Another Angry Democrat Politician Goes Off On His Constituent


Here we go again…another politician of the Democrat persuasion getting angry because he was dared being asked a question he didn’t like. Just imagine if someone like Karl Rove would of done this?

What an idiot. Not only did he blow a gasket but he lied in his answer. ObamaCare does not save money over the long term.

But we all know whats happening here. These idiots voted for something they thought would save their jobs, but its had the opposite effect, and they know it:

The mid-term elections are inching closer and Democrats are having to finally admit that they are in real political trouble. For those keeping score at home, let’s recap; the economy sucks, there are no new jobs, the stimulus failed, the government is bleeding money, ObamaCare is unpopular, the Feds have screwed up the gulf oil spill and we are facing potentially the biggest tax hike in history at the end of the year.

If they weren’t trying to seize control of huge swaths of the economy, I might almost feel sorry for Democrat Congressman having to face voters with such a “record.” They blindly followed the Democrat leadership and listened to the chattering class in DC who assured them everything would be okay; the progressive agenda was secretly popular with the public. Instead, I’ll enjoy video snippets like this, which shows another Democrat House member losing his temper in the face of public anger with their agenda.

Apparently this “man” has a bit of a history of blowing a gasket:

So what can be done about “men” like that? Vote them out, give their challengers a donation. Francisco Canseco is running against this coward who rushed a woman threateningly. Send a few bucks his way if you could.

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It gets a little ROUGH when these thugs have neither the MSM nor a Robert Gibbs to speak for them. Actual questions/statements from actual voters who are actually in-the-know and NOBODY running interference!!! My guess is that, even with an election looming, there will NOT be many Q&A, Town Hall type events held by democrats.

My own democratic congressman has put up with all manner of rude bullshit while trying to conduct his frequent town hall meetings. Certain identifiable elements are focusing more and more on disrupting open public discussion with expressions of their own angry opinions than on contributing anything constructive to an orderly question and answer sessions. It would be fine by me if he suggested that they should either show some respect for the public meeting process or shut the hell up. Unfortunately he’s a bit too polite to have done so yet.

That’s too bad, Greg.

What’s it got to do with this story?

I honestly believe he thinks he’s telling the truth.

Greg, as an elected official, elected to voice the peoples concerns he has to listen to it. Even if it seems rude. Concerns suggest fear, and ppl are scared. If he can’t handle his job title then he should respectfully decline his office.

What’s it got to do with this story?

Video #1. “Well, tell the truth then.” The lady isn’t simply taking issue with the Congressman’s reasoning. She’s publicly calling him a liar.

Video #2. “This is not ‘bullshit’. This is what I’ve been doing, OK? And if you don’t believe that, I can give you those records. OK?” The Congressman is responding to a one-word comment that somebody just threw at him from the audience.

Rodriguez is apparently somebody who will return fire. I know nothing about him. Maybe he’s somebody who sometimes gets out of line, but I’m not seeing it here.

I find that when people burst out like this character did, those speaking to him are getting a bit too close for comfort. – and remember it has nothing to do with the person who made the statement, it has to do with the emotions the representative feels and how he reacts to that statement. The man knows he is blowing smoke up their proverbial skirts. Not that long ago the voting public was ignorant of the facts and just sat and believed everything he said as gospel. no longer bubba, the people are tired and are learning and getting more knowledgeable about politics.

Greg, he apologized, must have been a finger in the wind thing.

“The mid-term elections are inching closer and Democrats are having to finally admit that they are in real political trouble. For those keeping score at home, let’s recap; the economy sucks, there are no new jobs, the stimulus failed, the government is bleeding money, ObamaCare is unpopular, the Feds have screwed up the gulf oil spill and we are facing potentially the biggest tax hike in history at the end of the year.

If they weren’t trying to seize control of huge swaths of the economy, I might almost feel sorry for Democrat Congressman having to face voters with such a “record.” They blindly followed the Democrat leadership and listened to the chattering class in DC who assured them everything would be okay; the progressive agenda was secretly popular with the public.”

Must suck to be a progressive trying to defend this garbage. Ah well, such is life, get used to it. “chuckle”

So Greg,

Just who is your super fantastic Congressman and how many ‘frequent’ town halls has he held?

If he is having trouble with certain indentifiable elements, then I agree with you, he should stop the card carrying union thug members at the door. They are so angry.

“Must suck to be a progressive trying to defend this garbage. Ah well, such is life, get used to it.”

It’s going to suck to be republican, when they eventually have to start talking about the details of their own solutions instead of simply attacking someone else’s.


It’s going to suck to be republican, when they eventually have to start talking about the details of their own solutions instead of simply attacking someone else’s.

So you say.

I doubt it would not be hard to convince those that have fallen away from the styrofoam columns and messiah speak that as we spend our grandchildren’s future livelyhoof into oblivion that there must be another way. It’s not only Republicans that have been off put, the manchild has lost the Indies. So sad, cough, cough.

I was waiting for the jerk to say “truth – we don’t need no stinkin truth”.

The Democratic party started showing its true colors years ago when they fucked the US military by spitting on returning soldiers from Vietnam. Since Jimmy Carter, they have consistently been on the cutting edge of shit on every conroversial issue facing this once great nation. They champion: illegal immigration; disarming of the military; letting prisoners out of jail (everyone deserves a second chance); they love anyone affiliated with those nujobs known as the ACLU; they love raising taxes on the rich so they can bankroll their deviate political programs; giveway freebies to deadbeat degenerates such as homosexuals, lesbians, anyone HIV positive gets free treatment at the taxpayers expense, elimination of jobs, exporting of high paying jobs to their favorite nations., ie., red china, section 8 vouchers, food stamps; civil rights for scumbags, ad nauseum. The country was better served when J.Edgar Hoover was the chief enforcement officer of the US running the FB I instead of this Obama appointee, who clearly is unqualified and picks and chooses the matters he likes to enforce in a lukewarm fashion. At one time this type of conduct would have been labeled as treason. If you don’t believe me., Julius and Ethel Rosenberg who sold atomic secrets rightly got the electric chair. Today the left would celebrate them as champions of world peace. Fuck all of them

they will end up on the welfare line up in 2012, and hiding from public scrutiny,
and they will not be excuse by the public ever,
for having deceive the people and be paid by the people,, is unforgivable