order to have even a semblance of control, you need a tough legal framework.” Davies, a Brit, frequently argued the United States needed stricter libel laws.
“I agree,” said Michael Scherer of Time Magazine. Roger “Ailes understands that his job is to build a tribal identity, not a news organization. You can’t hurt Fox by saying it gets it wrong, if Ailes just uses the criticism to deepen the tribal identity.”
Jonathan Zasloff, a law professor at UCLA, suggested that the federal government simply yank Fox off the air. “Do you really want the political parties/white house picking which media operations are news operations and which are a less respectable hybrid of news and political advocacy?”
But Zasloff stuck to his position. “I think that they are doing that anyway; they leak to whom they want to for political purposes,” he wrote. “If this means that some White House reporters don’t get a press pass for the press secretary’s daily briefing and that this means that they actually have to, you know, do some reporting and analysis instead of repeating press releases, then I’ll take that risk.”
They have no problem whatsoever in allowing the government to determine who is a worthy news organization, and who isn’t. Based on nothing more then the fact that Fox puts a Conservative point of view across instead of their own ideals. Fascism folks.
Bloomberg’s reporter Ryan Donmoyer then goes on to liken the Tea Party to Nazi’s:
“You know, at the risk of violating Godwin’s law, is anyone starting to see parallels here between the teabaggers and their tactics and the rise of the Brownshirts?” asked Bloomberg’s Ryan Donmoyer. “Esp. Now that it’s getting violent? Reminds me of the Beer Hall fracases of the 1920s.”
I’m sure many of the readers can school Donmoyer a bit about what those brownshirts were and did, and how there is no resemblance to them….especially because it’s getting violent? The only violence seen was Tea Party members getting attacked.
But the best part of all this?
These reporters are calling for fascism against Fox while at the same time crying over the fact that the Tea Party are a bunch of Fascist Nazi’s….to them at least with their pea-sized brains.
The opinions spread out amongst all these emails on Journolist are beyond partisan. They are fantasizing about the death of their political opponents. They are discussing ways of enacting state censorship of views they don’t agree with.
It’s a disgusting display of liberal bias and utter ignorance.

See author page
Curt, are these the same journalists that refused to investigate the radical associates of Obama, people like Ayers, Dohrn, Farrakhan, and Wright. Radicals who want to discard the Constitution, Redistribute the Wealth, and form an American brand of Marxism here in the United States.
They have contributed so much by being complicit in the promotion of an unqualified phony to the office of President; I suppose they figure, they have now earned the right to crush dissenting voices, now that they have sold out their integrity and any pretense of honor to elect their god-like image of the savior of International Socialism.
As I have mentioned before, everyone and every company Obama has told us not to listen to has gained in popularity and in the amount of money they are making. The more they complain about us Tea Partyers (not teabaggers) the more people are likely to look into us and find out that the founder of the Tea Party Patriots is a black man. The propaganda media doesn’t mention this.
Just like Joe The Plumber, Rush, Fox News, and others, I’m guessing that people who haven’t payed much attention to us are going to start getting interested and go to the TPP web sight and find out what we want. This is the best FREE advertising we could get.
Instead of conservatives complaining about the propaganda media coverage, we all should send them a “Than You” note and ask them to keep giving us the FREE advertising. When someone new goes to the TPP web sight I can’t imagine one thing they will disagree with. I am guessing that most of them will be converted and become TPP members.
The propaganda media are like a sinking battleship that keeps shooting only to have the guns keep backfire and cause them to sink faster. The more they fire the guns, the faster they sink.
As I have also mentioned before, “How do I get on Obama’s hit list?” I would like to get more attention and money.
To me the real shock of the Journolist revelations is the sophomoric and adolescent way of thinking and expression of many of the members. This is Animal House for God’s sake.
You’d almost have to infer the existence of such a list given what has happened over the last three years. Everything had the appearance of collusion. The stories and reactions were too similar.
It may be a Journolist but these are not journalists. Journalism is dead.
These people are scum. Not because they are lefties but because they are so damned dishonest.
And because they are lefties.
Spitz, Alterman, Rozen, Klein, Cohen, Toobin. Be careful of that elephant in the room.
Age of the internet, blackberries, I-pods, etc. here we have a bunch of fanatic liberal geeks waxing happy on their new list server toy to the detriment of any and all they perceive as a threat to the cool guy.
Obviously too immature to have developed ethics, self-control, morals, all the good stuff that should be expected for the positions they were hired for. Alas, who is there in the hiring process within the MSM that would be qualified to recognize these characteristics we all hope would be the standard for the ‘ahem’ public’s watchdogs? Who hired these news fixers and why do they still have their jobs? They whine about FOX, of course their thinking is that they have to do away with an organization that is making them irrelevant. So they plot, cool guy hates FOX.
First we had the kids fixing the Rev. Wright situation for the cool guy, then FOX News, now comes the day Sarah Palin was announced for VP. Another example of their lack of maturity, self-control, etc. all of the above. Gets pretty ugly as they plot to protect the cool guy from Sarah Palin, they even plot to go after the Downs baby situation. Sick!
Did you know that a major shareholder in Rupert Murdoch’s corporation–who owns FOX–is an Arabian Muslim? Why doesn’t this fact prompt discussions among conservative about FOX’s attempts to divide our nation?
My opinion is that this is one of the saddest days for journalism. The political survival of a republic depends on a sound and an honest journalistic system who is the watchdog for the people. Government cannot be held in check unless you have brave and courageous people who will report when government has overstepped its authority and its mandate by the people. The fact that journalists are now entering the irrelevant age in our society to me is frightening. Who will we depend on to get the facts? How will we know that the facts are the true facts and not something that was manufactured or fed to journalists by the government. The sad fact is that when journalists lie and engage in political partisanship at the expense of the truth, they become irrelevant and expendable. These journalists when they have helped their communists masters achieve their objectives will be the first to be thrown under the bus. After all why should these communists trust these turncoats when they have betrayed their own oath and calling for a few minutes of fame and power.
I don’t see this as something that should be gloated over but a tragedy for all of us.
Nice try on the deflection, however, the proof is concrete on the lib/prog “journalists” actions and words. Nice independent media you have there.
And don’t ever lecture anyone here on the unfeeling, vile hatred you seem to see in all of us ever again. At least we wouldn’t leave anyone lying on the ground in deathly agony while cackling with glee just because they believe differently than we do.
Hey Smorgasbord
I’m not doubting you but looking for “amunition” when I’m getting targeted by obamistas. Who was the black founder of the Tea Party? I keep getting links to Eric Odom, and he seems to look like me, a proud American of European heratage.
Here’s an interesting thought. Who’s journalistic standards failed to bring us the correct story about Shirley Sherrod? Was it FOX NOISE? (obviously they only have right leaning standards) Or was it Andrew Breitbart? (another right wing blow hard who doesn’t check his sources)
You dolt!
Breitbart made it clear from the beginning that the story never was about Sherrod.
She didn’t become the scapegoat until the NAACP and O’Bumbler were looking for an azz to kick.
PS… Fox didn’t even carry the story until a very brief mention on O’Reilly’s show which was many, many hours after Shirley had already cleaned out her desk.
Don’t look now, but your meme is broken
Yeah right from the beginning… NOT! try AFTER
Boy that skull is thick, eh?
Too bad there is nothing inside it worth protecting.
From Breitbart’s original article which, if you had taken the time to read the whole thing, you perhaps, maybe would not be, once again, making a total fool of yourself.
So, what is it about that original Breitbart that article isn’t totally misleading bullshit?
His slick, consistent use of present tense verbs, together with the removal of her comments from their context, deliberately creates the false impression that she’s revealing what her outlook is now, and how she performs her job now. What she was actually doing was illustrating how her understanding of the world has evolved.
Detaching those portions of the video from their larger context also creates the impression that the audience is expressing their agreement with the attitudes she’s referring to, rather than their understanding of how it was to have had such attitudes.
Uh…Greg…have you watched the entire video? Apparently not.
The full video actually reflects more poorly on Shirley than the original clip did.
The full video also reflects precisely what her outlook is now.
Do I need to transcribe her remarks about Republicans and health care reform opponents for you as well?
Again, the purpose of posting the clip was to expose the NAACP audience as the ones with the racism problem.
Objective achieved.
You really aren’t any good at this whole debate thing now are you?
**edited to add Shirley’s precise quote regarding “white and black”
@Real American Patriot:
Desperately attempting a derail, no, the thread isn’t about Breitbart or FOX, it’s about low rent journalists that have been feeding you lies so you can come in here and make a constant fool of yourself. One would think you would eventually catch on. 🙄
So, while we are briefly off topic, how about another hero of yours, another dem racist…..you….voted…..for….Franken, enjoy:
Unfortunately for you, FOX never did anything with the video until after Ms. Sherrod resigned, and listening to Shepard Smith yesterday, it sounds like FOX themselves see Ms. Sherrod as a victim in this case. I don’t agree, but the point is that FOX did not, at any time, use the video to portray either Ms. Sherrod or the NAACP(which is the real story that Breitbart was pointing out) in a negative light. Shout all you want, but you are clearly wrong on this, as you are on just about everything.
Aye, Greg is just parroting what he was told to by Kos etc. He won’t let facts get in the way since he has so much ego invested in believing he is better than those that disagree with him.
BTW, BB posted the part of the video where she said she had changed/had an epiphany on his site. You just “forgot” to mention that, didn’t you lefties. 🙄
@Jim B: He looks more white than black, but stories such as on Fox News say he is black. That’s what I am going by.
Aye: Apparently YOU are the DOLT
From Media Matters:
Breitbart, apparently operating without having “slept in 40 hours,” doubled down on his heavily edited clip and even bizarrely suggested that the farmer’s wife was a plant. Breitbart also offered an avalanche of false claims about his original story, like his scoop wasn’t actually “about Shirley Sherrod,” and that the real story is racism in the NAACP, as evidenced by supposed “applauding as [Sherrod] described how she maltreated the white farmer.” Throughout his flailings, Breitbart never offered an apology to Sherrod.
Fox News similarly circled the wagons. On Tuesday, Special Report anchor Bret Baier absurdly claimed, “Fox News didn’t even do the story” on Sherrod. On Thursday, Fox & Friends’ Steve Doocy claimed that the “Fox News Channel” didn’t touch the story “until she had actually quit.” A Los Angeles Times article that day reported that Fox News senior vice president Michael Clemente defended the channel’s coverage by claiming he “urged the staff to first get the facts and obtain comment from Sherrod before going on air.” However, Fox News commentators ran with the story before getting all “the facts,” and reporters for FoxNews.com published a story based on the deceptively edited video before Sherrod resigned and without comment from her.
AYE & johngalt:
THE TIME LINE you SPEW is very different from that of the truth..
see the actual time line here:
Apparently johngalt you are the one that’s wrong here!!!! AS YOU ARE on almost everything!!!
That is what I stated, and at no time did FOX use the video in any disparaging way. FOX did what responsible journalists should do in this situation and request responses from all parties in this. FOX does not hold any accountability in Ms. Sherrod’s firing. That is purely on the Sec. and the WH, and the public denunciation of her actions are purely on the shoulders of the NAACP.
You are wrong in that you place all blame for the incident on the shoulders of Mr. Breitbart and FOX news.
Reasonable people here can see that your invectives are damaging to your point. Quit jumping to conclusions that you agree with and open your eyes to the truth about things.
@Real American Patriot
Why did she resign? Why didn’t she put up a fight?
Have you actually listened to the entire speech?
Listen and weep:
Sherrod is a racist.
CRAP posts links to often disprovem Media Matters and believes it to be fact. Way to prove that you are the unintelligent, unthinking, drone we know you to be.
Sherrod contacted USDA on July 15th to tell them the video was out there, she had started receiving e-mail demanding that she resign.
She explains it on this video at this site shortly after 3 minutes in.
@Real American Patriot:
Media Matters members were involved in the Journolist Cabal.
Consider another timeline.
Speech was given March 27.
Breitbart receives heavily edited version of the speech from unknown source in April.
By July the NAACP votes to send a resolution that condems members of tea parties demanding Tea Party organizations repudiate acts of racism by their members.
In retaliation TO THE NAACP Breitbart releases the tape received from who? friend or foe? five days after Obama’s USDA was informed by Sherrod that the tape was out there.
All these events happened before the Journolist was exposed. Not to forget members of Media Matters were members of the media plotters, yet wondering what other media members are on that list, perhaps members that are ignoring the original Breitbart target, the NAACP, instead pushing the “wronged little black lady” meme.
The NAACP is off the hook and Breitbart, FOX, and the tea partiers are now, the racists.
Vilsack’s secretary had the tape in her possession five days before they asked for Sherrod’s resignation. NAACP had the full tape since she gave the speech March 27.
Once again, you continue to make a total fool of yourself.
Fox News never ran the story on air until after Sherrod had resigned:
From the Media Matters time line:
Note the time….7:51pm. O’Reilly airs at 8pm. O’Reilly’s brief mention was the first time the story went to air on Fox News. Also note in the O’Reilly clip below the crawler at the bottom at the very beginning of his commentary indicates that Sherrod had already tendered her resignation.
Again, from Media Matters:
Johngalt #20:
The recent admonition of FOX by its own Director, Michael Clemente, puts their part in the Shirley Sherrod firing and rumor spreading–as circulated around the right-wing media and blogoshere–in question.
Cite please.
Aye Chihuahua:
Reference Michael Clemente, see http://mediamatters.org/research/201007290040
Falling for those Media Matters links again, eh? They will get you every time.
Here’s the problem with your meme:
The FoxNews.com story that Media Matters is crowing over ran at 5:58pm…less than an hour before the Dept of Ag made the announcement that Shurely Charade had resigned.
We know from Mz. Charade’s own comments that she was getting the resignation calls in the afternoon as she was traveling.
And, of course, we all know that Fox News never aired the story on TV at all until Charade had been forced out.
Too bad for you. The Fox people aren’t on the hook for this one.
Aye Chihuahua:
You asked me to document my statement about the Sherod story, and I did, by providing evidence of Michael Clemente, the Director at FOX news, as the source–and I think he ought to know. But I’m sure right-wingers will continue to argue the truth of what he says.
Christ, they’re still arguing over Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dorn, and the Weather Underground–events occurring over forty years ago–as evidence that Obama is involved in a grand conspiracy to create a tyranny in this country. Or, that the simple oversight of using a convicted felon in a photo-op means that the Obama administration is filled with felons. Or, that Senator Robert Byrd used to be in the Ku Klux Klan–can’t you ever forget?
But, I guess, keeping these memories kindled is an important part of many conservatives batch of resentments.
Here’s what Clemente told his staff:
What happened was that foxnews.com got out ahead of the resignation announcement…by an hour. Clemente said that the early release on the Interwebz was a “breakdown in the system.”
A one hour error does not resignation causation make…especially since Mz. Charade herself provided the time line that she was getting the resignation calls in the afternoon long before Fox got involved at all.
Nor does a one hour error create the smoking gun that the Leftist MSM and it’s lap dog Media Matters desperately needs to support its’ meme blaming FoxNews when, in reality, it’s easily proven that Fox came into the picture after Mz. Charade was cleaning out the desk.
Aye Chihuahua #36:
It may not prove a lot of things, but it does prove my point that the circulation of the story did not coincide with the previous conservative rumor. And, regardless of how you try to denigrate Media Matters, with conservative name-calling–lap dog, for example–they do convey the actual words and visuals of the subject matter, without resort to editing which substantially alters the message.