Costner-BP skimming operations still slowed by EPA regulations


Mid May, actor Kevin Costner provided BP with oil separation centrifuges for testing in the Gulf of Mexico. After successful and extensive testing in actual sea conditions, plus modifications, BP teamed up with the 25 year old Canadian oilfield waste management company, CCS, and D&L Salvage to formally mount these centrifuges (temporarily mounted on the same barge for testing), using the CCS Contained Separation system for the first of their ocean going 80 thousand tank barrel barges to be deployed for clean up – the Energy 8001. According to the BP’s Doug Suttles, the additional 32 centrifuges on order will be used to create four new deepwater systems – two more barges and two 280-foot long offshore supply vessels. The deployed technology will be able to process 128,000 barrels of processing capacity daily.

Currently operations are slow. Vessels of opportunity are rigged with skimming equipment, but once they’ve gathered their quota of oil, they either need to head into shore, or discharge it to a nearby barge with no oil separations capability. This inefficient operation, requiring untold multiple trips simply to get rid of the skimmers catch, might explain why Mississippi Rep. Gene Taylor and Gulfport residents are livid that no skimmers are working the Mississippi Sound, where the oil is beginning to encroach. With the introduction of the “Energy 8001” series of ocean tank barges, the VOO skimmers will now have a central discharge processing center at sea, thereby allowing them to work further off shore, and for longer periods of time.

Below is the BP posted YouTube of the barge info…

It took the partners two weeks it took to outfit this barge for permanent duty… and hopefully with enough life jackets to dodge the USCG’s bizarre compulsion to pay inordinate amount of attention to anal details. But barge equipment time isn’t the only thing slowing the works. The spill clean operations will still be slowed by EPA regulations that dictate no water containing oil can be discharged back into the Gulf if it contains over 15ppm of oil waste.

Currently the centrifuge system is emitting 80ppm oil in the water’s discharge.

To accommodate the EPA, the oil/water process time must be increased by a second filtration step to “hopefully get it down” to the EPA acceptable level before the water can be discharged back into the Gulf. This means that not only will the filtration be more time consuming, but that water tinged – with approx 1.28oz of oil for every gallon processed – needs to be stored aboard the barge until that EPA criteria is met, or then must be disposed of elsewhere per EPA regulations.

But there’s little information on what happens if the water never meets EPA’s strict stands… where to dispose of it, if it simply can’t be dumped back into the Gulf to let Mother Nature’s microbes take care of that minute amount remaining. Again, the operation of at at sea holding/processing/disposal barge will come to a halt in operations as they set sail for approved waters or a proper disposal facility.

It’s pertinent to note that these same EPA regulations are the identical obstacle to BP utilizing the foreign big volume skimming technologies.

The June 24th press conference by Costner credits the LA AG, Buddy Caldwell, for “opening doors” to get the more advanced clean up process on the move. One can only imagine which of the multitude of doors it was. But every one undoubtedly led to some federal agency who’s bureaucrat paperpushers remained stubbornly mired in their own web of insane regulations.

AG Caldwell was next up to the dais, giving return thanks to Costner and his technology for the benefits it will be providing to the state. But Caldwell didn’t stop there…. he went on to point out how the oil and gas industry was vital to the state’s health, saying “..this jobs are vital to us, and frankly they are vital to the whole world.”

I think we can safely assume that’s not exactly a tacit nod of thanks towards the O’admin…

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99% of the oil skimmed still not enough for the dimwits at the EPA … Government exhibits no common sense at all.

Are there any existing skimming technologies in use that meet these EPA “standards”? What is the international standard?

Obviously, having 100% of the oil in and on the water is preferrable to the Administration.

Agree with bill-tb – no common sense at all. Can’t wait for the Cap and Tax regulations…..

out of over 2000 US skimmers only 20 are in the gulf..
that is less than 1%

EPA are playing too stupid, they’r doing more problems with stalling the operations, than the amount of oil to go back with the filtered water
ARE they taking their orders from the president to stall everything all the time?. it sure tell every body the way they work on all issues, that they are without skill and power.

Who does Costner think that he is/ The EPA is an organization of skilled career bureaucrats, adept at timing coffee breaks between medical time-outs, and time required to calculate sick leave. America, please show compassion for the politburo and the people who serve them.

As a side note to counter-productive EPA regulations, I think that the EPA is arguably just another unwanted byproduct of the insane 17th Amendment. If the states had wanted environmental protections at the national level then they should have exercised their unique, Article V powers to ratify an amendment specifically giving Congress the power to regulate such issues.

@Mata Harley

Yeah, the real problem is that they create standards without technology existing to be able to follow said standards… and then apparently did not put anything in to where we could “wave” that standard in an emergency.

Funny thought that the Obama Junta will ignore the Law on so many issues, and then be sticklers for its letter during this emergency.

@ Mata,

I’m pleased to see you giving exposure to Costner’s efforts. Most MSM is shying away from him instead of giving his front page exposure. This is the least this story should be getting, including the exposure of the EPA’s idiocy you provide here.

Costner deserves as much encouragement as possible, given the roadblocks which have made the commercialization of his systems impossible for 17 years. Both the EPA and the Oil companies were deaf to his approaches. Fortunately, he’s had the personal capital to persevere.

I’m sure that everyone along the coast affected by this disaster WISHES that only 10% or less of the oil was arriving on their shores, . . . which Costner’s centrifuges could accomplish.

My own experience with attempts to bring radically innovative elements onto a well entrenched mindset, both government and corporate, make success virtually impossible unless you have a calamity like the one we now face in the Gulf. Unfortunately, you can only burn cash for so long before you realize you cannot continue to throw good cash after bad. Kudos to Costner, and I hope he makes a billion dollars from his effort.

I can’t believe the stupidity of the Feds, shown once again!!! They are having a tizzy over a few PPM too much oil being let by from the centerfuge separators.. when WITHOUT them you have 100% total contamination!!!! So what’s worse… 1 % maybe, or 100% TOTAL!!!! God, our nation is run by Bureaucrats who’s only apparent requirement for employment is a total lack of intelligence, common sense, sense of urgency in an environmental disaster….and a PHD in Stupidity, with a minor in BS’ing and an Associate’s in CYA!!


@ Mata,

This whole story, very well defined here, is also a direct indictment of the Obama impotence. The stagnating bureaucratic stupidity that pretends to be protecting the people, could easily have been circumvented by the power of the OFFICE of The PRESIDENT.

All the roadblocks surrounding the clean-up could have been flattened by the most powerful office in the land. Almost anyone else in the Oval Office could have taken the reigns and rallied forces from around the world to effectively minimize the damage.

It’s a shame that the weakness of this professor was not more obvious to more voters a year and half ago. While he can squirm out of his mismanagement of the economy, and his blame of the recession on Bush resonates with the uninformed, he will have to eat this one, and so will his sycophants.

I have worked for thirty years in R&D involving many types of equipment including large industrial centrifuges. There is a trade-off between effectiveness and throughput. For example running at a mixture of 20% oil and 80%water you might be able to process 2000 gal/hr and capture 90% of the oil but get an oil content in the water of 25,000 ppm! in order to get to 15ppm you would have to leave the feed liquid in the centrifuge much longer(decreasing feed rate) or allow a tremendous amount of water into the oil phase. In the above example you could well have to tolerate a feed rate of 20 gpm. Which is better capturing aprox 100% of 4 gallons of oil, or 80% of 400 gallons? If you allow copious amounts of water into the oil phase you cause the operation to slow down as you have to get rid of the separated oil phase, which will not burn with a high water content.

Managing this by a method designed to regulate discharges from ships bilges(effluent ppm) is madness. The ONLY thing that counts is maximizing the amount of oil removed per centrifuge per hour. Setting the operating goal on the basis of oil content of effluent GUARANTEES that you will remove less, and in my experience much less, than if you maximized oil captured/hr.

In my opinion the “command and control” approach to this isn’t working any better than it does in North Korea

It appears that this spill will amount to around 340 million given their current capture rate. I suggest that the Coast Guard offer anyone( 20 billion dollars / 336 million gallons) (or $60/gal) for oil from this well. I would bet that you would see Mr Costner, along with a few thousand fisherman get really good about collecting oil off the surface of the water.

What do you expect from Nixon’s EPA? With the banning of DDT, they’ve surpassed Mao as the greatest exterminator of human life in history. The greenies are set to surpass Mao and Stalin combined as the greatest killers in history.

Um, what does OUR banning of DDT have to do with Mexico, South America, or whomever??? Mexico used it up until 1997 as far as I can find…. If they (anyone else) quit using it, how is it our fault?? You sound like OBUMMER!! Blaming US for the actions of others!! And you know, DDT was around for what, a few decades, OH MY!!! how did we survive MILLENNIUMS without it?!?!?!?!?!?
Get a grip, and quit banging the USA for what other people do!!!

Remember, if anything is ls allowed to succeed without government meddling we might conclude that we don’t need so much government. This would be intolerable!

swampsniper: hi, THERE is none as it is now, except for messing up and delay; SO you’r right they dont need this government; THE STATES would do without in any problems; when you know this GOVERNMENT was elected to SERVE the AMERICANS, and serve only the AMERICA HATERS. bye 🙄

Hi, I am glad to see many people here understanding the problem. But I want to talk about the solution.

None of us here have the power to get thru to our government and make them drop this ridiculous regulation. – but Fox News does –

So drop the blame game, and lets all focus on ways to get the Gulf cleaned up – starting by putting pressure on Fox News to put major hours a day into breaking this story. Not a few minutes here and there – but hours documenting everything about Costner’s and other’s efforts to use centrifuge machines to clean up the Gulf.

Ask Fox News to shine the light on the individuals enforcing this non-sense. Have Fox News ask daily – Mr. President – are you listening – why are you letting the spill go un-contained?

Also, hurricane season is upon us. If the current efforts to out in a relief well, or other wise stop the flow of the oil, is not done soon the hurricane season may stop all such efforts for the rest of the hurricane season. All it would take is a succession of hurricanes to threaten the Gulf enough to make it not worth going back in between storms. However, it would seem that that oil centrifuge based systems could rather quickly resume operations between storms – so these centrifuge machines may indeed be our only hope.

So again, rather than look for who to blame – lets look for solutions. Write Fox News, write any news outlet you can think of, call your politicians. Lets get this done.

LEE356: hi, YOU mention something very important here, THE HURRYCANES SEASON,
APPROCHING to create chaos on the waters of that DISASTER: OF course, a good IDEA would be to have our FOX NEWS putting more energy INPUT on the SOLUTION that must be IMMEDIATE, before hell break loose; we have many bright minds here that give us their knowledge input on SOLUTIONS: where the the NEWS can check for the truth right here, and I know that FOX MEDIA is very well read and watch by a ziseble majority, they can make a big diffrence. bye thank you.

Comment by John Cooper

Comment made on another blog by a frequent commenter on this blog, worth noting:

John Cooper

June 18, 2010 @ 12:18 pm #

I keep hearing that “The Jones Act” is preventing cleanup vessels from other countries from operating in U.S. waters. I read where Congress is considering waiving the Jones Act for the duration. This is such a crock, and – shock! – our Congressmen are a gang of fools. Apparently not a single person in the entire U.S. Government has actually read the text of the Jones Act because it already contains an exception for oil spills.

“§ 55113. Use of foreign documented oil spill response vessels “Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an oil spill response vessel documented under the laws of a foreign country may operate in waters of the United States on an emergency and temporary basis, for the purpose of recovering, transporting,
and unloading in a United States port oil discharged as a result of an oil spill in or near those waters, if–
“(1) an adequate number and type of oil spill response vessels documented under the laws of the United States cannot be engaged to recover oil from an oil spill in or near those waters in a timely manner, as determined by the Federal On-Scene Coordinator for a discharge or threat of a discharge of oil; and
“(2) the foreign country has by its laws accorded to vessels of the United States the same privileges accorded to vessels of the foreign country under this section.

The Dumbest Government Officials that Political Money can by!! Who needs “Competence, when you got RHC/DNC money behind you!! Sick…..

#1 exactly how much oil has been recovered by the Costner equipment ? Since it was not mentioned my guess is very little. #2 Obama has authorized 17000 National Guard troops, less than 25% have been called up by those GOP Governors Oh by the way the LARGEST of Costner’s machines can only clean 200 gallons of water per minute.
Oh and still think it unfair for Hollywood lefties to make those movies like Avatar that have as villi
ans the evil corporations ?

JR.. get a grip!! the whole “Aliens” series was based on the same theme, nothing new here, so what?? The Transcontinental railroad did the same.. in the mid 1800’s… killed hundreds (thousands?) of workers during it’s construction because there were more where they came from!!! Chinese etc…. Part of history… and, it was just a MOVIE?!?!?! Lets keep reality, and fantasy, in separate columns, ok????

that comes to 12000 gals an hour… X how many machines??? You guys are really something!! The Titanic sank…. the Carpathia could only pick up say 1000 survivors. So, because we know Titanic had over twice that many on board, did they say, No thanks, not enough! Well wait for a BIGGER boat to come along?? Jesus…. 🙄


Need some crayons?

Hey, I LIKED Avatar!! The effects were outstanding…. sets were incredible and imaginative…3d outrageous! Acting?? Ok… but it was a fantasy flick, not a documentary so…. and I did not go in to “dissect it for “hidden political meanings” I went to be “entertained”… it succeeded…. it was “fantasy”….. accept it as such…..

It’s a small area near, and down current from the leak. any fool can see that….

MATA: hi, I would think also that he would have to have a crew only to clean thoses machines, after each operation? bye

@Mr. Ryan

Ignorance of facts is no way to go through life. This includes your daily intake of “factual” information from your leftist blogs or the msm. I suggest different topical reading on your part.

I have stopped being surprised at the constantly new broken records set by those “In the know”, aspiring to lower the bar of stupid.

If brains were chocolate, this reporter’s wouldn’t fill an M&M. Gawd I wish stupid hurt.

If stupidity hurt, the msm would spend more on aspirin or ibuprofen than in actually reporting.

Today, I put all these facts together, and attempted to start a chain letter going. I referred to, where I have put all the links to all the stories I have read on the subject. (The info is under oil spill, remediation (or spill response – just use the search feature and start with “oil spill for the search.)

Hey, if anyone sees this chain letter going around, please pass it on, and let me know here that you have done so. Everyone have a great day.

PS- I have never started a chain letter before. And I have never passed on a chain letter. But in this case, it seems about the only way to educate the country on what is happening. I wonder if our president will end up being the very last person to understand what is going on.

MATA ,hi, here on the 12 february 2011, I was wondering if you could give us a aftermath post on this event, that drawed a lot of comment from cocerned knowledgable people from all corners of AMERICA,
I think it would be very interesting to see where we’r at now after the disaster.